Monday, February 4, 2008

Lets talk.....

I just want to talk for a few this morning. Nothing specific but something that is important. The last 2 days where pretty tough going with my father in law - Walt. His pnemonia seems to be getting the best of him and his strength is slowly faiding. Having Carol's brother Bob here the last 4 days has been pretty cool as he has seen and felt the emotional roller coaster that Carol and I have been on since August. We are at another low - a place where it just does not seem possible that Walt can pull himself out of. I want so bad for Walt to know God - I want so much for him to know that this fight - there will be victory in the end.
Yesterday - Bob was nervous. He was nervous about going to church - he was nervous about meeting most of the peeps from our Rock Group - even if we were having a superbowl party! Which was great!!! - even the commercials were great and the game was great.
As everything wrapped up last night and everyone left to go home - game was long over and interviews went off the air - Carol, Bob and I sat and talked - not about the ball game but about church and about the support system of awesome friends we have and about what theshort term future might look like as a family. We made some decisions and Bob shared some of his emotions and fears - but the bottom line he kept commenting on was the family that Carol and I are surrounded with. He seemed to be sad that his support system is - nothing. Carol and I explained to him how we got to the point we find ourselves today - How God is using us and keeping raised up by the people all around us. God is providing even during these hard times.
There are 2 things that will happen - Bob will go back home today and go back into his routine and life - as it was before - OR - he will go home with a heart that is a little different because he experienced something he had never seen or felt before. He got to see, share and experience what God can do to people - how God can pull and put people together and how God shares his love with His children.
Please continue to keep Walt in your prayers and prayers for Bob - to remember this past weekend - to rearrange his life priorities and to know God just a little bit more with each passing day. Sometimes things happen - bad things happen but God uses those experiences to get our attention. Sometimes God has to use painful things to bring us to Him. My walk with Jesus - my families walk with Jesus all falls on the shoulders because of my mom. I am forever grateful for that - I miss my mom and look forward to seeing her again one day.
One day at a time .... tomorrow is not promised. Got something on your heart to tell someone today? - Don't wait another second .........
God changes lives - if you are willing to let Him.

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