Monday, October 20, 2008

Out of it......

I can't even begin to describe the weekend. A quick "refresher of the mind and soul" trip to the cabin Friday night and most of Saturday. Spending some time on the boat and letting Kyle do a little fishing. Finishing up the last pages of "The Shack" and then yesterday.... yesterday was unbelievable. This morning I slept in till almost 8 and came into work a little late - I don't do that very often! I needed just a little extra rest time and I can feel that it did me good. Yesterdays service on the land was just awesome. You can feel the excitement in everyone as we worshiped God on the church property. It is just a small taste of things to come. I pray for all the new folks that came out yesterday ~ the new kids leaving with smiles on their faces with decorated pumpkins from the Pumpkin Patch. Our land where our church campus will be was once destined for town homes ... just another development... but God will use this property to build His kingdom. I am excited to think about all the families and the playgrounds that will touch the lives of children for generations to come.

Yesterday after church Carol, Kyle and I and 2 of "MyKids" went and grabbed lunch and then a trip to Lowes Foods to get some things for Rock Group last night. Our Rock Group gathered for some fun time and it was movie night and everyone was invited to wear their pajamas. It was indeed a special night. I just love these moments when we are all together - investing in each other, raising each other up with encouragement and our children building lasting friendships. There is so much more going on than we realize and God continues to amaze me!
Last nights movie was - "Facing the Giants". A high school football team on the brink of disaster. Going win less yet again for another season. Players leaving the team to play for other teams - coaches in secret meetings to fire the coach - kids walking around defeated before the team even walks on the field - a coach and his wife desperate for a child but for years has not conceived. How big is your God?
No matter win or lose - no matter if things turn out the way we want them to or not - give God the glory - Give Him YOUR BEST. Give him the praise in all situations and thank Him for the blessings in your life. Your life may be facing tough odds.... you may see no way out or things getting better...
...but isn't like God to set things up in life so He can intervene?

Many times its the only way we really get to a point in life where we CAN see Him. When we are hurting and have lost all hope. We walk around in life carrying the loss and disappointment - we are defeated before we even get out of bed in the morning..... We have Giants loved ones that we face every single day. Do you walk away from them or face them? Our deepest test of our faith is when we feel like God has abandoned us. Just like the scene in the movie - DON'T QUIT - DON'T QUIT - DON'T QUIT!
So many times we just give up - Expect God to do the impossible! God wants us to live our lives in total reliance of Him. There is something incredible when we kneel before Him and accept the situation we are in but no matter what ... He doesn't leave us where we are.
People heard about Jesus coming to their town - they walked for days to stand on the side of the road to just get to see Him ... Jesus often times stopped and healed folks. He didn't leave them where they were...... He will do the same for you.
As the movie was playing last night, I paused and looked around the room. I am so blessed to be doing life with some awesome people. If I was left to myself - like I was a few years back - I would not even know a single person that was there last night. God continues to blow me away.

We serve a God who opens doors that no man can shut. Examine your vision loved ones and line it up to Gods vision. See what He sees ........ and prepare for the rain.
God deserves praise because of WHO He is and not for what He does......

Love you all,

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