Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Morning Thoughts

John 5:30
“I can do nothing on My own …"

I am sitting here at work this morning - wondering what on earth am I doing? There is a place for me to be at - a more important place than here. How can Walt ask questions or have that conversation about God if someone is not there with him? Am I that person or does God have someone else in mind to do that? Will that even take place? All this I am doing here at work today wont last in terms but I guess I have to keep it in perspective and know that its a job and just maybe someone today will walk in my office looking for prayers or need to share a struggle they are going through. Am I where I am supposed to be today?
My mind is running in a thousand directions. My heart is hurting not because of Walts condition or his prognosis but because his prognosis is without Christ. He still believes he can save himself. He still is clinging to his hope.
I do believe this would all be easier if he had his salvation in order. Maybe now with his decision to install a feeding tube give him more time to accept Jesus - more time for us, more time for Kyle to talk with his grandpa about Heaven .... Our lives are on hold until this comes full circle.
Carol and I are blessed and thankful for the many prayers, folks who are walking with us, our friends and families, we are blessed to have a God holding us close through all this.
"We can't do this all on our own ..... but with God - we can.

My prayer this morning is that you and I will no longer slow the progress of God's pursuit of us.

~If there is an area of your life where you still think 'I can,' then it means you are also saying, 'God can't.' This is not a statement of condemnation; rather it is a message of relief. You don't have to do it on your own; your fellowship with God will provide the grace and strength you need for anything. God wants a deep, intimate fellowship with you. In what ways does your independence keep that from happening? Isn't it time to get out of God's way and let him transform your heart? I pray it happens right before our eyes......

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