Thursday, November 17, 2011

Its another wrestling day today. Was pretty excited to see Kyle all jazzed up after his band concert and then want to skip hanging out with everyone to get to practice. Thats ownership right there! Proud of him for stepping in and stepping up! It was great seeing all the students and their families last night - its awesome as a group of parents with the same age kids when we can get together like that and just smile and catch up. #awesome

Last night after work I had a not what so ever planned meeting with a buddy of mine. It just kinda happened as we sat and began to talk. What spawned the entire conversation that then leaded into a flood gate was the comment I made, which I repeated from Pastor Perry Noble - "The church is the only organization where we shoot our wounded."
Thats a shame really and as our stories unfolded, each of us knowing a little of each, it was so apparent that we both are in the same place. Having served above and beyond the local church where we learned about God, grew as a Christian, made friends in the years of dedicated service doing what ever was asked or needed, only to find ourselves on the outs. Pushed out the door. Given little options to stay and heal, to be loved on and shown grace. Just blasted out the door. It was shared it was like being on a cruise ship and a good steward who faithfully served the people of this cruise line falls overboard. Aint worth going back for ya broh - the ship doesnt have it in them to turn back and pick you up. There are more where you came from.
I am thinking how sad is that? Nobody throws you a life perserver. NOBODY reaches out and helps. Thankfully on my end, we are very blessed to have folks in our lives who have. Not from that cruise line but from other cruise lines! I am so thankful for them and so blessed to have them help us continue on this journey. Let me just say though, if they hadnt picked us up and we were left to sink or swim on our own ... I would probably not be getting back on a ship.
How often does that happen in our faith?
We have a falling out at church and something terrible happens because of a misunderstanding, an attitude, someone showing off their power from stage or just right down to it, MEAN - How many folks never go back to any church? Maybe its years before they are healed enough, broken enough and have no place else to turn to in life..... its then they come back and they are hurting so badly that its YEARS before they ever get back again.
How can all this glorify God? Yes a church is full of sinful people but shouldnt we be better at extending grace, offering forgiveness, willing to talk through something in order to find peace and understanding - LIKE what Christ has taught us, shown us and is often preached from the stage?
We sat and prayed after our talk and tears running down the cheeks - the comment was made. What ever happened to really following Christ?
I mean its something my lifegroup has been talking about the last few times we have gotten together but I mean really - really following Christ!!!!
Fake is the norm when we come to church. Its written on our faces, its in our smiles, its in our comments because it shows up. Its shows.
Growth never happens. Check box Sunday - live life the way you want the rest of the week. Sunday again, maybe we go - maybe not. Check.
Nothing ever changes, you are shopping while listening to the message, you are thinking about lunch or whatever it is you need to buy to bring a little happiness to yourself because you deserve it.
There just has to be more.
John 1:14 - The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

The Word - this is Gods word. This is his message. These are his words spoken to us from a God who created ALL THINGS! The WORD! Became...... BE CAME - it was given to us to become. Be being Christ - Came as in sent to us. Do you see the importance of that. God gave us His Word, his Word BECAME Flesh! - TO walk with us, among us, dwelled in and through us. It is who we are and without the Word in the Flesh that Became US - we are nothing.
In US! - us being everyone. Us being not a person excluded. Everyone included. Doesnt matter rich or poor. Tall or short. From Africa or Antartica. White, black, yellow or tan. US means everyone.
John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

I havent read anything in a long while that one sentance has been with me for so long and impacting me like this has. It turns a corner for me in my faith journey.
It turns a corner in my buddy and with tears running down his cheeks - wondering what ever happened to Following Christ? Life is all about following Christ - even when it hurts. Even when you have been tossed out. Even when the cruise line doesnt come back for you but thankful that another is ready to accept you in. As you are. Bruised, hurt, tears, crushed in spirit but ready to invest and rebuild you back into the person God created you to be and ready to be used again by God because of what the journey has been.

May the Lord humble you enough to always be willing to say these precious grace filled words.
"Im Sorry"

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