Monday, June 2, 2008

End of year party....

Wow - its hard to believe that the school year is coming to a close. It has been a great year!! Today we had the year end class party. Lots of parents there and juiced up kids waiting to have fun and get out for the summer. Remember those days?? I do - the summers were sweet and seemed to last forever!

Anyways - After getting 60 pounds of ice and 5 pizza's, I headed over to school. Carol and the ladies where already there setting up and finishing the games and final plans. I was in charge of "Frozen Feet". Wow they put me in charge of something ... with kids ... which means the rules they give me - well lets just say they bend a little :)

In the Walmart pool we have to wash the dogs - I placed 60 pounds of ice. 7 at a time I had the kids put their feet into the ice and for 10 minutes- their job was to put as much ice in their bucket as much as possible with only using their feet. Well we had some FROZEN feet after 10 minutes... a little ice on their heads, down the backs of their shirts... dumping ice and water on their legs and buried feet ... well there was lots of screaming and laughing going on. I think the kids had the most fun .... as it was hot outside and no shade.

The kids all got to sign their shirts which Carol designed and Steve H. from church made for them.... so take a close look at the shirts in the pictures.... great work Carol and Steve!!!

Anyways, going to school tomorrow for our last lunch. It will be sad day and I am really hoping I get to see lots of "MyKids" over the summer. One of my kids who Carol and I supplied lunch for the last few months - asked me today where I lived and where I worked. She was really reaching out since she is pretty shy and this was a big step for her. My prayers continue for her and her family ...

Well enjoy the pictures.... this 42 year old is tired tonight :)



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