Parenting is such a hard job. I just ordered a new book yesterday - Parenting Teens in a Confusing Culture by Mark Gregston. I am really excited to dig into this. Our last book that went around our Rock Group really went over big time. Have a New Kid by Friday. So many of our kids thought they were being traded in on Friday for an upgrade! Too funny.......
One of the things I want to share this morning is the fact that over the last week as you know I have not been sleeping that well. Carol has been suffering with her tooth since November and honestly - it has taken a toll. Today was the first morning in a long time, she got up and I met her at the breakfast table and she was smiling - without pain. I have regained some of my sleep back after working things out and handing things over to the Lord. So things are looking up! This reminds me back when Kyle was little. We would have a great day playing or doing something fun and that particular day he would miss his nap. He loved his naps even though it was tough to wind him down to the point where he could nap. If he missed it though, talk about a cranky kid. Talk about a suffering parent! Talk about someone on the verge of meltdown even at the smallest of things. Parents, we are the same way. If we are not taking care of ourselves with eating right, exercise and SLEEP - we are that cranky child. We snap at the kids, we yell when we shouldn't be and we take things out on the ones around us - those we love. We often get out of focus in life and do the wrong things and focus on the negative things that are all around us. I got to see this first hand at school yesterday with a teacher in the face of a child - He has some stress these days and it is getting the best of him. The child took the result of it. Our lives may reflect working at the office 90 hours a week, stress that comes from someone sick, trying to pay the bills or just not enough hours in the day to get everything done.
When this happens our parenting becomes weak when our kids need us to be STRONG.
Why do weak parents produce weak children? Often it's because they operate out of their feelings instead of their responsibilities. They want to do what they want to do more than they want to do what is right. Our responsibilities are to our children. Those teen years go fast and you only have a small window to raise them and not let culture raise them. Yes its hard ... I can't tell you how much it means to have a small group of families around us (Carol and I) that really care for us. They are in the trenches with Carol and I. We are in it with them.
Letting feelings lead your live is a course that will for sure crash along the way....... God has a better plan if you let Him lead you. If you are struggling hard today - look at it as Gods way of correcting you with loving discipline.
I want to share Hebrews 12:11 this morning:
Hebrews 12:11 (The Message)
4-11In this all-out match against sin, others have suffered far worse than you, to say nothing of what Jesus went through—all that bloodshed! So don't feel sorry for yourselves. Or have you forgotten how good parents treat children, and that God regards you as his children? My dear child, don't shrug off God's discipline, but don't be crushed by it either. It's the child he loves that he disciplines; the child he embraces, he also corrects.God is educating you; that's why you must never drop out. He's treating you as dear children. This trouble you're in isn't punishment; it's training, the normal experience of children. Only irresponsible parents leave children to fend for themselves. Would you prefer an irresponsible God? We respect our own parents for training and not spoiling us, so why not embrace God's training so we can truly live? While we were children, our parents did what seemed best to them. But God is doing what is best for us, training us to live God's holy best. At the time, discipline isn't much fun. It always feels like it's going against the grain. Later, of course, it pays off handsomely, for it's the well-trained who find themselves mature in their relationship with God.
Loved ones, embrace what God is doing in your life. If its hard right now - follow Him so that you can move on to better things. Let God lead your feet and pour yourself into His words. Your children will benefit more from that than anything else in the world. The world has little to offer us and VERY little to offer them. As we discipline our children and teach them right from wrong - so is our heavenly Father giving us loving discipline so that we too may know the right way.
Happy Friday everyone - love you all,
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
One moment to another........
I have been really heavy the last few days. There are nights of little sleep, tossing and turning, a loving wife suffering with tooth problems, "MyKids" having struggles, dear friends who are hungry and those who are losing their incomes... there is a LOT of suffering taking place right now. Thats only in my little spot on Gods Radar amongst everything in the universe that is taking place right now in His hands.
My faith and trust is in Him and at times it is hard to do give things to our Heavenly Father - we are so busy with things, worried and heavy with others things - it takes a clear vision with eyes directly on Him to keep things in perspective. There is a story in the bible that my Aunt Sharon always tells me when things are just out of control in her life.... As Jesus approached the boat, the disciples saw that he was walking on the water and they thought he was a ghost. I think Peter jumped into the water and was going towards Jesus. Only then did he realize that he was walking on the water, he then began to sink and Jesus reached for him and pulled him up. He didn't keep his eyes on Jesus. I know I did not tell it as good as you Aunt Sharon - you have such power and trust in your voice and heart when you share that! It reminds me to keep my eyes on Him while going through the storms in this life. As people attack, judge you for what you are doing and watching every move you make. I must keep pressing forward, not giving in and not giving up because Jesus has called me to do what I am doing. Being afraid is not an option......
Psalm 56 has my back today~ One moment looking at myself and the next - eyes back on Jesus. Many of you are struggling today, health, job, money, kids, relationships - whatever.... let me share Psalm 56 today~
Love you all,
1 O God, have mercy on me, for people are hounding me. My foes attack me all day long. 2 I am constantly hounded by those who slander me, and many are boldly attacking me. 3 But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. 4 I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?
5 They are always twisting what I say; they spend their days plotting to harm me. 6 They come together to spy on me— watching my every step, eager to kill me. 7 Don’t let them get away with their wickedness; in your anger, O God, bring them down.
8 You keep track of all my sorrows.[a] You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.
9 My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help. This I know: God is on my side! 10 I praise God for what he has promised; Yes, I praise the Lord for what he has promised. 11 I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?
12 I will fulfill my vows to you, O God, and will offer a sacrifice of thanks for your help. 13 For you have rescued me from death; you have kept my feet from slipping. So now I can walk in your presence, O God, in your life-giving light.
My faith and trust is in Him and at times it is hard to do give things to our Heavenly Father - we are so busy with things, worried and heavy with others things - it takes a clear vision with eyes directly on Him to keep things in perspective. There is a story in the bible that my Aunt Sharon always tells me when things are just out of control in her life.... As Jesus approached the boat, the disciples saw that he was walking on the water and they thought he was a ghost. I think Peter jumped into the water and was going towards Jesus. Only then did he realize that he was walking on the water, he then began to sink and Jesus reached for him and pulled him up. He didn't keep his eyes on Jesus. I know I did not tell it as good as you Aunt Sharon - you have such power and trust in your voice and heart when you share that! It reminds me to keep my eyes on Him while going through the storms in this life. As people attack, judge you for what you are doing and watching every move you make. I must keep pressing forward, not giving in and not giving up because Jesus has called me to do what I am doing. Being afraid is not an option......
Psalm 56 has my back today~ One moment looking at myself and the next - eyes back on Jesus. Many of you are struggling today, health, job, money, kids, relationships - whatever.... let me share Psalm 56 today~
Love you all,
1 O God, have mercy on me, for people are hounding me. My foes attack me all day long. 2 I am constantly hounded by those who slander me, and many are boldly attacking me. 3 But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. 4 I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?
5 They are always twisting what I say; they spend their days plotting to harm me. 6 They come together to spy on me— watching my every step, eager to kill me. 7 Don’t let them get away with their wickedness; in your anger, O God, bring them down.
8 You keep track of all my sorrows.[a] You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.
9 My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help. This I know: God is on my side! 10 I praise God for what he has promised; Yes, I praise the Lord for what he has promised. 11 I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?
12 I will fulfill my vows to you, O God, and will offer a sacrifice of thanks for your help. 13 For you have rescued me from death; you have kept my feet from slipping. So now I can walk in your presence, O God, in your life-giving light.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The train ride....
I will be honest ~ I have not been sleeping good at all. The last 4-5 days have been really tough. Tossing and turning, going over things in my mind - struggling hard with a few issues that really concern me and are making my heart heavy. I know that keeping these things in the Lord hands is where they need to be. Do I continue on? How do I jump off the train? Is that what God wants me to do? How do I abandon ship and leave the people there and "Leaving" is the key word. Do I stick this out and do what God has called me to do? What IF I missed the sign and I am in nowhereland walking this long journey that leads no place?
