Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Tuesday - Friday - Monday?

Tuesday that feels like a Monday. Who cares really - I am thankful for today and a chance to just make a small difference in someone's day today. It feels like a Monday - people here at work catching up on the weekend events and how their weekends were. But it was different because folks talk like they need another day off. They live for their weekends and almost all the conversations today started off ok - but then took a turn. Politics - the economy and how the world is so messed up - Iraq and Clinton comments. Hey folks - we can't change the world all at once..... I just want to scream sometimes...but you know what each of us can do???
I tell ya - be thankful for where you are today. Try and do one thing today that would make God smile upon you. Just one amongst all the sins we commit each and everyday - just one time -know that God is looking down on you and He is smiling on you. Maybe it was something you did, something you said to someone - maybe an encouraging word or an extra little in the tip for the waitress at lunch because you know she is having a hard time - maybe she just looks like she is struggling in life or working 2 jobs to make ends meet. Maybe its that person you finally got to come to church this past Sunday and they seemed to enjoy the service - they seemed to get the message that was preached and they experienced something in their heart and now God is working His thing. Be thankful for where you are and to know if you continue to look upward - searching for Gods plan for your life - He will lead you to where you need to be. Things in your life will change....and they begin with you. In order to change - we all must be willing to change and see a need for change.
Don't just live your life for the weekends..... the days in between count as well. Everyday is a blessing and if you are on the sidelines of life - well then you are missing out. Your pity party - with no guests to keep you company. Life is just a mist - and then its gone. Every moment counts....... Tuesdays are just as good as Fridays. Who cares what day it is......... they are all good!!!!!!

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