Last night Carol and I watched through some of the DVD's for Sunday School that we will be using in the coming weeks and I have to say - its pretty exciting. Our church is participating in the "One Prayer" series that has visioned for the church. I don't know the exact details that our church will be using but I can hardly wait to see it come to life this Sunday. Imagine a church that is bonded and acting as "One". Churches from all over the country and all over the world - praying together as "One" - motivated as "One" - worshipping as "One" - combining offerings to help people in need all over the world - churches sharing resources and teachings as "One".
The premise of the "One Prayer" series is, "If God would answer 'one prayer' for the church at large, what would you pray?"
I think that many folks who are on the outside, non believers, they see the church divided and working against each other. For 1 month, churches all over the globe will be unified as "One" - hundreds of teachings to choose from and millions of people praying, fasting and mobilizing for the Kingdom. Doesn't that pump you up? Isn't this what the church is supposed to be doing? I wonder why there are churches NOT doing this and participating?
If you want to learn more about this "One Prayer" - visit the website -
How would you finish the sentence - "God, make us _________" - fill in the blank.
Happy Friday everyone~
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Thursday already?
Wow - week is flying by. Had a great lunch today with Kyle, Morgan, Heather and Madison. It has taken a year to have lunch with Madison - mom had to send a note in and let the teacher know it was ok for her to have lunch with me. So when she came into the lunch room she was all smiles. She went and got something from the lunch line and then came over and said Mr.B - where do you want me to sit all lady like ..... it was sweet. She is such a sweet, polite and happy child.... just like all of her family. When lunch was over I had to talk her out of tearing up because it was long overdue and together we will be praying for a teacher next year that will let us have lunch way more often! I got to feel like a real uncle today. Morgan was not feeling good and I got permission from her mom to take her out of school and to my house after lunch. She spent the afternoon with Carol resting and sleeping some - so I hope she is feeling better. I think she was really thankful to be going "Home" and not being in school ready to puke!

One of the things I wanted to share today is a story about a little bird. When we are at the cabin - the song of the Whip-poor-will is heard through the woods. It is a night bird that sings in the evenings and it is such an awesome sound. Here is what Wikopedia has to say about this neat little bird.
This bird is sometimes confused[1] with the related Chuck-will's-widow (Caprimulgus carolinensis) which has a similar but lower-pitched and slower call.
Adults have mottled plumage: the upperparts are grey, black and brown; the lower parts are grey and black. They have a very short bill and a black throat. Males have a white patch below the throat and white tips on the outer tail feathers; in the female, these parts are light brown. The Whip-poor-will's breeding habitat is deciduous or mixed woods across southeastern Canada, eastern and southwestern United States, and Central America. Northern birds migrate to the southeastern United States and south to Central America. Central American races are largely resident. These birds forage at night, catching insects in flight. They normally sleep during the day. This bird does not normally fly up from the nest unless almost stepped upon.
They are nocturnal animals and nest on the ground, in shaded locations, among dead leaves, and usually lay two eggs at a time.
The Whip-poor-will is becoming locally rare. Larry Penny has recorded a 97% decline since 1983 in New York state[citation needed]. Several reasons for the decline are proposed, like habitat destruction, predation by feral cats and dogs, and poisoning by insecticides, but the actual causes remain elusive.[2] Still, the species as a whole is not considered globally threatened due to its huge range.[3]
In human culture
In New England, legend says the Whip-poor-will can sense a soul departing, and can capture it as it flees.
Adults have mottled plumage: the upperparts are grey, black and brown; the lower parts are grey and black. They have a very short bill and a black throat. Males have a white patch below the throat and white tips on the outer tail feathers; in the female, these parts are light brown. The Whip-poor-will's breeding habitat is deciduous or mixed woods across southeastern Canada, eastern and southwestern United States, and Central America. Northern birds migrate to the southeastern United States and south to Central America. Central American races are largely resident. These birds forage at night, catching insects in flight. They normally sleep during the day. This bird does not normally fly up from the nest unless almost stepped upon.
They are nocturnal animals and nest on the ground, in shaded locations, among dead leaves, and usually lay two eggs at a time.
The Whip-poor-will is becoming locally rare. Larry Penny has recorded a 97% decline since 1983 in New York state[citation needed]. Several reasons for the decline are proposed, like habitat destruction, predation by feral cats and dogs, and poisoning by insecticides, but the actual causes remain elusive.[2] Still, the species as a whole is not considered globally threatened due to its huge range.[3]
In human culture
In New England, legend says the Whip-poor-will can sense a soul departing, and can capture it as it flees.
Just thought I would pass on a little nature and the history of an amazing little bird with such an different song and style all its own. Just like you and me - God has made us all wonderfully different ....... Like no other.
Thankful for that..... Friday tomorrow.....8 more days of school :(
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
This has been a different day. Next week is a dear friend of mine birthday. She has been working for the state now for over 30 years. She could have retired years ago but continues to work because in her mind - retirement is not a real thing. The Lord asks us to serve Him and never says anything about retirement.... its a man made thing that was invented for folks who worked for many years to sit back and do the the "Good Life".
I think on many fronts as of right now - the "Good Life" will include serving the Lord in some capacity - a capacity which I may not know anything about today - but serving Him for as long as He has use for me.
Today for breakfast and now for lunch - we surprised my good friend here at work on her birthday. It was a nice change since she is always on vacation for her birthdays and today we got to celebrate it. Lots of folks there also remembering my birthday last Saturday included me in on the surprise... so that was cool.
For those who really know me - I don't like being out in the front - unless its racing or winning something - but I mean like the center of attention. I am happiest serving and being in the shadows or on the sideline but very much part of the game. For the past few years I have taken a relaxed pace in life. I am enjoying things more - stress less on certain things - stress more about other things- Love and care deeper than ever before.... lots have changed about me over the last few years. I think one thing big has been my determination to eating healthy and working out. I do miss working out and hitting the gym, running, biking, whatever it was that came across my path - I could do it. I got that from years being in Judo and my dreams of the Olympics years ago. My 6 pack abs are now like 2 pack abs and my pants have grown over the last few years but life is short and once Lipitor came into my life - well, my diet has changed to include more great tasting foods!
Today at the surprise party - I had a slice of cake ....... big step for me. I also discovered that Snickers makes ICECREAM! Whew..... I never knew. How important is having 6 pack abs anyways when there is Snickers icecream?
From all the events in my life the last few years - with my mom passing away, dad having health issues, Walt passing away and right now some of my dearest friends are struggling with something and 2 who have parents under Hospice care .... man it really makes me think. Do I need to be harder on myself? Do I need to get back to the gym even though I too have health issues that makes me scared to go back into the gym? Should I just enjoy the last 30 years within reason and not think about it all?
Mid life thoughts I think ...... I have a 2007 Honda 2000 - my dream car. Walt passed that car to me..... it still is tough for me to drive knowing that it was Walts .... How cool is it to have something you have wanted for so long to be finally yours? Well, honestly - I would rather sell it, get Carol something she wants to drive and help the people around me with the rest of it.... to pay for another child that God places on my heart so he/she will have lunch every single day of school next year. Maybe pay a bill for a family who is struggling or use that money to make meals for a family with a sick loved one..send a project 252 teenager to summer camp to experience life change....... I may even get a GALLON of that Snickers icecream and stop thinking so much!
Life is short ..... and to keep it in perspective - its one moment at a time and enjoying what the Lord has placed on me today.
Psalm 23
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, [a] I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
I think on many fronts as of right now - the "Good Life" will include serving the Lord in some capacity - a capacity which I may not know anything about today - but serving Him for as long as He has use for me.
Today for breakfast and now for lunch - we surprised my good friend here at work on her birthday. It was a nice change since she is always on vacation for her birthdays and today we got to celebrate it. Lots of folks there also remembering my birthday last Saturday included me in on the surprise... so that was cool.
For those who really know me - I don't like being out in the front - unless its racing or winning something - but I mean like the center of attention. I am happiest serving and being in the shadows or on the sideline but very much part of the game. For the past few years I have taken a relaxed pace in life. I am enjoying things more - stress less on certain things - stress more about other things- Love and care deeper than ever before.... lots have changed about me over the last few years. I think one thing big has been my determination to eating healthy and working out. I do miss working out and hitting the gym, running, biking, whatever it was that came across my path - I could do it. I got that from years being in Judo and my dreams of the Olympics years ago. My 6 pack abs are now like 2 pack abs and my pants have grown over the last few years but life is short and once Lipitor came into my life - well, my diet has changed to include more great tasting foods!
Today at the surprise party - I had a slice of cake ....... big step for me. I also discovered that Snickers makes ICECREAM! Whew..... I never knew. How important is having 6 pack abs anyways when there is Snickers icecream?
From all the events in my life the last few years - with my mom passing away, dad having health issues, Walt passing away and right now some of my dearest friends are struggling with something and 2 who have parents under Hospice care .... man it really makes me think. Do I need to be harder on myself? Do I need to get back to the gym even though I too have health issues that makes me scared to go back into the gym? Should I just enjoy the last 30 years within reason and not think about it all?