I have been involved in childrens ministry now for 3 years. I don't feel called to teach at Sunday school but to build relationships. I feel called to be in the childrens lives, to get to know them, to listen to them, to comfort and assure the parents that their child is safe at church, being taught Gods word in church and is having fun. They can then go and be in the service and listen to Gods word at their own level. Some churches don't even let children into their services - but for now - the worship (music) is such a big thing today for kids and having them in the service during worship is huge. Nothing like a 1st grader on the front row with her eyes shut and hands raised praising God. Sunday school is working for that child - her parents are giving her an example of following Jesus. It's the lost kids, the struggling kids, the kids who come in who you can tell have 1 parent or no parents that need my attention. I have learned alot over the last few years and I understand and have learned I and our team of teachers are there for the "Train" - for the entire group. I say TRAIN because when you lose them - they roll right over you like a train :) - Kids want to be heard - they need someone to listen to them. They have prayer requests and things that are important to them. Sometimes in our ministry - in our walk with Jesus as we provide examples (our lives) for these children - we need to stop the train and get down on their level and listen. We need to come out of our comfort zone and really go to the messy places. We are called to make a difference. Sometimes that means it costs us something. It may be money, it may be time and it may be a broken heart in the long run. They all matter to God and it is our calling to love them as Jesus loves them. We will always have an excuse to NOT get involved. Its hard at times to be involved - to see the decisions being made in families and the directions they are going in. I make bad decisions at times as well. Its hard seeing the struggles of kids today - it is so much harder raising a kid today than say - when I was growing up. (a long time ago) I know I am making a difference and it doesn't matter how hard it is. Apostle Paul suffered doing what he was called to do. Jesus came and died for it.
Messy is where the tough people go. Messy is also where the loving and grace filled hearts go.
Messy is where we get down to the dirt of the matter. Messy is also where we experience how to shape the mud into wonderful things.
Messy is sometimes where we find the "Realness" of the person or the child.
Messy is where you are making a difference.
Ministry is messy at times and sometimes we need to pull the train over - and minister to those on board. We have to sometimes drop what we are doing, all for Gods glory, roll the sleeves up and get right down into the moment.
There is something special in being pulled by the arm so that a child can share something important with you. If it matters to them.... It matters to God ...and that means - it should matter to me and matter to you.
I know I have my train ticket around here somewhere.....
My morning quiet time this morning~
1 Thessalonians 5
Final Instructions 12Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. 13Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. 14And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 15Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. 16Be joyful always; 17pray continually; 18give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
I have been involved in childrens ministry now for 3 years. I don't feel called to teach at Sunday school but to build relationships. I feel called to be in the childrens lives, to get to know them, to listen to them, to comfort and assure the parents that their child is safe at church, being taught Gods word in church and is having fun. They can then go and be in the service and listen to Gods word at their own level. Some churches don't even let children into their services - but for now - the worship (music) is such a big thing today for kids and having them in the service during worship is huge. Nothing like a 1st grader on the front row with her eyes shut and hands raised praising God. Sunday school is working for that child - her parents are giving her an example of following Jesus. It's the lost kids, the struggling kids, the kids who come in who you can tell have 1 parent or no parents that need my attention. I have learned alot over the last few years and I understand and have learned I and our team of teachers are there for the "Train" - for the entire group. I say TRAIN because when you lose them - they roll right over you like a train :) - Kids want to be heard - they need someone to listen to them. They have prayer requests and things that are important to them. Sometimes in our ministry - in our walk with Jesus as we provide examples (our lives) for these children - we need to stop the train and get down on their level and listen. We need to come out of our comfort zone and really go to the messy places. We are called to make a difference. Sometimes that means it costs us something. It may be money, it may be time and it may be a broken heart in the long run. They all matter to God and it is our calling to love them as Jesus loves them. We will always have an excuse to NOT get involved. Its hard at times to be involved - to see the decisions being made in families and the directions they are going in. I make bad decisions at times as well. Its hard seeing the struggles of kids today - it is so much harder raising a kid today than say - when I was growing up. (a long time ago) I know I am making a difference and it doesn't matter how hard it is. Apostle Paul suffered doing what he was called to do. Jesus came and died for it.
Messy is where the tough people go. Messy is also where the loving and grace filled hearts go.
Messy is where we get down to the dirt of the matter. Messy is also where we experience how to shape the mud into wonderful things.
Messy is sometimes where we find the "Realness" of the person or the child.
Messy is where you are making a difference.
Ministry is messy at times and sometimes we need to pull the train over - and minister to those on board. We have to sometimes drop what we are doing, all for Gods glory, roll the sleeves up and get right down into the moment.
There is something special in being pulled by the arm so that a child can share something important with you. If it matters to them.... It matters to God ...and that means - it should matter to me and matter to you.
I know I have my train ticket around here somewhere.....
My morning quiet time this morning~
1 Thessalonians 5
Final Instructions 12Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. 13Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. 14And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 15Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. 16Be joyful always; 17pray continually; 18give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
Monday, January 26, 2009
A Birthday wish~
Today is my mother n laws birthday. Mary Lou was like a mom to me since Carol and I started dating in High School and through out college. We shared many times together - up at their home in Tupper Lake NY skiiing - boating all up and down the east coast. We spent a LOT of time together. My worked at night and I was always invited to come and eat supper with them. She is my only mother n law and I know there are so many jokes about them - how we all don't get along and all. I have to say that Mary Lou and I always got along. She was a tough lady and she loved to dance, her 4:00 cocktails, Walt and her family. She always put people first and she loved animals ... she even raised a bird in the basement by feeding it dog/cat food by hand until it was time to release it back into the yard. Walt hated the crap all over the basement but Walt did what made Mary Lou happy. I see that far too often these days in marriages - couple just pushing ahead with what the individual wants instead of putting their spouse first or working things out together. Carol and I have a "Great" marriage because Walt and Mary Lou talked about everything. They put communication at the top of their relationship and hardly ever did you see them out of sync. Now Mary Lou did get mad at Walt at times..... and she let him know it! :)
Happy Birthday today Mary Lou - I am thankful that Walt is again with you. Enjoy your day today .... for years I never knew what it was like to lose a mom - I have lost 2 of them..... It has added so much to my character - Something God is most interested in each of us.... our character. Thanks for an awesome daughter in Carol ...... you did well.
Love you~
Happy Birthday today Mary Lou - I am thankful that Walt is again with you. Enjoy your day today .... for years I never knew what it was like to lose a mom - I have lost 2 of them..... It has added so much to my character - Something God is most interested in each of us.... our character. Thanks for an awesome daughter in Carol ...... you did well.
Love you~
Wow - it has been NUTS the last few days. The Bateman clan had a good trip and stay at the "cabin" this past weekend. Other than the fact I had a problem with a health issue that I have been facing for some time now - it was a great weekend.
But yesterday was one of those exceptional days. Not that it was overly fun or exciting - really it was a tough, exhausting and long day but it was flippin awesome in many ways. God was all up in it yesterday. It seemed like every where I needed Him to be - He was right there in the middle of it. Right where He should be - not that He isn't all the time - its just that we either don't let Him or we are not looking for Him. Regardless - He is there. Thats what makes those blessings that much more special - because we know He is with us.
Yesterday's church service was just one of those services that God really spoke to me. Things I knew, I was reminded of - things I needed to know, I was shown - places and people I needed to see, God provided those paths.
Our new worship pastor at church - Darren - wow did we land this guy and his wife? Our Pastor's message was right on the money...lots of folks volunteering and serving with new volunteers in the works and ministry outreach in the works and our K-5 program yesterday just rocked. It was a first to have our worship song being played and one of our kids with her arms raised and singing with her eyes closed was the most precious moment yet!!!
God was even right there in the middle of it when I stopped at the hospital to visit a family from our church. It was awesome talking about what God is doing through us, how He has proven over the years to be faithful and how the church is extending a helping hand to this family. Nothing better than to see lives being changed by the way others extend a helping hand, being kind and gracious and extending love that can only come from knowing Jesus. I got home after the visit and got to speak from the heart with 2 of our dear family friends. I got to explain what exactly a Rock Group is and what we do and WHY we do - small groups - Sunday school bible study - or however you want to label it ..... and what it means to be doing life together. There were some tears, the hard things bubbling to the surface and God is in those details. Last night Rock Group went long .... I mean way long - we didn't even notice because the lesson was awesome and the discussion time before and afterwards was awesome. The kids bonding and making friendships and spending time together - how cool is that?
