Monday, October 11, 2010

Sometimes we need to lean on someone elses faith until we can stand on our own.

Those words have wrecked me for the past few weeks. I got to hear them live from Pastor Furtick at a leadership conference and after he said those words... I sat down in my chair and wept. Thats just being real. Thats just being honest and I don't care if you think that crying is for wimps or not being a man. Being a man is leading your family, listening to God and all He has to say, letting God lead your life, being humble to serve others, saying your sorry when its called for, having a heart that breaks for people in your life and even people you dont even know, and being thankful each day for what God has given you - regardless if where you are today is where you want to be.
Last night for Rock Group it was short on people but for those who came - I think it went really well. It was pointed out that being luke warm for Christ is not the best place to be. God either wants us hot or cold - either moving toward him or away from him. This non decided, gray zone of faith is a place that does nobody any good. Its like making a decision on something - sure you need to have some time and pray and seek Gods will but eventually a decision has to be made. If none is made then the situation becomes too big for us and then takes on its own direction. That pretty much leaves us helpless and no place to turn.
There are things in our lives that storm all around us. People in our lives are sick, debt is mounting, friends are walking away and saying hurtful things behind your back, you are not fitting in with the crowd you so want to be associated with that you change your appearance, talk differently, and walk away from many things, sometimes including God - to be part of that circle. You comprimise who you really are and soon forget what God has brought you through. Loss of a job and a lifestyle in an instant haunts many of us today. Children with bonus never ending energy undermine the authority of their parents. Life is hard sometimes..... and you have said the prayers, had your face in the bible, increased your alone time with Christ, have great friends to help you, - you dont know what else to do. There is no relief in sight. Paycheck is not matching the bills this month. You lost your smile and your eyes are set on the ground.

Mark 4:35-
That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side". Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Techer, dont you care if we drown?" He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still." Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" They were terified and asked each other, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!"

I just love that story. I can so see the panic on the 12 faces and their hearts racing as they thought and felt their ship was going down. Carol, Kyle, Morgan, Donna and I were out on Lake Adger this past Saturday. There was little wind and the weather was perfect. I can remember smiling knowing I was going to be talking about this and really taking in the scenery and being on the lake. The lake was perfectly calm and everything reflected as if there were 2 of everything as object reflected off the water. It was so peaceful - I imagine it looking like that after Jesus tells the wind and waves to be still - it was perfect just like Saturday.
How is that in life when things are so out of control we turn and start bailing like the disciples did that day during the squall? Often times we want to get out of the boat and swim back to where we came from. What if you cant go back? What if life has you in a place that you cant turn and head back to shore ... to that ex wife, to that son or daughter... to that job? We cant go back but we are also not there yet. See this life is a journey - and we are not there yet. We havent reached the other side. Its the inbetween that messes us up. Is the storms that rage all around us and often times we either lose our faith or it becomes stronger. One thing for certain - I am not getting out of the boat. I may feel like quitting, I may say I am quitting but my faith and my heart and the trust I have in Christ tells me to stay on course. There is much to learn in the squall of life.
One thing I have learned over the past few years is the importance of a spiritual family. They hold me accountable, they do life with me, they hurt when I hurt, they share smiles when there is victory, they are there no matter what is going on. I told those there last night that I was not letting them out of the boat. There was no jumping ship - no matter what is crashing around them. I am not letting them give up. We need to do that for each other. Satan doesnt care about your job, your heart, the sex you are having without being married, the lies you tell others - he cares only about your faith. Take that away and the rest will come - those things will happen loved ones. If your heart is not in alignment with Christ - those things you are seeking are yours. One day you will own that stuff .... and the stuff is not what God is after. When we are alone - we do the most damage to our lives. I dont mean alone as in not having a wife or a husband or a boyfriend or girlfriend ..I am talking spiritually alone.
Together, we can stand firm, arms wrapped around each other, in tune with each others world and stay the course. Often times we give up right when we are about to turn the corner. Our prayers and belief that God can do imaginable things in us and through us ...we give up right before they happen. Stay the course loved ones, we are not there yet.... and I am not letting you out of the boat. I know you would do the same for me.

Often times, we have to lean on someone elses faith before we can stand on our own.

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