Kyle had another exciting wrestling match last night as parents, friends and students gathered to cheer him and the team on. Its such an amazing time together as our kids give their hearts on the mat. For some that means a LOT since they may have not started in a match yet but are getting a chance to show what they have learned through the preliminary matches. Coaches get to see how fast, strong or how much skill a student has on the mat. Parents scream the most during these matches because they know their son may not be on the mat again this season. For Kyle, it was like that all last year. Never starting, always at practice, giving it his all with a great attitude and a team spirit but also and most importantly - never giving up.
As Kyle won his match last night by pin in the 1st period - he is working hard and cutting weight as it as known by any wrestler - its part of the territory. Welcome to wrestling! We had some parents come over and speak with us as the parents all stood together waiting on the team to come out of the locker room. Some high fives and words of encouragement started to happen, one of the parents asked about Kyle and mentioned how good he is doing. We thanked them for that and shared with them to keep their son focused and to keep pressing through, their son had his first prelim and was excited to have been on that mat, we told them that Kyle was that last year - never starting and only got a prelim match at the end of the season and now he is leading, doing well and is a main part of the team. Its a testing of character, a testing of endurance and a testing of waiting on YOUR time.
Our faith is very much like this. Its always being tested. If you tell me that you are good and have been for 10 years with no problems issues or testing of any kind. I would have to say, that either you are lying or dont know Christ to be tested. I mean we all will have trouble!
Trouble is part of this sinful world and its in the woven fabric of this fallen world. Problem is with trouble, we are so fixed minded on fixing the problem that we often times mess it up and push God totally aside. This kind of thing frustrates us but it also puts distance between us and God. We are supposed to rely and lean on Him during our seasons of trouble. IN our seasons of waiting. IN our seasons of hard work with little pay off.
We are never limited to the capacity of what God can correct all around us but we are SO limited by what we can actually really fix.
James - the half brother of Jesus probably knew this more than most. I mean he was the half brother of Jesus and had a front row seat into everything in his brothers life. Every time out, every spanking, every bible lesson taught, every miracle performed, every life changed, every healing that took place and even in the death and resurrection. James knew first hand this world will have trouble.
James 1: James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes scattered among the nations: Greeting. Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything.
I love how James begins by saying and admitting he is a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. His half-brother! Who would ever admit being a servant to their brother? I sure wouldnt have and I am sure you wouldnt either. But, James writes it here because he knows WHO Jesus, his half brother really is. I think James had many tests over his lifetime. I dont know about you but I was never fond of tests. I hated them in school, I hate them now as I have to do that from time to time here at work. Tests shows what we have learned and how well. Being on a college campus, I am surrounded by students taking tests all the time. I see the stress and hard work they put into passing with good grades. I also see often times how little they put into them preparing and studying. Our faith works the same way. God is testing you when you are in a tough season. He is testing you when you are struggling with something, money, people, a challenging boss, a teacher who is tough, someone talking behind your back, a call comes in from the doctor or the passing of a loved one. Testing, provides us an avenue to grow, to learn and to experience God in new ways, deeper ways and in COMPLETE ways.
I would never know what it would be like for someone to lose a mom, unless I too have lost a mom. I would never be able to relate to a person who was homeless unless I too was once homeless. I would never relate to someone hurting unless I too was hurt along the way.
Testing as James tells us, produces perseverance so that we can be mature and complete lacking in nothing. I like lacking in nothing. As I posted yesterday as I began to think about this - I am not the perfect husband, father, stepdad, uncle, brother, Christian but thankful that God is not done with me yet. I AM NOT DONE YET. GOD IS NOT FINISHED WITH ME YET!
I want to scream that sometimes. I want others to know that life is not over because of whatever it is that has you held down today. That boy can find another girl but this girl will carry on knowing God created her and loves her perfectly. He aint worth the tears girl!
That job you just got let go from, there is a better job that awaits and one that will be more fulfilling than this one. That child who is giving you a ride of everything you have to keep them straight in life will one day come to their senses and be thankful and say the words "I love you".
If your prayers seem to be hitting the ceiling and nothing seems to be happening - James 1:5 should be your prayer right now. James 1:5-6 - If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt.
If you are in a season of trouble or difficulty today - Pray to God and ask for wisdom. Ask him to show you the purpose, the plan, the process, to pass through and reaching the other side. He will provide if you believe and not doubt. God give me wisdom on what to do with my child who is running in the wrong directions. God give me wisdom on my next step to finding work. God give me wisdom on who I should be dating and the kind of person I am attracting.
James 1:12 - Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
Lord I love you enough to go through this season of difficulty in my life. I love you enough Lord knowing that no matter what I face ahead, I know you are there with me. I love you enough Lord that my child is running and pushing me away that You are protecting them far more than I ever could.
Passing the test today - what does that look like for you? Maybe I touched on something here in my heart that touches yours. Maybe you have been hurt by someone and you want to lash out, make the public known what kind of person this person really is. Maybe you lost your job and are feeling as low as you have ever experienced. Loved ones, trials come, testing happens - are you preparing yourself to pass the test? Are you striving forward under the strain and hurt? If you are like most people, its easier to jump ship, its easier to change jobs, its easier to change marriages, its easier to give up on that child, its easier to move neighborhoods, its easier to write off a parent - but there is blessing on the one who perserveres under trials.
I want to be blessed, how about you? Stay focused today loved ones on the trials you are in. They are serving a purpose. God has a plan for letting those things happen and it may not be today you see the reasons why but one day you will.
As I reflect back on the passing of my mom years ago, knowing today what I know now because of my moms passing in through that hard and difficult season - I know why mom left. God had purpose in it. God had a bigger plan. Bigger than her even.
Testing of our faith...... in lifes journey. It will be YOUR season again soon :)
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Our time together at the cabin was much needed and was really great. Our extended family, the Lymans, came out on Thanksgiving evening and we enjoyed spending time together over a few days. Friday we got to roll through Asheville - a very nice city with lots of artsy and craftsy kind of place. Folks there seemed be laid back and relaxed and UNC Asheville was a small campus which we got to explore. Saturday was more relaxed around the cabin and Sunday was church at Elevation Church which we had an entire row of peeps with us! I love when that happens and you can look down the row and I get this warm fuzzy feeling knowing that the people in my row that I am standing with, praying with, holding hands with, learning with and doing life with - I love these peeps with all I have. I would do anything for them and that I dont hide from. Sunday afternoon spent wrestling with the million leaves in the back yard. I put it off as long as I could and it had to happen.
As I came into work this morning, I asked God to help me be a favor finder for others. Help me to point others to the good things that they may be missing in their life, maybe something they are overseeing, maybe focusing on something tough and not so much in what that tough thing is doing IN their life, maybe its just a smile to say to someone - Hey... Its okay.
Today is my bosses birthday so I stopped at Bojangles on the way in for some country ham buscuits. I did not eat any of them in case you are wondering. I had a chance to talk with one of our students this morning and catch up a little with him. He is working hard in his personal ministry as he serves the homeless in our community. He spoke of a tent city that is not far from my house where people who are homeless stay together. I am amazed at where this is and I hope to catch him later in the week to organize going with him next time he goes to serve them. It really bothers me deeply that there are people right in my own back yard who are homeless. Who dont have money for food, have kids living in the cars and with the economy the way it is and people 1 paycheck away from losing their home or apartment or who are only 1 paycheck away from stepping back up to a place to live - it really hits home for me. The truth is as Carol and I were watching tv last night - A show came on and spoke about homeless children in america and 1 out of 4 live in poverty. This is just unaccetable to me as I think about Kyle, Kate, Morgan and Taylor and so many other kids I do life with - what would it look like for them if they didnt have a home? An address for their friends to come over after school? A place to be safe, warm, a bathroom and a hot shower.
As Thanksgiving becomes a past memory, the Black Friday crowds get their $48Billion credit card bills in the mail, and Christmas fast approaches - let us regain focus on serving others. Let us keep in sight the hurting around us and who could use a little help up. Let us serve together helping a needy family, offering a meal, a coat, a warm cup of coffee and a "Hey" that shares out of our hearts.
I recently was at one of Kyles band concerts a few weeks back and their is a mom who I see often and her daughter is friends with Kyle and its always good to see them. I came in after Carol cause I was talking with some folks, yeah I know imagine that, and I came over and said "Hey" as I entered their circle. She looked at me and said, "Are you always like this? I mean like, I never see you any other way except with that smile!" - It was a nice compliment and at times that smile is not on my face but most often it does. God placed things in my heart and focusing on those things keeps everything else in line. As I mentioned just this past weekend to one of my close kids - We have a very special relationship, being that, its one of a kind. God put us in each others life for a reason and He is behind all this. When we get distracted, too focused on friends, facebook, work or whatever and lose God in our friendship - it suffers. It was a tough conversation over some things but one that we both came out on the other side knowing we are testing and passing. Those things will happen in friendships. The ones that matter most, forgive, forget and love even deeper.
I want to close today with a little encouragement from Acts 4:8- Then Peter, filled wiht the Holy Spirit, said to them: "Rulders and elders of the people! If we are being called to account today for an act of kindness being shown to a man who was lame and are being asked how he was healed, then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. Jesus is, 'the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.' Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschoolded, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.
God uses ordinary people, like me and you, to do unordinary things. God used Peter and John, ordinary people before they knew Jesus. After spending time with him, learning about WHO he is- God enabled them to do amazing things. Spending time with Christ loved ones, learning WHO he is and striving to be more like him in your daily life - he will use you to. People will notice something different about you. Your heart will burn and be more passionate about other things in life. Other things will break your heart and it will be all you can do to keep from not doing something about it. People hurting will have an affect on you. Children with tears will break you in half. Ordinary people doing unordinary things. Spend some time with Jesus, before the bills come due, the 5 pounds you gained this Thanksgiving, before the work or school week gets into week 3....