Mid life thoughts I think ...... I have a 2007 Honda 2000 - my dream car. Walt passed that car to me..... it still is tough for me to drive knowing that it was Walts .... How cool is it to have something you have wanted for so long to be finally yours? Well, honestly - I would rather sell it, get Carol something she wants to drive and help the people around me with the rest of it.... to pay for another child that God places on my heart so he/she will have lunch every single day of school next year. Maybe pay a bill for a family who is struggling or use that money to make meals for a family with a sick loved one..send a project 252 teenager to summer camp to experience life change....... I may even get a GALLON of that Snickers icecream and stop thinking so much!
Life is short ..... and to keep it in perspective - its one moment at a time and enjoying what the Lord has placed on me today.
Psalm 23
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, [a] I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Last night Carol, Kyle and I headed over to Frank Lisk Park - Kyle is at a summer camp this summer for a week and is being joined by some great friends. Justin and his mom Lori who are in our Rock Group met us over there for the parent meeting. I took the kids down to the lake and watched Kyle and Justin make do with turning rocks over catching worms so they could fish. Kyle is serious about his fishing and when he has a pole in his hands - he has his game face on. They not only discovered worms - they got 2 black widow spiders, other crawly things, and a snake. So it was just as wild on land as it was in the water. They did catch some fish and nothing is finer than watching kids fishing and catching fish. It really made me think about this Sunday - again we will be trying to pull some families together at the park and let the kids go fishing. The parents will get a chance to sit back and watch our kids fish, talk and snack - bond together as our Rock Group invites folks in our church and in our community for a time to get to know each other and invest in each other. I thought about how much joy I have come to learn and experience because of other families and folks I am doing life with. I love my rock group - each person plays such an important role in this "Family" - we are together to experience things, go through things, cry together, hurt together and love each other together. It really does bring so much joy to ones life because they have people in their lives who love them and pray for them regardless of what they have been through or have done in their lives. Their kids are "MyKids" and each of them are just amazing.
Friends if you dont have people in your life who you are doing life with - then you are missing out on so much. You are missing out on the "Joy" that comes only from God when He places His people together. If you are a Christian and you are doing life alone - then you are missing out on what I am telling you. You need people in your life to do life with, to pray for you and be there for you no matter what. Its important for your children to see and experience this value in your family. There is nothing better than one of my rock group kids getting excited about Sunday evenings ... about getting together ... about praying together... about seeing the other kids from our family ... about sharing birthdays - that is exciting.
Its more than just about fishing this coming Sunday - its about not being alone in our journey with Christ, its about growing in our faith with other believers, its about being held accountable for our actions and decisions, its about having a support system around us who loves us and its about finding such "JOY" in life when we do life with others.
I look forward to my last few visits at lunch time with "MyKids". It will be sad as summer closes in and some are moving on to middle school. Carol is working on the year end parties.... really looking forward to those.
Happy Wed~
Friends if you dont have people in your life who you are doing life with - then you are missing out on so much. You are missing out on the "Joy" that comes only from God when He places His people together. If you are a Christian and you are doing life alone - then you are missing out on what I am telling you. You need people in your life to do life with, to pray for you and be there for you no matter what. Its important for your children to see and experience this value in your family. There is nothing better than one of my rock group kids getting excited about Sunday evenings ... about getting together ... about praying together... about seeing the other kids from our family ... about sharing birthdays - that is exciting.
Its more than just about fishing this coming Sunday - its about not being alone in our journey with Christ, its about growing in our faith with other believers, its about being held accountable for our actions and decisions, its about having a support system around us who loves us and its about finding such "JOY" in life when we do life with others.
I look forward to my last few visits at lunch time with "MyKids". It will be sad as summer closes in and some are moving on to middle school. Carol is working on the year end parties.... really looking forward to those.
Happy Wed~
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Tuesday May 27th~
Where do I begin? - Carol, Kyle and I took off early to get a jump start on the long weekend. With church out Sunday - it was a perfect chance to extend our usual overnight stay at the cabin. Saturday was my birthday - 42 years young - hard to believe. Enjoyed my day at the cabin, aboard "Heaven Cent" and sharing time with Carol and Kyle at the cabin and our extended family - Donna, Taylor and Morgan. What a great weekend. Carol, Kyle and I took ownership of our new boat on Friday. They had to change the prop so we got it late that afternoon and had to take it to lake Bowen - launched it and tested it - put it back on the trailer and headed for Lake Adger. People everywhere..... but we looked like we knew what we were doing which is the important part. :)
Got the boat to Lake Adger and got our demo and instructions.... pretty cool being out on the lake finally after years in the canoe - finally got to see the entire lake! Sunday - with Carol and Kyle, Donna, Taylor and Morgan on board - we set off for some tubing and swimming. 10 minutes in - Lake Patrol pulled us and gave us a ticket for no registration. $155 and not happy at all with our boat folks. Finally got it straight with a temp registration and we finished the weekend with a great time on the lake - swimming, tubing, floating, cruising and smiling. It was hard leaving yesterday as nobody wanted to go. Those morning coffee's on the porch are something to hang on to..... and enjoy life moment by moment.
Here are a couple pictures..... classes have started for 1st summer. Busy to start the week off...but thats a good thing. Looking forward to seeing everyone this week and closing down my lunches with "MyKids" for the summer.
Gods best,
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Thursday but feeling like Friday~
Just a few thoughts and a short story this morning before heading out to have lunch with a few of "MyKids".
Last night was our church service @ the park. Free hamburgers/hotdogs and all the fixens - music and a message - worshipping God and around some of the best folks on the planet! Man what could be better.....
Thanks to Michael, John, Jim and the Hill's for their help on the grillzilla .... Yes - it took 3 of us to cook on it and we all had our own section. Thank dad for once again all the years behind the grill at your place! It paid off and I was so much looking forward to cooking like a maniac!
The park rangers came and told us to lower the music if you can believe that...or else they would have to pull the plug. I think they just need to be at the service .... come on - we are outside and in an ampitheatre!
Carol - you are amazing just making things happen! She came with 2 van fulls of "OurKids" - it was great having them all there. Sorry Donna you have to work on your birthday but I am glad to have your kids with us. I just love all of them - Kyle, Amanda, Maddie, Brodie, Beverly, Beth, Dannielle, Chloe, Wesley, Allison, the Davis girls, Sarah, Nicole, Taylor and Morgan and all the rest of "MyKids" who came to give me hugs and smiles....... ya'll make life awesome!
Last night we got to enjoy church with a family who we have been inviting for over a year! It was great having them there....and I do believe that they loved it...... and will have to say that the day they walk into church on a Sunday morning is just going to be amazing! I can't wait for that day! -
Anyways - I am still pumped from last night! It took Carol and I some time to unwind even though I was wound down much sooner than she did...she was up making breakfast this morning early! EOG's and Carols breakfast the last few morning have been awesome! The guys here @ work are enjoying the EOG's - they dont have any 3rd graders yet :)
I wanted to share this morning a story about "A guy named Rob" from last night~
I got to the park a little after 3. I pulled the E up and unloaded 10 cases of soda and a cooler - a man walked up and saw what we were doing as the band was unloading the trailer and they just unloaded the big speakers and he said - "What are ya'll doing here tonight?" - I told him that we were having church in the park. His eyes got real big and you can tell that he was a little surprised but a good surprise. We shook hands and told me he was Rob from Richmond Va. He is here for work and he normally attends his church back home on Wed nights and this was the first one he would be missing in quite some time. He asked what the deal was and what was taking place... I told him about the food and the band - service time that Pastor JImmy would be preaching and to make himself welcome ... to enjoy his time here and be comfortable. He said he had to run back to his hotel and get cleaned up - call his wife and check in with the family but also I could tell he was going to tell her how excited he was about church @ the park. I said that was cool and to be prepared because the music is loud and we are a church that has fun.... just then Hatch turned the juice on and it was LOUD .... and Rob looked at me said ... man you werent kidding - he had a big smile on his face. Rob is probably in his early 40's ... had some wear on his face and looked like he did something in construction or building with his hands...... not sure. So some time went by and folks started coming and filling the place up --- we were hot on the grill and Rob came walking back up - new clothes looking clean. I said hey to him and told him to get some food - whatever he wanted was fine and to make himself at home. A little while later Rob came back after eating, I was drinking a bottle of water and Rob thanked me for the food and said that @ his church he sings in the choir and music is such a big part of church and part of worship - and its his biggest draw to church ....he loves music.... I told him about our band and how we have volunteers in the band and how awesome Brandon is at leading worship. He said I just want to thank you for inviting me and making me feel welcome. He told me that he had to leave Richmond and his family because of work and this is exactly what he needed. I told him our church does not have a building and we stretch as much as we can to get into the community and share the love of Jesus with them. Its not about having 4 walls ... its about sharing the Love of Christ and meeting those folks where they are. Man you could tell this was going to an impactful evening for Rob. He sat mid way on the bleachers...... service was great, message great and like you said Jimmy - planting seeds is what we are doing this summer...... we are not taking the summer off. After the service - Rob came over and we shook hands - he said that was the most amazing thing ... so different than his church and the message was practical and useful - the music was awesome - he said ya'll have such a grea time and he really loved that - you could tell he missing home and his family ...... He again thanked me -he had a cushion and I told him about the website - to go there and get the downloads of the messages .... and I told him where we meet on Sundays. I invited him to come if his job keeps him in the Charlotte area for an extended time.... he said that he would do that..... and his face was all smiles during our parting conversation ..... We touched this person last night and I do believe something changed for Rob........a God thing.... AND there is nothing sweeter.