After the last few months - I have come to a place where it really is time to hit the next gear. It is time to step up the game and not back down. God is showing me some awesome things.... I hope I am encouraging someone through this blog and helping some folks. I pray that as I share my thoughts and my heart that it is stirring you in some way for the purposes of Jesus. The Bible has nothing good to say about indecision's. Some of us need to make decisions in life. Get off the fence and in the game. Let God lead your life for the first time - for the 2nd time .... whatever. Just plug in ~ You are either with God and wanting to do His work or you are not - there is no luke warm here. You will never get much out of being a follower of Jesus if you leave Him on Sunday mornings.......and check back with him the next Sunday.
God has woken me up the last 2 nights ~ I got to share that with a dear friend of our yesterday because she and her family were one of the reasons. I am praying hard for them - have been for 2 years but now its even more. The other has to do with one of "MyKids" and I can't believe I have not seen it after all this time. Its perfectly clear to me why "Leaving" is such a struggle....... It was right before my eyes ......... I would have never put it together unless God spoke it to me.
As a follower of Jesus loved ones, we are called to Care, Serve and make Disciples.
As I look around and see the world flaming all kinds of people - their mistakes being held over them to remind them and torture them for as long as they can - God offers us forgiveness and understanding Mercy can only come from God. Without Him, I don't think we have a clue to understand what Mercy really is.
Plug in and get on with your Spiritual walk.... NO need to wait for tomorrow to be different - TODAY can be different and it can happen in the next moment.
How does one know they are lost when they don't know they ARE LOST?
Love you all,
Psalm 34:18
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
But yesterday was one of those exceptional days. Not that it was overly fun or exciting - really it was a tough, exhausting and long day but it was flippin awesome in many ways. God was all up in it yesterday. It seemed like every where I needed Him to be - He was right there in the middle of it. Right where He should be - not that He isn't all the time - its just that we either don't let Him or we are not looking for Him. Regardless - He is there. Thats what makes those blessings that much more special - because we know He is with us.
Yesterday's church service was just one of those services that God really spoke to me. Things I knew, I was reminded of - things I needed to know, I was shown - places and people I needed to see, God provided those paths.
Our new worship pastor at church - Darren - wow did we land this guy and his wife? Our Pastor's message was right on the money...lots of folks volunteering and serving with new volunteers in the works and ministry outreach in the works and our K-5 program yesterday just rocked. It was a first to have our worship song being played and one of our kids with her arms raised and singing with her eyes closed was the most precious moment yet!!!
God was even right there in the middle of it when I stopped at the hospital to visit a family from our church. It was awesome talking about what God is doing through us, how He has proven over the years to be faithful and how the church is extending a helping hand to this family. Nothing better than to see lives being changed by the way others extend a helping hand, being kind and gracious and extending love that can only come from knowing Jesus. I got home after the visit and got to speak from the heart with 2 of our dear family friends. I got to explain what exactly a Rock Group is and what we do and WHY we do - small groups - Sunday school bible study - or however you want to label it ..... and what it means to be doing life together. There were some tears, the hard things bubbling to the surface and God is in those details. Last night Rock Group went long .... I mean way long - we didn't even notice because the lesson was awesome and the discussion time before and afterwards was awesome. The kids bonding and making friendships and spending time together - how cool is that?
After the last few months - I have come to a place where it really is time to hit the next gear. It is time to step up the game and not back down. God is showing me some awesome things.... I hope I am encouraging someone through this blog and helping some folks. I pray that as I share my thoughts and my heart that it is stirring you in some way for the purposes of Jesus. The Bible has nothing good to say about indecision's. Some of us need to make decisions in life. Get off the fence and in the game. Let God lead your life for the first time - for the 2nd time .... whatever. Just plug in ~ You are either with God and wanting to do His work or you are not - there is no luke warm here. You will never get much out of being a follower of Jesus if you leave Him on Sunday mornings.......and check back with him the next Sunday.
God has woken me up the last 2 nights ~ I got to share that with a dear friend of our yesterday because she and her family were one of the reasons. I am praying hard for them - have been for 2 years but now its even more. The other has to do with one of "MyKids" and I can't believe I have not seen it after all this time. Its perfectly clear to me why "Leaving" is such a struggle....... It was right before my eyes ......... I would have never put it together unless God spoke it to me.
As a follower of Jesus loved ones, we are called to Care, Serve and make Disciples.
As I look around and see the world flaming all kinds of people - their mistakes being held over them to remind them and torture them for as long as they can - God offers us forgiveness and understanding Mercy can only come from God. Without Him, I don't think we have a clue to understand what Mercy really is.
Plug in and get on with your Spiritual walk.... NO need to wait for tomorrow to be different - TODAY can be different and it can happen in the next moment.
How does one know they are lost when they don't know they ARE LOST?
Love you all,
Psalm 34:18
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
A walk alone....
My brothers and sisters I wanted to remind you that you are not alone. You may be in a tough place right now - today - or even in this place for some time ... You are not alone. If you are walking with Jesus - You have a place to lean. A person to let go with and to share the heavy weight you are carrying. God has also placed around you some loving people who really care for you and your family. They may be neighbors, they may be church family, your small group, coworkers - they may not even know Jesus - Yet.
Take heart loved ones, during our trials - so many are looking at us to see how we react, how we judge and how we carry ourselves - especially if they know we are followers of Christ. With these trials and struggles - God is pulling you closer to Him. He is teaching you through these trials. You are learning something about yourself and if your faith meter is pegged on Him.
There is a new dawn tomorrow - a new day and each day is full of fresh grace, blessings and forgiveness.
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me…” Psalm 23:4
Hold your heads up loved ones, God is not far from you. He created you, knows you and loves you and there will not be a moment that goes by that He is not watching over you. Its all in His time and in His hands.......
love you all,
Take heart loved ones, during our trials - so many are looking at us to see how we react, how we judge and how we carry ourselves - especially if they know we are followers of Christ. With these trials and struggles - God is pulling you closer to Him. He is teaching you through these trials. You are learning something about yourself and if your faith meter is pegged on Him.
There is a new dawn tomorrow - a new day and each day is full of fresh grace, blessings and forgiveness.
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me…” Psalm 23:4
Hold your heads up loved ones, God is not far from you. He created you, knows you and loves you and there will not be a moment that goes by that He is not watching over you. Its all in His time and in His hands.......
love you all,
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I am reminded today of the things I am so thankful for in this life. I find myself too often heavy hearted for the people around me. Wanting to make a difference, to help carry the load, to be there to have a shoulder to cry on, to be there for that child who needs someone - I am heavy at times. The weight is unreal but it is so worth it. I wouldn't trade it in for anything because God is in those details.
One of the things that reduces that heaviness is praising God for what He is doing in my life. His direction, the answering of prayers, the building of my trust in Him, and the people who He has put into my life.
My cousin Scott is doing well this afternoon. After making it through surgery this morning - he is in his room and even though he is in pain and will have a couple tough days ... I am thankful for God watching over him. I pray this procedure makes a big change in his life and in his health. Scott has had a tough time in his life concerning his health. He has suffered through so many things and his health keeps him from doing so many other things. Like many of us, when we are down and out, struggling to make sense of things, falling on hard times, struggling what seems to be ALL the time - we often pull away from God. Over time, maybe we even drop off with God. "How can God love me if all I am doing is struggling? - things don't seem to get better. Nothing changes .... I have asked and prayed before and here I am still."
God is working in those details loved ones, He is working behind the scenes. One of the things that really -works for me - is listening to music to keep my eyes and heart on Him and not so much of myself. Praising God even while in the storms of this life. We also have to be fervent in our prayers. Pray them - expect God to move on your behalf. He wants to hear from you and what is on your heart. When you draw closer to Him - He will draw closer to you. I try and update the songs on my Ipod every few weeks so that I have something new and fresh thus keeping my praise new and fresh all the while learning the ways of God through sermons and in my quiet time. Don't be afraid to ask God for big things! He is a BIG God!
Matthew 7:7-8
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened”.
Lord above all else that I am thankful for in life, I am thankful for Your son Jesus. He on my behalf comes to You in prayer for me. Lord hear my prayers for those around me who I am carrying the weight in this life with. Their struggles are my struggles and I pray that they too are placing these heavy things in Your hands. We all need help in this life and feel the loving care of others. We are a community of believers Lord. Belief is the basis of following You. Your son came and healed the sick - He did not ask - How sick or how long the person had the disease - He simply asked if they have faith and Believed that He could heal them - if their belief in Him was true - they were healed. I am asking today Lord that our belief in You rises to new grounds. Our trust overflows to those around us to the point it puts action in our faith. Help us walk with those hurting around us Lord. May you receive all the glory and honor in following Your instructions. God this life comes with hard things and struggles - its during these times our faith and belief in You is tested. They are there for a reason - May we grow because of them and be thankful for them. You are waiting on us on the other side of them ... hopefully receiving all the glory and honor for Your kingdom. Grow us Lord through the things in this life. Thank You for Your love and for Your son Jesus. It is in His name I pray today~
One of the things that reduces that heaviness is praising God for what He is doing in my life. His direction, the answering of prayers, the building of my trust in Him, and the people who He has put into my life.