Blessing to you today and may this week you find Favor through Christ.
As I came into work this morning, I asked God to help me be a favor finder for others. Help me to point others to the good things that they may be missing in their life, maybe something they are overseeing, maybe focusing on something tough and not so much in what that tough thing is doing IN their life, maybe its just a smile to say to someone - Hey... Its okay.
Today is my bosses birthday so I stopped at Bojangles on the way in for some country ham buscuits. I did not eat any of them in case you are wondering. I had a chance to talk with one of our students this morning and catch up a little with him. He is working hard in his personal ministry as he serves the homeless in our community. He spoke of a tent city that is not far from my house where people who are homeless stay together. I am amazed at where this is and I hope to catch him later in the week to organize going with him next time he goes to serve them. It really bothers me deeply that there are people right in my own back yard who are homeless. Who dont have money for food, have kids living in the cars and with the economy the way it is and people 1 paycheck away from losing their home or apartment or who are only 1 paycheck away from stepping back up to a place to live - it really hits home for me. The truth is as Carol and I were watching tv last night - A show came on and spoke about homeless children in america and 1 out of 4 live in poverty. This is just unaccetable to me as I think about Kyle, Kate, Morgan and Taylor and so many other kids I do life with - what would it look like for them if they didnt have a home? An address for their friends to come over after school? A place to be safe, warm, a bathroom and a hot shower.
As Thanksgiving becomes a past memory, the Black Friday crowds get their $48Billion credit card bills in the mail, and Christmas fast approaches - let us regain focus on serving others. Let us keep in sight the hurting around us and who could use a little help up. Let us serve together helping a needy family, offering a meal, a coat, a warm cup of coffee and a "Hey" that shares out of our hearts.
I recently was at one of Kyles band concerts a few weeks back and their is a mom who I see often and her daughter is friends with Kyle and its always good to see them. I came in after Carol cause I was talking with some folks, yeah I know imagine that, and I came over and said "Hey" as I entered their circle. She looked at me and said, "Are you always like this? I mean like, I never see you any other way except with that smile!" - It was a nice compliment and at times that smile is not on my face but most often it does. God placed things in my heart and focusing on those things keeps everything else in line. As I mentioned just this past weekend to one of my close kids - We have a very special relationship, being that, its one of a kind. God put us in each others life for a reason and He is behind all this. When we get distracted, too focused on friends, facebook, work or whatever and lose God in our friendship - it suffers. It was a tough conversation over some things but one that we both came out on the other side knowing we are testing and passing. Those things will happen in friendships. The ones that matter most, forgive, forget and love even deeper.
I want to close today with a little encouragement from Acts 4:8- Then Peter, filled wiht the Holy Spirit, said to them: "Rulders and elders of the people! If we are being called to account today for an act of kindness being shown to a man who was lame and are being asked how he was healed, then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. Jesus is, 'the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.' Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschoolded, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.
God uses ordinary people, like me and you, to do unordinary things. God used Peter and John, ordinary people before they knew Jesus. After spending time with him, learning about WHO he is- God enabled them to do amazing things. Spending time with Christ loved ones, learning WHO he is and striving to be more like him in your daily life - he will use you to. People will notice something different about you. Your heart will burn and be more passionate about other things in life. Other things will break your heart and it will be all you can do to keep from not doing something about it. People hurting will have an affect on you. Children with tears will break you in half. Ordinary people doing unordinary things. Spend some time with Jesus, before the bills come due, the 5 pounds you gained this Thanksgiving, before the work or school week gets into week 3....
Blessing to you today and may this week you find Favor through Christ.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
So tomorrow is Thanksgiving. All the hype, shopping, travel and get together plans underway, stress, blackFriday, football on tv - For my family, we try and keep things simple.
Its great to have these times to get together with family and share a meal together as we reflect and give thanks. Most people who have a platform to speak talk about being thankful and wishing their time tomorrow was in another time when people in their lives were alive. I will have that same reflection tomorrow as I will be missing my mom, Carols parents and many others. Looking across the table at the people in our lives who come together once a year often times thinking how much we dont like each other or the words that were shared years ago and that painful place has never healed. Maybe tomorrow finds you at a place where some people in your life have left and have never come back...
Tomorrow is very much a reflection day over a meal, some family and friends time, a football game but for some - maybe its a new day to start over. Maybe its a day of redemption and making things right. Maybe its a day for a hard conversation between family members. Maybe its a day for a dad to lead his family. Maybe even for the first time ever. Maybe its a day for that phone call to happen and the words, "I miss you" come to the surface.
Whatever your day tomorrow is like - be thankful in it as you reflect in looking back, looking ahead but also loved ones, in looking at yourself.
"True courage does not consist in the absence of fear but in doing what God wants even when we are afraid, disturbed, and hurt." - John White
Acts:4:32 - All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.
May this be at your table tomorrow, as the turkey is carved, the dressing is hot, the stuffin is homemade and the glass of wine is tasty. Remember those who have not, who would love a meal or a family to sit with them - You are blessed beyond measure and I pray your table tomorrow reflects that of the Apostles - all in one heart and in one mind- Giving thanks and sharing together because of the love that Christ has put in your heart.
Happy thanksgiving everyone. Be blessed tomorrow
Its great to have these times to get together with family and share a meal together as we reflect and give thanks. Most people who have a platform to speak talk about being thankful and wishing their time tomorrow was in another time when people in their lives were alive. I will have that same reflection tomorrow as I will be missing my mom, Carols parents and many others. Looking across the table at the people in our lives who come together once a year often times thinking how much we dont like each other or the words that were shared years ago and that painful place has never healed. Maybe tomorrow finds you at a place where some people in your life have left and have never come back...
Tomorrow is very much a reflection day over a meal, some family and friends time, a football game but for some - maybe its a new day to start over. Maybe its a day of redemption and making things right. Maybe its a day for a hard conversation between family members. Maybe its a day for a dad to lead his family. Maybe even for the first time ever. Maybe its a day for that phone call to happen and the words, "I miss you" come to the surface.
Whatever your day tomorrow is like - be thankful in it as you reflect in looking back, looking ahead but also loved ones, in looking at yourself.
"True courage does not consist in the absence of fear but in doing what God wants even when we are afraid, disturbed, and hurt." - John White
Acts:4:32 - All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.
May this be at your table tomorrow, as the turkey is carved, the dressing is hot, the stuffin is homemade and the glass of wine is tasty. Remember those who have not, who would love a meal or a family to sit with them - You are blessed beyond measure and I pray your table tomorrow reflects that of the Apostles - all in one heart and in one mind- Giving thanks and sharing together because of the love that Christ has put in your heart.
Happy thanksgiving everyone. Be blessed tomorrow
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Yet another wrestling match last night. It was probably the most exciting wrestling match we have even been to. Last match and only up by a few points, everything rode on that match. Turns out "Big Sexy" as they have nicknamed him, won his first match by pin. Crowd went nuts and was very exciting. Kyle won his match and is now 5-1 and enjoying a few days off till next week. Kate has turned out to be an avid fan and screams about the entire time! Pastor Larry, our campus pastor at Elevation Church - University Campus was our referee last night and did a great job! He even held his composure with coach who lost his cool a bit over one of the matches. He is very passionate about his boys and wrestling. Love it when folks have passion about something because its contagious.
Just like our walk with Christ. I hope today finds you in a great place in your walk with Christ. I have just a few things to share today and nothing personally deep but important though.
Elevation Church has released a new album with all of their music written in house. Its available at any music store and on Itunes. "For the Honor" - More info can be had here:
I love the fact that $25,000 has been donated to help little children in Uganda reach the age of 5 years old. What an impact this will have in that area. I love the outreach that my church does to impact the world around us. Embrace your place - its a concept that we have instilled that we should all be involved to impact the world around us. Alone we cannot impact much but together, we can take the message of Christ to the ends of the world.
I am excited for my buddy Donnie who in January will be headed to Uganda to plant a church and to help the community there. Much like Jamaica, sometimes sending money is not enough and going and doing is what has been placed in our hearts. I am so excited for him because not only will he change the world there, his world is about to change in such an amazing way. - Through Elevation church, we are making an impact. The church for too long has been seen through so many eyes as being on the take. When a church impacts an area, changes families, helps the hungry, lists up the poor, shows a struggling student Christ - these are reasons to celebrate. MTV, Disney, RedBull, Budweiser spends millions to get your attention and the attention of our young people today. Its great that our church, through the power of Jesus, is giving back in huge impactful ways. The Center of Hope for my LifeGroup has never been more special. The plans to return to Jamaica has never been more exciting. Giving a thanksgiving meal to a hungry family has never been more impactful. Keep begging God for opportunity loved ones....
Last thing I want to share today is a blog from my Pastor at Elevation Church. His schedule is so busy but yet he finds time almost every day to share with those he has been trusted with and follow him. There are not many posts on personal interests, BBQ sales, Panthers football or his political views - his posts are to encourage, to help, and to teach a point that you just may be needing today. I loved todays post because it is where I am at today with a person who was once in my life but continues to talk behind my back, take shots at me, to inflict pain in my life and in the life of my family. I have stood with the decision to stand against doing anything to such a low level to "Get even" because that would not honor God in the process and again this past Sunday confirmed the stance I am standing on is the right one. Pastor Steven spoke on "Favor" and isnt it amazing that God is fighting our battles for us?! - Yes I fully believe that and thankful that He is on my behalf. Continue to be focused and moving forward, keeping my eyes on Jesus. Its good to have company when you are marching forward.
Thank you Pastor Steven for your post today. As always, your heart through your words are inspiring not only me but so many!! Thank you!