Have a great weekend everyone - be safe and remember our troops - they are what make this holiday a holiday!...
The Bateman clan will see ya'll soon - we are headed to the cabin for a long weekend, take ownership of "Heaven Cent" - our new boat and just enjoying some down time....
Last night was our church service @ the park. Free hamburgers/hotdogs and all the fixens - music and a message - worshipping God and around some of the best folks on the planet! Man what could be better.....
Thanks to Michael, John, Jim and the Hill's for their help on the grillzilla .... Yes - it took 3 of us to cook on it and we all had our own section. Thank dad for once again all the years behind the grill at your place! It paid off and I was so much looking forward to cooking like a maniac!
The park rangers came and told us to lower the music if you can believe that...or else they would have to pull the plug. I think they just need to be at the service .... come on - we are outside and in an ampitheatre!
Carol - you are amazing just making things happen! She came with 2 van fulls of "OurKids" - it was great having them all there. Sorry Donna you have to work on your birthday but I am glad to have your kids with us. I just love all of them - Kyle, Amanda, Maddie, Brodie, Beverly, Beth, Dannielle, Chloe, Wesley, Allison, the Davis girls, Sarah, Nicole, Taylor and Morgan and all the rest of "MyKids" who came to give me hugs and smiles....... ya'll make life awesome!
Last night we got to enjoy church with a family who we have been inviting for over a year! It was great having them there....and I do believe that they loved it...... and will have to say that the day they walk into church on a Sunday morning is just going to be amazing! I can't wait for that day! -
Anyways - I am still pumped from last night! It took Carol and I some time to unwind even though I was wound down much sooner than she did...she was up making breakfast this morning early! EOG's and Carols breakfast the last few morning have been awesome! The guys here @ work are enjoying the EOG's - they dont have any 3rd graders yet :)
I wanted to share this morning a story about "A guy named Rob" from last night~
I got to the park a little after 3. I pulled the E up and unloaded 10 cases of soda and a cooler - a man walked up and saw what we were doing as the band was unloading the trailer and they just unloaded the big speakers and he said - "What are ya'll doing here tonight?" - I told him that we were having church in the park. His eyes got real big and you can tell that he was a little surprised but a good surprise. We shook hands and told me he was Rob from Richmond Va. He is here for work and he normally attends his church back home on Wed nights and this was the first one he would be missing in quite some time. He asked what the deal was and what was taking place... I told him about the food and the band - service time that Pastor JImmy would be preaching and to make himself welcome ... to enjoy his time here and be comfortable. He said he had to run back to his hotel and get cleaned up - call his wife and check in with the family but also I could tell he was going to tell her how excited he was about church @ the park. I said that was cool and to be prepared because the music is loud and we are a church that has fun.... just then Hatch turned the juice on and it was LOUD .... and Rob looked at me said ... man you werent kidding - he had a big smile on his face. Rob is probably in his early 40's ... had some wear on his face and looked like he did something in construction or building with his hands...... not sure. So some time went by and folks started coming and filling the place up --- we were hot on the grill and Rob came walking back up - new clothes looking clean. I said hey to him and told him to get some food - whatever he wanted was fine and to make himself at home. A little while later Rob came back after eating, I was drinking a bottle of water and Rob thanked me for the food and said that @ his church he sings in the choir and music is such a big part of church and part of worship - and its his biggest draw to church ....he loves music.... I told him about our band and how we have volunteers in the band and how awesome Brandon is at leading worship. He said I just want to thank you for inviting me and making me feel welcome. He told me that he had to leave Richmond and his family because of work and this is exactly what he needed. I told him our church does not have a building and we stretch as much as we can to get into the community and share the love of Jesus with them. Its not about having 4 walls ... its about sharing the Love of Christ and meeting those folks where they are. Man you could tell this was going to an impactful evening for Rob. He sat mid way on the bleachers...... service was great, message great and like you said Jimmy - planting seeds is what we are doing this summer...... we are not taking the summer off. After the service - Rob came over and we shook hands - he said that was the most amazing thing ... so different than his church and the message was practical and useful - the music was awesome - he said ya'll have such a grea time and he really loved that - you could tell he missing home and his family ...... He again thanked me -he had a cushion and I told him about the website - to go there and get the downloads of the messages .... and I told him where we meet on Sundays. I invited him to come if his job keeps him in the Charlotte area for an extended time.... he said that he would do that..... and his face was all smiles during our parting conversation ..... We touched this person last night and I do believe something changed for Rob........a God thing.... AND there is nothing sweeter.
Have a great weekend everyone - be safe and remember our troops - they are what make this holiday a holiday!...
The Bateman clan will see ya'll soon - we are headed to the cabin for a long weekend, take ownership of "Heaven Cent" - our new boat and just enjoying some down time....
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Last night Carol, Kyle and I had the pleasure of watching one of Kyles good friends and have her over for supper. Yes I said - Her - we were watching her because her mom was having some tests done yesterday - they arranged this the week before and I have been praying hard for her mom for what seemed like more feverishly as yesterday approached. Carol got the call yesterday afternoon with the doctors report and all is ok. There will be some meds and maybe a procedure done at some point if the meds don't work just right but all in all - AWESOME NEWS!
So after supper we dropped Kyle's friend off at her home in a neighborhood near ours and we just love hanging with this family. This is a family who I have been praying for for over a year. A family I personally have invited to church for over a year - a family who Carol has invited and Kyle has invited for over a year - they mean that much to us! Yesterday standing in their living room as Carol and the kids went out back to check the pool out and watch the dog jump in and take a swim - I put my arm around Kyles' friends mom and said "God is so faithful" ... and she busted into tears. It was such an incredible moment. We just shared an incredible God loving moment - it was awesome. There is just such friendship in our relationships with this family and I wonder often times - as I do with many other families that my family invests in and continues to invite to church - What would it be like if we were all serving God together - all of us in the same place - serving with such passion and excitement. Our kids together on Sundays learning about Jesus, watching their parents serve the church, each other and God. Together serving our childrens ministry to step it up 2 notches and our hospitality to have the greatest things, the warmest welcomes and smiles, the setup/breakdown teams TUNED in and being excited about the chance to serve each other and to serve God on Sundays. We already have the best band going, our youth ministry is leading a path and taking names, and our preacher has been delivering messages that are hitting the ball out of the park what seems like month after month.
I wonder what it would be like for folks all around us to experience life change like my family has experienced it. What would our relationships look like if this took place? How would they change?
God does not only want to save you - He wants to change you. All of us..... As my heart gets bigger for people and as my heart gets bigger for the kids in my life and they turn into "MyKids" - I think of that family and what it would that would be like. That just pumps me up ..... thats exciting!
I am excited about tomorrow - church service @the park. I am pumped to be on the grill - go figure and not sure where that comes from..... but also excited to see folks who show up. Folks I have personally invited - friends that Kyle has invited - folks that Carol has invited - Our expectations are high because it is that important.... and if we have yet another let down because folks dont come or decide to do something else.... thats ok - God will provide another opportunity and maybe that invite will be the one. :)
EOG's this week at school - Tension is high, folks are stressed - but we had a great lunch today while visiting some of "MyKids". Getting invited by the teacher to their year end party is pretty exciting! I wouldn't miss that for anything, unless I have to be at 2 of them at the same time! "MyKids" teacher told me today that in all the years she has been teaching, she doesnt know of any student who could have used a lunch buddy than this particular student.... she thanked me today for that big investment and commitment..... That is awesome!
Love you all,
Heavenly Father- I ask that You continue to use me Lord in anyway You need me - to serve others - to see the importance of those investments in "MyKids" and their families. Help me to continue to be a blessing to others and may You continue to receive all the honor and the glory. Thank You for showing me to act Lord and not ask questions when You ask me to do something -The higher they go Lord ~ the higher I go. Thank You Lord for where I am today and for Your son Jesus. Its in His awesome name I pray,
Who has God placed in your life to help along - to walk along side and encourage? Step out in faith for them and give God the glory...... Will you let God use you today?
So after supper we dropped Kyle's friend off at her home in a neighborhood near ours and we just love hanging with this family. This is a family who I have been praying for for over a year. A family I personally have invited to church for over a year - a family who Carol has invited and Kyle has invited for over a year - they mean that much to us! Yesterday standing in their living room as Carol and the kids went out back to check the pool out and watch the dog jump in and take a swim - I put my arm around Kyles' friends mom and said "God is so faithful" ... and she busted into tears. It was such an incredible moment. We just shared an incredible God loving moment - it was awesome. There is just such friendship in our relationships with this family and I wonder often times - as I do with many other families that my family invests in and continues to invite to church - What would it be like if we were all serving God together - all of us in the same place - serving with such passion and excitement. Our kids together on Sundays learning about Jesus, watching their parents serve the church, each other and God. Together serving our childrens ministry to step it up 2 notches and our hospitality to have the greatest things, the warmest welcomes and smiles, the setup/breakdown teams TUNED in and being excited about the chance to serve each other and to serve God on Sundays. We already have the best band going, our youth ministry is leading a path and taking names, and our preacher has been delivering messages that are hitting the ball out of the park what seems like month after month.
