Wednesday, November 23, 2011

So tomorrow is Thanksgiving. All the hype, shopping, travel and get together plans underway, stress, blackFriday, football on tv - For my family, we try and keep things simple.
Its great to have these times to get together with family and share a meal together as we reflect and give thanks. Most people who have a platform to speak talk about being thankful and wishing their time tomorrow was in another time when people in their lives were alive. I will have that same reflection tomorrow as I will be missing my mom, Carols parents and many others. Looking across the table at the people in our lives who come together once a year often times thinking how much we dont like each other or the words that were shared years ago and that painful place has never healed. Maybe tomorrow finds you at a place where some people in your life have left and have never come back...
Tomorrow is very much a reflection day over a meal, some family and friends time, a football game but for some - maybe its a new day to start over. Maybe its a day of redemption and making things right. Maybe its a day for a hard conversation between family members. Maybe its a day for a dad to lead his family. Maybe even for the first time ever. Maybe its a day for that phone call to happen and the words, "I miss you" come to the surface.

Whatever your day tomorrow is like - be thankful in it as you reflect in looking back, looking ahead but also loved ones, in looking at yourself.
"True courage does not consist in the absence of fear but in doing what God wants even when we are afraid, disturbed, and hurt." - John White

Acts:4:32 - All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.

May this be at your table tomorrow, as the turkey is carved, the dressing is hot, the stuffin is homemade and the glass of wine is tasty. Remember those who have not, who would love a meal or a family to sit with them - You are blessed beyond measure and I pray your table tomorrow reflects that of the Apostles - all in one heart and in one mind- Giving thanks and sharing together because of the love that Christ has put in your heart.

Happy thanksgiving everyone. Be blessed tomorrow

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