Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Where are you today....

It is quiet here today. Odd..... but I am enjoying it. We have had some rain showers move through the area and its cool here in NC. Perfect day to finish up "The Shack" tonight. I tried to watch the debate last night but couldn't watch the bobbleheads talk anymore. Its frustrating to hear 2 people just bash each other and not really have a clue what its like to be the average american person today. They speak in trillions of dollors and most of us are just trying to make mortgage payments, pay taxes and keep the family intact. Anyways - no matter what, it will take more than 4 years to get us out from where we are currently standing.

Question for you today ~

Where do you spend most of your time in your mind? When you think of things, like days like this when its quiet and peaceful, do you spend your time thinking in the present, the past or in the future?

Your answer will show you which direction you are going in - in life.

~If you are constantly thinking in the past, maybe you have lost a loved one and you stay there to always remember and remind yourself of days past. Maybe afraid to move forward and moving on with your life especially now alone or uncertain. You're afraid of the quiet and always have the tv on, music playing or something to keep it from being quiet. Maybe your wondering where your faith is or if you ever really had it in the first place.... maybe you are mad at God right now for where you are living in your mind and heart...
~If you are constantly thinking in the present, maybe you are worried about something that continues to bog you down. Maybe a relationship is not right or your son or daughter is struggling with something or making bad choices. Maybe there has been some big change in the family structure or employment. You are stuck in the present unable to move forward or go back and make a wrong a right. Your faith is dull and has little life of its own... you are wondering "God where are you?" Why are you quiet and not answering my prayers....
~If you are constantly in the future, maybe you are thinking of retirement or the next vacation or like me, just some down time to unwind. Maybe you are thinking of your 401k and how bad it has taken a hit the last year? Maybe you are in school and working hard to move to a new career..... you are struggling with some things and you are learning to give them to God. Trust is growing and your faith is moving forward.... you are wondering what God is going to teach you next, you are ready and willing to follow His next command.....

No matter where you are right now - God can handle your past, He is with you in the present, and He is your future. He can erase those painful things of your past ... he can move you forward to the present. He can walk with you in the present and help you with your struggles, your worries and calm your fears so you won't stay in the present but move you to the future. Your future is bright with Him and as you look forward, you look for opportunities to serve Him, you pray for opportunities to serve others, you become a giver instead of a taker, your fear is erased, your feet begin to move, your heart hurts for others, your love increases because He gives you the ability to love and He is the example of love, your compassion increases because God has compassion on His children, the majority of the things you speak of is making a difference, what can we do together as a family to serve, how do we include our families and friends and the people we care most about in our walk with the Lord .....

You are on the right track, my friends. So where are you today?

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