Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The day after...
I will share this one today....
One of our most basic needs is to be understood by the inner circle of people with whom we walk.
Luke 9:18/20 -Peter's Confession of Christ
18Once when Jesus was praying in private and his disciples were with him, he asked them, "Who do the crowds say I am?" 20"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "The Christ[a] of God."
We all want to be understood. We all want to be included and reached out to. Jesus asked Peter this important question - "Who do you say I am?" - We all want that same question answered in our lives.
To Save a Life Movie - as I look at all the characters in the movie and the parts the actors played... I know them in my own life. I see their faces ....I see them on Sundays....
They may look different and have a different name.... but I know them.
85 at the movie last night...... God is on the move and He for sure has something to say.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
To Save a Life~
Here are just a few of the testimonies of some folks who have seen it and how it has changed their lives.
1. So many people will try to downplay the amount of self mutilation, self harm, and suicide in highschool. Thank you to To Save A Life for not pulling any punches about this! At least half of the people I know in highschool have cut themselves and I can't tell you how much it meant to me that it was even mentioned. I was a cutter, and have since been able to encourage and help at least two of my friends who were cutting themselves (one of them had been cutting for a whole year and was still alive). God Loves The Cutters! He Heals The Broken! This movie has and will continue to help people like me know that God is our hope and our salvation, and He will continue to heal us and give us the strength to reach out to those around us.
2. this movie made me change my outlook on life, honestly. i tend to have a BAD attiude, and judge others by their looks, etc. when i saw this i felt VERY convicted, and decided it was time for a change. i think everyone should see this movie, it's very life changing. you never know how just a smile or a simple "i love you" could save someone's life.
3. I was totally blown away by this film's rigid grip. I was "That Kid" who just wanted to "escape" mediocrity. I had a friend that reached out. He kept talking with me until he got me to pray with him. I was delivered in a moment. Uprooted by Jesus and separated from the dark roots that was tangled in my "life". He may not remember that day, or even me, but that Sept 17th was burned indelibly on my heart. I know how amazing His Grace is. It only took one hand reaching... to reach me.
I am expecting a big turn out for this evening but even if it changes the heart of 1 ... it will be worth all the time and energy we have put into this to promote it, get the students to it, and give them a challenge ... "Whats the point in all this if you wont let this change you?"
I'll report in tomorrow..... Yeah God - Praying for some big pulls on the heart strings tonight and in the coming hours, days and weeks ahead.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Monday ....
I got to finish up the book I was reading on Friday - To Save A Life - which is in the movie theatres now and our entire student ministry is going to see the movie this week with their friends, families and 3 of their peeps that we challenged them with inviting. I have to say that if the movie is anything near the book .... its going to reach a lot of folks. I think that God for sure is using this movie to get to our teens, our students, our children, our friendships and into our families. Yeah God!!
I had some time to reflect on some things this weekend as I pretty much unplugged and spent some quality time searching and seeking God. It was time well spent even though I didn't sleep much ... I am thankful so very blessed and flippin thankful that I have Carol in my life. If anyone has my back she does...... in everything and even when I plug into something with all my heart and become waffle blinded... she continue to see things in a different perspective. We all need someone like that in our lives.... even our children. DO they have someone like that? Sad for those who don't or chose to push people away that care enough about them.
One of the things I always enjoy while being at the cabin is that peaceful resting feeling I get when I am there. I also enjoy my time talking with mom at night before bed or during my evening walk. I don't know if it was the weather or what but I didn't get to feel mom this past weekend. I looked for the star but couldnt see them and that gave me my FaceBook post this morning. "Stars are like the pinholes of Heavens curtain."
Church was incredible yesterday as the family went down to Greenville SC to the bi-lo center which NewSpring church rented out to have one big huge celebration for 10 years as a church. With multiple campuses and thousands of people in attendance each week it was amazing to be a part in what God is doing through Pastor Perry Noble and Gods church there. Energy was juiced up and people having fun .... music was awesome, video testimonies awesome, hundreds of people coming down to give their lives to Jesus .... My parents generation had Billy Graham - mine has Perry Noble. Though different.... but yet the same.
Giftedness is what gets you places but character is what keeps you there.
What is your character telling you today? What is it telling others?
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Revival begins when we are in these places....
Pastor Travis has said many times over the last few weeks - Revival starts right here and right now..... take a stand for Jesus - be a world changer.... it begins in your world... where YOU are doing life with. Surround yourself with people who will raise you up in prayer and walk with you in shaping your character and speaking TRUTH into your life...... Revival starts with 1 person... taking another person with them on a journey while keeping their eyes, hearts, and minds on the bigger things and seeking God with all they have.