I wonder what it would be like for folks all around us to experience life change like my family has experienced it. What would our relationships look like if this took place? How would they change?
God does not only want to save you - He wants to change you. All of us..... As my heart gets bigger for people and as my heart gets bigger for the kids in my life and they turn into "MyKids" - I think of that family and what it would that would be like. That just pumps me up ..... thats exciting!
I am excited about tomorrow - church service @the park. I am pumped to be on the grill - go figure and not sure where that comes from..... but also excited to see folks who show up. Folks I have personally invited - friends that Kyle has invited - folks that Carol has invited - Our expectations are high because it is that important.... and if we have yet another let down because folks dont come or decide to do something else.... thats ok - God will provide another opportunity and maybe that invite will be the one. :)
EOG's this week at school - Tension is high, folks are stressed - but we had a great lunch today while visiting some of "MyKids". Getting invited by the teacher to their year end party is pretty exciting! I wouldn't miss that for anything, unless I have to be at 2 of them at the same time! "MyKids" teacher told me today that in all the years she has been teaching, she doesnt know of any student who could have used a lunch buddy than this particular student.... she thanked me today for that big investment and commitment..... That is awesome!
Love you all,
Heavenly Father- I ask that You continue to use me Lord in anyway You need me - to serve others - to see the importance of those investments in "MyKids" and their families. Help me to continue to be a blessing to others and may You continue to receive all the honor and the glory. Thank You for showing me to act Lord and not ask questions when You ask me to do something -The higher they go Lord ~ the higher I go. Thank You Lord for where I am today and for Your son Jesus. Its in His awesome name I pray,
Who has God placed in your life to help along - to walk along side and encourage? Step out in faith for them and give God the glory...... Will you let God use you today?
Monday, May 19, 2008
Weather or whether?
Its all about the weather holding out if whether we have our fishing outing or not. Another chance missed last night with weather rolling into the area on our Rock Group fishing night. Kyle and I went to Walmart yesterday and you know how much I like that place and especially on a Sunday afternoon and race week! We got worms and an extra fishing pole for someone to use if they didn't have one...came home and packed the E up with the cooler, poles, worms and chairs. I then watched the radar put a damper on our plans. Its OK even though I was bummed out - especially after talking with Miss Beth and Miss Karlee last night and told them we had to cancel fishing. Beth asked me when we were rescheduling and that pulled me up a few notches.
Isn't it so true that we are all faced with 3 things when we bring something to God? I mean if we have something that we are praying about, God has basically 3 answers. No - being that no matter how much you pray for something, God has an answer of NO. Pretty clear in that answer and like any good parents has said to their children - "No means No"
Yes - God is still in the Yes business. He still does miracles and heals people from sickness. He still blesses us by answering our prayers even if we are praying for something specific and He does something just a little bit different and it turns out even better than we expected. God still says yes to many things we pray and bring to Him.
Gods other answer is "Wait". That is probably the hardest answer because we are a people who need answers when we want them right? Who wants to wait ....thats why they make credit cards! We want what we want when we want it! Doing things that way usually gets us into trouble later on. Sometimes we have prayers that last years ... and we are still waiting! I have specifically been praying for people to come to church for years and they still have not come but I know that they are not in a place right now that they would come to church. That day might come and until then, I will keep praying for them and inviting them. We have some friends who wanted to join our Rock Group a year or so ago and the timing was just not right. God told them to "Wait" and now they are stepping forward because God has put them in the right place and in the right season.
This Friday, Carol, Kyle and I are picking up our new boat. Its been a dream of ours for years but things have never worked out for us to get a boat. We have a small cabin near a lake in the NC mountains and using that lake is hard with just a canoe - even though it has been fun! But the season has come and God has moved those prayers from "Wait" to "Yes". We are excited about this family time - the memories that it will provide us and provide Kyle as he grows up and looks back on his childhood. We are excited about our friends spending time with us there and pulling the kids on the back in the tube around the lake - fishing and laughing together -their memories being made is exciting also for us as we do this life together.
My thoughts today are if you are in a place right now that is difficult, maybe you are facing a big decision or a struggle in life - keep up the prayers - continue to ask God to move you to a new place of understanding and from a "Wait" to a "Yes". I do believe we will get this Rock Group fishing thing in ... these families will come together and we will share many great laughs and smiles - our friendships will grow closer and our kids will really get to know each other ... I know God will move us from "Wait" to "Yes" when the time comes...... and the excitement will build and we can plan our next outings together for the summer.
Keep the faith and know the weather will still happen but its up to God on whether its the right season for you to move forward and when its time ..... its going to be AWESOME!
Have a blessed Monday today~
Isn't it so true that we are all faced with 3 things when we bring something to God? I mean if we have something that we are praying about, God has basically 3 answers. No - being that no matter how much you pray for something, God has an answer of NO. Pretty clear in that answer and like any good parents has said to their children - "No means No"
Yes - God is still in the Yes business. He still does miracles and heals people from sickness. He still blesses us by answering our prayers even if we are praying for something specific and He does something just a little bit different and it turns out even better than we expected. God still says yes to many things we pray and bring to Him.
Gods other answer is "Wait". That is probably the hardest answer because we are a people who need answers when we want them right? Who wants to wait ....thats why they make credit cards! We want what we want when we want it! Doing things that way usually gets us into trouble later on. Sometimes we have prayers that last years ... and we are still waiting! I have specifically been praying for people to come to church for years and they still have not come but I know that they are not in a place right now that they would come to church. That day might come and until then, I will keep praying for them and inviting them. We have some friends who wanted to join our Rock Group a year or so ago and the timing was just not right. God told them to "Wait" and now they are stepping forward because God has put them in the right place and in the right season.
This Friday, Carol, Kyle and I are picking up our new boat. Its been a dream of ours for years but things have never worked out for us to get a boat. We have a small cabin near a lake in the NC mountains and using that lake is hard with just a canoe - even though it has been fun! But the season has come and God has moved those prayers from "Wait" to "Yes". We are excited about this family time - the memories that it will provide us and provide Kyle as he grows up and looks back on his childhood. We are excited about our friends spending time with us there and pulling the kids on the back in the tube around the lake - fishing and laughing together -their memories being made is exciting also for us as we do this life together.
My thoughts today are if you are in a place right now that is difficult, maybe you are facing a big decision or a struggle in life - keep up the prayers - continue to ask God to move you to a new place of understanding and from a "Wait" to a "Yes". I do believe we will get this Rock Group fishing thing in ... these families will come together and we will share many great laughs and smiles - our friendships will grow closer and our kids will really get to know each other ... I know God will move us from "Wait" to "Yes" when the time comes...... and the excitement will build and we can plan our next outings together for the summer.
Keep the faith and know the weather will still happen but its up to God on whether its the right season for you to move forward and when its time ..... its going to be AWESOME!
Have a blessed Monday today~
Saturday, May 17, 2008
What a day ....
It has been a long time since I have seen a day so pretty. Low humidity and awesome temps in the 70's ... man its just nice being outside. Watching the last inning of the Mets -Yankees game - its always cool watching the NY Subway series... I know if Walt was here we would be watching it together. Tonight we will be in racin mode - with the All Star race here in Charlotte - its a great couple of weeks for the area, bringing in lots of people and excitement. We will be pulling for JR and Tony Stewart tonight ....... and hoping the jets fly right over the house.
I want to take a moment and wish 2 great people in our lives a happy birthday! Mike and Lexi - enjoy your day today .....Mike is turning 29 again and Lexi is 15 ...... love you both and Happy Birthday!
Looking forward to church tomorrow~
I want to take a moment and wish 2 great people in our lives a happy birthday! Mike and Lexi - enjoy your day today .....Mike is turning 29 again and Lexi is 15 ...... love you both and Happy Birthday!
Looking forward to church tomorrow~
Friday, May 16, 2008
A couple quick Friday thoughts.....
I was in early this morning @work - had to stop and get the folks here at work a bunch of Bojangles biscuits and all. They really appreciated it and I was not much into cereal this morning but man I enjoyed my coffee. I remember back just last Saturday sitting on the front porch at the cabin sitting with Carol listening to the birds and the quietness having our coffee and thinking this is awesome. Carol, Kyle and I will be there next weekend for a long weekend and I just can't wait. We do have a lot of things in between though - with visiting some of "MyKids" soccer games tomorrow - church on Sunday and then our outing at Frank Lisk for some fishing with some other church families. The kids are pumped about this and I am excited as well to reach out further into the lives of some other awesome folks. I am praying for good weather! - 2 of "MyKids" have a bet on who catches the biggest fish - the other has to kiss the other persons fish... so I look forward to getting this on film!!!
This morning I opend my 2008 Chazown and read through it to see where I am in my "Vision" for 2008. I am doing pretty well with it all and happy that I revisited it. I had lunch with "MyKids" today and the teacher excused one of "MyKids" from silent lunch because I was there but she has to do 2 next week. Man that is awesome and I am glad I got to talk with her and listen to what she needs to tell me. I think everyone had my hat on - bojangles was a hit and everyone got something - My phone was taking pictures and I have looked at them like 4 times since..... just awesome stuff. The teacher invited me to the 5th grade graduation ceremony they have and that just puffs me up big time. I am excited I am included in that ..... As lunch was over... I had kids hugging me and telling me they would see me at church Sunday and next week for our Park Service ... I got 2 "Uncle Lonnie - I love you" - dude nothing is better than that.
