Friday, August 12, 2011

This has been a pretty amazing day. Just really encouraged by a few folks who took some time to call me. A few text messages from 2 of my students who had me in tears after learning I wont be at their church anymore. Their promises to keep in touch and that I will always be Uncle Lonnie to them just really touches my heart. I got a call from one of the volunteer coordinators from Elevation church this afternoon and after speaking with her for 3 minutes she said, "Lonnie, I can feel the passion that you have for Jesus and for sharing that with others, as a matter of fact at our launch meeting this week, Pastor Larry spoke of you and I want you to know that you had such an impact on him. I can see why now." Gosh that just tanks me up and knowing that God closed one door but opened another just humbles me knowing that God knows my heart and hears my cries, feels my pain, smiles in my small victories - He is a God with a face. Have you ever wondered that?
I mean we speak of heaven all the time. We vision what heaven will be like and finally meeting our Lord face to face.... its a moment that I can live a little through my mom because I remember her asking me near the end of her earthly life in one of those long nights of being awake with her... she said, "Randy, do you think God would mind when I get to heaven that I just stand for a second and touch the floor of heaven with my big toe?" She said that because I knew she did that when we went to the beach all the time. She would be all excited and run down to the waters edge and then every so gently - stick her big toe in the water. I know mom got a chance to do that and Jesus heard that request. He felt her longing to do that.
I am just thinking that people sometimes forget that God is real, he is listening, not only in the soft gentle prayers but also the hurting ones, the ones were we crash and burn and yell and are angry - He knows the frustrations and hurts we often have to go through because he knows our hearts. We might as well just be honest and not sugar coat anything when we are speaking with him ..I mean he knows what we are feeling regardless right?
I am really feeling Christ the past few days and He is up to something big. He is about to blow my mind with something...I just know it.
I am in 1 Samual 3: today reading about how God called Samuel. 3 times he called out to him in an audible voice and 3 times Sam got up to go see his dad Eli. Finally after hearing God once again call him - Samual said, "Speak, for you servant is listening."
How often in our lives do we just stop and answer God and then listen for him to speak? I mean here is a teenager and God is speaking to him. I look around at the students in my life and think Guys,,,, God speaks to you. You are not too young to do something amazing for the kingdom of God. Dont be afraid or put yourself down. Dont let others tell you that you cant accomplish great things - when you want what God wants for the reasons he wants - YOU ARE UNSTOPPABLE!!!!

Are you willing to answer the call that God has on your life and then listen? I am really excited today! Like over board ...because I believe that God is about to bust open something amazing. It may be in the life of someone around me, it may be in a situation that I have or someone has been praying for, I just dont know... but I know I hear you Lord. Your servant is here and is listening.
I know I shouldnt get coffee now but Im going. Its Friday :)

peace out,

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