This post is from my Aunt Sharon this morning. I know she wont mind me sharing this since she put it on "thewalk" as a comment but I dont want it to be hidden and not seen. She is a bright light for Jesus and needs to be shining on the mountain top and not under a table where nobody will see. Her parkinsons will be used to glorify God and He will shine through her for all those around her..... God uses all things to bring us closer to Him.
Love you Aunt Sharon ... thank you for the years of praying, the heart in serving and being such a strong witness to the love of God for all to see. God has you and the struggles you have now and down the road will be much less because of the power and grace that you have today in Christ Jesus. Revival ........ in your heart............ Be contagious. Mom is with you as I am too.
I am so glad that Katie has a real family now. She is in good hands. She will always remember her 16th birthday and all of you will always be in that memory. That is what life is all about, memories.
I have absorbed the news I received yesterday, I was not surprised, I think I knew already what it was. All the months of thinking "something is wrong with me" and then thinking "maybe it's just all in my head" and "what is wrong with me??" have come to a head and this morning as I start the meds for parkinson's disease I admit I am a little nervous about the strange pills that work in your brain. Of course, that's the devil's doings he won't miss an opportunity if you let him get his foot in the door.
My first thoughts are that I know God is with me and will be through it all. I also ponder on the fact that since I am so much younger than Uncle Buster will I be able to take care of him or is he going to have to try to take care of me? And of course, my heart is broken that your momma is not here to walk this walk with me. She was all about this you know, being here for me, she was always here for me no matter what I had to go through. I thought of it in the neurologist waiting room before I went in. How she would be there holding my hand rubbing my hand with her thumb as she always did. She always SHOWED her feelings, how she cared, while so many others just expected you to KNOW they care. But she was all about SHOWING it in little precious ways. But then again I'm thinking, I wouldn't want her to have to go through worrying about me, so I guess God worked it all out, she had enough in her life to worry about without having to go through this with me. My next thoughts are that I may have Parkinson's disease but I am not going to let it have me. I am going to do the best I can, help myself all I can and learn all I can about it, and most of all I am going to continue to let my love of Jesus and His light to shine through me. I have already told Uncle Buster no matter what it takes, whether it gets better or worse, get me to church any way you have to. I go Sunday mornings, Sunday night, and Wednesday night services, and any other time in between that I can. That is the fuel for my heart. I do NOT want any way to "forsake the assembling of His House". HE is the most important thing in my life, not parkinson's. HE is what is going to get me through to the other side. I don't know what I'll have to face, it may not be good, but I know in my heart what lies on the other side for me. No matter what comes my way with this I am not going to let Satan stop me from reaching that other side. I have too much waiting there for me, and it's possible this very well may be my opportunity to go sooner.
God bless you Randy, I am still happy. I have a good husband and son & family, a good church family, my adopted son (you of course)so many precious memories that I believe God will allow me to remember, and my Salvation in Jesus Christ. I can overcome anything that I have to with the help of my Lord. I am quoting the same scripture to myself that I quoted so many times to your momma "I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears" Psalms 34:4
Look up, our redemption draweth near!
I love you dear one,Aunt Sharon
Sat morning..
Yesterday I got the call I have been dreading but needing to hear. My Aunt Sharon has parkinsons. The last few months have really progressed to the point of her not having any signs to now where she is having issues walking and her arm is just not working to do much. I have to say that this was a huge punch for me.... I was expecting it... you know something is wrong, God has gave me some insight a few days before so I knew it was coming but its still hard when you finally get to hear the news. My mind goes forward a year and wonder where all this will be then. I think 2 years? How about this summer? I had a good talk with a good friend of mine yesterday and I appreciate those words. I also got to talk with my sis Patty last night and we got to cry together. Its all in Gods hands... and God will use this for His purposes and He will reveal them when He is ready. I trust in that... and I believe in that because I have been there before.
I have been with little.... I have lived with much... I have been there at birth and I have been there in death........ but Gods grace covers over all this with and through his son Jesus.
So even as I struggle with all this, I am at a difficult place right now with one of my kids, and life just seems very hard right now ....sometimes don’t the richest times come right in the midst of our hardest times? That’s because God made us to live in community – to laugh, cry, hurt, and celebrate with each other, no matter what we’re going through…
I finished up the book "To Save a Life" - movie is out this weekend and hope its getting some great reviews. We will be heading to the movies on Wed evening as the Student Ministry at church has put this together for our church and extended friends and families to join in. I have been praying hard that this rocks the worlds and moves the hearts of all who see it. Especially those folks who find themselves living for them today. Pushing things, pushing people aside and self serving...... they say they are a christian but that only the outside - inside there are struggles, hurts, secrets pain and it shows on the outside. If the movie is as good as the book - this is going to be the start of something amazing. God will be using the movie for great things.