Blessings today for you and may you be seeking "Gods Favor" in your day today.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Its another wrestling day today. Was pretty excited to see Kyle all jazzed up after his band concert and then want to skip hanging out with everyone to get to practice. Thats ownership right there! Proud of him for stepping in and stepping up! It was great seeing all the students and their families last night - its awesome as a group of parents with the same age kids when we can get together like that and just smile and catch up. #awesome
Last night after work I had a not what so ever planned meeting with a buddy of mine. It just kinda happened as we sat and began to talk. What spawned the entire conversation that then leaded into a flood gate was the comment I made, which I repeated from Pastor Perry Noble - "The church is the only organization where we shoot our wounded."
Thats a shame really and as our stories unfolded, each of us knowing a little of each, it was so apparent that we both are in the same place. Having served above and beyond the local church where we learned about God, grew as a Christian, made friends in the years of dedicated service doing what ever was asked or needed, only to find ourselves on the outs. Pushed out the door. Given little options to stay and heal, to be loved on and shown grace. Just blasted out the door. It was shared it was like being on a cruise ship and a good steward who faithfully served the people of this cruise line falls overboard. Aint worth going back for ya broh - the ship doesnt have it in them to turn back and pick you up. There are more where you came from.
I am thinking how sad is that? Nobody throws you a life perserver. NOBODY reaches out and helps. Thankfully on my end, we are very blessed to have folks in our lives who have. Not from that cruise line but from other cruise lines! I am so thankful for them and so blessed to have them help us continue on this journey. Let me just say though, if they hadnt picked us up and we were left to sink or swim on our own ... I would probably not be getting back on a ship.
How often does that happen in our faith?
We have a falling out at church and something terrible happens because of a misunderstanding, an attitude, someone showing off their power from stage or just right down to it, MEAN - How many folks never go back to any church? Maybe its years before they are healed enough, broken enough and have no place else to turn to in life..... its then they come back and they are hurting so badly that its YEARS before they ever get back again.
How can all this glorify God? Yes a church is full of sinful people but shouldnt we be better at extending grace, offering forgiveness, willing to talk through something in order to find peace and understanding - LIKE what Christ has taught us, shown us and is often preached from the stage?
We sat and prayed after our talk and tears running down the cheeks - the comment was made. What ever happened to really following Christ?
I mean its something my lifegroup has been talking about the last few times we have gotten together but I mean really - really following Christ!!!!
Fake is the norm when we come to church. Its written on our faces, its in our smiles, its in our comments because it shows up. Its shows.
Growth never happens. Check box Sunday - live life the way you want the rest of the week. Sunday again, maybe we go - maybe not. Check.
Nothing ever changes, you are shopping while listening to the message, you are thinking about lunch or whatever it is you need to buy to bring a little happiness to yourself because you deserve it.
There just has to be more.
John 1:14 - The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.
The Word - this is Gods word. This is his message. These are his words spoken to us from a God who created ALL THINGS! The WORD! Became...... BE CAME - it was given to us to become. Be being Christ - Came as in sent to us. Do you see the importance of that. God gave us His Word, his Word BECAME Flesh! - TO walk with us, among us, dwelled in and through us. It is who we are and without the Word in the Flesh that Became US - we are nothing.
In US! - us being everyone. Us being not a person excluded. Everyone included. Doesnt matter rich or poor. Tall or short. From Africa or Antartica. White, black, yellow or tan. US means everyone.
John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.
I havent read anything in a long while that one sentance has been with me for so long and impacting me like this has. It turns a corner for me in my faith journey.
It turns a corner in my buddy and with tears running down his cheeks - wondering what ever happened to Following Christ? Life is all about following Christ - even when it hurts. Even when you have been tossed out. Even when the cruise line doesnt come back for you but thankful that another is ready to accept you in. As you are. Bruised, hurt, tears, crushed in spirit but ready to invest and rebuild you back into the person God created you to be and ready to be used again by God because of what the journey has been.
May the Lord humble you enough to always be willing to say these precious grace filled words.
"Im Sorry"
Last night after work I had a not what so ever planned meeting with a buddy of mine. It just kinda happened as we sat and began to talk. What spawned the entire conversation that then leaded into a flood gate was the comment I made, which I repeated from Pastor Perry Noble - "The church is the only organization where we shoot our wounded."
Thats a shame really and as our stories unfolded, each of us knowing a little of each, it was so apparent that we both are in the same place. Having served above and beyond the local church where we learned about God, grew as a Christian, made friends in the years of dedicated service doing what ever was asked or needed, only to find ourselves on the outs. Pushed out the door. Given little options to stay and heal, to be loved on and shown grace. Just blasted out the door. It was shared it was like being on a cruise ship and a good steward who faithfully served the people of this cruise line falls overboard. Aint worth going back for ya broh - the ship doesnt have it in them to turn back and pick you up. There are more where you came from.
I am thinking how sad is that? Nobody throws you a life perserver. NOBODY reaches out and helps. Thankfully on my end, we are very blessed to have folks in our lives who have. Not from that cruise line but from other cruise lines! I am so thankful for them and so blessed to have them help us continue on this journey. Let me just say though, if they hadnt picked us up and we were left to sink or swim on our own ... I would probably not be getting back on a ship.
How often does that happen in our faith?
We have a falling out at church and something terrible happens because of a misunderstanding, an attitude, someone showing off their power from stage or just right down to it, MEAN - How many folks never go back to any church? Maybe its years before they are healed enough, broken enough and have no place else to turn to in life..... its then they come back and they are hurting so badly that its YEARS before they ever get back again.
How can all this glorify God? Yes a church is full of sinful people but shouldnt we be better at extending grace, offering forgiveness, willing to talk through something in order to find peace and understanding - LIKE what Christ has taught us, shown us and is often preached from the stage?
We sat and prayed after our talk and tears running down the cheeks - the comment was made. What ever happened to really following Christ?
I mean its something my lifegroup has been talking about the last few times we have gotten together but I mean really - really following Christ!!!!
Fake is the norm when we come to church. Its written on our faces, its in our smiles, its in our comments because it shows up. Its shows.
Growth never happens. Check box Sunday - live life the way you want the rest of the week. Sunday again, maybe we go - maybe not. Check.
Nothing ever changes, you are shopping while listening to the message, you are thinking about lunch or whatever it is you need to buy to bring a little happiness to yourself because you deserve it.
There just has to be more.
John 1:14 - The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.
The Word - this is Gods word. This is his message. These are his words spoken to us from a God who created ALL THINGS! The WORD! Became...... BE CAME - it was given to us to become. Be being Christ - Came as in sent to us. Do you see the importance of that. God gave us His Word, his Word BECAME Flesh! - TO walk with us, among us, dwelled in and through us. It is who we are and without the Word in the Flesh that Became US - we are nothing.
In US! - us being everyone. Us being not a person excluded. Everyone included. Doesnt matter rich or poor. Tall or short. From Africa or Antartica. White, black, yellow or tan. US means everyone.
John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.
I havent read anything in a long while that one sentance has been with me for so long and impacting me like this has. It turns a corner for me in my faith journey.
It turns a corner in my buddy and with tears running down his cheeks - wondering what ever happened to Following Christ? Life is all about following Christ - even when it hurts. Even when you have been tossed out. Even when the cruise line doesnt come back for you but thankful that another is ready to accept you in. As you are. Bruised, hurt, tears, crushed in spirit but ready to invest and rebuild you back into the person God created you to be and ready to be used again by God because of what the journey has been.
May the Lord humble you enough to always be willing to say these precious grace filled words.
"Im Sorry"
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Kyle won his match last night. Very exciting especially knowing his finger is not even close to 100% yet but the trainer on duty last night did something that I was going to ask her to do but glad she did without me saying anything. She taped both hands so his oppontent wouldnt know his hand was hurt. Thats awesome! Kyle had a tough match but finally pinned him down for the pin in the 3rd period. The team matches was close but lost the last match. It hard to match the intensity thats for sure. Hours later still wound up. Not sure if I just had too much on my mind or wound tight from the match but I didnt sleep all that well last night so I am hoping for a good nights rest tonight after Kyles concert at 7.
As I look out my window this morning and this afternoon - the weather is warm and foggy with periods of rain and even a downpour. I am thinking about this fog and how it applies to my walk these days with Christ. Though I know I am secure, I know that I am called to be the best example for Christ that I can and to lead others in my integrity, example, words, actions and the way I care for others through the compassion that overflows from my heart. Its tough sometimes when things are not all that clear.
Direction and what to do next are often places that keep us idle or uncertain which next step to take. I am at that place. Thanks to a FAVOR, which if not asked for a FAVOR is often times not a FAVOR at all - I am just not certain what they are at this very moment.
So today as I looked at the day before me, it was foggy, stressful, it shows in some of my relationships and branches going in all kinds of directions. Focusing in on WHO HE IS and remembering that Christ is always with me - is always with you - is always with us, the fog will settle and I will come over it. As I think about only being able to see a few steps in front of me, I am reminded that is exactly where God wants us. If we see down the road too far, it becomes about our walk and not his and often times we get scared, we run away from it or we give in and say thats impossible and quit before we even get started.
So those few feet in front of me, I can see. You can see those next steps in front of you as well. Often times when speaking to a student, its that clarity they need. They get overwhelmed with all they have to do and are trying to accomplish and even pleasing others is a huge one! But when broken down and the NEXT STEPS clearly pointed out and a heart and mind can get around those next steps, progress begins and moving forward takes place.
So in that fog today, tomorrow I will see clearly but in the process I am reminded and have learned another lesson to keep my focus on Him and the path just ahead of me.
Psalm 73:23-24 - Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory.