I had a chance this late afternoon to read some of "TheWall" - its something I check from time to time and post on from time to time..... you can check it out the background music is awesome and relaxing..... there are some huge life prayers being posted..... God is good~
My dad's reports all came back good. Doctor told him he was in better health than he was last year! Only problem was between his ears..... so thanks to everyone for praying for him. :)
Well - have to pack it up here.....looking forward to the weekend and excited to see what God unfolds........
Love ya'll,
This morning I opend my 2008 Chazown and read through it to see where I am in my "Vision" for 2008. I am doing pretty well with it all and happy that I revisited it. I had lunch with "MyKids" today and the teacher excused one of "MyKids" from silent lunch because I was there but she has to do 2 next week. Man that is awesome and I am glad I got to talk with her and listen to what she needs to tell me. I think everyone had my hat on - bojangles was a hit and everyone got something - My phone was taking pictures and I have looked at them like 4 times since..... just awesome stuff. The teacher invited me to the 5th grade graduation ceremony they have and that just puffs me up big time. I am excited I am included in that ..... As lunch was over... I had kids hugging me and telling me they would see me at church Sunday and next week for our Park Service ... I got 2 "Uncle Lonnie - I love you" - dude nothing is better than that.
I had a chance this late afternoon to read some of "TheWall" - its something I check from time to time and post on from time to time..... you can check it out the background music is awesome and relaxing..... there are some huge life prayers being posted..... God is good~
My dad's reports all came back good. Doctor told him he was in better health than he was last year! Only problem was between his ears..... so thanks to everyone for praying for him. :)
Well - have to pack it up here.....looking forward to the weekend and excited to see what God unfolds........
Love ya'll,
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom!
I really had to think about doing this blog entry this morning or later today. I know as I begin to type this and let my heart and mind flush out onto this screen, I will be a mess afterwards and I am at work.... wont be good but I know how my mom was a morning person and I guess I got that from her but my dad takes credit for that too since he was a morning person as well. I love the mornings above all other times during the day.
It has been 2 years and 82 days since you left mom to be with Jesus.... Every day I have missed you and I wish every day I have felt you. I don't know if this day will ever be any easier and there is meaning when people say - I would give anything to have another chance to just sit and talk - another chance to hug you again - another chance to hear you laugh. The reality is - we all will have to give everything to be able to do that. We will all have to leave here (this earth) and leave everything behind but the reward will be to see you again and even more important is to be with Jesus like we have never experienced Him with our time here on earth.
What would I say if I could take 30 minutes this afternoon and spend with you? That question has been on my mind pretty heavy the last few days.
I would tell you -
Mom you look awesome - look how pretty you are. Is heaven as awesome as I have been told? How is grandpa Joe? How is WALT and Mary Lou!? -Is RK there with you? Dad is fine - he has his doctors appointment today and finds out his test results. He is still having problems with his heart and is not feeling good - he was in the ER over the weekend and is worried. I want so bad to ask him if he really knows. Knows that if eternity came today that he would be in heaven with you. I too need to know that answer. I wish I saved that napkin mom where I wrote "I Promise" on it when you were in the hospital and kicked everyone out - but demanded that I stayed. You asked me to take care of the family and to make sure you got to see dad and everyone else again. You knew where you were going as I did too. God revealed to me early on that your earthly body was going to pass away but the miracle was you were going to be healed in heaven. It was not what I wanted but what I had to accept. It made my walk with Jesus that much more clear and defined - I was filled with Gods peace and understanding and the more I asked the Lord to walk with me and teach me the more He revealed to me. I really came to know Jesus in a personal way because of you.
Romans 8:28 tell us that we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,[a] who[b] have been called according to his purpose.
Mom I think as my 30 minutes were ticking away, I would let you do most of the talking. I would let you just tell me about Heaven, about what its like to be with Jesus in person every single day, I would let you tell me that everyday is your birthday in Heaven and how everyday is a celebration away from hurt, guilt, heartache, pain and struggles. I would close with telling you how awesome your grandson Kyle is. How he led Walt to accept Jesus. How good in school he is and how he serves Jesus at church and how he reaches out to other kids in amazing ways. I would tell you that Carol is amazing and our relationship has grown closer because of Jesus and we are teaching Sunday school together. I would tell you that I don't have just one son - I have so many sons and daughters that I am just blessed beyond anything I could ever imagine. I know you would have loved to come to church with us and spend an evening with our Rock Group families and see some of "MyKids" for yourself and see what God has done in our lives and the new direction He has taken us. How I long for others to know this direction and to have other folks in their lives to walk with them, to love them and pray with them - to do life with.
Mom you were an amazing woman. A woman who always did what she said she was going to do, who served others way before serving yourself, who always knew what to say and to always be there for others when they needed you. You didn't have a mean bone in your body and your time here on earth was way too short. But I know in all my heart God used you to show himself to those around you. My walk with Christ has been strengthened because of you. I was there that Saturday morning in our church office with Pastor Jimmy when you rededicated your life to Jesus. It was an amazing moment and not one I will ever forget. Those moments gave you the strength and courage to do what what needed in those tough months and days ahead.
You were a fighter and went down swinging but all through it - You shown the light of God to all around you. You taught many things in the last months you were with us here about God and I am so proud of you.
In my last few minutes of our getting together today.... I would pray with you and tell you I love you. I will see you when its my time mom but until then - there is much work to do. God has called me to reach out to "MyKids" who I am responsible for and love with all my heart and for the families I am doing life with.... to serve them in every way I can. I know without any doubt you would be proud of me - proud of Carol and Kyle for their part in Gods plan. I can't even begin to explain how much Aunt Sharon misses you and how much dad misses you. Dad has been searching to redefine himself and part of him left when you had to leave. I do believe that God is working on his heart.
Galations 2:20
20 My old self has been crucified with Christ.[a] It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
I will see you soon mom~ until then I will continue to press through the hard things that you left in my trust on that napkin - "I Promise". God is with me on that assignment and I am thankful for that because it would be too big for me to do alone. Aint that just the perfect plan that God has put together - doing something bigger than we are so that we ask Him for help and rely totally upon Him. Your passing was part of His perfect plan........
Happy Birthday Momma - tell everyone hey!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Just Amazing....
I blogged last week about a child in Kyles class who I walked past at lunch and was upset because she had very little to eat and was still hungry. I opened my wallet to find it empty and I asked Carol to sneak this child $5 for lunch. That has really been on my heart since last week and today at lunch could not come fast enough. I went to the ATM across campus this morning and left a little early for lunch. Got a good seat at the parent table where I could see Kyles class come into the lunchroom. The kids almost had to walk right past me to get to the lunch line! So I got Kyle and he and I followed his classmate to the lunch line. It has been YEARS since I was in a school lunch line ... not much has changed from what I can remember. I guess thats a good thing, I don't really know - I do know we had better looking food though. Anyways, I put my hands on her shoulders and told her that today - she was pick whatever she wanted from the menu because it was on me. She looked up and said but I only have .50 on my account. I told her it was ok and that I would fix that when we paid. She got chicken, rice, 2 milks, and a slice of cake and then a bag of chips. Man the smile was just priceless as we got to the front of the line. I handed the nice lady $20 and told her to put the rest on her account. I told Kyles classmate that from now until the rest of school that she could get whatever she wanted. She gave me a look and a smile that I will not soon forget because it had "Thank You" all over it.
I don't care what the situation is at home - or if a parent has lost of job or has left the home or if someone in the family is sick - all I know is last week - God presented me with a need and I did not have the margin to do something about it. I was tore up about that and I know God places things into our lives to teach us and to grow us and to fulfill a need for someone. I made it right today and I feel even prouder of the cross that is around my neck because I was the hands and feet of Jesus today and I touched the heart of child who just might need that little bit of love to get her through a tough time.
Don't we all have folks around us in our lives that we can be the hands and feet of Jesus? Isn't there a need that someone has that we can help with? I have never looked at myself as a leader but as someone who comes along side and walks with them, encourages them and builds them up..... its a gift I have only touched upon the last few years since my relationship with Jesus has begun. I am still just amazed .........
There is nothing like serving others ... serving them with no expectations for something in return, serving them with nothing else but love in ones heart for them and their family. God blesses that ~ they always say - giving is better than receiving...I always thought they were nuts but now I totally agree..... Carol and I are living that today and feeling those blessings.
Lord thank You for the opportunity to be Your hands and feet today. Thank You for placing this child on my heart this year, especially the last few months as I have got to know her and many other kids in Kyles class. Lord I pray that today brings You glory and honor in serving this child and helping in a need - it is all for you and I ask that You continue to use me, Carol and Kyle Lord in the way You need us.
Have a great Thursday! Idol vote off tonight......
I don't care what the situation is at home - or if a parent has lost of job or has left the home or if someone in the family is sick - all I know is last week - God presented me with a need and I did not have the margin to do something about it. I was tore up about that and I know God places things into our lives to teach us and to grow us and to fulfill a need for someone. I made it right today and I feel even prouder of the cross that is around my neck because I was the hands and feet of Jesus today and I touched the heart of child who just might need that little bit of love to get her through a tough time.