Looking forward to church tomorrow down in Greenville SC. We are headed to NewSpring church - they have 1 service tomorrow at the Greenville Bi-Lo center ... so we will be with 17000 of our closest brothers and sisters...... It may be just exactly what I needed.
Cabin, coffee ready now and my Bible in hand..... I can start my day in a bit but its starting with the right things. I learned how to say I am sorry in sign language the other day.... nobody can see it right now but just me and God.
May peace and love flow from you today,
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Devine moment.....
The last few days I have been on my face over a few things before the Lord. Pastor Travis said it perfect last night at our middle/high school bible study - sometimes carrying the burdons of others is really hard but it is what we are each called to do as a follower of Christ. Its those tough hard things that keep us up at night and I have been experiencing that first hand lately. Being the waffle that I am - its hard not to just want to fix things and get in there and get my hands dirty but sometimes... we just need to be patient and let some time pass and let God handle things. I bet its hard for you too ..... I am trying and that I continue to bring to the Lord. He will help me carry what I need to carry as well as the load I am carrying for others.
This morning I opened to Luke 18 and this is what I read.
Luke 18
The Parable of the Persistent Widow 1Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. 2He said: "In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared about men. 3And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, 'Grant me justice against my adversary.'
4"For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, 'Even though I don't fear God or care about men, 5yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won't eventually wear me out with her coming!' "
6And the Lord said, "Listen to what the unjust judge says. 7And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? 8I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"
I have memories of being at Walmart with Kyle going through the toy isle as he is picking something out or him spending a little of his own money and seeing a child screaming for a toy. You know that child...laying on the ground, kicking, screaming and mom/dad not knowing what to do but totally embarrassed. Sometimes our prayers are just like that. We give them to God and expect an answer... we want instant results and many times it just doesn't work that way. Sometimes it takes years for God to reveal His plan in your prayer life. So I am reminded today to stay on my face for the things that break my heart and keep me up at night. If its a relationship that is not going well - are you doing everything you can to make it right? Are you continuing to lift that relationship to Jesus and ask that He be involved? Just like the lady in the parable that Jesus told, she stuck with it.... she kept coming back and in the end she got what she was asking for.
Prayer is huge part of our faith and getting down on our knees for a minute each morning is not exactly what God has in mind for our prayer life. Don't let you heart be at rest if there is something that important dear ones...... keep lifting and keep your eyes looking up.
Matthew 7:11 if you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
i LOVE when "mykids" come to me and ask me things or ask me for something or to bring them along with whatever I am doing. Imagine how God feels when we do the same to Him?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Give Me Jesus
In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise
Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus, Give me Jesus.
You can have all this world,Just give me Jesus.
When I am alone,When I am alone, When I am alone,
Give me Jesus.Give me Jesus.Give me Jesus, Give me Jesus.
You can have all this world,Just give me Jesus.
When I come to die,When I come to die,When I come to die,Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus.Give me Jesus, Give me Jesus.
You can have all this world,
Just give me Jesus.Give me Jesus.Give me Jesus, Give me Jesus.
You can have all this world,You can have all this world,
You can have all this world, Just give me Jesus.
I love my morning times - if you know anything about me you would know I am a morning person. Not only is it quiet, a great time to reflect, to pray, to study in Gods word, to hear the birds and the stillness in all of what God has created... its also the most peaceful time of day. Doesn't matter where I am ... at the beach or in the mountains - with people or not.... I guess I got that from my mom. She has been pretty heavy on my heart the last few weeks. Her 5 year passing in not even until next month but I will share a few things that are on me so that you know or feel it on your heart to pray. Yesterday as you know I gave blood but it was what they call a double which basically means the blood is filtered and they take what they need from it (which is given to cancer patients) and then saline is put back into my body. Being I am normally cold natured 97.5 yesterday when I checked in.... Saline is kept at room temp - 67 maybe. Needless to say I was not feeling good but I have never had this much of a problem before. I was pretty drained yesterday late afternoon and even sat in the office afraid to walk to the deck. I got home and got some dinner. With some added stress on me and no chance to hit the gym today - I headed over to hit the treadmill. I did not push it but I sure felt it afterwards. I sat in the gym floor for a little while and then managed to get home and get in the shower. Almost passed out in there but luckily Carol was talking to me (secretly checking on me) as I hit the wall and shower door. I got out and sat the rest of the evening just not feeling good. Some extra fluids and up at 4 AM - I think I am on the mends. This is a small price to pay if you really think about it. I helped save someone who needs the blood because their body is not working and maybe its their last stand against this nasty cancer.... doesnt even matter what kind it is. I pray that the blood I gave brings healing for that person or persons. It also has me thinking the last few days on prayer ... prayer for healing. My Aunt Sharon will be reading this