My cousin Scott is doing well this afternoon. After making it through surgery this morning - he is in his room and even though he is in pain and will have a couple tough days ... I am thankful for God watching over him. I pray this procedure makes a big change in his life and in his health. Scott has had a tough time in his life concerning his health. He has suffered through so many things and his health keeps him from doing so many other things. Like many of us, when we are down and out, struggling to make sense of things, falling on hard times, struggling what seems to be ALL the time - we often pull away from God. Over time, maybe we even drop off with God. "How can God love me if all I am doing is struggling? - things don't seem to get better. Nothing changes .... I have asked and prayed before and here I am still."
God is working in those details loved ones, He is working behind the scenes. One of the things that really -works for me - is listening to music to keep my eyes and heart on Him and not so much of myself. Praising God even while in the storms of this life. We also have to be fervent in our prayers. Pray them - expect God to move on your behalf. He wants to hear from you and what is on your heart. When you draw closer to Him - He will draw closer to you. I try and update the songs on my Ipod every few weeks so that I have something new and fresh thus keeping my praise new and fresh all the while learning the ways of God through sermons and in my quiet time. Don't be afraid to ask God for big things! He is a BIG God!
Matthew 7:7-8
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened”.
Lord above all else that I am thankful for in life, I am thankful for Your son Jesus. He on my behalf comes to You in prayer for me. Lord hear my prayers for those around me who I am carrying the weight in this life with. Their struggles are my struggles and I pray that they too are placing these heavy things in Your hands. We all need help in this life and feel the loving care of others. We are a community of believers Lord. Belief is the basis of following You. Your son came and healed the sick - He did not ask - How sick or how long the person had the disease - He simply asked if they have faith and Believed that He could heal them - if their belief in Him was true - they were healed. I am asking today Lord that our belief in You rises to new grounds. Our trust overflows to those around us to the point it puts action in our faith. Help us walk with those hurting around us Lord. May you receive all the glory and honor in following Your instructions. God this life comes with hard things and struggles - its during these times our faith and belief in You is tested. They are there for a reason - May we grow because of them and be thankful for them. You are waiting on us on the other side of them ... hopefully receiving all the glory and honor for Your kingdom. Grow us Lord through the things in this life. Thank You for Your love and for Your son Jesus. It is in His name I pray today~
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
What a morning.....
I got up early this morning to check on the snow. Yea its snowing and thats a miracle here in Charlotte. It takes a lot of things to line up correctly to get snow - I won't bore you with those details but if anyone would like to know - email me..... I love weather!
Anyways - even though it took me an hour to get to work - they make the announcement while I am on my way in and then find out its closed once I get here.... I was at first pretty mad - but lets put things into perspective.
I made it safely - I have a job to go to - Its warm at home and my family is well (probably playing in the snow with the 2 indoor Huskies) - and I have the opportunity to take a coworker home today. She takes the bus into work because she and her husband only have 1 car and she said she didn't want to risk her only vehicle thus putting them without transportation if something happened. So - I will take her home and I feel pretty good about that.
So even if what seemed like a waste of time - coming to work and having it closed - God will use me in helping someone..... God has the master plan and I am thankful for being His.
Philippians 2:14-15
"In everything you do, stay away from complaining or arguing, so that no one can speak a word of blame against you. You are to live clean, innocent lives as children of God in a dark world full of crooked and perverse people. Let your lives shine brightly before them.
That was in my inbox this morning .... and it wasn't there when I left the house because I checked.
I pray that God is using you today ... and you are setting a good example for others to follow. You are different than everyone else.... most people do their best to blend in or if they want to be different, like so many of our teens, they do so in not such good ways. Let God have your heart ... people will know you are different!
Safe travels today loved ones..... I am out of here!
Anyways - even though it took me an hour to get to work - they make the announcement while I am on my way in and then find out its closed once I get here.... I was at first pretty mad - but lets put things into perspective.
I made it safely - I have a job to go to - Its warm at home and my family is well (probably playing in the snow with the 2 indoor Huskies) - and I have the opportunity to take a coworker home today. She takes the bus into work because she and her husband only have 1 car and she said she didn't want to risk her only vehicle thus putting them without transportation if something happened. So - I will take her home and I feel pretty good about that.
So even if what seemed like a waste of time - coming to work and having it closed - God will use me in helping someone..... God has the master plan and I am thankful for being His.
Philippians 2:14-15
"In everything you do, stay away from complaining or arguing, so that no one can speak a word of blame against you. You are to live clean, innocent lives as children of God in a dark world full of crooked and perverse people. Let your lives shine brightly before them.
That was in my inbox this morning .... and it wasn't there when I left the house because I checked.
I pray that God is using you today ... and you are setting a good example for others to follow. You are different than everyone else.... most people do their best to blend in or if they want to be different, like so many of our teens, they do so in not such good ways. Let God have your heart ... people will know you are different!
Safe travels today loved ones..... I am out of here!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Ok - Well we are back in town. What a great couple of days at the cabin. What can I say about the peacefulness and the quietness of being in a place that is just a little piece of Heaven for us. I know the kids had a blast ~ Kyle is already going through Morgan withdrawal and its only been 2 hours since dropping them back at home. Hey I am too - I love the kids.
One of my most favorite moments come when we all get our winter gear on after supper and take the dogs for a walk. Last night - the stars where out and man can you see the heavens. It is just awesome looking up - The reminder of how small we really are and how BIG God really is. I often talk to my mom while I am there - thankful for her heavenly home - thankful that Walt is there and one day - we will again all be together. Carol and I walked extra long on both days and we fully enjoyed being outside in the clean mountain air and then coming back to a warm cabin. It is simple but it is so perfect in SO many ways.
We have snow coming in tonight. Charlotte will shut down if we get 4 inches - I love the drama the south has with snow. It is awesome just watching the news and watching the craziness. It doesn't happen often enough here and it really is a small miracle to even get snow. A lot of things need to happen for it to snow here. Hoping that school does not mess us up for going to the Cabin on Thursday evening - I have off on Friday and hoping to take one of "MyKids" with us. I look forward to that time invested ... I know she is very excited about it.
Well - looking forward to church on Sunday - Please keep my cousin Scott in your prayers - He will be having surgery on Wed morning to help with his BAD sleep apnea. He can't even lay down in bed without his air being cut off. I will keep everyone posted....... thanks!
Walt - today is your birthday ~ You are so missed here..... especially by Kyle. We all miss your company and our talks - I bet that heavenly birthday cake won't be messing with your sugar anymore ..... Happy Birthday W.
Love you all - be safe~
One of my most favorite moments come when we all get our winter gear on after supper and take the dogs for a walk. Last night - the stars where out and man can you see the heavens. It is just awesome looking up - The reminder of how small we really are and how BIG God really is. I often talk to my mom while I am there - thankful for her heavenly home - thankful that Walt is there and one day - we will again all be together. Carol and I walked extra long on both days and we fully enjoyed being outside in the clean mountain air and then coming back to a warm cabin. It is simple but it is so perfect in SO many ways.
We have snow coming in tonight. Charlotte will shut down if we get 4 inches - I love the drama the south has with snow. It is awesome just watching the news and watching the craziness. It doesn't happen often enough here and it really is a small miracle to even get snow. A lot of things need to happen for it to snow here. Hoping that school does not mess us up for going to the Cabin on Thursday evening - I have off on Friday and hoping to take one of "MyKids" with us. I look forward to that time invested ... I know she is very excited about it.
Well - looking forward to church on Sunday - Please keep my cousin Scott in your prayers - He will be having surgery on Wed morning to help with his BAD sleep apnea. He can't even lay down in bed without his air being cut off. I will keep everyone posted....... thanks!
Walt - today is your birthday ~ You are so missed here..... especially by Kyle. We all miss your company and our talks - I bet that heavenly birthday cake won't be messing with your sugar anymore ..... Happy Birthday W.
