Friday, October 29, 2010

This week has been a tough week and I for one am glad its Friday. I look forward to going with my family to campus tonight, we are seeing a movie and then tour the Student Union as its all decorated Halloween style. 2 of my students are dressed up and Kenny Chesney is in my office today. I miss my boots, I think I will wear them more often than I do.
This past week they had sign ups for the flu shot which I took bravely into my right shoulder. A few years ago, I was the one voted to get the nurse that gives a bad needle. It was true - as she poked me with it, blood shot out of my arm and onto the ground. She made a little scream noise and I sat amazed that something like that shot that far out of my arm. Last year, I was asking for $5 donations to scream loudly in pain as I got me shot but nobody came through for me. I was hoping to use that for coffee money. This year was just normal, no takers on the scream, no donations and no blood splatter. It has me thinking about the flu a little since I have a good friend who was out of work for over a week with the flu. She is still not up to full speed yet and I know being around college students all day and being around people all day ... getting the flu will surely take me down and my risk is big time increased with all the people around me.
I want to talk about hope today. Hope that is contagious.

Colossians 1:27 - "... to them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles, the glorious riches of this mystery which is Christ in you, the hope of glory".

Everything in creation has been a given a calling by God. A purpose to fulfill his purposes. Even our solar system speaks of Gods specific design. As God created the sun and the planets in such a way as to provide life on this earth. We know that if the sun had been placed closer or further away from our planet earth, life would not be here. If our planet was tilted just a few degrees more, life would be uninhabitable. The ecological system we have here on earth has an important place, a purpose to fulfill - a calling.
You and I have even a greater certainty that we are created with a purpose to fulfill. We each have a Divine calling. As we become Christ followers, His spirit comes to dwell in us. He reveals and empowers the calling that God has placed on our lives - not just a basic or general calling, but a personal one. God created you to make His presence known!

God has hope to make his presence known through us. As we fulfill this calling, His life-giving hope becomes contagious. Finding hope in Jesus, is life changing.
My prayer for you today is that you give your life to Christ and let him be contagious to all those around you.
Romans 15:13 - May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Have a great Friday everyone and a safe "BOO" day Sunday.

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