and thats ok as I have passed on her prayer request to the pastors at my church. She is having some issues with her hand and arm shaking really bad. She has had issues with this in the past but has been tested and cleared of MS and some other neurological things. This time it seems a lot worse and it has her scared and worried. Yes its all in Gods hands now as my momma once said. I prayed as hard as I ever have prayed in my life and God clearly told me that my mom would be healed but just not in the way I wanted. Ultimately He would heal her in heaven and her body would be perfect in every way but God had a purpose in my mom and in her cancer. It brought me to Jesus and He taught me many things during that season ... He lead me to lead my family as well during this time. He brought Kyle an understanding of death and salvation at such an early age and he again had to experience that with his grandpa Walt passing 2 years ago this month. I know Gods will is always what will come from things even if we pray and ask God to intervene, to start something or to stop something... but ultimately all I can ask is that God gets the glory through whatever it is we are facing. So I can pray and ask the Lord to heal my Aunt Sharon... to heal the person that a student emails me with a prayer request asking for healing for a parent or grandparent, I can pray for one of "mykids" and be on my face ..... fast and pray like never before but through it all - it brings me closer to Him. Through the sickness, through the struggle, through the people asking for prayer - it brings us closer to Him and that is Gods plan really.... to be more like Him and to trust in the outcome of His will. I want to be more like Jesus. I want to have a heart that hurts for people and I have to be honest that I have never felt more urgent for this generation than I have ever been before. Haiti is a place that cuts me deep right now with all the suffering going on and people asking where is this God you keep talking about. People there on the news hurting - praising God for them to be alive. Its right there on tv folks.... we see what we want to see. I look around and see the hurt in my students.... family struggles, dad missing from the picture and nobody there to lead their family .... I pray for them and ask God to help me make a difference even if it is harder on me, even if I have to be the one to reach out all the time, even if I have to take on the hurt and have the hard conversations. Someone has to do it....
Whats the point in all this if you wont let it change you?
I am finishing up my book that I got yesterday - To Save a Life - its a movie that will be released nationwide Friday. I hope to have over 100 people attend next Wed nights movie night through our student ministry at church. It is such a strong message with what our teens are facing today. There is a lot of me in this book and if it makes it to the big screen - there will be a lot of me on that screen. I am praying it touches a generation to take a stand for Jesus who want to make a difference in this world. Who will take the hard road and do the hard things.
I will end today's post with the rest of the song....
With all I have~
Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus.Y
ou can have all this world,
Just give me Jesus.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Tuesday or is it Monday~
"Whats the point in all this if you won't let it change you?" - I also got on my rock group families Sunday night. Nobody left which makes me happy because I do love them like they are my brothers and sisters and their children like my own. But sometimes we have to challenge each other - to refocus and make sure we are walking together. If someone strays, we need accountability for each other so that we don't lose anyone. Serving others has got to be ahead of serving yourself. Serving God has got to be ahead of all things on our hearts. How can God use me today? How can He use you today? Right where you are today, God has a purpose and a plan ... Like Joshua who might have had other plans in his life - he answered Gods call on his life and he led millions of people and finished the job that Moses started but couldn't finish. Our hearts have to be in the right place - it has to be in a humbled spirit and in a serving spirit. When we are in that zone ...God does amazing things and I can look around me, past and present, that God has brought me in touch with so many amazing people. So many amazing students and close to "MyKids". I would have never been where I find myself today if that were not the case. How do we stay there? I mean there are tough things to go through, you are dealing with people - students, parents whomever ...people business is messy business. We have to look beyond the messy and look into the hearts. I get strange looks sometimes, I get questioned and to be honest - I am ok with that. I am doing something that is not normal. God has called me to be involved in the lives of the people he has placed around me. I continue to pray that His intentions are my intentions and my motive are His motives. All for His glory and purposes. Use me Lord..... You lead ..... He has my back.
Today I am headed to the Red Cross to give blood specific for cancer patients. I remember my mom during days like this. As I have told this story before - I was asked to do this for the first time when she was first sick 5 years ago. I had been giving blood for years and this was the first time I was approached to do such a thing. I asked some questions to the head Red Cross nurse and then shared the story of my mom and the timing of all this. There was not a dry on that bus that afternoon ..... little pain now for me .... someones life saved. Story has a familiar ring to it. Loved ones - focus your minds on good things, remove the distractions and if you find yourself today looking down on someone for some reason .... it is hard to look up when you are looking down.
Luke 6: 45 The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.
Soft, kind hearted and words of encouragement are all easy to say ... say them! Because their echo carries a long way. I am reminded today that "Giftedness is what gets you places, but character is what keeps you there". Let it flow out of your heart today loved ones...... there are people in your life that need it and need to hear it.