Lord help me keep my focus on you. Help me clearly see above the fog the next steps along the path that I should be on. Though some folks think that they are more important, bigger and have something to say over what I say and even what you say, I remain focused on you. Help me do that Lord. It would be easy to fire back but then you tell us to let you handle the reprocussions. I trust in that Lord and in your words. I have to fine where I am today so that I can stand ready to move forward when you tell me to move. Holding on to you today Lord.
As I look out my window this morning and this afternoon - the weather is warm and foggy with periods of rain and even a downpour. I am thinking about this fog and how it applies to my walk these days with Christ. Though I know I am secure, I know that I am called to be the best example for Christ that I can and to lead others in my integrity, example, words, actions and the way I care for others through the compassion that overflows from my heart. Its tough sometimes when things are not all that clear.
Direction and what to do next are often places that keep us idle or uncertain which next step to take. I am at that place. Thanks to a FAVOR, which if not asked for a FAVOR is often times not a FAVOR at all - I am just not certain what they are at this very moment.
So today as I looked at the day before me, it was foggy, stressful, it shows in some of my relationships and branches going in all kinds of directions. Focusing in on WHO HE IS and remembering that Christ is always with me - is always with you - is always with us, the fog will settle and I will come over it. As I think about only being able to see a few steps in front of me, I am reminded that is exactly where God wants us. If we see down the road too far, it becomes about our walk and not his and often times we get scared, we run away from it or we give in and say thats impossible and quit before we even get started.
So those few feet in front of me, I can see. You can see those next steps in front of you as well. Often times when speaking to a student, its that clarity they need. They get overwhelmed with all they have to do and are trying to accomplish and even pleasing others is a huge one! But when broken down and the NEXT STEPS clearly pointed out and a heart and mind can get around those next steps, progress begins and moving forward takes place.
So in that fog today, tomorrow I will see clearly but in the process I am reminded and have learned another lesson to keep my focus on Him and the path just ahead of me.
Psalm 73:23-24 - Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory.
Lord help me keep my focus on you. Help me clearly see above the fog the next steps along the path that I should be on. Though some folks think that they are more important, bigger and have something to say over what I say and even what you say, I remain focused on you. Help me do that Lord. It would be easy to fire back but then you tell us to let you handle the reprocussions. I trust in that Lord and in your words. I have to fine where I am today so that I can stand ready to move forward when you tell me to move. Holding on to you today Lord.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Bucket List
I just had to share what came in my email inbox. Im 45 years old (often wordering how did that happen) and only in the last 5 or so years have I really began to LIVE my life because of the saving grace through Jesus. I am so grateful for where I am today. As many of you have seen the movie "The Bucket List" I too have crossed off something on my list and I hope you have as well. This email came in today and where I am right now in my life journey, I am reminded of the #1 item on this list.
Tell my kids every day that I love them.
I say it even when I sometimes dont hear it back. I say it in text messages, in emails, in person and in front of others. It is my heart and them knowing it daily helps tomorrow. So many of my generation grew up never really hearing the words "I love you" from their parents. We knew it dont get me wrong but its in those little words that we can rest assured that no matter what - those words will never change.
They have never meant more to me than they do today and the last few years - my family and my extended family. Kyle, Kate, Morgan, Taylor, Marissa, Zach, Madison, Christa, - I love you and am so thankful for you and your (our) families doing life together.
Carol without you and your support there couldnt ever be a #1 listing here. Love you with more than I have words for <33333
Enjoy the list :)
Come up with a "bucket list" - things you'd like to accomplish before you die. Here are a few examples and share some of your own with us below.
1. Tell my kids every day that I love them.
2. Tell my wife every day that I love her.
3. Quit worrying so much about money and status.
4. Have a plan to be completely debt-free, mortgage included, by age 50.
5. Watch less TV. Read more.
6. Do my last will and testament.
7. Do an annual physical.
8. Make sure my kids leave college debt-free.
9. Embrace the fact of impending death and use this to motivate right living.
10. Eliminate time bandits – unimportant activities that take up my schedule.
11. Utilize car time to really talk with my kids.
12. Have a blessing ceremony when my son and daughter turn 13.
13. Do one romantic thing a month for my wife.
14. Take more home movies and preserve them.
15. Honor the memory of my parents. Tell my kids stories about them.
16. Eat dinner together as a family at least 4 times a week.
17. Speak less. Listen more.
18. Mentor the younger. Encourage the older.
19. Love and help the fatherless.
20. Prioritize my relationship with God.
Tell my kids every day that I love them.
I say it even when I sometimes dont hear it back. I say it in text messages, in emails, in person and in front of others. It is my heart and them knowing it daily helps tomorrow. So many of my generation grew up never really hearing the words "I love you" from their parents. We knew it dont get me wrong but its in those little words that we can rest assured that no matter what - those words will never change.
They have never meant more to me than they do today and the last few years - my family and my extended family. Kyle, Kate, Morgan, Taylor, Marissa, Zach, Madison, Christa, - I love you and am so thankful for you and your (our) families doing life together.
Carol without you and your support there couldnt ever be a #1 listing here. Love you with more than I have words for <33333
Enjoy the list :)
Come up with a "bucket list" - things you'd like to accomplish before you die. Here are a few examples and share some of your own with us below.
1. Tell my kids every day that I love them.
2. Tell my wife every day that I love her.
3. Quit worrying so much about money and status.
4. Have a plan to be completely debt-free, mortgage included, by age 50.
5. Watch less TV. Read more.
6. Do my last will and testament.
7. Do an annual physical.
8. Make sure my kids leave college debt-free.
9. Embrace the fact of impending death and use this to motivate right living.
10. Eliminate time bandits – unimportant activities that take up my schedule.
11. Utilize car time to really talk with my kids.
12. Have a blessing ceremony when my son and daughter turn 13.
13. Do one romantic thing a month for my wife.
14. Take more home movies and preserve them.
15. Honor the memory of my parents. Tell my kids stories about them.
16. Eat dinner together as a family at least 4 times a week.
17. Speak less. Listen more.
18. Mentor the younger. Encourage the older.
19. Love and help the fatherless.
20. Prioritize my relationship with God.
I just have to share this because it was shared so humbly and in such a way that it really shows heart.
I went to pick Kyle up from wrestling last night after my gym workout and I got to chat with one of my buddies before coach let the guys out and we spoke in such excitement about all the things God is doing and all the doors he is opening up and leading us through... it is amazing what can take place in those short moments! As we left the gym and headed back to the Element, Kyle said - Dad, coach made me captain.
um, come again? - Dad, I said coach promoted me to captain of the wrestling team. I gave him a hug and said ya know budy, he sees something in you that you are only starting to see in yourself.
Leadership. - I see it all the time in students around me. I know I have a tender heart for them and want so much more than what they are currently doing. I see doctors and nurses, teachers and preachers in them. There is nothing more painful as a parent raising our children to see them quit on something that you know they can do. You know its in them to be this or that or to continue through those tough places - we often as parents dont give them a great example in that!
I told Kyle he earned that leadership role and that it showed last week when he didnt quit even though his finger was dislocated - He showed his heart when he looked at the nurse and she said, Do you want to continue? He said, Well I am not quitting!
As I look around today, yeah not everything is going perfectly planned but I hold onto the fact that God has a plan. Its a perfect plan even if I dont understand it right now. Even as the our day and time Pharisee - (a person that is sanctimonious, self - righteous and hypocritical) has the last word right now - I am going to remain focused. I am going to remain true to my word to those who I have promised because honor is in integrity and without that - its all for loss.
Headed out early today for Kyles match. Should be a tough match against a tough team but there is extra inspiration happening right now and that is something we should all be doing for someone today. Cheering them on, showing them the grace that they deserve, letting those who walk walk with integrity and honor and praise God in the entire process.
I went to pick Kyle up from wrestling last night after my gym workout and I got to chat with one of my buddies before coach let the guys out and we spoke in such excitement about all the things God is doing and all the doors he is opening up and leading us through... it is amazing what can take place in those short moments! As we left the gym and headed back to the Element, Kyle said - Dad, coach made me captain.
um, come again? - Dad, I said coach promoted me to captain of the wrestling team. I gave him a hug and said ya know budy, he sees something in you that you are only starting to see in yourself.
Leadership. - I see it all the time in students around me. I know I have a tender heart for them and want so much more than what they are currently doing. I see doctors and nurses, teachers and preachers in them. There is nothing more painful as a parent raising our children to see them quit on something that you know they can do. You know its in them to be this or that or to continue through those tough places - we often as parents dont give them a great example in that!
I told Kyle he earned that leadership role and that it showed last week when he didnt quit even though his finger was dislocated - He showed his heart when he looked at the nurse and she said, Do you want to continue? He said, Well I am not quitting!
As I look around today, yeah not everything is going perfectly planned but I hold onto the fact that God has a plan. Its a perfect plan even if I dont understand it right now. Even as the our day and time Pharisee - (a person that is sanctimonious, self - righteous and hypocritical) has the last word right now - I am going to remain focused. I am going to remain true to my word to those who I have promised because honor is in integrity and without that - its all for loss.
Headed out early today for Kyles match. Should be a tough match against a tough team but there is extra inspiration happening right now and that is something we should all be doing for someone today. Cheering them on, showing them the grace that they deserve, letting those who walk walk with integrity and honor and praise God in the entire process.
Monday, November 14, 2011

Sorry the quality of these pictures are not that great - It was with my phone and I had glves on because I was handling food so they are a little blury but I think you get the idea what was taking place. Yesterday after church a bunch of us headed uptown to the Salvation Army - Center of Hope. Its a women and childrens homeless shelter and once a month we get to serve them lunch. Its a time to show them that they matter, somebody cares, and we get to serve them and the past few times we have went - it has been such a blessing to help the moms get the trays of food to the table for her family. Some of these ladies have 7 children and a lot of them are young. Some are in carriages and some are teenagers. Whatever the situation is for them - this is home for now. I love going there and serving them, smiling with them and just sitting at the table and talking with mom and the children there. A smile goes a long way in showing that yoru heart is in the right place.