Love you all - be safe~
Saturday, January 17, 2009
@The Cabin~
Well, the Bateman clan is @ the cabin for a few days. It is just wonderful being here - plain and simple. The Lyman girls are with us and that in itself is awesome. Love these girls~
Got up here last night a little late and that is ok. Cold here with the temps at 6 this morning but it has warmed up some since the sun is shining. Currently 14 and the well is frozen but we are prepared this time around with 5 gallons ready to roll if needed and the coffee pot full with 12 cups of the most awesome coffee around. Love the coffee here at the cabin - not sure why it is so good.
Our plans today - NOTHING. We will head to Ingles for some grub - probably watch a movie and just hang out. We will hit the trails this afternoon with the dogs so Carol can get her steps in today.
Stay warm today loved ones..... life is good.
Got up here last night a little late and that is ok. Cold here with the temps at 6 this morning but it has warmed up some since the sun is shining. Currently 14 and the well is frozen but we are prepared this time around with 5 gallons ready to roll if needed and the coffee pot full with 12 cups of the most awesome coffee around. Love the coffee here at the cabin - not sure why it is so good.
Our plans today - NOTHING. We will head to Ingles for some grub - probably watch a movie and just hang out. We will hit the trails this afternoon with the dogs so Carol can get her steps in today.
Stay warm today loved ones..... life is good.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wow - this week has flown by. I think 2 times this week I have fallen into bed ... I know catching up on sleep never happens but getting a few extra ZZZ's sure does a body good sometimes.
We have some cold weather moving in the Charlotte NC area. Looking forward to it in a way. It does make for some good news and weather forecasts as everyone goes into panic mode here in the south. Add a little snow to the mix and it really gets crazy! Carol, Kyle and I are headed to the cabin this coming weekend along with a few of "MyKids". I am really looking forward to it - bunkering down in the cold, fire on in the wood stove and just spending some quality time together. Sunday morning we are planning to head down to NewSpring church and that always pumps me up with what Pastor Noble and his peeps are doing down there. Should be a great day! I am sad we will be missing our new worship pastor's first day at church on Sunday but I am sure he and his wife will be welcomed in style and I will be praying he rocks the roof off the school.
One of the things I have been thinking about lately is the life of Paul. He had a good handful of his peeps that he got to teach and really live Gods word. A man from one extreme to the next and God used him like no other man to spread the Gospel. I think we all need an encourager, a person that you know has their back, a buddy who you could call on at any time of the day or night and know they would come running, in our lives. A person who looks out for you more than they look out for themselves. A person who prays for you daily and accepts you regardless if you mess things up or not.
Everyone needs a Paul in their life. I have been thinking, "Who is my Paul?" I think I have a few Paul's.... and I don't think they even know it. I will be praying to strengthen those Paul's in my life. There is much to learn from them - to grow out of for me. To catch the vision they are casting and expand on my limited understanding of things.
"Who is Your Paul?"
God makes a promise, faith believes it, hope anticipates it, patience quietly awaits it.
Author unknown
We have some cold weather moving in the Charlotte NC area. Looking forward to it in a way. It does make for some good news and weather forecasts as everyone goes into panic mode here in the south. Add a little snow to the mix and it really gets crazy! Carol, Kyle and I are headed to the cabin this coming weekend along with a few of "MyKids". I am really looking forward to it - bunkering down in the cold, fire on in the wood stove and just spending some quality time together. Sunday morning we are planning to head down to NewSpring church and that always pumps me up with what Pastor Noble and his peeps are doing down there. Should be a great day! I am sad we will be missing our new worship pastor's first day at church on Sunday but I am sure he and his wife will be welcomed in style and I will be praying he rocks the roof off the school.
One of the things I have been thinking about lately is the life of Paul. He had a good handful of his peeps that he got to teach and really live Gods word. A man from one extreme to the next and God used him like no other man to spread the Gospel. I think we all need an encourager, a person that you know has their back, a buddy who you could call on at any time of the day or night and know they would come running, in our lives. A person who looks out for you more than they look out for themselves. A person who prays for you daily and accepts you regardless if you mess things up or not.
Everyone needs a Paul in their life. I have been thinking, "Who is my Paul?" I think I have a few Paul's.... and I don't think they even know it. I will be praying to strengthen those Paul's in my life. There is much to learn from them - to grow out of for me. To catch the vision they are casting and expand on my limited understanding of things.
"Who is Your Paul?"
God makes a promise, faith believes it, hope anticipates it, patience quietly awaits it.
Author unknown
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
1 Corinthians 13
1If I speak in the tongues[a] of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames,[b] but have not love, I gain nothing.
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8Love never fails.
13And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Over time every relationship will endure a season of time that needs forgiveness. Some are small and some are big but they will come regardless. If love is the root of that relationship - forgiveness is easy and will come without a blink. If not - the relationship breaks and parts to separate ways. I have always heard to forgive often and love more. Love endures all the hard things in life. Our churches today need to extend that love to its people. Growing up I was not in church but I wonder if I was, would I have felt the love that I have for the church and my church family like I do today? Do the families I am leading in my Rock Group feel the love I have for them? Do the kids in Sunday school feel the love I have for them? My extended church families? My dad, brothers, aunts, uncles and cousins? ~ do they really know how much I love them? Love is at the very core of what church and following Jesus is all about. Jesus loved the church and died for the church. He referred to it as His Bride. Church is not a building, a place or a thing.... its about "people".
Jesus gave us a very important instruction before He left for Heaven:
John 13
34"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
I love it when its a basic and a very clear instruction. Its awesome for us not so smart folks! It is direct and to the point. LOVE ONE ANOTHER. That means even if its hard. Even if you don't receive it back. Even if its not convenient. That means not giving in. That means even when it hurts. That means going to those messy places. That means getting involved and putting action behind it.
Love leaves a lasting mark in the lives of people. When we are dead and gone all they will have is memories ... what will be your memory for those in your life?
Read verses 7-8 again - 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails.
Thank You God for your example of Love and for loving us so much to send Your son Jesus. May love be at the core of our hearts and soul to those around us. Help us build our compassion for them and extend that love to those around us who are hurting. May Your loving hands work through all that we are doing today. I pray in Your son's name in Jesus.
1If I speak in the tongues[a] of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames,[b] but have not love, I gain nothing.
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8Love never fails.
13And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Over time every relationship will endure a season of time that needs forgiveness. Some are small and some are big but they will come regardless. If love is the root of that relationship - forgiveness is easy and will come without a blink. If not - the relationship breaks and parts to separate ways. I have always heard to forgive often and love more. Love endures all the hard things in life. Our churches today need to extend that love to its people. Growing up I was not in church but I wonder if I was, would I have felt the love that I have for the church and my church family like I do today? Do the families I am leading in my Rock Group feel the love I have for them? Do the kids in Sunday school feel the love I have for them? My extended church families? My dad, brothers, aunts, uncles and cousins? ~ do they really know how much I love them? Love is at the very core of what church and following Jesus is all about. Jesus loved the church and died for the church. He referred to it as His Bride. Church is not a building, a place or a thing.... its about "people".
Jesus gave us a very important instruction before He left for Heaven:
John 13
34"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
I love it when its a basic and a very clear instruction. Its awesome for us not so smart folks! It is direct and to the point. LOVE ONE ANOTHER. That means even if its hard. Even if you don't receive it back. Even if its not convenient. That means not giving in. That means even when it hurts. That means going to those messy places. That means getting involved and putting action behind it.
Love leaves a lasting mark in the lives of people. When we are dead and gone all they will have is memories ... what will be your memory for those in your life?
Read verses 7-8 again - 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails.
Thank You God for your example of Love and for loving us so much to send Your son Jesus. May love be at the core of our hearts and soul to those around us. Help us build our compassion for them and extend that love to those around us who are hurting. May Your loving hands work through all that we are doing today. I pray in Your son's name in Jesus.
Monday, January 12, 2009
~The "V" word~
Monday already~ How did the weekend go by so fast? Had so much to do and so little time to get everything done. I fell into bed last night ... but thankful for the service that the Lord provided me yesterday and the people that I got to pour into. Investing is at times a very draining and tiring thing but it is SO important to the people being invested in. No - Investing - is not the "V" word. But...
Vacancy - is. Definition - the state of being vacant; emptiness - a vacant, empty, or unoccupied place.