Praying for "MyKids" today that are in middle school - they have their exams today and tomorrow, may peace and focus shadow over you today. Proud of each of you~~~
Thursday, January 14, 2010
True fear......
When we give in to the thoughts of fear, when we're constantly thinking about it, wrestling with it and letting it dominate our thoughts, more often than not, our fears become a reality. This was part of a discussion I recently had and thought I would follow up on a few thoughts about fear. Fear paralyzes ... Carol has a fear of heights, way more than I do. When we are at the cabin, we often times head out to Chimney Rock State Park and take the elevator to the top -(yes we ride up, walk down) Carol won't go out on the chimney. Her hands are sweaty, she shakes and if she ever had to go out there and cross the stairs while being hundreds of feet up - I just think she would sit down and not be able to move. I recently did that at a friends house who I sometimes take care of their yard and sometimes that included cleaning the gutters. Well, ladder not in the best of shape and barely making the gutter without much clearance. I climbed up the ladder to the roof. I cleaned the gutters but for sure was not climbing down that crappy ladder. So I sat.... hot, thirsty, dirty for a good 1/2 hr before I made the phone call to find someone. Figures someone was inside the entire time but hey I didn't know. I got down safely but through a bedroom window. My point is, that I was stuck.
I can remember a few years back not serving in church. I was afraid to step forward in faith and find out what it was all about. I had such a great fear of public speaking in school that I dodged the assignments at all costs. Fear truly does keep us from doing what we need to do. We have fears of failure, letting people down, spiders, snakes, being in closed places... so many things. But God has not given us fear. His trust allows us to overcome. He is with us when we are scared. Thats the beauty in it all .... He sees us through our fears.
Stepping into student ministry and being involved in childrens ministry for years - fear has to be pushed aside. It has to dealt with and handled. Otherwise I would not get anything done and once focused on it .... helpless.
I can remember back when my mom was sick and you could just see the fear in her eyes as she was looking for a nudge from God saying it was ok to trust Him and to not fear. I was going back and forth almost daily with 2 feet in different places... one at my mom and dads and the other at home. It was grueling .... but I needed to be in both places. On one trip up highway 52 I can remember just singing my heart out to MercyMe - Homesick - and God really pressed on me that I needed to be His light for my mom and those coming into their home. There was months of learning some incredible things during that season. I walked in after my trip up and the room was full of people visiting. My mom took one look at me and said look at you ... everyone in the room turned to look and I was just standing there having no idea what she was going to say but feeling so full of energy and power ... she said "Randy, you are glowing". Mom didn't seem to have fear anymore after that day ... she knew and in maybe some way felt God that day. I don't know...I don't want to take credit or even suggest anything other than the fact that mom was very peaceful after that day. She enjoyed people coming to see her for the most part because before she always worried about what people thought, the house was dirty, dad needed rest and to stop fussing over her. Oh fond memories of my moms life right there in that last sentance. God led my mom and a home full of friends and family over those next few weeks and months. All in a lesson learned hands on .... Psalm 116:6 The LORD protects the simplehearted; when I was in great need, he saved me.
God is leading me through some sticking points in my life.... He can do the same for you no matter how big a fear you may have. Take a step in faith and ask Him to walk with you through it... you just might be surprised when you get to the other side.
Joshua when he took over leadership from Moses must have had some fear. I mean how was he going to fill the shoes of Moses who led the people for 40 years and out of slavery and brought them SO close to the promised land? He took a huge step in faith, led by God, to lead a million people across the river and into the land that God had promised them. Fear just might have kept him from leading a nation but with Gods help and direction, he overcame and so can you. You can get over that fear today no matter what it may be.
What is fear keeping you from doing today?
Fear not loved ones for God is with you,
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
SideWalk Prophets: "The Words I Would Say"
Three in the morning,
And I'm still awake,
So I picked up a pen and a page,
And I started writing,
Just what I'd say,
If we were face to face,
I'd tell you just what you mean to me,
I'd tell you these simple truths,
Be strong in the lord and,
Never give up hope,
You're going to do great things,
I already know,
Gods got his hand on you so,
Don't live life in fear,
Forgive and forget,
But don't forget why your here,
Take your time and pray,
These are the words I would say,
Last time we spoke,
You said you were hurting,
And I felt your pain in my heart,
I want to tell you,
That I keep on praying,
Love will find you where you are,
I know cause I've already been there,
So please hear these simple truths,
From one simple life to another,
I will say,
Come find peace in the father
So what would you say if you had a chance to write God a letter? I for one, kept a journal that I named "Prayer of Jabez" and it really did help me a lot after the season of time that my mom passed. I even shared my journal with my wife, my cousin (sis) Patty and my Aunt Sharon (my adopted mom). I grew a lot in my faith that year and God taught me so much through sharing my heart and having time with him. Some of those entries where long and some even filled with many tears. It was almost like a journey along this path for God to instill power and vision into me. I began to really understand what "trust" was especially coming from our heavenly Father. See we all let someone down daily and putting our trust into people will only leave us feeling hurt at some point ... it will eventually happen. If you have ever had a close friend then you know that forgiveness will be part of that friendship. Things happen and in order to continue that friendship - there will be seasons of forgiveness and grace otherwise the friendship loses its way and people part. See God gives us that forgiveness each and every day. Often times people think that God left them or abandoned them but it is our fault that we don't feel God or feel like we have been forgotten. God is faithful and He is as He always will be.... people change - God doesn't. He is our rock and our foundation and through Him we find our truth and building blocks to our lives. Thats why He wants to be the center... everything coming complete circle around him. Center of our marriages, honoring in our friendships and included in our daily conversations and decisions. Whats the point in all this if you wont let this change you? Insanity is doing the same things over and over and over again expecting different results.
