Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday or is it Monday~

Yesterday was such an odd day for me. With being off work and everyone else working.... I got to spend some downtime yesterday but honestly - it is just too weird! Carol was working, Kyle was off at a friends house, my close kids were either hanging out together or not feeling well ... yesterday included me spending some time at the gym and then heading to downtown Charlotte to volunteer at the Center of Hope through the Salvation Army. I really want to plug in and serve with our student ministry there at the shelter but I have been unable to get through to get us plugged in. I thought by going there, I would have a different result. There were 40-50 people hanging around the center yesterday just before lunch. It was warm out and that is probably a good thing since it has been really cold here the last few weeks and that makes it extremely hard on the homeless. Once inside - I met a young lady who was walking out and she said good morning to me with a big smile. She was there to pick up her mail and had torn clothes on. I spoke with the lady behind the glass and she basically told me they didn't need any help and gave me a card with a ladies name on it. I told her that I couldn't believe that they could not use my help to serve meals for lunch. I mean the place has people, women and little children, sleeping in hallways, floors, corners of room - over capacity!!! And they tell me no. I don't get it..... but I'll keep trying. Sunday I got to teach to our student ministry (middle/high) and in our new room. It was nice to have a great feel to a classroom space that is for middle high school students and not have frogs and gorilla's on the walls - hey big kids get distracted too! I spoke about owning your faith and allowing God to use you for His purposes. With the movie - To Save a Life - coming up next week, we have really been challenging the students with this statement.
"Whats the point in all this if you won't let it change you?" - I also got on my rock group families Sunday night. Nobody left which makes me happy because I do love them like they are my brothers and sisters and their children like my own. But sometimes we have to challenge each other - to refocus and make sure we are walking together. If someone strays, we need accountability for each other so that we don't lose anyone. Serving others has got to be ahead of serving yourself. Serving God has got to be ahead of all things on our hearts. How can God use me today? How can He use you today? Right where you are today, God has a purpose and a plan ... Like Joshua who might have had other plans in his life - he answered Gods call on his life and he led millions of people and finished the job that Moses started but couldn't finish. Our hearts have to be in the right place - it has to be in a humbled spirit and in a serving spirit. When we are in that zone ...God does amazing things and I can look around me, past and present, that God has brought me in touch with so many amazing people. So many amazing students and close to "MyKids". I would have never been where I find myself today if that were not the case. How do we stay there? I mean there are tough things to go through, you are dealing with people - students, parents whomever ...people business is messy business. We have to look beyond the messy and look into the hearts. I get strange looks sometimes, I get questioned and to be honest - I am ok with that. I am doing something that is not normal. God has called me to be involved in the lives of the people he has placed around me. I continue to pray that His intentions are my intentions and my motive are His motives. All for His glory and purposes. Use me Lord..... You lead ..... He has my back.
Today I am headed to the Red Cross to give blood specific for cancer patients. I remember my mom during days like this. As I have told this story before - I was asked to do this for the first time when she was first sick 5 years ago. I had been giving blood for years and this was the first time I was approached to do such a thing. I asked some questions to the head Red Cross nurse and then shared the story of my mom and the timing of all this. There was not a dry on that bus that afternoon ..... little pain now for me .... someones life saved. Story has a familiar ring to it. Loved ones - focus your minds on good things, remove the distractions and if you find yourself today looking down on someone for some reason .... it is hard to look up when you are looking down.
Luke 6: 45 The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.
Soft, kind hearted and words of encouragement are all easy to say ... say them! Because their echo carries a long way. I am reminded today that "Giftedness is what gets you places, but character is what keeps you there". Let it flow out of your heart today loved ones...... there are people in your life that need it and need to hear it.
Praying for "MyKids" today that are in middle school - they have their exams today and tomorrow, may peace and focus shadow over you today. Proud of each of you~~~

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