I am thankful that my mom and dad stayed together while my brother and I were growing up. They, like all married couples, had their issues and struggles but divorce was not one of the options or decisions they chose. So many of the kids that I am doing life with, which I often refer to as "MyKids" - have a parent missing. I can think of one that has both missing. I think about that Vacancy - the hole that is in their life. A dad especially ~ How does a young boy turn into a good and honest man without his dad? How does a young 15 year old almost woman know what she likes in a boy and how does she know when its too far with crossing the line? The dad's role in these kids is so vital and important. With the divorce rate as high as it is today - our children are used to the fact that they live in 2 homes or have mom here and dad there. It is the NEW norm. I won't even get started on the "Father" role that is on TV today~
As I think through the role of being a dad ... 3 things come to mind. A dad has to first be a Father to his kids. So much of how we lives our lives shows through in how our children will live theirs. What we model for them - when the chips are down, they will model what we have taught them with living our own lives.
The other thing that comes to mind is that a dad needs to be a Friend. There are times as our children grow up that they really need a friend to hang out with. They need to know that dad is fun and that he is a normal dude. A dad that makes and TAKES time to invest in them like going bowling, watching the game on tv, going to the movies and out to eat just to name a few things. We need to make time to build the relationships up. If you have daughters - it is just as important to have a "Date night" with them as it is your wife. They need to know where the lines are - Dads need to step up to the plate and have those hard conversations with those awkward topics. If you don't have them - they will get the answers some place else and you only get one shot at it dads! Sons need to have time throwing the baseball or football around. They need one on one time with us! Our children need to know that they are the "Apples" in their dads eyes. The other thing that comes to mind is that dads need to be their children's "Hero". Not so much when they are older but when they are younger. A hero to look up to, to have fun with, to wrestle and have piggy back rides, to be silly with and to be the dad that is there on birthday parties and their first friends sleepovers and there when they get hurt. Our children need to see us leading the family. Praying over the family. Reading and living Gods example. They need to see us with compassion for others. They need to see the family unit in action - sitting at the table eating together and watching tv together - taking part in life together. They need loving discipline.
But the funny thing is - I don't think we can be all three of these things at once. I can't see myself as a Father, Friend and Hero all at once. They come in different stages and at different periods as our children get older. A Hero when they are younger but not while in middle school or high school - then coming back around if we have done everything right - a hero again when we are older. Not so much a Friend during the younger years when they need direction but for sure when they are in middle school, high school, college and beyond. A Father all the time. That loves unconditional and forgives when our heart breaks for our kids.
I think about "MyKids" today - who have a Vacancy in their life. They are missing out on some important parts that will eventually show up HUGE in their life down the road. Maybe when they are in college or in their adult years in their marriages. All the hugs that are missed, the prayers at bedtime, the birthday smiles and Christmas gifts - even those sports games and wrestling matches - that feeling of being special at the mommy son event at school or the daddy daughter dance.
I think about the time being invested now and how sweet and special that time really is. Its short - so much is packed into that time. The world stops turning for them during this time. As "MyKids" get a little older in the short coming years with middle and high school in full swing. That Hero status won't be there - that Friend status won't be there - that Fatherly status will be uncool as dads are replaced with friends. That time invested in them will show up. Your commitment to them might keep them from making a bad choice. Your character shows up then. What you stood for stands out for them then. Your leadership comes to life then. Your faith provides a path for them. Your prayers guide them.
Never underestimate the power of a praying father. Provide that foundation for them. Purposely plant a friendship with your kids. Chase after the things that last. You may not be as fast as a speeding bullet - but in the eyes of your kids...... you can be their "Hero" "Friend" & "Father".
Vacancy - is. Definition - the state of being vacant; emptiness - a vacant, empty, or unoccupied place.
I am thankful that my mom and dad stayed together while my brother and I were growing up. They, like all married couples, had their issues and struggles but divorce was not one of the options or decisions they chose. So many of the kids that I am doing life with, which I often refer to as "MyKids" - have a parent missing. I can think of one that has both missing. I think about that Vacancy - the hole that is in their life. A dad especially ~ How does a young boy turn into a good and honest man without his dad? How does a young 15 year old almost woman know what she likes in a boy and how does she know when its too far with crossing the line? The dad's role in these kids is so vital and important. With the divorce rate as high as it is today - our children are used to the fact that they live in 2 homes or have mom here and dad there. It is the NEW norm. I won't even get started on the "Father" role that is on TV today~
As I think through the role of being a dad ... 3 things come to mind. A dad has to first be a Father to his kids. So much of how we lives our lives shows through in how our children will live theirs. What we model for them - when the chips are down, they will model what we have taught them with living our own lives.
The other thing that comes to mind is that a dad needs to be a Friend. There are times as our children grow up that they really need a friend to hang out with. They need to know that dad is fun and that he is a normal dude. A dad that makes and TAKES time to invest in them like going bowling, watching the game on tv, going to the movies and out to eat just to name a few things. We need to make time to build the relationships up. If you have daughters - it is just as important to have a "Date night" with them as it is your wife. They need to know where the lines are - Dads need to step up to the plate and have those hard conversations with those awkward topics. If you don't have them - they will get the answers some place else and you only get one shot at it dads! Sons need to have time throwing the baseball or football around. They need one on one time with us! Our children need to know that they are the "Apples" in their dads eyes. The other thing that comes to mind is that dads need to be their children's "Hero". Not so much when they are older but when they are younger. A hero to look up to, to have fun with, to wrestle and have piggy back rides, to be silly with and to be the dad that is there on birthday parties and their first friends sleepovers and there when they get hurt. Our children need to see us leading the family. Praying over the family. Reading and living Gods example. They need to see us with compassion for others. They need to see the family unit in action - sitting at the table eating together and watching tv together - taking part in life together. They need loving discipline.
But the funny thing is - I don't think we can be all three of these things at once. I can't see myself as a Father, Friend and Hero all at once. They come in different stages and at different periods as our children get older. A Hero when they are younger but not while in middle school or high school - then coming back around if we have done everything right - a hero again when we are older. Not so much a Friend during the younger years when they need direction but for sure when they are in middle school, high school, college and beyond. A Father all the time. That loves unconditional and forgives when our heart breaks for our kids.
I think about "MyKids" today - who have a Vacancy in their life. They are missing out on some important parts that will eventually show up HUGE in their life down the road. Maybe when they are in college or in their adult years in their marriages. All the hugs that are missed, the prayers at bedtime, the birthday smiles and Christmas gifts - even those sports games and wrestling matches - that feeling of being special at the mommy son event at school or the daddy daughter dance.
I think about the time being invested now and how sweet and special that time really is. Its short - so much is packed into that time. The world stops turning for them during this time. As "MyKids" get a little older in the short coming years with middle and high school in full swing. That Hero status won't be there - that Friend status won't be there - that Fatherly status will be uncool as dads are replaced with friends. That time invested in them will show up. Your commitment to them might keep them from making a bad choice. Your character shows up then. What you stood for stands out for them then. Your leadership comes to life then. Your faith provides a path for them. Your prayers guide them.
Never underestimate the power of a praying father. Provide that foundation for them. Purposely plant a friendship with your kids. Chase after the things that last. You may not be as fast as a speeding bullet - but in the eyes of your kids...... you can be their "Hero" "Friend" & "Father".
Friday, January 9, 2009
Happy Friday~

It has been a good start this week to the new year. I have to say that the week has surprisingly went fast. With Carol and many of her friends sticking together now and doing their thing to get healthy - I think about the hunger that takes place in the body. Once its used to eating a certain way - it is hard to change old habits. It is hard to stick with new habits but they can be changed. Change is an interesting thing because it is something that someone has to WANT to do. Our spiritual life is the same way. When we turn from our old self and become new when we accept Jesus - we have to be hungry for the ways of Him. We have to be starved for His word and to soak it up like a sponge. Often times in our long journey, and it is a journey because following God is not a sprint or a race, we find ourselves in peaks and valleys. Its during those tough lean times that we have to stick it out, continue to read your Bible, fast, meditate on Gods word and find other avenues to keep plugged in. I can share that I am not that smart of a person where I can sit down with my Bible and understand everything. I have more questions than I do answers at times. I pray after reading in the mornings when I am spending time with God and ask for the words to come alive in my life, to help me apply what I am learning. What exactly Lord am I to understand in these passages that You have given us? I sometimes need other avenues to understand it - like reading on the topic, listening to a sermon on my Ipod on the way to work, asking those around me who are also walking in the Lord... the real question then becomes - just how Hungry are you? Are you really wanting to change?