After church yesterday at Elevation University - I was riding on such an upbeat mood being that for the first time in my life we went to church and there was not a message. There was no preacher teaching the Word. It was all music. It was all worship. The Word is in the music, its in the words of the songs and it was awesome!! It again reminds me that our lives are the worship to Christ. Everything we do, every word we say, every person we serve is an act of worship and when we realize that, when we come to that place where we can stand and start living out Christ in our lives - its an amazing thing.
Galations 5:25- Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives. That means we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original.
As I sit this morning in my quiet time, I think about Gulley Bank in Jamaica where we served with a family who wanted to build a bathroom for the community. A community of 450 so people and with only 2 working toilets - you would agree that its a tough place. The people there really hurting. I think about the needs and the wants of the people there. They need a bathroom and that is so much bigger than a want of a bathroom. If we came in and just built this bathroom for them - they most likely would most likely thank us and enjoy using it. BUT since the family helped, were a big part of building it, completing it, sharing their vision with the community of folks there - they owned the project. We came along side and help them. When we are long gone, that bathroom, clean water, will be remembered as to WHY it was built and who built it. It was someone within the same parameters that they too are living. Us being the church the church wins because we just didnt fill that want or need. We helped them live out that want and need and someones dream. We came and enabled someone to dream bigger. To think bigger. To move outwardly and to inspire others. Everybody wins. Its not a handout but a handup.
I love that and as I sat with the folks yesterday in the Center - pouring soda for the children and having them show us their new toys or that new shirt and pants that Elevation Church and UCF church came together to provide them... Its such a blessing to see that handup taking place. The families there will again get on their feet. They will move out. They will be able to stand once again and not feel shamed or have feelings that nobody cared because there are people coming to serve them, encourage them, smile with them, listen to them is such a HUGE thing because they all have a story. They each have a different story how they got there and they each will have a story to share when they get out, move on, be able to stand and maybe one day - go back and help those in those same places they were once at.
So let us be eager to serve one another not looking down or up at each other because nobody is made better than another. Together we can make a difference and helping to change a life, is there no other greater reward than that?
Excited for the small script in Gods big story.
John1:14 - The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.
For Your glory and praise Lord in all we do. May our lives be an act of worship that brings you a smile Lord in all we do. I ask that Your power Lord shines through us for all to see according to Your plans for us. Amen
Friday, November 11, 2011
Proud dad moment
As I begin the afternoon wind down with work with my Starbucks in hand - I want to share a little about last night.
See Kyle is a starter this year on his middle school wrestling team. With 63 or so students sweating and trying to be the one to start in each weight class - there is a lot of work riding into these matches. Coach is a great guy, yells a lot but has a heart for his young men. I see it. I know it because I feel it and it showed last night.
Kyle has had 3 matches so far this season. First 2 were wins by pin and we are very excited and so proud of him as well as the other guys putting it all out there on the mat. The crowds have been good with great support even though both the girls and boys basketball teams play on the same nights and lots of fans go to those games and the cheerleader team cheers for both games. So the fans that come to the wrestling matches are true wrestling fans and for the most part - they know the intensity that these matches have. It is INTENSE!!!
Last week Morgan and Taylor came to one of the matches and Taylor watched most of the matches with her hands over her face and her eyes watching through her fingers. Thats the intesity level !
Last night the team just coming off a good win against another local school was wrestling against a team that is known to be tough. They are scrappy and what I mean by that - they take it seriously and the coach is intense but they are not always the top team, in other sports YES! So you know what I am saying ....
After a few prelims and the other weight classes finished up - Kyle took some pep talk from coach and headed to the mat. Right off the bat his apponent showing signs that he is good but Kyle with a heart and determination that Carol and I are just now beginning to witness! After a couple moves back and forth nearing the end of the 1st period, Kyle has him almost pinned and the crowd is waiting the whistle - the buzzer sounds and the period ends. ALMOST! Coaches gather at the table over some points given - Kyle ahead. 2nd period begins - point going back and forth both giving it all they have, mom and dad screaming, fans screaming, coaches screaming - the place is loud. 2nd period ends with Kyle in the lead. 3rd period start and in the first 20 seconds or so, Kyle gains attention to the ref with a big scream - you know that scream as a parent. Thinking from the start a broke arm or something worse. The coaches run out on the mat and the nurse makes her way to the center. Motions for us to come out as Carol is already saying OH MY GOD - OH NO! - We get to the center mat and Kyle is on the ground with the nurse holding his arm up and his pinky is completely sideways. Dislocated.
Nurse explains it to us what has happened. Kyle white as anything and breathing heavy is looking at me. Nurse asked if we wanted her to pop it back in place. I said "yes" She told Kyle to take a breath and"pop" right back into place. She then said to Kyle - "Do you want to continue" - He looked at her and said "Im not quitting". The nurse then looked at me and I smiled and said - "Tape it up" - Lets get em K!!!
Gosh what a proud moment that was. As Kyle got up with his fingers taped and we made our way back to the bleachers, his team shouted and cheered. The place again got loud as we all were like - HOLY CRAP he didnt quit!
The match continued but Kyle shortly got pinned on a quick call from the ref with about 30 seconds left. What looked like a loss, was actually a WIN in so many ways. Its not that Kyle didnt get his hand raised at the end of the match - he got hands raised by his team, by his coaches, by his friends watching - by his parents but also by him.
He showed himself how tough he was and how quitting was not an option. Leadership example right there and it took a little digging deep to do it.
All the calls last night, facebook posts and text messages from his friends and as the news traveled - parents calling in to check on him last night. Coach put on his facebook wall last night that it was the most heroic moment he has ever seen in all the years he has been coaching.
What a great moment and not even one as a parent telling his child to keep going, pushing them or making them continue - he did that on his own. He got to experience something inside of himself that he never had the chance to let out or even to show others.
He will be ready for next week - showing heart big time.
Proud of you Kyle! - A few matches later his teamate got hurt with a dislocated knee. It was ugly. Clay went down sideways and his knee just crumbled. Screams of pain led to the paremedics coming, ambulance to the hospital. Crying parents and a very upset coach. Clay is doing fine today and awesome how people have reached out to him telling him they are praying for him, cheering him on and telling him to hurry up and get better. There is a team bond and spirit there.
Hickory Ridge Middle won the match not only by point but also by character. It showed last night!
Have a great weekend everyone !
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Kyle had his 2nd match in wrestling last night for the Hickory Ridge Middle School Mavericks. He won in the 2nd period by pin and it was probably a much tougher match than last weeks even though the result was the same - it was a tough match. Its odd being on this side of the match - you know as a parent being in the stands. I know how my mom and dad feel now after years of sitting in the bleachers at my judo competitions and years of wrestling. I dont think but maybe a handful of times of having butterflys or being nervous at all in the matches because you are all hiped up and pumped up for them but surely, sitting on the sidelines watching, hoping, moving all over and screaming like a crazy person is way different! Its like both sides of the extreme.
That is something I want to talk a little about today. Its been a big focus point in our Life Group the last few times getting together - living our lives for Christ in all we do. Taking Him with us in our days, into our meetings, into our classrooms, into our relationships. I extreme but so worth it because its like you dont have to check God off at the beginning of the day or mark it off as you muster up 10 minutes to read your Bible then hurry off to work. Extreme being that God is in us, we carry him everywhere, we speak through Him in everyone we speak to. We are His hands and feet - his example and dont you think people are watching. Listening. Judging. Bashing. Pointing. All of the above and so much more. What are they really seeing? Do they see the joy you have because of Christ? Do they feel the sense of something different about you because of the way you speak to others, encourage others no matter how difficulty it may seem, or how you overlook a persons faults and speak into their future? Building up instead of tearing them down..... The last few months as I read my Bible and the stories are being told and unfolded I have to say that most of the time the words and stories are more real and alive than ever. I think for one reason is my heart in those stories, my heart in those places and with those people. I think about standing as Paul is converted from Saul to Paul and I see that light that he describes and as Jesus speaks to him. I see myself standing with Paul in the jail cell chained to the wall and preaching to the other inmates about Jesus. I see myself walking along the dirty road dejected and all of lifes weight now washed away because Jesus was just murdered and my buddy and I are walking 7 miles home. Hope and dreams crushed and Jesus walks along side us and speaks to us and we dont even know its him until he comes into the home and we pray before the meal. Eyes wide open.
What would life be like if we lived our lives - Eyes Wide Open!!??
2 Corinthians 6: Companions as we are in this work with you, we beg you, please dont squander one bit of this marvelous life God has given us. God reminds us, I heard your call in the nick of time; The day you needed me, I was there to help. Well, now is the right time to listen, the day to be helped. Dont put it off; dont frustrate Gods work by showing up late, throwing a question mark over everything we're doing. Our work as Gods servants gets validated - or not- in the details. People are watching us as we stay our post, alertly, unswervingly ... in hard times, tough times, bad times; when we're beaten up, jailed and mobbed; working hard, working late, working without eating; with pure heart, clear head, steady hand; in gentleness, holiness, and honest love; when we're telling the truth, and when Gods showing his power; when we're doing our best setting things right; when we're praised, and when we're blamed; slandered, and honored; true to our word, though distrusted; ignored by the world, but recognized by God; terrifically alive, though rumored to be dead; beaten within an inch of our lives, but refusing to die; immersed in tears, yet always filled with deep joy; living on handouts, yet enriching many; having nothing, having it all.
