Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Whew - its been a busy few days. Sorry I have not had time to post anything but that doesn't mean my feet are still.

Yesterday I spent most of the day fighting with our web server here at work. Its still running and that is a good thing. It was a busy weekend with 2 parties on Saturday, church setup/breakdown and serving in k-5 on Sunday. I will share a picture of the halloween party that we went to... its been so long since I had hair ... I forgot what it was like. No wonder I am always cold - hair keeps your head warm! I look like something from Dr. Seuss right? It was a great party!
This coming Friday night we are headed to a friends house for Halloween. Tony will be hooking up the trailer to the 4wheeler - so this should be a fun time by all! Glad Kyle is still into it......
This coming Sunday will be our first missed church service in many months. I am already feeling guilty and looking forward to the following Sunday. We have our family reunion this coming Sunday in Ararat VA. I look forward to seeing everyone - Angie.... hope you and the family can make it!
I got a chance to watch some of the world series the last 2 nights. I have not watched much baseball since the Mets didn't make the playoffs but I am a baseball fan by heart so I tune in no matter who is playing. It has me thinking about a few things with the players. Tampa Bay had the worst record in baseball last year - this year they are playing in the world series. I wonder what that will do to their payroll next year - win or lose - I bet it goes up! I think about these baseball players and all the kids that look up to them as role models - especially now they are in the shining light of the world series. These guys have such influence over their young fans that they don't even realize how deep they influence them. Their actions on the field play out just as much as their actions off the field. Too often we read about this player messing up or making a bad decision and often times it ruins them or they fall from their fans pedestal. I am in a role model role being at church and in the lives of the folks I am doing life with. I have a big heart and God has blessed me with opening my eyes to many folks ~My heart is so about others and not myself now because of Jesus. - especially all the kids. Kids I am doing life with in my small group, the lives of many of Kyles friends and many in Sunday School. Some won't even come into Sunday School unless I am there. I take this role very seriously and I ask God daily to make my intentions His intentions. I ask Him to show what He wants me to do next. I can't change the lives of everyone but if I can shine for Jesus - He can change their lives. Its not about me at all.......
Being a role model should not replace the role model in the family unit. As a parent, we should be the role model for our children. When things happen and times get tough it is not the outside the family role model that influences - it is the parent role model that influences.
Reggie White was a preacher of the Gospel. He played NFL football and was the leader in more ways than one on the field. He was a leader off the field as well, speaking to congregations in churches, benefits, and often times right in the communities where people are hurting. He spoke truth into the lives of children and to remind them of the importance of who they are in God and that they CAN go to college and they can do something with their lives. Yes life is hard at times and yes - we don't know what the future holds.... we often make decisions in life by what we are seeing and feeling right now. God is bigger than all that we see and what we are feeling right now. He should be the role model in our lives ... a role model in our decisions.... and a role model in how we treat others.
Many of you know the story of my illness a few years back. I often think back to that time and then realize where I am today. I am blessed beyond measure and thankful for where the Lord has taken me. I am thankful for the folks He has placed in my life and for my family. I want to be that friend who needs a friend. I want to be that male role model for a child who doesn't have one. I want to be that encouragement for someone who needs a little encouragement. A reminder for someone who needs a little reminder.
Life is short - it can end in an instant, heart attack, the drive home from work, the doctor calls with news or a fall down the office steps. Live now and live large ... give God the glory and the praise in all you do and serve Him with everything you have. That is what I am focused on. Relationships matter ... Love leaves a permanent mark and I hope I am leaving a mark on many and maybe, just maybe along the way, they see Jesus through me above all else and not for what I am doing or giving.... Its all about Him!
Struggling today.......

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