Don't we all have folks around us in our lives that we can be the hands and feet of Jesus? Isn't there a need that someone has that we can help with? I have never looked at myself as a leader but as someone who comes along side and walks with them, encourages them and builds them up..... its a gift I have only touched upon the last few years since my relationship with Jesus has begun. I am still just amazed .........
There is nothing like serving others ... serving them with no expectations for something in return, serving them with nothing else but love in ones heart for them and their family. God blesses that ~ they always say - giving is better than receiving...I always thought they were nuts but now I totally agree..... Carol and I are living that today and feeling those blessings.
Lord thank You for the opportunity to be Your hands and feet today. Thank You for placing this child on my heart this year, especially the last few months as I have got to know her and many other kids in Kyles class. Lord I pray that today brings You glory and honor in serving this child and helping in a need - it is all for you and I ask that You continue to use me, Carol and Kyle Lord in the way You need us.
Have a great Thursday! Idol vote off tonight......
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Busy Tuesday~
Wow it was a busy day but a day I did get out for lunch and get with some of "MyKids" - they had a kickball soccer thing right after lunch and everyone was pulling me by the arm to come see them. So the teacher agreed and I got to see some fun. The kids were really into this and I am glad I went .. "MyKids" were really happy I got to watch them. I think I got some sun on my head since I didnt have my hat on!
Today at work we wrapped up some detective work. The last few months we have been getting robbed of computers, laptops, cash, wallets, cell phones and other such small item that easily fit into a bag. After the last week or so with some extreme police work with cooperation by our department - we got our theifs. Today while coming to work the police on campus were ready and waiting - pulling the person over and finding no drivers lisence, crack cocaine and all this on top of what we had her taking already. It has been a very interesting week with all this taking place - I have always respected police officers and honor them in every way we can. They do an important job and I am proud of what they do each and every day. At one point in my life being a police officer was on the short list but decided to work with computers. After the rush of catching someone and all the rules a police officer has to follow to do his job - I think I made the right choice because I would have been fired long ago.... I dont have much patience!
Anyways - tonight I got to pick up Lexi Lou and Grant - got to ask how their day was and for them to share with me something good that the day had in store and something not so good. Boy I asked the question! I then headed to get the grass cut and "MyKids" there met me with such love and hugs.... it was awesome!
Looking forward to tomorrow - getting our church schedule out - our plans for fishing @ the park with our rock group while celebrating our MAY birthdays and then heading to Kyles school for lunch. School is almost over - party plans are in place and I need to start writing all this down!!!
going to finish Idol now..... seems to be one sided. Rock on....
Today at work we wrapped up some detective work. The last few months we have been getting robbed of computers, laptops, cash, wallets, cell phones and other such small item that easily fit into a bag. After the last week or so with some extreme police work with cooperation by our department - we got our theifs. Today while coming to work the police on campus were ready and waiting - pulling the person over and finding no drivers lisence, crack cocaine and all this on top of what we had her taking already. It has been a very interesting week with all this taking place - I have always respected police officers and honor them in every way we can. They do an important job and I am proud of what they do each and every day. At one point in my life being a police officer was on the short list but decided to work with computers. After the rush of catching someone and all the rules a police officer has to follow to do his job - I think I made the right choice because I would have been fired long ago.... I dont have much patience!
Anyways - tonight I got to pick up Lexi Lou and Grant - got to ask how their day was and for them to share with me something good that the day had in store and something not so good. Boy I asked the question! I then headed to get the grass cut and "MyKids" there met me with such love and hugs.... it was awesome!
Looking forward to tomorrow - getting our church schedule out - our plans for fishing @ the park with our rock group while celebrating our MAY birthdays and then heading to Kyles school for lunch. School is almost over - party plans are in place and I need to start writing all this down!!!
going to finish Idol now..... seems to be one sided. Rock on....
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day~
Its kind of weird this afternoon around the house. Church was good - lots of folks missing - I guess out to eat or gone to visit family. For Carol and I - mothers day is so much different than it was a few years ago. With both of our moms in heaven today - it seems almost like a lost day. A day with meaning and purpose but just no place to interject ... Our plans for Rock group tonight at the park have been washed out with the rain. So we will regroup next week and try again. We are having some of our rock group tonight at the house and I am thankful for that and for them. I got a call from my brother yesterday as we were traveling back from the cabin that dad was in the ER. He has his test results from the test from last week coming up on Wed morning. He is just feeling bad and there is something wrong even if the ER docs couldnt find anything. So I am asking for prayers- for the right test to be done and for something that can be fixed. I will keep everyone posted but please keep him in your prayers.
Our time this weekend at the cabin was short - I could have used today being there. Its such a peaceful place and one that when we first arrive and I am sitting in my chair --- man its such an awesome feeling. The evenings come to life with wildlife and I am really looking forward to this summer being there. I love looking up at night from the deck - all the stars and knowing how small we really are~ but also how important God thinks of us to create us. That morning coffee on the deck ~ that is a piece of heaven.
Time to make some mothers days calls ~ Happy mothers day to everyone. Ya'll are special in every way! I think I said those words a 1000 times today at church .. probably because I wont get to tell my mom that today. But at least I got to share those words with some special people.... and some special moms......
Hope you enjoy your mothers day gift Carol - you are an awesome mom in every way........
Happy Mothers day mom, I miss you~
Our time this weekend at the cabin was short - I could have used today being there. Its such a peaceful place and one that when we first arrive and I am sitting in my chair --- man its such an awesome feeling. The evenings come to life with wildlife and I am really looking forward to this summer being there. I love looking up at night from the deck - all the stars and knowing how small we really are~ but also how important God thinks of us to create us. That morning coffee on the deck ~ that is a piece of heaven.
Time to make some mothers days calls ~ Happy mothers day to everyone. Ya'll are special in every way! I think I said those words a 1000 times today at church .. probably because I wont get to tell my mom that today. But at least I got to share those words with some special people.... and some special moms......
Hope you enjoy your mothers day gift Carol - you are an awesome mom in every way........
Happy Mothers day mom, I miss you~
Friday, May 9, 2008
My Odometer...
Well I just can't believe that my odometer will be turning 42 this month. A few years ago my odometer was almost turned in and here I am still clicking away. I can remember when I was Kyle age or how I felt when I am talking with one of "MyKids" about a boy she likes.... I have been there. I remember the days of pimples and getting my first job. I remember cheap gas and my 1977 Monte Carlo - man I wish I still had that car or my 1986 Honda Crx that got 57 miles to the gallon! I have learned a lot about life and about living - especially the last few years. God has shown me and taught me so much in these few short years. He has put people in my life to love - to do life with them - kids that are like my own.... He has given me a great wife and true friend and a great son who I know He has big plans for in his life. SO much to look forward to and experience...... here are a few things I want to share this morning. Hope 1 or 2 of these really hits home for someone..... I am off to lunch in a few. Looking forward to seeing "MyKids" today and heading to the cabin for a short stay.......
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. (we have to teach our children this)
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step. (step away from your fears)
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. (hating only hurts ourselve)
4. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does. (put others before yourself)
5. Pay off your credit cards every month. (if not- cut it up until its paid off)
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. (does it really matter anyways?)
7. Cry with someone.It's more healing than crying alone. (I couldnt agree more)
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it. (then give those angers to Him)
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck. (investing in the future)
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. (M&M weakness)
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present. (we can drive in life through a rear view mirror)
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry. (they are stronger and understand more than we give them credit)
13. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about. (AMEN)
14. If a relationship has to be a secret,you shouldn't be in it. (put them in front of others)
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks. (Are your ready?)
16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying. (ask God to point your feet each morning and then follow Him)
17. You can get through anything if you stay put in today. (ground yourself in Gods truth)
18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write. (even if you stink at it at first)
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else. (learn on lifes lessons and move forward)
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer. (keep on getting on)
***21. Believe in miracles. (God does)
**** 22. Your children get only one childhood. Make it memorable. (Invest in them- Invest in the children you are trusted with)
*****23.Read the Psalms. They cover every human emotion. (Awesome!)
24. The best is yet to come. (Thank You Jesus)
25. "May the Lord's face radiate with joy because of you" Numbers 6:24
Gods blessings today~
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. (we have to teach our children this)
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step. (step away from your fears)
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. (hating only hurts ourselve)
4. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does. (put others before yourself)
5. Pay off your credit cards every month. (if not- cut it up until its paid off)
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. (does it really matter anyways?)
7. Cry with someone.It's more healing than crying alone. (I couldnt agree more)
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it. (then give those angers to Him)
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck. (investing in the future)
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. (M&M weakness)
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present. (we can drive in life through a rear view mirror)
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry. (they are stronger and understand more than we give them credit)
13. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about. (AMEN)
14. If a relationship has to be a secret,you shouldn't be in it. (put them in front of others)
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks. (Are your ready?)