Dear, dear Corinthians, (put your name here) I cant tell you how much I long for you to enter this wide-open spacious life. We didnt fence you in. The smallness you feel comes from within you. Your lives arent small, but you're living them in a small way. Im speaking as plainly as I can and with great affection. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively!
I know that was a lot of scripture to read and take in all at once but feel it loved ones. Let God work in you like never before. Open your eyes, open your heart and you mind to thinking more and bigger and let God work in you something incredible. Be the change that this world so needs! Yes you will look different. YES, you will not always be understood! I know first hand with that. Let God do something through you but first you have to let him do something IN you.
Focus your ENTIRE being on Him living fully in the moment in His Presence. Imagine what that looks like just for a second. God is fully with you, enveloping you in his love and in his peace. While you are there He is molding your thoughts and cleansing your heart and recreating you to be more like him. Continue to go about your day but let your thoughts not be focused on that person who is annoying or the one who is talking behind your back- Keep your guard up and focus your thoughts on Him. Every moment will come alive because they are focused around Him now and not the things taken place around you. Every day is a good day!
When we make the change to take Christ along in our day, in our conversations, into our work places, into our relationships, into our drive to work in the morning and in our examples to our children and how we treat others - Christ will then be fully alive- living with EYES WIDE OPEN.
2 Corinthians 6:18- I'll live in them, move into them. I'll be their God and they'll be my people. So leave the corruption and compromise; leave it for good, says God. Dont link up with those who will pollute you. I want you all for myself. I'll be a Father to you; you'll be sons and daughters to me. The Word of the Master, God.
Gaterade has a commercial that says "Its in You" - this is far better than any drink you will ever have if you have Christ in you.
May today be a day to boldly step forward and live the life you are called to live. Full of power, grace and love from our Heavenly Father. You are the son or daughter of God.
Its time to live it. The best is ahead of you....... believe in that.
That is something I want to talk a little about today. Its been a big focus point in our Life Group the last few times getting together - living our lives for Christ in all we do. Taking Him with us in our days, into our meetings, into our classrooms, into our relationships. I extreme but so worth it because its like you dont have to check God off at the beginning of the day or mark it off as you muster up 10 minutes to read your Bible then hurry off to work. Extreme being that God is in us, we carry him everywhere, we speak through Him in everyone we speak to. We are His hands and feet - his example and dont you think people are watching. Listening. Judging. Bashing. Pointing. All of the above and so much more. What are they really seeing? Do they see the joy you have because of Christ? Do they feel the sense of something different about you because of the way you speak to others, encourage others no matter how difficulty it may seem, or how you overlook a persons faults and speak into their future? Building up instead of tearing them down..... The last few months as I read my Bible and the stories are being told and unfolded I have to say that most of the time the words and stories are more real and alive than ever. I think for one reason is my heart in those stories, my heart in those places and with those people. I think about standing as Paul is converted from Saul to Paul and I see that light that he describes and as Jesus speaks to him. I see myself standing with Paul in the jail cell chained to the wall and preaching to the other inmates about Jesus. I see myself walking along the dirty road dejected and all of lifes weight now washed away because Jesus was just murdered and my buddy and I are walking 7 miles home. Hope and dreams crushed and Jesus walks along side us and speaks to us and we dont even know its him until he comes into the home and we pray before the meal. Eyes wide open.
What would life be like if we lived our lives - Eyes Wide Open!!??
2 Corinthians 6: Companions as we are in this work with you, we beg you, please dont squander one bit of this marvelous life God has given us. God reminds us, I heard your call in the nick of time; The day you needed me, I was there to help. Well, now is the right time to listen, the day to be helped. Dont put it off; dont frustrate Gods work by showing up late, throwing a question mark over everything we're doing. Our work as Gods servants gets validated - or not- in the details. People are watching us as we stay our post, alertly, unswervingly ... in hard times, tough times, bad times; when we're beaten up, jailed and mobbed; working hard, working late, working without eating; with pure heart, clear head, steady hand; in gentleness, holiness, and honest love; when we're telling the truth, and when Gods showing his power; when we're doing our best setting things right; when we're praised, and when we're blamed; slandered, and honored; true to our word, though distrusted; ignored by the world, but recognized by God; terrifically alive, though rumored to be dead; beaten within an inch of our lives, but refusing to die; immersed in tears, yet always filled with deep joy; living on handouts, yet enriching many; having nothing, having it all.
Dear, dear Corinthians, (put your name here) I cant tell you how much I long for you to enter this wide-open spacious life. We didnt fence you in. The smallness you feel comes from within you. Your lives arent small, but you're living them in a small way. Im speaking as plainly as I can and with great affection. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively!
I know that was a lot of scripture to read and take in all at once but feel it loved ones. Let God work in you like never before. Open your eyes, open your heart and you mind to thinking more and bigger and let God work in you something incredible. Be the change that this world so needs! Yes you will look different. YES, you will not always be understood! I know first hand with that. Let God do something through you but first you have to let him do something IN you.
Focus your ENTIRE being on Him living fully in the moment in His Presence. Imagine what that looks like just for a second. God is fully with you, enveloping you in his love and in his peace. While you are there He is molding your thoughts and cleansing your heart and recreating you to be more like him. Continue to go about your day but let your thoughts not be focused on that person who is annoying or the one who is talking behind your back- Keep your guard up and focus your thoughts on Him. Every moment will come alive because they are focused around Him now and not the things taken place around you. Every day is a good day!
When we make the change to take Christ along in our day, in our conversations, into our work places, into our relationships, into our drive to work in the morning and in our examples to our children and how we treat others - Christ will then be fully alive- living with EYES WIDE OPEN.
2 Corinthians 6:18- I'll live in them, move into them. I'll be their God and they'll be my people. So leave the corruption and compromise; leave it for good, says God. Dont link up with those who will pollute you. I want you all for myself. I'll be a Father to you; you'll be sons and daughters to me. The Word of the Master, God.
Gaterade has a commercial that says "Its in You" - this is far better than any drink you will ever have if you have Christ in you.
May today be a day to boldly step forward and live the life you are called to live. Full of power, grace and love from our Heavenly Father. You are the son or daughter of God.
Its time to live it. The best is ahead of you....... believe in that.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
James 1:27 - Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: To look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
I have read this passage in James I would fair to guess atleast a few times over the past few years but never has it really hit me as it has been the last few days.
I am also still stuck on this one sentance that the Lord gave me a few days ago - "Remember, love is not a feeling. It is a commitment."
Last night I got to the gym with a good workout before picking up Kyle at wrestling. I am thankful I got to encourage a few of the guys for their matches tomorrow and to have a small voice into their life about leadership on the team. I got home, got some supper and then turned in for the night. I was pretty tired with the clock change and not much sleep Saturday night, things just catch up to me and I have to just step back at times and recharge and refocus. I sat in my chair and put on the Elevation Church App on my Ipad and began to listen to Pastor Steven preach his message from Sunday. "Took it...Blessed it...Broke it...Gave it" - what a powerful message and I just dont know how he does this but its always a Word from God I need in my life. Speaking through Luke 24:13-35 - He shared with us that the way God works in our lives is "Sometimes God is taking you, Sometimes He's blessing you, Sometimes He's breaking you, all so He can give you".
I sat in my chair with tears running down my face. Broken for sure. God has been breaking me in this season of time in my life. God surely taking some things out of my life but is also blessing me in the process by putting some great things into it. I feel as though I am in all these places at once.
Church leadership for 7 years at my last church and God moves me to another church breaking me in the process of those friendships and close people in my life all really over stupid stuff. It hurts knowing that hurtful words are still being spoken even after 4 months of being there but I thank God for the power and determination not to speak to it and take the higher road. I am responsibile only for myself and my actions. Never would I have thought that would be unfolding before my eyes but I am very thankful for our new church home in Elevation Church and the teaching and leaders there pouring into my family and I when in this season, I fully believe we are needing it like never before.
"Remember, love is not a feeling. It is a commitment." - really speaks out to me for the people in my life today. Begging God to show me what to do next while sitting on the beach nearly 4 years ago as the sun came up out of the ocean - He clearly told me to step up and lead in a family. Not having any idea what I was doing or how it was going to be received - I finally told God okay!!! - Its a commitment since then. A promise. No matter the road ahead, though hard at times, folks dont always understand it looking from the outside - my promise and commitment stands even if it is breaking me in the process.
I know there is blessing in the breaking. It may not show today or tomorrow but one day it will. I fully trust God in the process. As Pastor Steven unfolded "When God breaks you, its not something you pray for, but when you get to the other side of it, you see a purpose in it. Although its a lot more fun to be in the stage where God is blessing you, you'll never know Him more intimately than in the times where He is breaking you. God doesnt break us because He is careless or cruel; He breaks us because He intends to give us to the hungry world. Jesus broke the bread, but it never left His hands! He intends to use you more than ever before!"
Remember, love is not a feeling. It is a commitment. - I have not felt this close to the Lord in a long time. I am fully aware even with all that is going on around me that I am in his hands. He has a grip on me and though he is taking me to a place, he is breaking me and blessing me all at once. His love for me and for you is a commitment. Its a promise.
Its my commitment and promise to the Lyman family, to the Mitcheltree family, to the Beaver family, to my family - Carol, Kyle and Kate.
In my devotion time this morning Ill share - "Learn to appreciate the difficult days. Be stimulated by the challenges you encounter along your way. As you journey through the rough terrain with Me, gain confidence from your knowledge that together we can handle anything. This knowledge is comprised of 3 parts; our relationship, promises in the Bible, and the past experiences of coping successfully during hard times. Look back and see how I have helped you through difficult days and always remember who I AM!"
Broken but never crushed. God shows us the process of taking us, blessing us, breaking us, and then giving us something significant.
