It has been a good start this week to the new year. I have to say that the week has surprisingly went fast. With Carol and many of her friends sticking together now and doing their thing to get healthy - I think about the hunger that takes place in the body. Once its used to eating a certain way - it is hard to change old habits. It is hard to stick with new habits but they can be changed. Change is an interesting thing because it is something that someone has to WANT to do. Our spiritual life is the same way. When we turn from our old self and become new when we accept Jesus - we have to be hungry for the ways of Him. We have to be starved for His word and to soak it up like a sponge. Often times in our long journey, and it is a journey because following God is not a sprint or a race, we find ourselves in peaks and valleys. Its during those tough lean times that we have to stick it out, continue to read your Bible, fast, meditate on Gods word and find other avenues to keep plugged in. I can share that I am not that smart of a person where I can sit down with my Bible and understand everything. I have more questions than I do answers at times. I pray after reading in the mornings when I am spending time with God and ask for the words to come alive in my life, to help me apply what I am learning. What exactly Lord am I to understand in these passages that You have given us? I sometimes need other avenues to understand it - like reading on the topic, listening to a sermon on my Ipod on the way to work, asking those around me who are also walking in the Lord... the real question then becomes - just how Hungry are you? Are you really wanting to change?
Ask yourself this, "Is Gods word a priority in my life?"
If you are trying to get victory over something that has you struggling or worried today, get back into God's Word. It's the food for your soul and the tool by which God will accomplish His work in you. Invite the change that God can change in you - God wants us to have a fit body and a spirit that is fit as well. They both take exercise, commitment, determination, persistence and people to hold you accountable. Use the tools around you loved ones to open yourself up to the new you. I bet your Ipod could use a good shuffle of new things :)
Happy Friday everyone~
Love you all and stay encouraged,
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