Ask yourself this, "Is Gods word a priority in my life?"
If you are trying to get victory over something that has you struggling or worried today, get back into God's Word. It's the food for your soul and the tool by which God will accomplish His work in you. Invite the change that God can change in you - God wants us to have a fit body and a spirit that is fit as well. They both take exercise, commitment, determination, persistence and people to hold you accountable. Use the tools around you loved ones to open yourself up to the new you. I bet your Ipod could use a good shuffle of new things :)
Happy Friday everyone~
Love you all and stay encouraged,
Thursday, January 8, 2009
How awesome it was to get back in the schools this week. Working lunch today with Kyles class... I just love working lunches. It gives me a chance to go around and check in with all the kids (as well as some of the teachers!) Not only Kyle's class but also check in on some of the kids in the other classes. I have known lots of them now for years..... There is nothing like a kid coming up and giving a big hug and telling me they missed me - full knowing what life is like at home for that child. I may not even know the full story but its heart warming nonetheless. Some of these kids are hurting - hurting like adults - they are looking to be heard, accepted, need a smile or even just a little hope. Someone to tell them they can do it, to aim higher than they are aiming, to find the good in everything even when they don't see it, to make good choices, to pick their friends wisely, and be reminded that they are loved...regardless of what is happening around them.
Sometimes investing in people (kids) is inconvenient, it is hard, it hurts, it costs, it interrupts, but it can also be so rewarding and fulfilling. What opportunities will you be missing if you did not invest in those around you or with someone who is hurting? How can I go into a lunch room and see a child not have anything to eat for lunch or not have icecream money and have $2 in my pocket and not give it to them. Yes they can do without icecream by why should they? Why should the other kids see them do without so they can be singled out and different?
I can honestly say the compassion level for those around me (people) that I am experiencing the last few months has only grown because of my study and learning to be more like Jesus. Jesus healed when He saw a need or was asked. He touched the eyes of those who could not see- instantly healing them. He saw a crowd gather and they were lost, like sheep, so He taught them. He had such compassion for people. Children would come to Him and His disciples pushed them away - but He said to bring them to Him.
Compassion is the feeling one gets for what others are going through. It is a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another. We often hear the words - "You have not walked a mile in their shoes". We really don't have an idea of what others are going through unless we have been through it as well. When I talk to my niece Katie - I can say to her - I know how you feel with losing your mom... because I too - have lost my mom. I too understand the pain and the loss. When I see a child without a parent, due to divorce, death, or one who just walked away from them - I feel their pain and loss. The longing for that space to be filled by something good and someone who really cares for them.
Compassion is walking with that someone- not just providing a meal at Christmas for them ... or telling them you will be praying for them and walking away. You have to be in for the long haul.
James 2:26 Just as the body is dead without breath,[a] so also faith is dead without good works.
Jesus gave each of us a great examples on being compassionate. Sometimes being compassionate changes lives.... When we reach out to those hurting, we change their lives... they know someone has their back, they know that they can lean on someone other than themselves but more importantly - it changes us. As you draw closer to them and you draw closer to Jesus - Jesus draws you closer to Him. I find myself these days just thinking through and looking for opportunities to serve others. Praying that God will use me somehow today.... even if its just a small conversation or a word of encouragement - God has called us to do so ..... each of us to be the church - His church. It is amazing when that kind of thing happens and when 2 families share in the experience. Especially, when one does not know Jesus.......
Who in your life right now has a need you can meet? You will always have an excuse to not get involved...... it is time to put down the excuse.
God has called you to care.......
1 Peter 2:21 “To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.”
Its not about the icecream or the $2 in your pocket.... it way bigger loved ones. Aim high.....
Looking forward to tonight - getting to hang out with some good buddies of mine. Kyle calls them "Manlymen"...... :)
May God move your heart today to fill a need,
Sometimes investing in people (kids) is inconvenient, it is hard, it hurts, it costs, it interrupts, but it can also be so rewarding and fulfilling. What opportunities will you be missing if you did not invest in those around you or with someone who is hurting? How can I go into a lunch room and see a child not have anything to eat for lunch or not have icecream money and have $2 in my pocket and not give it to them. Yes they can do without icecream by why should they? Why should the other kids see them do without so they can be singled out and different?
I can honestly say the compassion level for those around me (people) that I am experiencing the last few months has only grown because of my study and learning to be more like Jesus. Jesus healed when He saw a need or was asked. He touched the eyes of those who could not see- instantly healing them. He saw a crowd gather and they were lost, like sheep, so He taught them. He had such compassion for people. Children would come to Him and His disciples pushed them away - but He said to bring them to Him.
Compassion is the feeling one gets for what others are going through. It is a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another. We often hear the words - "You have not walked a mile in their shoes". We really don't have an idea of what others are going through unless we have been through it as well. When I talk to my niece Katie - I can say to her - I know how you feel with losing your mom... because I too - have lost my mom. I too understand the pain and the loss. When I see a child without a parent, due to divorce, death, or one who just walked away from them - I feel their pain and loss. The longing for that space to be filled by something good and someone who really cares for them.
Compassion is walking with that someone- not just providing a meal at Christmas for them ... or telling them you will be praying for them and walking away. You have to be in for the long haul.
James 2:26 Just as the body is dead without breath,[a] so also faith is dead without good works.
Jesus gave each of us a great examples on being compassionate. Sometimes being compassionate changes lives.... When we reach out to those hurting, we change their lives... they know someone has their back, they know that they can lean on someone other than themselves but more importantly - it changes us. As you draw closer to them and you draw closer to Jesus - Jesus draws you closer to Him. I find myself these days just thinking through and looking for opportunities to serve others. Praying that God will use me somehow today.... even if its just a small conversation or a word of encouragement - God has called us to do so ..... each of us to be the church - His church. It is amazing when that kind of thing happens and when 2 families share in the experience. Especially, when one does not know Jesus.......
Who in your life right now has a need you can meet? You will always have an excuse to not get involved...... it is time to put down the excuse.
God has called you to care.......
1 Peter 2:21 “To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.”
Its not about the icecream or the $2 in your pocket.... it way bigger loved ones. Aim high.....
Looking forward to tonight - getting to hang out with some good buddies of mine. Kyle calls them "Manlymen"...... :)
May God move your heart today to fill a need,
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Back in the swing.....
Wow am I hurting today after 3 games of r'ball yesterday. It is funny how fast one slips when we are not continuing to keep up. My brain yesterday knew what to do but as I get older - my body has different speeds even if I know what is coming and what to do. In the next few weeks I am sure I will be again back up to speed. That is what training is all about - to continue to press through sticking points, to hang in there and keep it up so that eventually, you will get to where you are wanting to go.
Yesterday, I was very proud of Carol. She has joined with a few girl friends of hers to become healthier this 2009 year. She has accountablility people around her now and I am sure this is going to be a great thing and I am sure there will be some rewards to come. Carol, you and your lady peeps have all my encouragment! Proud of each of you~
As 2009 is getting underway - I can't help but to think about folks who are really turning the page to change with the turning of the calendar. So many of us are walking around with heavy things on our shoulders, past hurts, some in the PIT of life right now and see no way out but I am here to tell you there is a way. All the answers in life lead to Jesus.
This past Sunday, Pastor Jimmy spoke such a great message. I heard a few folks talking afterwards and were really moved by what he shared Sunday from Gods word. Are these reminders for us? Or is this the first time you have heard a message like that? We are all in different places in our spiritual journey. We are at different levels of understanding. There is nothing more exciting than to be around a person who is just on "Fire" for God. They just ooze the excitement and trust me - it rubs off on the people around them. Babies need baby food and milk when they are young. It would make a baby very sick if you fed them steak and icecream. They cannot handle solid food. Many of us have been in church for years and have experienced Gods grace and love many times over those years - but are still on baby food. I pray this is the year that we step up in our faith and trust in God and seek solid food. We start living out our Sunday mornings through the rest of the week. We start surrounding ourselves with God loving people who can encourage us and lift us up in prayer. People that drag you down all the time and just need all the time will suck the life out of you!
I pray this year the messages that you hear, the things you learn by spending time with God and reading His word - move you to new places and with action! Don't let another year go by and just stay where you are. Summer school when I was a kid was a place where you went over and over what you did not learn during the school year. Image how painful that is when the rest of your friends are out having fun - its summer! Here we are go over and over the those same things that we should have already moved on from. I pray this year Gods word opens your eyes and opens your heart.