So where you are today ... Get a pen and write God a letter. Give it to someone to open at some point... maybe a year down the road, maybe you have a surgery coming up and things are scary, maybe you can't see your future because of a loss of employment or life is just going on by because of the death of a loved one and you are just stuck with no place to go... write that letter. Share your heart and give someone your shining spirit.
I remember when my Uncle Buster was going in for surgery a while back. I went up to Mt Airy NC and spent that morning with him, my aunt Sharon and our family. I had the chance to go to the back room where they had him ready for surgery and their Pastor prayed over him. After we prayed he looked at me and grabbed me by the hand and said "Randy, everything is going to be ok. I am either going to see you in a few hours or I am going to be hanging out with your mom and Jesus - either way its all ok." ...... Shining spirit - the brighter we shine loved ones, the further our light penetrates the darkness in this world.
Hope is CONTAGIOUS ....... God may just use your story to impact others and nobody else will have YOUR STORY. Get that pen...... and Tell it.
Shine on,
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Behind the smile~
Sunday night I attended WinterJam at Bobcats arena in downtown Charlotte with 25 or so middle/high school students and 5 student ministry leaders. MAN, what a great time for sure. We hit the lines early around 2:00 and stood in the cold till 4:30 when the doors opened. We got the first 3 rows to the concert and it sure was awesome worshipping and singing with 17000 people all to Third Day, 10th Ave North and some others. My Rock Group kid and one of Kyle's best friends Zach, got called onto stage in front of everyone as the Pastor for WinterJam used Zach to open his sermon. Zach traded in a nice shiny gold penny for a $50 bill. When the pastor called out his name our entire student ministry screamed and yelled.... it was an amazing moment for sure and one I am sure Zach won't be forgetting anytime soon. I got to bond a little with some of the other students during our time together Sunday since Sunday's is jammed pack and its hard to just have some hang out time. I am especially thankful for that time to get to know them.
This is what brings me to this post today. There are basically 3 kinds of students at church. One group is only there because someone made them go. They are the ones sitting with the blank stares, looking at the floor and fiddling with anything they can get their hands on. The look on their faces tells a giant story. The chances of God touching their lives on Sunday mornings is still there but may take longer and God may very well at some point in their lives get a hold of them in some other way. There are also those students who are there that get it but have yet to live it. They understand God is working in their lives, they are following Him but they are just a few notches of really being on fire for the things of God. If only they had a little push, a little encouragement and a little guidance from either a parent, a trusted friend or adult or youth leader.... they would be there. The last is that students who are on fire for God. They live it, breathe it and pour it into others. Each church has all 3 of these students.
I can honestly say that the students that I am having no impact on really hurt. Some I have been walking with for years and there is very little change or they have even went backwards. Thanfully there are not many and in time maybe I will get that chance again. So much time invested, so many prayers asking God to get a hold of them and for them to just "Get it". It is hard watching them put their own motives and needs ahead of everyone elses knowing that the road they are leading is for sure the wrong one. Its hard to let go. There is more to pour into!!! I am very blessed to have a small handful of students that I can pour into with everything I have. I know they know who they are and I continue to pray that I will have this influence down the road for them. There is something special in them and I see the potential and the possibilities in their lives with God and that comes from influence, direction and a heart for them. Everyone needs someone to have those hard conversations with, to hold them accountable and to hold them to a higher standard. Pastor Travis has said a few times over the last week - "If its Christian - it ought to be better" and that not only goes for our actions, our music but also in our lives as we try to live our lives as Christ.
Power - its the ability to force someone to do you will, even if they would chose not to because of your position or your might. ~ So many parents play this role in their childrens lives. I for sure dont want to use my Power over my son or anyone else's. It may work when they are young but what about when they are 14? I want my close students to not feel in anyway shape or form that I am using my power over them to get them to do what I want. After all, its not about me.
