Friday, February 15, 2008

Quick Update and then some

Its been an evenful few days! Walt is now in our home and under Hospice care. Carol and I are waiting on his nurse to come this morning so she can evaluate him and give him the best care they can. Yesterday was a tearful exit from the nursing home. Everyone was coming down to say goodbye and best of luck - other patients came down, nurses, CNA's and admin folks. Carol, Kyle and I have promised to continue to go back to the nursing home and visit with the many awesome folks there. God has placed these people in our lives and we intend on fulfilling that promise.

I remember back to a conversation that I had with my little brother sitting at my mom and dad dining room table - it was a conversation that was about my brother not being able to go into my moms room and see her the way she was. The cancer had taken so much from my mom in her apprearance and in her looks. I explained to my little brother that mom was still the same, loving and caring person on the inside. I told him he needed to go in there and sit with her, to talk with her and to walk out with no regrets - nothing left unsaid. He came back about an hour later with tears in his eyes and a hug of thankfulness for our conversation. It will be something that I am sure, he will never forget. It was that conversation that my little brother was told that mom was proud of him. Something my little brother does not get enough of with those words in life. Encouragement goes a long way in how we value what we are doing and pressing through those hard places in life. Even as my mom was preparing to leave this world for a better place, she encouraged others and had much to share with them. My mom was beautiful on the inside because of what God had done for her. We can go to church each and every Sunday - we can listen to the preacher preach until we are blue in the face - it wont make any difference to your life or the inside of you- unless you apply it - unless you let the Word change you - unless you give your heart to God and let Him make the changes in your life.
As Carol, Kyle and I pray for Walt and his salvation - we know that his time is short here - but I know God is still longing for Walts heart - for His child to come to Him - for the chance even in the last moments of this life - to change the inside. Doesn't matter about the outside, our looks or if we have hair or not ... God is interested in our hearts. He is building character in each of us to be more like His. If character alone got you to heaven - Walt would be a sure in. I have learned many great things about being a man, honesty, character, communicating and being a father and husband over the last 25 years with him - we are just one step short of completion and that is with God. We have had many conversations concering church, heaven and God over the years - some good and some not so good but all in all - Jesus is the only way to heaven.
So I ask you today, loved ones, where is your heart this morning? Are you leading a lasting life for God? Are you serving others before yourself? Are you only doing things in this life to find your happiness?

What is your story line for the next chapter of your life?

Would it be something like - "Making a difference" - "Starting over" - "Going for it" - "living the dream" - "Restoring brokeness" - "Close to God" ??

Start today and vision ahead in your life with purpose and meaning that only God can do for you. There is more than what you are searching and finding today- Write your next chapter of your life - it begins with a title and some change on the inside. Life is but a mist and the width of your hand.


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