16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying. (ask God to point your feet each morning and then follow Him)
17. You can get through anything if you stay put in today. (ground yourself in Gods truth)
18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write. (even if you stink at it at first)
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else. (learn on lifes lessons and move forward)
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer. (keep on getting on)
***21. Believe in miracles. (God does)
**** 22. Your children get only one childhood. Make it memorable. (Invest in them- Invest in the children you are trusted with)
*****23.Read the Psalms. They cover every human emotion. (Awesome!)
24. The best is yet to come. (Thank You Jesus)
25. "May the Lord's face radiate with joy because of you" Numbers 6:24
Gods blessings today~
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Yesterday while at school, I went and got in the lunch line and wished a happy birthday to Kyles teacher. We have had a good year together and she has such a wonderful class of kids. She really had it tough last year and I am happy that this year was much different. I look forward to next year - seeing all the kids from Kyles class because it has taken me a year to get to know some of them. Some I know more than others but all in all - I look forward to having lunch with them and seeing them in the halls. Hopefully a few of them will be allowed to have lunch next year so that I can continue to invest in them. While walking back from the lunch line I noticed one of the kids was upset and I knelt down next to her to ask what was wrong. She had very little for lunch and I reached into my wallet to give her some money and I didn't have any. DANG I hate that~ I really was upset with myself for not having something to give this child - even if her parents can provide for her or not - It is a moment in time and that child needed something then...not later.
I asked Carol this morning to bring $5 with her to give to this child - so that for a few days - she will have something no matter what. She agreed and promised me she would.
This morning on the way to work, I almost had to pull over. I have been trying to push down the fact that this Sunday is mothers day - the 15th is my moms birthday and it has been over 2 years now that my mom has been with the Lord. I miss her and sometimes I hear her laughing or saying my name. I guess no amount of time will ever make that easier. Carol and I are investing so much these days into the children in our lives, the families in our lives and into our church. I guess in many ways once a person goes through the season of losing a loved one - it changes you forever. My buddy Warren is going through this season right now with his dad. It is a tough place to be and it makes us think about our own futures and where we stand with God.
It occurred to me this morning that every Sunday at church when Pastor Jimmy leads us in prayer for those who have not accepted Jesus to accept Jesus - I am praying that same prayer every single week right along with them. Do you do that as well? Do you wonder about the salvation of those around you in your life or your own salvation? Do you wonder where you stand with God?
I remember back a few months and Carol, my dad and I were sitting in our living room and Carol was asking my dad if he really knew. He didn't really know where he stood with Jesus. To this day I continue to pray for my dad and for him to really know. I dont really know where my dad stand with God..... There are many others I continue to pray for - so many "LOOK" good on the outside ... but on the inside - do they really know? I see kids walking up and down the sidewalk right outside my office- they are worried about there finals - they will soon be leaving for the summer or enjoying time off from school for 2 weeks before summer classes start -some are graduating and moving on in life - do they really know?
We have to treat eternity as if it could come today ...... that is written in my journal that I write my LifeTalk notes in @church. Are you ready if eternity came today? Have you put your faith and trust in Jesus right now as you read this? Do you really know where you stand with God?
I am headed back to lunch today to invest in a few of "MyKids" - I continue to pray for each of them before I go into the school - for their mom and dads - for the things happening in their homes - for the struggles in their families and for the relationships they have. Do they really know? Sometimes I think the investments I am making in them are for not - but then the Lord taps me and tells me they are His investments... Its not about me.... the cross on my neck represents Him and it is for Him I continue to keep His lamp shining so that others may know... that they may know what He has done for me - He can do for them too.
Lord I pray this morning because we are a broken people, we have struggles and difficulties and we need You. But You made us and You know our hearts - I pray for community today Lord. For families to come together - to bond together and grow together to bring you honor and praise. I pray for those in tough seasons right now and that they can see something good within their season Lord because there is something to learn even during those painful times. I pray for those around us who are not sure about where they stand with You. I pray that they can cross that line today into trusting You and putting their full hearts into You. I pray that if eternity came today Lord - that they would know where they would be going. I thank You for Your son Jesus and for the paths You have shown me in my life and where I am today and that they too can experience Your love and grace. I pray we leave nobody behind Lord. Our time here is short and no matter how long we have - it is never long enough. I pray for little Adam this morning and for his family Lord. May Your grace and love flow over them like a spring rain Lord. I pray for understanding there and I ask that You pull each of them close to You today so that they may feel You in a new and powerful way. May one day my dad come to know You and really experience You in a life changing way. Thank You Lord for all of "MyKids".
I pray in Your sons most awesome name in Jesus,
I guess this morning I am spilling over....... Its all good.
I asked Carol this morning to bring $5 with her to give to this child - so that for a few days - she will have something no matter what. She agreed and promised me she would.
This morning on the way to work, I almost had to pull over. I have been trying to push down the fact that this Sunday is mothers day - the 15th is my moms birthday and it has been over 2 years now that my mom has been with the Lord. I miss her and sometimes I hear her laughing or saying my name. I guess no amount of time will ever make that easier. Carol and I are investing so much these days into the children in our lives, the families in our lives and into our church. I guess in many ways once a person goes through the season of losing a loved one - it changes you forever. My buddy Warren is going through this season right now with his dad. It is a tough place to be and it makes us think about our own futures and where we stand with God.
It occurred to me this morning that every Sunday at church when Pastor Jimmy leads us in prayer for those who have not accepted Jesus to accept Jesus - I am praying that same prayer every single week right along with them. Do you do that as well? Do you wonder about the salvation of those around you in your life or your own salvation? Do you wonder where you stand with God?
I remember back a few months and Carol, my dad and I were sitting in our living room and Carol was asking my dad if he really knew. He didn't really know where he stood with Jesus. To this day I continue to pray for my dad and for him to really know. I dont really know where my dad stand with God..... There are many others I continue to pray for - so many "LOOK" good on the outside ... but on the inside - do they really know? I see kids walking up and down the sidewalk right outside my office- they are worried about there finals - they will soon be leaving for the summer or enjoying time off from school for 2 weeks before summer classes start -some are graduating and moving on in life - do they really know?
We have to treat eternity as if it could come today ...... that is written in my journal that I write my LifeTalk notes in @church. Are you ready if eternity came today? Have you put your faith and trust in Jesus right now as you read this? Do you really know where you stand with God?
I am headed back to lunch today to invest in a few of "MyKids" - I continue to pray for each of them before I go into the school - for their mom and dads - for the things happening in their homes - for the struggles in their families and for the relationships they have. Do they really know? Sometimes I think the investments I am making in them are for not - but then the Lord taps me and tells me they are His investments... Its not about me.... the cross on my neck represents Him and it is for Him I continue to keep His lamp shining so that others may know... that they may know what He has done for me - He can do for them too.
Lord I pray this morning because we are a broken people, we have struggles and difficulties and we need You. But You made us and You know our hearts - I pray for community today Lord. For families to come together - to bond together and grow together to bring you honor and praise. I pray for those in tough seasons right now and that they can see something good within their season Lord because there is something to learn even during those painful times. I pray for those around us who are not sure about where they stand with You. I pray that they can cross that line today into trusting You and putting their full hearts into You. I pray that if eternity came today Lord - that they would know where they would be going. I thank You for Your son Jesus and for the paths You have shown me in my life and where I am today and that they too can experience Your love and grace. I pray we leave nobody behind Lord. Our time here is short and no matter how long we have - it is never long enough. I pray for little Adam this morning and for his family Lord. May Your grace and love flow over them like a spring rain Lord. I pray for understanding there and I ask that You pull each of them close to You today so that they may feel You in a new and powerful way. May one day my dad come to know You and really experience You in a life changing way. Thank You Lord for all of "MyKids".
I pray in Your sons most awesome name in Jesus,
I guess this morning I am spilling over....... Its all good.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
A busy day!!! Kyle and I ran tonight - I dont mean up the road and back but out to the hardware store - we had to get some supplies for Sunday School - I found a painters sheet that I am going to hang on a door/window at church that lets light into our worship center and I sent Kyle to get me some hang up the sheet - man he scored..... it should work out great.
Kyle and I came home and planted our flowers out near the pool and the mailbox - they were from my grandmothers a few weeks ago and they needed to be planted!!! It does look good and Lantana and Verbena can take the summer heat with little care and little water. Something I like ... no work there so I can focus on my VEGI's - I counted the 'Mater plants tonight and I have 22 of them... hope I have some extra friends this summer to help me eat them all :)
Carol went to school tonight and helped with the talent show. Man I wanted to be there for that but I will be on June 6th - so I am honored to see many of "MyKids" perform.... I just have to get Brandon to be the judge which I will beg him - I mean ask him tomorrow about that.
Well its Idol time - sorry I already know who is going home...... its just above what he can do.... but still proud of his representing Jesus in front of millions......way to go Jason but its time - go out strong!!!
I have spent extra time in prayer today and the last few days concerning talking with some families about this Sunday Rock Group "Outreach" - so far it has been accepted with such enthusiasm .... I am happy about that and God is showing me to test Him more.... life change is happening and I am just honored to be part of all this..... really looking forward to it :)
Another lunch day tomorrow - not many left :(
Love you all,
Kyle and I came home and planted our flowers out near the pool and the mailbox - they were from my grandmothers a few weeks ago and they needed to be planted!!! It does look good and Lantana and Verbena can take the summer heat with little care and little water. Something I like ... no work there so I can focus on my VEGI's - I counted the 'Mater plants tonight and I have 22 of them... hope I have some extra friends this summer to help me eat them all :)
Carol went to school tonight and helped with the talent show. Man I wanted to be there for that but I will be on June 6th - so I am honored to see many of "MyKids" perform.... I just have to get Brandon to be the judge which I will beg him - I mean ask him tomorrow about that.
