Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Quiet Moment

I have said many times over the last few months concerning spending time with God. A few weeks back I asked my Rock Group where they were in their walk with Christ. Meaning where are they, what chapter, what page were they on in learning about God and being in His word. As our days are filled with stuff to do, places to go and people to meet, work, kids, supper, appointments - its no wonder that by the time the day ends - many of us barely remember our heads hitting the pillows. So many of us have good intentions to pray before bed - to have 5 minutes with God at the end of our day but so often - we run out of gas, we forget, we have excuses, American Idol is on or CSI - and it just does not happen.

My walk with Christ took a big step forward the morning that I opened His word and made Him a part of my routine. I spend time with God almost every morning as I have my coffee and breakfast and before Kyle gets up, dogs are let out, Carol comes out to the kitchen. I place my day before God - I place the day of my family before God - I place "My Kids" and my Rock Group every morning before God - I place Pastor Jimmy and his family, our church leaders, my family and coworkers before God.
I start each morning by placing the Bible - Gods word- in my heart and I use that all day long. My day is focused and centered on God before I even start my day. Many times I am in prayer even before I am fully awake - before I put my glasses on and hit the shower or start the coffee. I have even awoke in the middle of the night right in the middle of prayer!

Jesus often times went and hid from others in the mornings to have time with His heavenly Father. He focused His day even before it had started.
Are you currently in a dry spell? Are you currently waiting to hear from God on something in your life? Start your day in Gods word, connect with God each morning before you even leave home and see if God does not answer you.

People do what they want to do - people make time for the things they want to do. You can make time for God and get into His word each day if you choose so. 5 minutes - I am asking you to spend 5 minutes each morning before you start your day to spend those quick minutes reading Gods word and in prayer. Don't know where to start - don't think you can understand it - they make all kinds of Bibles now in different translations - get one that you can understand.
Your prayer time - don't get caught up in the amount of time or how to pray - just spend it with Him. Everyone prays differently and God knows your heart. Be real and be honest with Him and do it in your style~

Mark 1:35
35-37While it was still night, way before dawn, he got up and went out to a secluded spot and prayed.

Prayer is crucial to your spiritual growth - and prayers last all day - it is not a to do list. Soon you will experience answered prayers and that will be a wonderful experience looking back for you.

God has answered many prayers for me ... I feel God closer and more centered than any other time in my life. I am thankful for His walk with me and for what He has done in my life. I am thankful for the people he has placed around me, for putting "My Kids" on my heart and enabling me to be a part of their lives.

Prayers to start our days begins with "I can't - but God Can" -
Psalm 31:
21 Praise the Lord, for he has shown me the wonders of his unfailing love.

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