Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I took some time this morning to get alone and get some quiet time - some fresh air. I have been thinking and praying the last few days about Walt hanging in there and fighting. What is it that keeps him here - can he hear me? -Does he know we are there with him?
I realized something this morning that if Walt would have waited one more day, his salvation would have never had happened. At least for us to know he was saved or have someone lead him in prayer. A man who spent 73 years fighting and turning away from religion that on his last awake day - was lead to Jesus by a 10 year old who could not bare the fact that he might not ever see his grandpa again. I am thankful and so blessed to just be a part of this.
I am going to be 41 or something this year and I don't see myself slowing down any. My past years I have given some thought about retiring and doing the good life, taking up golf and really learning how to fish. I hear folks who I work with talk about it all the time. 9 more years and I am out of here they say ....
Yes, I value my work and my job and I am blessed and thankful for it. It puts food on the table, it provides for my family and it helps me be the generous person and family that we are. But there is more than that - there is more to walking with the folks at work, opportunities for folks to come into my office and tell me their struggles and pray with them. I have experienced many things over the last few years and I take that part of my job more serious than I do the actual work! Because it is Gods work ... and that is what He has placed on me to do at this time.

It occured to me this morning that a life with vision - is a life! A life with no vision, you are just going through the motions and not engaging or investing in anything. Just waiting on the next thing, the new car, or jewelry or whatever it is the infomercials are selling. I want my family to have not my vision, or the vision of Hollywood or the latest fad - but Gods vision. I want all the folks who I am serving with and have influence with and doing life with -to have Gods vision. I want 'My Kids" to know that God has a vision for them. They can remain pure and grow into that very person that God created them to be. Imagine a life with vision and purpose. I may not be changing a generation but I am going to serve and work hard for God with whom all I have contact with. If I live to be as old as Walt - that gives me 32 or something years left and I want to serve the Lord for each and every moment until that time comes.
I want to see folks serving in our church, I want to see every Project 252 kid (our middle/high school kids) serving and getting the vision of God. I want to see our k-5 kids bugging their parents to take them to church so that they can see their friends, hear the band play and build Godly and lasting relationships all while learning about Christ. I want us to hold each other accountable for where they are, our choices and decisions, I want us to extend a hand to help those around us who are hurting, who need a hand, who are divorced or widowed.... I want to see folks serving each other! These past few weeks after moving Walt here in the home with us, I have seen this serving thing first hand and it is amazing. Last night part of our Rock Group went and built bears to give to a family who is hurting... they have the vision of serving one another. A few weeks ago we had a group of folks go and serve at the nursing home where Walt spent 5 months at - they have the vision!
I do believe with all the things my family and I have done over the last few years - Walt got to see that vision - he didnt experience it but he got to see it. He was afraid to step further into it because he reminded us all the time - he was too old to change. I do believe that he thought God could not use him - but he is now. God is using Walt to pull people together and give an opportunity to serve each other.
I challenge you loved ones, to serve one another - to plug yourself into a church and get Gods vision for your life. Retirement for me is when I take my last breath on this earth - I will rest then for all eternity. Until that time comes, I will carry out God's vision for my life and continue to be the best example I can be to those in my life.
Let me share this, I visit lots of k-5 kids in the community and have lunch with them at school. Its an investment in them that is far greater than the sometimes inconvenience of leaving work, driving and being time consuming. Its more than going into work early to cover that extra time I spend at lunch with them - its more than that vacation time I take from work so that I can invest in that special day at school - like space camp. If I was any other parent having lunch only with my child and the school busting me what seems like every day at my sons school, I would not go back. But I am determined to let the kids I have influence with to share with them a vision that God loves them, they too can be used by God and their lives do matter - no matter what their situation is or if their family is struggling or if there is divorce in their life.
My son at 10 years old has done so many just incredible things in his young tenure - he has endured the loss of 3 grandparents. He serves in our church and doesn't complain at all about going for sometimes 7-8 hours each Sunday. He busts his friends when they miss 4-5 weeks or promise to come and they dont. He loves everything about church and the reasons why he is there. I tell him that God has a vision and a purpose for his life and I will continue to tell him that - even if he stops me and says, "I know daddy".
A few months ago I wrote my Chazown 2008 -I mentioned in there that one of the things I wanted to do this year was to hand off one of the ministries I current lead at church. The Strategic Volunteer Ministry is the ministry that plugs all volunteers into areas of service in our church. My vision is to not step down as leader of that ministry because I do feel passionate about it and a want in my heart for others to come to know Jesus like I have through serving. I want to partner with someone who can lead this ministry beyond my capabilities - I dont just want to spike the ball or sit on it to wait till the clock runs down. I want to still be in the game and doing my part. All of us can partner with each other to accomplish Gods vision in our lives. I can't change a generation but together we can. We can have a lasting impact on a generation that seems to care more about Hollywood than about God. Ever notice that Hollywood gives themselves a lot of awards? They give themselves so much credit, make so much money and still have messed up lives? I would rather have Gods blessings than Hollywood anyday!

People tore the roof off buildings to get to Jesus, they carried their family members and friends for miles to just get a touch from Jesus. Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, made blind folks see who had NEVER seen before. He did things in peoples lives that can only be said - It was a God thing - there are no other answers or conclusions. The disciples were young men, late teens or early 20 somethings - by todays standards maybe too young to lead and have vision. I think we all sell ourselves short sometimes. My Uncle Buster sings at church every Sunday and while on the phone with him the other night - he sang me his new song. There is meaning in those words, passion in his voice and a love of God that just pours out of him. These are folks retired from work but serving their butts off for the Lord.
Abraham was 100 years old and God told him he was going to father a child and that child will lead a great nation. The Lord can do the same for you and your family........
Are you willing to do that? Are you willing to tear the roof off so you can get close to Jesus? Our children should not sleep in on Sundays - You need to lead your families so that their vision is not from anyone or anything else except from God.
What then in your life would change? And imagine how it would change with that vision from God......
Love you all,

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