Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Had a great time last night on campus with some of my peeps to see the movie Soul Surfer. That movie continues to press my heart even after seeing it 3 times. I mean it is jammed packed with lessons about faith, lessons about trust, and lessons about God's love for us even when things hurt and we cant seem to see past them. There is purpose in our hurts and in our pain. Pain is a great motivator and even with the loss of an arm, Bethany's stage did not stop there in her waves but it expanded past the waves and into the lives of so many. She never quit and that is the inspiration there. I love the part of the movie where at her wits end and through her experiences on a mission trip, truly finds her calling and she gets home and goes in to see her dad. She says, "Dad, I need your help." - gosh I love that. I love it when my kids call on me to come and talk, to help them, to shoulder a cry - whatever it is - I rise to the occasion. Our heavenly Father is the same way. He loves it when his children call on him in, in normal prayer, in need, in desperate times but also in good prosperity times. I love that connection that comes when your heart is tune and it sings...there is such joy in that place.

I am in Mark 10 this morning and reading those passages has me thinking on a few things. There are 2 people in that chapter that Jesus uses to share with us two extremes of faith. One being a rich man who has everything this world has to offer and the other is a poor man, having no possessions but seeking only one thing - his sight.
Both come to Jesus with a need or a request but both left in two very difference places. The rich man comes to Jesus in ease and the poor blind man comes with shouting and begging. Both are spoken to by our King because he loves all of us and its awesome to come to realize that he has his own time table and is never rushed when he is showing us how to do ministry with people. So as these two folks encounter our Lord - the rich man is told to sell all he has and give to the poor while the poor man experiences miraculous healing in his sight. The rich man declines and turns away sad while the poor man now with vision is healed and follows. Only one is transformed to be a disciple while the other his idol continues to be his possessions.
The real lesson here in these 2 very different people is that both knew Jesus had the answer and both received his love but only the man who relinquished his life gained his life.

In life, we may love a lot of people. People who are very dear to us and we expect to receive that love in return. Many times we dont.... or we do for awhile and then something happens or feelings change. Our love for Christ is always in return because He loved us first. Sad when love doesnt flow both ways, in our walk with Christ and in our true relationships.
Let us do more than just seek him loved ones, lets truly love the one who loved us first.

Are you the rich man today or are you the blind man? - both on very different paths.....


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