Authority - The skill in getting people to willingly do your will because of your personal influence. There has to be some authority in the parenting role. Personal influence if from the heart is a good thing and will leave a lasting impression. It means that you are the leader and as in the relationship between Paul and Timothy - some have to lead and some have to follow. By doing so, one day the follower (Timothy)will be the leader (Paul). Once that person becomes a leader then they too will get followers.
Leadership - The skill of influencing people to work/serve enthusiastically towards goals identified as being for the common good. This is a big one and basically it means leading people to understanding their full potential for their lives. God gives us each a free will and some stick with leadership and some walk away.
I look at the students in my life and I see their smiles, I see the pain sometimes, I see them trying to figure themselves out. I see them with questions, some with answers and some who just don't care about anything. I often wonder about where their hearts are even if what I see on the outside is the real them - do the ones who seem to have it all together, have it all together? Do the ones who seem like they are so messed up and struggling, inside do they have it all right? What about the ones who just don't seem to have much of anything going on...where are they behind the smile?
No matter how well I know each student, or how much they open up, the human soul is always a mystery to everyone but God. As a leader, I have to remember to take nothing for granted. I have to remember they are an emotional roller coaster and sometimes surprises happen and one minute your leading and then next they pull back or they just walk away from it all. Its such a fine rope to walk. For sure this is the hardest thing I have ever done... especially when my heart is tied to them...They not always what they appear..... the outside may look totally different than what is going on on the inside. They may be struggling with something at school, peer pressures, identity issues, pornography, parents divorce, dad walked away, drug problems, boyfriend girlfriend issues... the list is LONG!
Whats behind the smile?
I don't want any of the students that God has placed in my care to fall through the cracks. I don't want to invest all my energy into the ones that seem like are hurting the most and miss out on the ones who seem to have it all together .... Just because this student doesn't appear to be a mess doesn't mean they aren't.
So as I pray through this and really ask God to teach me some things, I know for sure that there are a few close students in my life that I am blessed to pour all I have into. I am thankful for them (for wanting it, accepting it and needing it) and for their parents for their trust to let me lead and let me lead with authority... and with NO power. I don't ever want to do something just because I am stronger, in a bigger position or can wrestle them down to the floor if needed. I want them to follow because my heart loves them and they know it. I want them to follow because Jesus has called me to lead and that is a new role for me to be honest. Its a role I am learning because I have always been a person to serve happily behind the scenes. I lead the setup and breakdown ministry at church for years and that is all behind the scenes. It was a wonferful place to own my faith, to serve unselfishly and to really learn to lead people.
There are times in life though that He calls us to the front lines.... and that is where I find myself today. The front lines, the danger zone - the red zone.... and for sure the hurt zone.
1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
There is no other place to be right now.... my heart is in this. Thankful for those walking with me on my journey. Love ya with all I have! I am cheering loudly over here!
Praying that Jesus continues to stay behind my smile..... and it may be all someone needs today to make a difference in their life. Ministry happens in every moment if you are looking for it and ready for it.
Love Loud ~ Risk Often ~ Hope Always
Peace and blessings,
Saturday, January 9, 2010

I got this sent to me this afternoon from my Aunt Sharon. This is the sunrise from their farm near Mt. Airy NC. I really love this moment in time that Gods has given us. Its like God showing off His beautiful side for us... to remind us that each morning if we just take a moment - we can really see and feel heaven touching down and touching us. For me its that still moment in time where it seems like time stands still for a few moments. Its not daylight and its not night time. Its such a peaceful time of day. The awesome thing is that each morning and in each sunset - they are never 2 the same. Each are different and unique in their own ways. I remember when my mom passed and the family came together and honored her by being there at the house when they carried her out. Yes there were tears, yes there was silense and the looks of peoples faces will forever be burned into my heart. It was quiet outside with no birds singing or wind blowing. When they got mom outside all the birds started singing. The air became crisp and everyone there felt it. God was showing us that mom was ok. I wish I could have taken a picture of that sunrise that morning. I remember it being so vivid and amazing in color. I will forever have a place in my heart for these precious moments.
So much of what I do in life has my heart attached to it. I am a pretty emotional kind of dude I guess. I was not anywhere like this before my mom passed but there are things that happen in our lives that change a person. My moms passing and the accepting of Jesus in my heart has really changed everything about me. The love I have for the things of God and doing with ALL my heart the things He has called me to do has so much of my heart and passion in to them. Sometimes hurt comes along the way. People change the rules or people don't understand. I know there have been times over my walk with Jesus where He has called me to do something, to walk along side someone, to have a HARD conversation - they dont understand because its not the norm. Its not what everyone else does, is or would do. Sometimes we lose people along the way. Friends walk out ... families and friends move on.
