Monday, June 2, 2008

Sunday Night rock Group~

3rd time is a charm! We were missing a few families Sunday night with end of school projects and other commitments but we did have a good turn out to our Rock group "Summer Reach Out". Morgan and Kyle were among the leaders as far as fish caught and Taylor with the 3 turtles caught. With pizza, snacks, icepops, cookies and drinks .... we had a great time sharing time together and getting to better know some great families. Carol told me at one point that I was going to have to take numbers because my support line was backed up with adding workms to hooks, untangles, reels backlashed and fish to take off the hook ... busy but man was it fun!!! - Mike, once again, was our paddle boat master .... he loves being on the water. One lap he yelled out for his wife Lori to meet him at the dock and take over ... he didn't think he could paddle for 30 minutes! Man that was funny..... Lexi got to "Lip" her first fish.... Wesley took a bobber up side the head, we had a skiing little boy being pulled by his dog a good 20 yards to come and sniff out Sherry and Donnie's dog. Heather got to put on her first worms on the hook, Morgan catching fish with her "Stick Pole" and then little Megan to follow. We even fed every duck and goose taking up space at the park Sunday night.... it was a great time!!! Our next outing will be the Kannapolis Intimidators game for Fathers day. Dad get to have a game of toss after the game ON the field.... it was awesome last year! Looking forward to a great summer investing in some great relationships......

God is good......


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