Well its Idol time - sorry I already know who is going home...... its just above what he can do.... but still proud of his representing Jesus in front of millions......way to go Jason but its time - go out strong!!!
I have spent extra time in prayer today and the last few days concerning talking with some families about this Sunday Rock Group "Outreach" - so far it has been accepted with such enthusiasm .... I am happy about that and God is showing me to test Him more.... life change is happening and I am just honored to be part of all this..... really looking forward to it :)
Another lunch day tomorrow - not many left :(
Love you all,
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
So much going on....
Wow - seems like everything is happening at mock speed. Our youth pastor @church - Travis and his wife Kristen are in labor right now. We are waiting word at any moment - my Aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster are out of town visiting family in Illinois this week - I miss talking with her this week. They never venture far from the farm so its weird they are not here or online or getting an email from her. Hope they are enjoying their trip even though the reason for travel is that Uncle Buster has a brother that was diagnosed with cancer. I am praying that the Lord is with them up and down the highways.
Work has been busy with fiscal year coming to a close, faculty leaving and preperations of new faculty arriving, students are finishing up finals and faculty are putting in grades.
I shared with our Rock Group this past Sunday concerning our "Outreach" this summer. Once a month we will get together and invite those around us who are wanting and needing to get plugged in - plugged into community- plugged in to doing life together- plugged into a support system - plugged into other Christian families and people who will grow closer together, closer to God and closer in our church. We will be meeting in the community doing fun things - like fishing at the park, pool party at the house with cookout, Summer movie times, baseball games, movies like when the Chronicles of Narnia comes out on May 15th, music at the University - lots of different things we can do while enjoying investing in each other.
Looking forward to heading to the cabin this coming Friday - its a short visit but a needed one. Carol and I will spend a little time tomorrow getting Sunday School craft figured out for this coming Sunday. Its mothers day and that is always a special day- even at church. Carol has scored some giveaways that will be given to some moms and that is always special.
Looking forward to seeing all "MyKids" @ lunch this week. 2 days in a row with no lunches........ I will be pumped tomorrow~
Feeling better today ~ Got some grass to cut tonight.... I always enjoy that time serving the people I love.
Work has been busy with fiscal year coming to a close, faculty leaving and preperations of new faculty arriving, students are finishing up finals and faculty are putting in grades.
I shared with our Rock Group this past Sunday concerning our "Outreach" this summer. Once a month we will get together and invite those around us who are wanting and needing to get plugged in - plugged into community- plugged in to doing life together- plugged into a support system - plugged into other Christian families and people who will grow closer together, closer to God and closer in our church. We will be meeting in the community doing fun things - like fishing at the park, pool party at the house with cookout, Summer movie times, baseball games, movies like when the Chronicles of Narnia comes out on May 15th, music at the University - lots of different things we can do while enjoying investing in each other.
Looking forward to heading to the cabin this coming Friday - its a short visit but a needed one. Carol and I will spend a little time tomorrow getting Sunday School craft figured out for this coming Sunday. Its mothers day and that is always a special day- even at church. Carol has scored some giveaways that will be given to some moms and that is always special.
Looking forward to seeing all "MyKids" @ lunch this week. 2 days in a row with no lunches........ I will be pumped tomorrow~
Feeling better today ~ Got some grass to cut tonight.... I always enjoy that time serving the people I love.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Monday morning and starting slow....
Wow - I am in the pits this morning. Feeling pretty rotten - I guess Saturday night I caught a cold from one of the kids. My friend Leigh and I handled the kids during our Project 252 fund raiser and man it was a long 4 or so hours. Carol came in and helped - some of the Project 252 kids came in and helped and Missy came in to help in the preschool area. We were still overwhelmed and I am thankful for the "Bee" movie - which I played on a projector, my laptop and hung a sheet on the wall to use as a screen. That took up a good hour and half and I am thankful for that entertainment! It was a great evening even if I was doubting doing Sunday school yesterday~Kid overload ... but it turned out awesome and glad I was part of it. Kim does such a great job at leading on her Sundays... I love Sunday school especially those days because I don't know what Kim is going to do next and her planning sheet is a blank piece of paper - she is the QUEEN of wingin it. You rock Kim........
I have a busy week ahead - finals are wrapping up here at work - Election day here in NC is messing with my lunch schedule with "MyKids"..and I can't even vote - so that tells you where my party line is at... Our Rock Group met last night and had a great time together even though I was really missing one of "MyKids" in her play last night. I SO wanted to be there for that but I know she loves doing that stuff and there will be more opportunities to see her on stage. Very proud of her...... she has an awesome family.
I presented the summer plans for our Rock Group and it was accepted with some excitement. I am very happy about that and excited, scared, nervous and I will continue to ask the Lord to lead us through this .... I will post those changes today ... so check back later!
I am thankful for the good news concerning Hunter - the son of 2 good friends of ours from church - who was stung last week from Fire Ants. He was rushed to the ER but is doing fine now. Thats twice in the last week or so of someone I know who had a allergic reaction to Ant stings. Kyle and his buddy collect them in jars - go figure.....
Anyways - got to get motivated today even if I feel like poop.
I have a busy week ahead - finals are wrapping up here at work - Election day here in NC is messing with my lunch schedule with "MyKids"..and I can't even vote - so that tells you where my party line is at... Our Rock Group met last night and had a great time together even though I was really missing one of "MyKids" in her play last night. I SO wanted to be there for that but I know she loves doing that stuff and there will be more opportunities to see her on stage. Very proud of her...... she has an awesome family.
I presented the summer plans for our Rock Group and it was accepted with some excitement. I am very happy about that and excited, scared, nervous and I will continue to ask the Lord to lead us through this .... I will post those changes today ... so check back later!
I am thankful for the good news concerning Hunter - the son of 2 good friends of ours from church - who was stung last week from Fire Ants. He was rushed to the ER but is doing fine now. Thats twice in the last week or so of someone I know who had a allergic reaction to Ant stings. Kyle and his buddy collect them in jars - go figure.....
Anyways - got to get motivated today even if I feel like poop.
Friday, May 2, 2008
whew.....another hour....
What a shame it is to have to wait almost another hour before leaving work. I am done today ....spent after this week. I woke up this morning with Carol asking me if I was going to work and I am like - WHY? - I had slept through the alarm, through Carol getting up and letting the dogs out and coffee making and Kyle getting in the shower. I was out cold this morning. I guess after yesterday being at school most of the day, taking Kyle to guitar and having some of "MyKids" last night out to eat and then ice cream afterwards - I was just worn out. I have to say though it was pretty awesome! Teachers - have such a hard but rewarding job and I guess if they ever get to the point where they are beaten down, tired and not liking what they do anymore - well it would be easy to really hate their days. I mean - kids are 100% full or energy and they push the buttons, try the patience and they keep pressing on that gas petal. Yesterday Carol and I went into Kyles classroom to help with his class play and it was so awesome investing in those kids - the nice job afterwards and high fives and talking with many of them who were nervous - it is just priceless. I am proud of all of them and we took some good pictures which I made a DVD of and put it to music - so I am looking forward to showing that to Carol and Kyle tonight and then passing them along to some other parents and Kyles teacher next week to share - maybe play it for the class one morning.
I have been having some doubts about the plans for my rock group idea - I know its the devil working that in there but I am still going to talk with everyone Sunday and see what happens. I am torn between holding that meeting and going to watch one of "MyKids" in her play Sunday night. I wish I could be in two places at once..... it would mean the world to her but I have obligations to my families also. So we will see what happens. Tomorrow night is our Project 252 youth auction and dinner - I will be running around tomorrow morning picking up cakes and pies from the ladies here @work who baked for them and then off to the church to set things up and help my good friend Leigh with all the kids while the auction is taking place. Leigh is an amazing woman and she just has every once of her poured into the Lord and into her Sunday school kids. Her husband Brian is one of my right hand men and is a serving animal. I love their family and admire so much about them. Sundays serving with Brian is always fun and he is full of more than just entertainment :)
Anyways - hoping for a quiet evening tonight with Carol and Kyle - maybe a movie or a laptop plugged into NewSpring to watch a worship set and message. We spend lots of our Friday nights doing just that...... bet you didn't know that about us. Now you do...........
Keep on aiming high.....
I have been having some doubts about the plans for my rock group idea - I know its the devil working that in there but I am still going to talk with everyone Sunday and see what happens. I am torn between holding that meeting and going to watch one of "MyKids" in her play Sunday night. I wish I could be in two places at once..... it would mean the world to her but I have obligations to my families also. So we will see what happens. Tomorrow night is our Project 252 youth auction and dinner - I will be running around tomorrow morning picking up cakes and pies from the ladies here @work who baked for them and then off to the church to set things up and help my good friend Leigh with all the kids while the auction is taking place. Leigh is an amazing woman and she just has every once of her poured into the Lord and into her Sunday school kids. Her husband Brian is one of my right hand men and is a serving animal. I love their family and admire so much about them. Sundays serving with Brian is always fun and he is full of more than just entertainment :)
Anyways - hoping for a quiet evening tonight with Carol and Kyle - maybe a movie or a laptop plugged into NewSpring to watch a worship set and message. We spend lots of our Friday nights doing just that...... bet you didn't know that about us. Now you do...........
Keep on aiming high.....
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