Monday, June 30, 2008 a stop~

For the first time I think in my life - A week of vacation - I am not ready to be back at work yet. I did unplug from the email, phone, staying in touch, reading blogs etc.... and I think that is good to do from time to time. I met Carol at lunch time to return the rental truck and on my way across campus - I thought to myself - I am tired. I could easily just lay down right here in the sidewalk and go to sleep. Who cares if people have to step over me.
This afternoon I headed across campus again and to the post office. I wanted to mail a little package I have since school let out. In it is one of "MyKids" birthday presents. I had not seen her since school let out and yesterday during church she came in and came running over and jumped into my arms with a great big smile and a big hug. It really did make my day. It was great being in church, it was great singing and hearing Gods word through Pastor Jimmy, it was great getting to see some folks that my family and I are doing life with - it was just great being in a place to refresh and gain some strength back and to be encouraged about what is ahead.
God can do that for people - God can lift us up and get us out of the pit we all are in. Carol, Kyle, Bob and Katie have been living in this hard place since Walt fell last summer - 2 years before that a giant pit with my mom passing - losing an uncle in between due to a heart attack. It has been a tough pit but I do believe that God uses these hard times to grow us closer to Him. Before I left for NY - I put some things together to lead our Rock Group and I am just touching on this subject now and I can't wait to share that with them - but it really does hit home in a big way.
God is in the business of taking people right where they are and in their current condition and He still uses them!
I walked that package across campus, even in the heat and not feeling like it, I did it because I know it will bring such a big smile tomorrow when "MyKid" opens her birthday present. God will bless that and even as I continue to pray for Katie and for her dad - for their salvation and to grow closer to God during this hard pit they are in - I know I have to plant a seed. Last week I shared some time with Katie and opened the door about God, gave her a bible and asked that she read it and challange me with questions as I too challenge her. I am asking big time for God to bless this time and grow that seed. This is refreshing me as I focus on others ... Its Gods way and I am blessed to know this.....
Proverbs 11:25 - “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed”
I am going to pray hard on this passage this week. If you too are in need of refreshing - would you too, pray and focus your hearts and minds on this passage? What can we do each day this week for someone? How can we be a blessing to others? What you sow, you shall reap. When you refresh others, you yourself will be refreshed. That word “refresh” means to restore or revive. When you reach out to others to restore them or offer strength to them, you are planting seeds for your own future.

Heavenly Father, Lord thank You for this day. Thank You for blessing me so that I may bless others. Lord I pray that I am an encouragement and a blessing for someone today even if I am worn down and in need of refreshing. I know You alone will refresh me and bring me to a higher place than where I was. Lord thank You for loving me and for giving me a heart to love others - its all for Your glory and honor.
I pray in Your sons name in Jesus,

1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest". Matthew 11:28

HE is our strength, HE has you in the palm of HIS hands.

love & prayers,
Aunt Sharon