I have read this passage in James I would fair to guess atleast a few times over the past few years but never has it really hit me as it has been the last few days.
I am also still stuck on this one sentance that the Lord gave me a few days ago - "Remember, love is not a feeling. It is a commitment."
Last night I got to the gym with a good workout before picking up Kyle at wrestling. I am thankful I got to encourage a few of the guys for their matches tomorrow and to have a small voice into their life about leadership on the team. I got home, got some supper and then turned in for the night. I was pretty tired with the clock change and not much sleep Saturday night, things just catch up to me and I have to just step back at times and recharge and refocus. I sat in my chair and put on the Elevation Church App on my Ipad and began to listen to Pastor Steven preach his message from Sunday. "Took it...Blessed it...Broke it...Gave it" - what a powerful message and I just dont know how he does this but its always a Word from God I need in my life. Speaking through Luke 24:13-35 - He shared with us that the way God works in our lives is "Sometimes God is taking you, Sometimes He's blessing you, Sometimes He's breaking you, all so He can give you".
I sat in my chair with tears running down my face. Broken for sure. God has been breaking me in this season of time in my life. God surely taking some things out of my life but is also blessing me in the process by putting some great things into it. I feel as though I am in all these places at once.
Church leadership for 7 years at my last church and God moves me to another church breaking me in the process of those friendships and close people in my life all really over stupid stuff. It hurts knowing that hurtful words are still being spoken even after 4 months of being there but I thank God for the power and determination not to speak to it and take the higher road. I am responsibile only for myself and my actions. Never would I have thought that would be unfolding before my eyes but I am very thankful for our new church home in Elevation Church and the teaching and leaders there pouring into my family and I when in this season, I fully believe we are needing it like never before.
"Remember, love is not a feeling. It is a commitment." - really speaks out to me for the people in my life today. Begging God to show me what to do next while sitting on the beach nearly 4 years ago as the sun came up out of the ocean - He clearly told me to step up and lead in a family. Not having any idea what I was doing or how it was going to be received - I finally told God okay!!! - Its a commitment since then. A promise. No matter the road ahead, though hard at times, folks dont always understand it looking from the outside - my promise and commitment stands even if it is breaking me in the process.
I know there is blessing in the breaking. It may not show today or tomorrow but one day it will. I fully trust God in the process. As Pastor Steven unfolded "When God breaks you, its not something you pray for, but when you get to the other side of it, you see a purpose in it. Although its a lot more fun to be in the stage where God is blessing you, you'll never know Him more intimately than in the times where He is breaking you. God doesnt break us because He is careless or cruel; He breaks us because He intends to give us to the hungry world. Jesus broke the bread, but it never left His hands! He intends to use you more than ever before!"
Remember, love is not a feeling. It is a commitment. - I have not felt this close to the Lord in a long time. I am fully aware even with all that is going on around me that I am in his hands. He has a grip on me and though he is taking me to a place, he is breaking me and blessing me all at once. His love for me and for you is a commitment. Its a promise.
Its my commitment and promise to the Lyman family, to the Mitcheltree family, to the Beaver family, to my family - Carol, Kyle and Kate.
In my devotion time this morning Ill share - "Learn to appreciate the difficult days. Be stimulated by the challenges you encounter along your way. As you journey through the rough terrain with Me, gain confidence from your knowledge that together we can handle anything. This knowledge is comprised of 3 parts; our relationship, promises in the Bible, and the past experiences of coping successfully during hard times. Look back and see how I have helped you through difficult days and always remember who I AM!"
Broken but never crushed. God shows us the process of taking us, blessing us, breaking us, and then giving us something significant.
Monday, November 7, 2011

This picture was taken August 2010 after Kate spent some time in a place in Georgia. There she experienced the best care and counseling that is available today. She got to learn a LOT about herself. The reasons why she does things, the reasons why she cares do deeply about things and in the process has helped her in the long run in making choices. I love this picture because there is healing in this moment. A tough year before for her and for us as a family but in this moment its where love is discovered that its not about a feeling. Its about a commitment. It has me really praying and thinking hard the last few weeks as her day to move to NC and back into our family is this coming Saturday. Its a new beginning in many ways. Its a redo from what happened 2 years ago. Its about grace and learning to love when its hard, when its not often convenient and even when you just dont think its possible any longer.
I learned in that season of time to really love deeply. Though tough things happening, grace pours out from the heart and forgiveness is given and love deepens to a new level.
I am so excited to have Kate back. Though for sure it will change the dynamics of my home, the freedoms we all share currently but all those things are worth it. There is not a time table on this journey ahead and I am thankful for that. I think far too often we have people in our lives, often times our own children and when they turn to a tough road in life, we often think of them as a project. We need to get them fixed. We need to do something to get them back on the right paths again. We need to do something on our end - but often enough, it has to be on their end. Its their decisions and paths and not ours.
People are not projects and I am in a place in my heart and in my relationship with Kate that this is not about fixing anything - its about opportunity - its about comittment.
Being comitted to lead, to love, to be a role model, to show her Jesus, to accept as she is, and just love her.
I think about this acceptance when I go visit my family in VA. It was our family reunion yesterday in Ararat VA as we do each year on the first Sunday in November. Its a day that often times I get to see my family for the first time since that exact day last year. Its hard to get up that way and harder even to see everyone with everyone all over the mountain. But its a day, I get so excited for. Its a day that Uncle Homer addresses the family, speaks to us as one, no matter how plugged in we are with each other or not - He reminds us to be thankful for all the blessings God has given us this past year. We remember the ones not with us and it is a meal shared like no other. Carol, Kyle, Morgan and myself got to share in such a great day - I got to spend a little time with my cousins kids and to see my grandmother and her sisters family and my aunts and uncles. Its just a day where we are happy to see each other. Happy for this day to share and accept right then where we are in life. Hey, dont care you havent been around for awhile or life is hard - today and right here we are glad and thankful you are here. It has always been that way.
My relationship with Kate is the same way. I accept you as you are today sweetie and I cant wait to move forward. To build something from where it is today. No hard or tough feelings of the past holding us back. Just like being a part of the family renunion - welcome back sweetie.
Welcome home.
James 1:27 - Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Carol, Kyle and a host of families we do life with are comitted not because we love out of a feeling but because we are comitted. God gave us an example, a great example of loving others. I too have lost my mom, Carol has lost her mom and for that - those experiences in life we have each other to lean on. God has taken away so that we can relate. So that we can rebuild and move forward. He has given us each other.
Love you more than you will ever know Kate. 5 days let the rebuilding begin. Deeply comitted by the example of love that Christ has given us.
Uncle Lonnie ~
Friday, November 4, 2011
I really wanted to take a moment to share the last period of Kyles match last night with a video but I cant seem to upload it on here. Maybe its too large of a file size but I will have to say that Carol, Morgan, Taylor and myself sat waiting on Kyle's match biting each others fingers. His first start. Crowd loud and we are away from our home turf - lots of new kids wrestling for the first time, not sure what to do, first match of the season and the place is loud. Fan support was good on both sides but Mt. Pleasant is known for wrestling. Our first couple matches we got pinned and it was looking like a sweep as we all looked at the talent and toughness of the other team. Kyles match was up. He checked in, coach slapped him on the butt and the handshake took place right before the whistle. Kyle went up 4-1 in the match in the first period even though he almost turned into a pin in the last second. 2nd period found him on bottom and fighting for a good most of it trying to get out from under. Finally breaking free and rolling with a good move that was too fast for his opponent, Taylor covering her eyes, Carol screaming, I'm trying my best to scream, lean and take video, Morgan is yelling "Go Kyle" - Kyle makes the move and drives his arm over the guys shoulder and rolls him onto his back. With a pressing shoulder and driving legs he presses the shoulders onto the mat for the win. Pin - first time out. Crowd goes nuts, mom is out of control jumping up and down and sweaty hands, Taylor uncovers her eyes and Morgan is yelling "Way to go Kyle" - I am filming the back of the head of the person in front of me almost totally missing the shot of him taking the arm raised in victory.
Kyle shakes hands and greets all the coaches with pats on the head, smiles and Mavericks chant.
Gosh - what a great way to start. So much poured into that one match. See an entire year last year being the workout guy for the starter. Sometimes beating him and getting better week by week. He could have lost heart. He could have given up. He could have finished out the year and then no more deciding to not do that again.
Very proud of him sticking with it. You can tell he has that driving look on his face like - I got this. I can do this. I can win this! Its determination and not giving up when it gets tough. Im not saying he will win every match. I really hope he does but I do know in experiencing a loss - there will be much learned from it. But for now, mom and dad - are enjoying the Win even though the team lost big time... 6 points went up on the score board with Kyles name on it.
I love hearing the comments from the football players who are wrestling this year. "I thought football was tough but this wrestling is killer, coach is trying to kill us!" - YUP welcome to wrestling boys.
Its all you on that mat.... one on one.
Got to love it..... Kyle Proud of you buddy! I know why my mom and dad looked the way they did all those years in the stands while I was on the mat at Judo or on the mat at wrestling. My turn to have that look now :)
Cold and rainy here today. Got a coffee going this afternoon with miss Holly. Tomorrow might try to hit the handicapped basketball game with miss Nicole and then help Carol with some stuff. Sunday is reunion day in VA! I love getting together with everyone! A year since seeing most of my family. Ready for some banana pudding and way to much to eat.
Have a blessed Friday everyone,
Kyle shakes hands and greets all the coaches with pats on the head, smiles and Mavericks chant.
Gosh - what a great way to start. So much poured into that one match. See an entire year last year being the workout guy for the starter. Sometimes beating him and getting better week by week. He could have lost heart. He could have given up. He could have finished out the year and then no more deciding to not do that again.