~When having lunch at school with your son or daughter - don't let the chance of giving a child lunch money when you have $2 in your pocket and they have nothing to eat.
~Don't let that family down the street, who do not know Jesus go from your heart - keep inviting and asking them to come even if its been 2 years.
~Don't let the opportunity to serve someone at the grocery store who really looks like they need a hand or a word of encouragement - offer to get their tab or help them put their stuff in the car.
~Don't let that friend go through a life changing event in their life alone. Call them and TELL them what you are going to do to help - no more waiting on them to call and ask because most of the time - they won't.
~Sit with your children and listen to them. Take time to teach them - take control of their friends, music and internet connection. If you don't - someone else will. If you stick your head in the sand for those teenagers - there is only one word for you to learn - Grandparent.
~Step up and serve at church. Come off the sidelines and get your talents and passions tuned in to what God is doing in our communities. He is changing lives, families and restoring hearts all around us. You can't see it when you are in this for yourself. Focus on others and not your problems.
God will draw close to you if you draw close to God. That is also by serving others with great compassion. You were CALLED to care. Someone you know right now needs you.
Get back in the swing loved ones.......... and let God Rock your 2009!
Love leaves a significant mark....... leave it and make it YOUR mark.
My morning time this morning:
Collosians 1:
24 I am glad when I suffer for you in my body, for I am participating in the sufferings of Christ that continue for his body, the church. 25 God has given me the responsibility of serving his church by proclaiming his entire message to you. 26 This message was kept secret for centuries and generations past, but now it has been revealed to God’s people. 27 For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory.
28 So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect[g] in their relationship to Christ. 29 That’s why I work and struggle so hard, depending on Christ’s mighty power that works within me.
Yesterday, I was very proud of Carol. She has joined with a few girl friends of hers to become healthier this 2009 year. She has accountablility people around her now and I am sure this is going to be a great thing and I am sure there will be some rewards to come. Carol, you and your lady peeps have all my encouragment! Proud of each of you~
As 2009 is getting underway - I can't help but to think about folks who are really turning the page to change with the turning of the calendar. So many of us are walking around with heavy things on our shoulders, past hurts, some in the PIT of life right now and see no way out but I am here to tell you there is a way. All the answers in life lead to Jesus.
This past Sunday, Pastor Jimmy spoke such a great message. I heard a few folks talking afterwards and were really moved by what he shared Sunday from Gods word. Are these reminders for us? Or is this the first time you have heard a message like that? We are all in different places in our spiritual journey. We are at different levels of understanding. There is nothing more exciting than to be around a person who is just on "Fire" for God. They just ooze the excitement and trust me - it rubs off on the people around them. Babies need baby food and milk when they are young. It would make a baby very sick if you fed them steak and icecream. They cannot handle solid food. Many of us have been in church for years and have experienced Gods grace and love many times over those years - but are still on baby food. I pray this is the year that we step up in our faith and trust in God and seek solid food. We start living out our Sunday mornings through the rest of the week. We start surrounding ourselves with God loving people who can encourage us and lift us up in prayer. People that drag you down all the time and just need all the time will suck the life out of you!
I pray this year the messages that you hear, the things you learn by spending time with God and reading His word - move you to new places and with action! Don't let another year go by and just stay where you are. Summer school when I was a kid was a place where you went over and over what you did not learn during the school year. Image how painful that is when the rest of your friends are out having fun - its summer! Here we are go over and over the those same things that we should have already moved on from. I pray this year Gods word opens your eyes and opens your heart.
~When having lunch at school with your son or daughter - don't let the chance of giving a child lunch money when you have $2 in your pocket and they have nothing to eat.
~Don't let that family down the street, who do not know Jesus go from your heart - keep inviting and asking them to come even if its been 2 years.
~Don't let the opportunity to serve someone at the grocery store who really looks like they need a hand or a word of encouragement - offer to get their tab or help them put their stuff in the car.
~Don't let that friend go through a life changing event in their life alone. Call them and TELL them what you are going to do to help - no more waiting on them to call and ask because most of the time - they won't.
~Sit with your children and listen to them. Take time to teach them - take control of their friends, music and internet connection. If you don't - someone else will. If you stick your head in the sand for those teenagers - there is only one word for you to learn - Grandparent.
~Step up and serve at church. Come off the sidelines and get your talents and passions tuned in to what God is doing in our communities. He is changing lives, families and restoring hearts all around us. You can't see it when you are in this for yourself. Focus on others and not your problems.
God will draw close to you if you draw close to God. That is also by serving others with great compassion. You were CALLED to care. Someone you know right now needs you.
Get back in the swing loved ones.......... and let God Rock your 2009!
Love leaves a significant mark....... leave it and make it YOUR mark.
My morning time this morning:
Collosians 1:
24 I am glad when I suffer for you in my body, for I am participating in the sufferings of Christ that continue for his body, the church. 25 God has given me the responsibility of serving his church by proclaiming his entire message to you. 26 This message was kept secret for centuries and generations past, but now it has been revealed to God’s people. 27 For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory.
28 So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect[g] in their relationship to Christ. 29 That’s why I work and struggle so hard, depending on Christ’s mighty power that works within me.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Monday and back @ it.....
Wow -the alarm went off early this morning. I did get a small taste of the early bell with going into church on Sunday morning. That was tough - after staying up watching the Chargers-Colts game and it going into OT. I have also been wrestling with some things and with those things heavy on my mind and heart - sleep was not happening Saturday night. We even had a thunderstorm roll through - Hey did anyone tell Mother Nature its winter?
Glad to be back at work today. I think I was starting to get a little cabin fever even if we didn't take much time to just sit and relax. I is good to unplug for short time frames - I am wired tight and it takes me 4-5 days just to unwind and get into a groove but I can only take that for so long.
I am excited to get home today. I am coming out of the 19th century cell phone. Hey its been a good phone - I can remember being at Stone Mountain NC and Kyle, Patty and I were walking the waterfalls there and my phone holder broke - out the phone came - down the falls about 50 feet and landed in a pool of water a good foot deep. It took some time for me to get down there. Pulled it out of the pool - took the battery out and dried everything.... still working today! But I am excited to be able to text, email, video and pictures ..... and make phone calls!
Well I am easing back to things - I will post something encouraging tomorrow. I am just glad its not 6 outside :)
Glad to be back at work today. I think I was starting to get a little cabin fever even if we didn't take much time to just sit and relax. I is good to unplug for short time frames - I am wired tight and it takes me 4-5 days just to unwind and get into a groove but I can only take that for so long.
I am excited to get home today. I am coming out of the 19th century cell phone. Hey its been a good phone - I can remember being at Stone Mountain NC and Kyle, Patty and I were walking the waterfalls there and my phone holder broke - out the phone came - down the falls about 50 feet and landed in a pool of water a good foot deep. It took some time for me to get down there. Pulled it out of the pool - took the battery out and dried everything.... still working today! But I am excited to be able to text, email, video and pictures ..... and make phone calls!
Well I am easing back to things - I will post something encouraging tomorrow. I am just glad its not 6 outside :)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
I am studying a little tonight as I watch just a small window of football - as I have to run setup tomorrow which means I am up early! I am ok with that - as I can relate to the folks who will come through our doors tomorrow who really need Jesus - they need to experience Him and some for the very first time. When we really need to hear from God as our life is hard and having issues beyond our control - I am all willing to be a part of setting up a place for others to come and be as they are and experience Gods GRACE.
As I prepared for tomorrow's Rock Group lesson - I came across a passage that spoke deeeeeep into my heart.
Philippians 4:8-9
8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.
I am struggling with something today - something that I have been for some months now. I continue to lift that to God asking that He make things smooth - to make things work somehow - I am called to have compassion and extend love to others - just as we all are - some who really need it in a big way. It may be different for others but they too may need it as well but just in a different way or a different level.
Gods peace is what I am looking for and needing today........
As I prepared for tomorrow's Rock Group lesson - I came across a passage that spoke deeeeeep into my heart.
Philippians 4:8-9
8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.
I am struggling with something today - something that I have been for some months now. I continue to lift that to God asking that He make things smooth - to make things work somehow - I am called to have compassion and extend love to others - just as we all are - some who really need it in a big way. It may be different for others but they too may need it as well but just in a different way or a different level.
Gods peace is what I am looking for and needing today........
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