Thursday, October 28, 2010

This has been a spiritual leading day for sure. I am not complaining at all and actually this is the kind of day that I pray for each morning.
Lord use me in however you need to, help me not miss a whisper that you give me so that I can step forward in faith to be used by you. Thank you Lord for the people you put in my path and teach me all that I need to know so that I may grow closer to you today. Amen

Almost every morning in my quiet time I have a prayer that goes something like that. Today I am in 1 Corinthians 15:58 and was reflecting on a life verse that would speak to about and to my life.
1 Corinthians 15:58- With all this going for us, my dear, dear friends, stand your ground. And don't hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort.

There are days where you often feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. The weight sometimes is so heavy that its easy to get discouraged - even for me and having the gift of encouragement. The condition of the hearts of most people are hurting today. I got news that my brother is in the hospital and is having bypass today. No call from my dad yet as to how things went. LOL our student ministry Bible study was heavy last night with questions as we did a question and answer type of hour and the students challenged our student pastor. Questions kept coming at McDonalds afterwards and then again on the way home. I love moments like this where students get a chance to be real. They come with the heavy questions and open up.
This morning I was stopped on my way into work with a conversation of something that happened in the office yesterday. My door is always open and in walked a marraige that is hurting and on the brink of disaster. Another phone call this afternoon with a marriage that is hurting and if something is not done - a beautiful family will be no more. Children lost in the shuffle, mom and dad not the team and marriage example any more for their children.
Its hard out here on the battle field.
There are many times, as a Youth worker, a father, a husband, a friend, a leader, a son and so many other hats that its just really hard. Somedays, you just feel like giving in and saying, Ok Lord. Please take all this from me. I didn't know it was going to be this hard.

Then something happens - last night I gave $2 to a hungry homeless man on the street - I said hey man, God loves you, God bless and here is a few bucks to get a cup of coffee and something warm to eat. I put my pants on this morning and I find in my right pocket $2. You may think thats funny or odd - I look at that as God gave that back to me to give to the next person.
I got some special Carol time Tuesday night and had such a great night. Rejuvinated because of it.
Last night while sitting at the table at McDonalds, Morgan leans over and says "I need some Lonnie time, I miss you". That breaks my heart.
I see other students leaning in and wanting so eagerly to live for Christ but are feeling beaten down and heavy. Maybe home is not the best grounds to sprout spiritual wings. School is a tough battle ground with all that is going on there. "Mr Lonnie, how do I continue to stand for Christ where I am at? How do I know this is where I am supposed to be?"
These are some tough questions and are ones that need prayer for sure.

With so many things being so hard ... it would be easy to just toss it in and give up. Let the marriage fall because its too hard to go and get help, its too hard to have that conversation with my daughter, its too hard to lead my family......

If you are leading - no matter if its in church, at work, or leading girl scouts .... Holdup~Buildup~Fireup.

~Holdup -Pray for those in your life. Pray for your students by name. Hold them accountable and hold their hands when they need it. Pray for your marriage, your daughter - for your relationships.
~Buildup - Invest time in them, have a coffee, send them a good morning text message wishing them a great day. The only way to get to know someone is to spend time with them. Let them know in a personal way that you care and are there for them. Put on the listening ears and let them talk ... often times folks just need an ear.
~Fireup - fire them up and encourage them. Everyone needs someone to cheer them on. Nothing speaks louder than an encouraging word.

Lead by example. Spiritual growth is a choice. You have to want to grow. Its not automatic loved ones. You can grow old without growing up. You are as close to God as you choose to be. He doesn't move. It takes action and comitment. We grow through our comitments.

Nothing is wasted by God. People only get well while in community with others.
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 - Keep your eyes open, hold tight to your convictions, give it all you've got, be resolute and love without stopping.


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