Very proud of him sticking with it. You can tell he has that driving look on his face like - I got this. I can do this. I can win this! Its determination and not giving up when it gets tough. Im not saying he will win every match. I really hope he does but I do know in experiencing a loss - there will be much learned from it. But for now, mom and dad - are enjoying the Win even though the team lost big time... 6 points went up on the score board with Kyles name on it.
I love hearing the comments from the football players who are wrestling this year. "I thought football was tough but this wrestling is killer, coach is trying to kill us!" - YUP welcome to wrestling boys.
Its all you on that mat.... one on one.
Got to love it..... Kyle Proud of you buddy! I know why my mom and dad looked the way they did all those years in the stands while I was on the mat at Judo or on the mat at wrestling. My turn to have that look now :)
Cold and rainy here today. Got a coffee going this afternoon with miss Holly. Tomorrow might try to hit the handicapped basketball game with miss Nicole and then help Carol with some stuff. Sunday is reunion day in VA! I love getting together with everyone! A year since seeing most of my family. Ready for some banana pudding and way to much to eat.
Have a blessed Friday everyone,
Thursday, November 3, 2011
I wanted to take a moment today and share an article that was in my inbox this morning. This is from the Simple Youth Ministry out of Saddleback Church that Rick Warren leads. These guys that run the student ministry there are brilliant and their articles often really hit home for me. Todays article did just that - so much so - I had to share. As I read it over for the 2nd and 3rd time this morning, I cant help to think about those couple students who I took extra energy into pouring into. They were and still are special students, special young adults with amazing qualities, gifts and talents that God has given them. I reflect back on the student last year at WinterJam and they made the announcement during the concert for all youth pastors, leaders and key volunteers to go and meet in this huge back room where some of the band members that were playing on stage that day would have a word of encouragement for us, pray over us and thank us for investing into the young people today. As I grabbed one of my students, we walked to the back room, got to meet a few of the band members from Third Day and NewBoys - all she had on her face was a huge smile. Something special was taking place. I often hear the words from her about being a youth pastor someday. This is a special and cheering her on in life is often all they need to realize that things are so more important and bigger than the drama struggle of right now. Her mom called me to thank me for doing this as she was told in great details about the experience. I also remember one of our key students leaders last year setting great examples to the other students. Always willing to lead, help out in anyway possible - It was an honor to write a letter of recomendation for college. Its an honor to be called for a job reference. Then there is also the honor to answer the question about honoring God while in a dating relationship while spotting a bench press lift. Little moments leading to giant moments. As my church, Elevation Church, is getting ready to launch its new worship album, For the Honor, I cant help but to think about all the young people I have had to honor to lead, to share special moments like these with and guide them in these tough awkward years being a teenager. It really is an honor
Informing, Inspiring, Connecting, Equipping. These are just a few words that come to mind which in time, I hope to share my heart with each of them.
Enjoy the article today :)
I will never forget the day, it was a few years ago and I was meeting my former Sunday School teacher for lunch. The cool thing was that after almost 15 years from being in his class we were still friends and we still get together for lunch from time to time. He was one of my favorite teachers that came along in my tween years when things were awkward and weird, and he contributed greatly to my life.
This particular day I was beaten down and upset. I had 3 kids, worked a full time job, and still served as a youth pastor, and I was frustrated trying to balance all these things. During the lunch I remember telling him that I wish my church could hire me full time, or I wish that I could be normal and happy working a regular job. In typical mentor style he bought my lunch, gave me a cd of new music I hadn't heard yet, and told about a few podcasts that may help me out.I don't remember him really doing anything or even addressing my problem, but it was exactly what I needed. I left that fine Chinese restaurant a little encouraged and stoked that along with my new music I found that he had added a few tracks from the new Muse album.
These articles were all about mentors, and none of us would have been the same without them. Just think if Luke Skywalker never met Obi Wan Kenobi, he would have been a whiney dead man instead of a Jedi Knight. If Frodo didn't have Gandalf in his life than he would have would have been unprepared and perished in Saurons attempt to dominant the world.I am anxious to finish this review because as soon as I finish I have the daunting task of writing a recommendation letter so a teenager in my youth group can score a college scholarship. This brings me to the second article I read that talked about Look Forward, Look Around, and Look Back. I felt pretty good about this article, I mean I know who is leading me, I know who Im leading with, and I know who I am leading. I was really intrigued by the idea of pouring a little extra into a few special students. One of my special students is the very teenager who asked my to write him the letter of recommendation. This kid is a natural leader, responsible, and he is the key cog in my youth group audience. I remember one time we were at a summer service conference and during a leaders meeting they told us that if our teens liked the could come early and sit in on the "prayer team" meeting, and then be allowed to help pray for people at the end of service.
Right before the prayer team meeting was about to start I saw this particular teen walking down the hall way I grabbed his shoulder and said, "Hey come here I want you to go to this meeting." He simply agreed and went to the meeting with no questions, no fight, no inhibitions. As much as I would like to attribute his actions to my leadership skills, I cant. He is just a special kid. I have to remember that God provides him with the skills, and I am to provide him with direction. Everyone needs to be led especially while they lead. These articles reminded me that while I have systems in place and people to guide me, I have to remember to take special interest, special time, and guide a few special kids.I struggle with remembering the importance of mentors, and when Josh referenced mentors from pop culture, it really struck a chord with me. Let me challenge you to stop reading this review and open your Bible to Titus 2. This chapter is all about how mentoring should work within the church. It's a biblical concept that I tend to forget about until I read articles like these. Do like the article says and take some time today to Look Forward, Look Around, and Look Back.
Informing, Inspiring, Connecting, Equipping. These are just a few words that come to mind which in time, I hope to share my heart with each of them.
Enjoy the article today :)
I will never forget the day, it was a few years ago and I was meeting my former Sunday School teacher for lunch. The cool thing was that after almost 15 years from being in his class we were still friends and we still get together for lunch from time to time. He was one of my favorite teachers that came along in my tween years when things were awkward and weird, and he contributed greatly to my life.
This particular day I was beaten down and upset. I had 3 kids, worked a full time job, and still served as a youth pastor, and I was frustrated trying to balance all these things. During the lunch I remember telling him that I wish my church could hire me full time, or I wish that I could be normal and happy working a regular job. In typical mentor style he bought my lunch, gave me a cd of new music I hadn't heard yet, and told about a few podcasts that may help me out.I don't remember him really doing anything or even addressing my problem, but it was exactly what I needed. I left that fine Chinese restaurant a little encouraged and stoked that along with my new music I found that he had added a few tracks from the new Muse album.
These articles were all about mentors, and none of us would have been the same without them. Just think if Luke Skywalker never met Obi Wan Kenobi, he would have been a whiney dead man instead of a Jedi Knight. If Frodo didn't have Gandalf in his life than he would have would have been unprepared and perished in Saurons attempt to dominant the world.I am anxious to finish this review because as soon as I finish I have the daunting task of writing a recommendation letter so a teenager in my youth group can score a college scholarship. This brings me to the second article I read that talked about Look Forward, Look Around, and Look Back. I felt pretty good about this article, I mean I know who is leading me, I know who Im leading with, and I know who I am leading. I was really intrigued by the idea of pouring a little extra into a few special students. One of my special students is the very teenager who asked my to write him the letter of recommendation. This kid is a natural leader, responsible, and he is the key cog in my youth group audience. I remember one time we were at a summer service conference and during a leaders meeting they told us that if our teens liked the could come early and sit in on the "prayer team" meeting, and then be allowed to help pray for people at the end of service.
Right before the prayer team meeting was about to start I saw this particular teen walking down the hall way I grabbed his shoulder and said, "Hey come here I want you to go to this meeting." He simply agreed and went to the meeting with no questions, no fight, no inhibitions. As much as I would like to attribute his actions to my leadership skills, I cant. He is just a special kid. I have to remember that God provides him with the skills, and I am to provide him with direction. Everyone needs to be led especially while they lead. These articles reminded me that while I have systems in place and people to guide me, I have to remember to take special interest, special time, and guide a few special kids.I struggle with remembering the importance of mentors, and when Josh referenced mentors from pop culture, it really struck a chord with me. Let me challenge you to stop reading this review and open your Bible to Titus 2. This chapter is all about how mentoring should work within the church. It's a biblical concept that I tend to forget about until I read articles like these. Do like the article says and take some time today to Look Forward, Look Around, and Look Back.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Devotional time today - GROW STRONG in the light of my Presence. Your weakness does not repel me. On the contrary, it attracts My power, which is always available to flow into a yielded heart. Don not condemn yourself for your constant need of help. Instead, come to Me with your gaping needinessl let the Light of My love fill you. A yielded heart does not whine or rebel when the going gets rough. It musters the courage to thank Me even during hard times. Yoielding yourself to My will is ultimately an act of trust.
In quietness and trust is your stength.
Psalm 116:6 - The Lord protects the simpleheartd, when I was in great need, you saved me.
It has been a tough day for reasons I wont explain but I do know for sure - as the playlist plays on my Itunes through my computer - "Surrender" by Jeremy Camp - there is not another song with softer, more gentle words like this one. Gosh, it really sinks into the heart.
Grateful that song came across the speakers this afternoon.
Grace changed everything.
Thats it for today,
In quietness and trust is your stength.
Psalm 116:6 - The Lord protects the simpleheartd, when I was in great need, you saved me.
It has been a tough day for reasons I wont explain but I do know for sure - as the playlist plays on my Itunes through my computer - "Surrender" by Jeremy Camp - there is not another song with softer, more gentle words like this one. Gosh, it really sinks into the heart.
Grateful that song came across the speakers this afternoon.
Grace changed everything.
Thats it for today,
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