Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Journey ....

I have some things that have been heavy on my heart the last week that I want to share today but have not a clue as to share it. Let me begin with a journey that on Feb 23rd will be 3 years. The journey actually began before that because God was working on me before then but the biggest part has been since that day - the day my mom left to be with Jesus. Its a day that I am sure she did not want to see - at least not yet. I am sure she had plans to do and go and be so much more than what she was or did but she had to leave. There have been a lot of changes in me and my family since this day and every day there is a little bit of healing that takes place. I often wonder if there will ever be complete healing but I am ok with the fact that each day a little bit more happens. Some days are easier than others and each day brings its own challenges and its own heartache.
But let me share this now loved ones, every time I share a story like this, I heal a little more. Every time I break down and share something I wrote like I did 2 Sundays ago with my Rock Group - I heal a little more. Every time I open myself up to someone close to me that I truly love and am doing this life with - I heal a little more. Every time I spend time with "MyKids" - I heal a little more. Every Sunday at church and hearing Gods word and being around my church family - I heal a little more. Every time I invest something extra that I did not have to do by serving someone - I heal a little more. Every time I am able to spend a little time with someone and talk about some hard thing that is taking place in their life and I can speak truth to them and offer encouragement to them - I heal a little more. When I see many of my close friends experiencing life change because of Jesus - I heal a little more. When I connect someone new at church who is new to serving but HUNGRY for being plugged in and ready to do what ever is asked of them to serve Jesus - I heal a little more.
Sure there are days that I look at people and really feel their hurts, the past continues to haunt them and worry is taking them over - they carry themselves with their heads down and defeated ..... when I talk with one of "MyKids" and they are struggling in life and home is not what it should be. There is news of a sickness and it ripples across us like a never ending wave of sadness. I often wake in the middle of the night in prayer asking God to take over and to let them know we are in this together.
I often used to tell myself that God would not give me what I couldn't handle. I can shoulder it, I can do it no matter what the cost or how hard the task even if failure was probably going to happen. I don't agree with that anymore. He does give us things we can't handle so that we do go to Him and to those around us so that we CAN handle them. We are not islands - we are not made to do this life alone or to struggle through things by ourselves. I know the importance of a dear friend or loved one who stand with you no matter what, do whatever you need and pray for you in all cases. They get you through those tough hard places but yes its YOUR personal walk but you are not walking alone.
There is hope for someone because of the walk we are leading loved ones.... sometimes we need encouragement and sometimes we give it ...and in time those things will be reversed .... we will give more than we receive. Isn't that so like Jesus?
It's a journey that is full of experiences and full of healing - just a little at a time ... I have learned over the years the difference between folks saying - "Let me know if there is something we can do" or "Let me know if there is something we can do" - action is usually followed up on one of them and those are the folks who understand and willing to serve and walk with you no matter what - no matter how dirty, how yucky and how difficult it may be.

A little bit of healing.....a little at a time .... that even comes through here on "The Walk" ~
I often think during those nights I am awake struggling with something or I get up early to have quiet time - I vision Jesus waiting on me in the living room next to my chair - sitting there on the couch waiting for me. Ready to talk, ready to share and ready to listen. The seat remains empty when I don't show up even though He is there. I hide my face when I disappoint and I know the prayers I would have lifted up go unheard .... but those times when we are together.... A little bit of healing takes place. My quiet time this morning :)
Ephesians 4
Unity in the Body of Christ

1As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

Tears are a good thing -like right now..... healing is taking place~

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