Thursday, October 9, 2008

Its great when.....

A parent emails me and thanks me for having lunch at school with their child. "It has been a tough week and with my job being that I can't go and have lunch with my son/daughter and knowing he/she is being visited by someone who truely cares for them - is priceless".

Words cannot fully comprehend what this parent is telling me. I am honored to go to the schools and invest my time in them. I love all the smiles, hugs, waves, and even love those tough conversations where a child tells me they don't have icecream money or even lunch money. It is about making a difference. I am looking forward to working lunch tomorrow and sitting with the kids. Today I was invited to a halloween party, horse back riding show and 4-5 thumb wrestle matches.
Looking forward to tonight hanging with the Lymans. Its a family we are doing life with and are very much family to us.
Got my flu shot this morning. The lovely lady who gave me my shot was very nice and we made small talk before giving me the big needle. I thanked her and told her to have a blessed day. She said "I have been waiting for someone to tell me that this morning - thank you and you have a thankful day". She then pulled out a big bag of candy and opened it - full of snicker bars and other such goodies.... It was awesome being the only one in the place to be enjoying my candy bar! My shoulder hurts but its better than the flu...... I would have missed that candy bar today without that small talk. :)

Talk tomorrow,

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