Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Grace Card movie - A- will be my stand review on this movie. It was pretty cool being at my first movie screening. There were lots of goodies handed out, a tshirt and a fella spoke afterwards from the movie producer and answered questions that we all had. There were about 140 or folks there of almost every age group. I do think the movie had its slow parts but half way through it made up for it. It took some time to really set the stage of where the dad was at in his life before the movie kicked up a few notches. Carol cried mostly towards the end and I admit shedding a tear or two was easy to do. Powerful movie that extends the real definition of Grace.
Grace is a gift we dont deserve. Its like the passing over while waiting trial ... Grace is not something you earn as Grace is harder to give than to receive.

As I broke out a pen and note paper during the movie to jot down a few notes ... these are just a few of the nuggets I got to write down. There are plenty more and I will dig into this Grace over the next few days.

~Sometimes when we need a life lesson, God sends us a teacher. - WOW, that really blows me away. It shows me that a teacher in life that Gods sends us doesnt have to be a person to lead us so much but to show us things. To point out where our hearts are and what we are thinking. A teacher can be a person that we get along with most times but what about the ones that we dont get along with? A boss that is just a pain in the you know what? Did God put him or her in your life or did God put you in THERE life? That will make you think for sure.... Life lessons don't always have to be about situations or results of our decisions - they can be often times people that God puts in our life to teach us, show us and guide us.

~Monday to Saturday .... is the game. Think of it as football in the game of life. We as followers of Christ actually play the game we learn about on Sundays! Sunday is the "Locker room" where we learn the plays, learn the timing, form bonds with our teams .... dude that is good stuff right there!

~ A kind word can go a long way. - I cant' tell you how many times I have been part of the end result in parents and teens going at it because of getting the last word in. I am guilty of that in my own life ...and not with just my parents. Our nature is to get our own way and in doing so - getting the last word in is an attempt to do that...and when that last word gets in its that persons last stance because they know they are losing. THose are usually the tough words that should have stayed quiet. Christ shares with us to use our words to build people up and not tear them down. Our words can be building blocks to someone - they can change a persons entire outlook in their day or even in their week with one kind word. We don't know that persons story behind the counter, or that young lady serving you the sweet tea.
I have really been making this a point in my life the last few weeks. There is nothing like speaking the persons name and having that conversation while you get your meal, while she rings up the milk and bread ... Nothing like a kind word.
Son, awesome job on the report card. I love you honey and dad is proud of you. You can do this!
So often all we need is a little whisper telling us we can do it.... to lift our spirits and succeed.

One thing I walked away with last night from the movie as I look into my leadership role in Student ministry is the fact that the students are listening to my faith and watching my life. they are counting on me having a genuine but not perfect walk with Jesus. I always have to know that my faith, YOUR faith, is lived out loud by our actions and not just our words. Even when we slip up, show spiritual leadership in the way you humbly and correctly deal with mistakes and strive for Gods best.
Think that would work in your family? Think that would work with the relationships at work? How about your kids?

More tomorrow loved ones.... Bible Study tonight - I am pumped to be with this family God has placed in my life.

Lord bring Your word tonight - help them have the confidence to walk and shine for you. Move their hearts Lord no matter where they may be today. Give us a kind word as we spent and invest time together this evening. May the talks afterwards be focused and centered around you. May you be happy and glorified in all that takes place this evening. We love and praise you Lord.... thank You for giving me the chance to walk with these students, their families and the leaders around me. I pray in Your sons mightly and holy name in Jesus. Amen

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