Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My morning time with God....

Sorry for the delay on this post. Last night after Kyle's VBS with his friends, Carol and I going to see the Madison's swim meet, walking the dogs and a dip in the pool - it was almost 10:00 before we settled in for the evening. Last night was just an ok night of sleep and 6:00am this morning I was excited to have my coffee on the deck and spend time with God. I again read what God revealed to me yesterday and I spent some more time reflecting on what those words mean and what God wants me to do with it. So, let me begin. In my bible, which was given to me my a dear friend - Tiffany Carroll - there in the book of Luke is a story written by John Crawford.

Do It Now!
There is a fine art to being available to a youngster who might want to talk to you about what has been troubling her. Of course, she has to know that you love and value her. Otherwise she could not afford to tell you how she really feels about anything important. We rarely confide in anyone we think may not truly care about us. Neither do most of us open up to people who pry. Communication flows most freely when children and parents feel safe and secure with one another.
Teenagers as well as younger children often need to be able to spill out deeper anxieties and fears. Without safety valves, emotional tensions can rise to such levels that something has to go. Our children are no different from the rest of us in this need. The right words and conversations not only can ventilate the mind and heart and diminish neurotic fear and anguish of the spirit, but also can mend and heal.
Pleasant and relaxing excursions with her father can let a girl see what intelligent, mature men really are like. Every girl needs a father she can talk to, argue with, race at a picnic, play ball with in the cool of the evenings, hug and kiss. These things are worth doing even if you have to make room in your time schedule. She is growing up just as swiftly as you are adding years to yourself. Waiting until next year or the year after that will find her older and that much less inclined to walk or swim or go to the concert with you. Out of these experiences come the kind of deep mutual and personal ties with understanding that heave kept thousands of girls right minded and trustworthy about sex, even in a world where morals and ethics sometimes seem extinct.

I wonder why John Crawford used a girl in his writing? I think it perfectly fits for my niece Kaity and her relationship with her father. It perfectly fits in what I needed to know and be reminded of today. It perfectly fits into where my family is with this and honestly - this is such huge encouragement. The hardest thing about all that has happened the last week is to remind ourselves to focus on God and His bigger and perfect plan - even if now we do not see it. I think about all the kids I know and who I invest my time and energy with who don't have a great relationship with their dads or even those who do have a great relationship with their dads - I play a role as extra reinforcement. In many little ways, I value the fact that I am doing my part to be a good male role model for them and to show them the love of Jesus above all else.
I am reminded of:
Proverbs 15
God Doesn't Miss a Thing 1 A gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire. 2 Knowledge flows like spring water from the wise; fools are leaky faucets, dripping nonsense. 3 God doesn't miss a thing— he's alert to good and evil alike. 4 Kind words heal and help; cutting words wound and maim. 5 Moral dropouts won't listen to their elders; welcoming correction is a mark of good sense.

I pray this has been an encouragement to someone because it has for me. I continue to be in prayer for next week while Carol, Kyle and I travel to Tupper Lake NY. A time for family to be together and heal - to comfort each other and for me to have a good talk with my niece who I love very much and my heart breaks for her. I too know the pain of losing a mom and because of that - I can help in the healing because - I have been there and I understand.

Love you all ~

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