Proverbs 21: 2 All a man's ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs the heart.
Walking the walk and talking the talk of following Jesus is hard - no doubt about it. If you dont understand that, you should ask someone who is walking close with the Lord and who has answered the call on their life. I bet you will be surprised! Little things are big and big things are giant. Mountains move with faith and hearts are heavy too often. I love what I have been called to do. Its a total trust thing and at times I am scared and overwhelmed but I know God is taking me places. Folks stick and some dont.....
Luke 9:5 If people do not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet.
People fish with nets and Jesus fished for people and there will always be those who get away no matter what you do, how much you love them or how much heart you have in it. Those are the hurtful ones for sure..... but pressing on in the fight brings new levels of understanding. All the ways seem right for man but there is only ONE if you follow Jesus.
Looking to the heavens in all its beauty and in brilliant colors. Time for sure is sweet when its standing still for those special few moments.
Miss you mom~
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
A big day!
For one of "MyKids" is having some sickness now and I am just heavy about it. I am praying for God to take this from her, even if it means to give it me - I am praying for the doctors and nurses that will be in charge of her diagnosis or care - maybe its something simple... I do know and trust and believe with all my heart that she is in Gods hands though and I am not so sure how I would be if that were not the case. I believe even through this God will be glorified through it. Much like my moms cancer.... God received the glory because of it. My walk with Him today is because of that cancer and even though I miss my mom with everything in me... I would give up anything to have her back - I would not change anything about it. My dad is happy again and married to a wonderful God loving woman and he is leading a life now with more faith in Jesus than ever before... Praise God for that. It has deepened my Aunt Sharons faith and trust in Jesus through all that as well. I know I will see my mom again when that time comes. The past is behind us but ~
The unknown of tomorrow, take heart and know its part of the story God has written for all of us!
Joshua 1:9 has been adopted as my new years verse to start the year off with. So with so many things ahead of me that I have never done, never been through, never thought I would be doing - I am for sure out of my comfort zone and that is right where God teaches us, leads us and uses us.
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Marching on in faith ... trusting the Lord in all His promises. Blessed to experience His grace, love and mercy. Yes its a big day ..... every day is a big day living your life for higher purposes other than your own because its not about me. Its not about you... Its about Jesus and by Him creating you ... you were made to bring Him glory and honor.
I pray I am doing that today.
With love,
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Yesterday I was involved in my first ever student ministry vision meeting. WOW - is all I have to say. Someone once told me that nothing good ever comes from a business meeting. I totally believe that to some extent. In business people want to push their agendas and they want to be heard but this leadership meeting was about teamwork. It is about serving and it is about putting your heart into something that you feel called and very deeply about - Showing, teaching and making disciples in our middle and high school students. It is hard at times. Moods, BFF's, facebook, texting, music - its all over the place and for them to find Jesus in all this noise is sometime extremely hard. I came out of yesterdays meeting ready to charge hell with a water pistol because I have people with me and I don't feel alone. I mean I do when it comes to struggling with families, (sometimes my own at times) struggles with students and their issues become my issues. It is a hard and lonely place at times and I am just beginning to feel the weight of this call on my life. 2010 will be a year that I will press through some personal growth and some things God is showing me and teaching me through. I am excited about that and by getting out of my comfort zone - I will get to learn some things along the way. I have learned the last few weeks - that I have to be a better student of students. I have to lead, show them Jesus but also get on their level and try to understand where they are at and where they are going in order for me to have any influence at all. TRUST is all about it and being authentically available when needed. That is a tough place to be sometimes when you have so much juggling in the air.
But it is what God has called me to do - we are to make a difference and that means being sold out in making a difference. God wants us to live a colorful and powerful life. He did not send his son Jesus to die on a cross for us just so we can spend eternity with Him. He has called us to reach the unreached and to make a difference in where we go in life. We are called to illuminate the dark places and shed His light on a very - VERY - dark world.
So this January - I have been challenged to read the book Joshua. One verse that really sticks out to me and speaks volumes is found in
Joshua 1:9.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
I am going to carry this verse with me this year. I want to be reminded that fear is not something God has given us - given me - as I press through and get out of my comfort zones. There is growth there and I think about where I am today and thinking a few years ago - I would NEVER be doing what I am doing today but God has put things in my life, He has taken some things and some people from my life, He has put some important people to lead me in my life, He also has put some important students in my life, He has also make my family stronger because they too are owning their faith and living it out. Teamwork .......
So I pray that this year that you discover something new about yourself. You take a risk and trust God to get out of your comfort zones. I pray that the students in my life will trust more in God and find their purpose and meaning in this life. May 2010 be a year to remember as a break through year to bigger things - things that would not have otherwise come other than your relationship with our heavenly father.
Praying for you all.... with all the love and peace I have,