Monday, August 22, 2011

I have a lot on my heart today but I am so encouraged from yesterday. Up early for a planning vision meeting at Elevation Church on the Matthews campus at 8:15. With Carol, Kyle, Brody and my new best buddy Eric in tow - we walked into a room with 135 other Elevation Volunteers committed to serving the new University campus. Week 2 of this class with 1 more next Sunday. Pastor Larry came out and with his passion, humor, vision and heart, shared with all of us for 2 hours the vision behind the church. He shared the last 5 year journey that Elevation has been on and where it is going - united as one even through 4 campuses and 10,000 in attendance. Code Orange! Pastor Larry got to speak from his heart on a few topics and using his unsaved sister as an example as to why Elevation and its leadership and volunteers are passionate about reaching people for Jesus. It was honestly, the best meeting, in business and for sure in church - I have ever been in. I looked over at Kyle and Brody - both smiling. Listening and learning. Carol smiling and letting her wounded heart be healed over with every word Pastor Larry spoke yesterday and every note that was played at the 11:15 service and then with Pastor Steven speaking about following Jesus and hearing the points he put together about Pointing the Way and Clearing the path.
I looked a few times over at my buddy Eric and this quiet fella sat smiling and letting his heart be filled with vision and potential.
After the break we got to grab something to eat, drink and use the restroom - it was a good chance to talk with some new folks. I have no problem talking with people and so I was in my element there. It was awesome hearing the hearts of these other volunteers who are going to be part of this launch. Like passion that I have not seen nor felt in others in a long time. Like they had this attitude that they were not going to miss this. This is like the Apollo 13 kind of faith and opportunity and nobody was going to stop them. Nothing was going to get in their way! Some driving 45 minutes to church - to be part of this launch pad for Christ in the UNC Charlotte University region. 175,000 people live here in this area and all with the potential to know Jesus if we reach them, if we smile with them, if we touch them and let them know they are worth the effort and there are people who care about them no matter what or where they may be in life.
SO as I sat yesterday my heart spilled out this poison from me that has been really painful the last few weeks - I let that bleed out. It really was an amazing moment. My heart was changed rght then in those moments.
Looking forward - "A calling from God is running TO something not running away from something" is one of my notes yesterday from Pastor Larry and hit me like a ton of bricks. Gosh there were many moments yesterday of my head getting hit :) - thats a good thing!
So in that moving forward it brings me to Luke 10:29-37

Jesus said in a reply: A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. Look after him, he said, and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.
Which of these 3 do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers? The expert in the law replied, The one who had mercy on him. Jesus told him, Go and do likewise.

I feel the mercy on me today. I feel the healing taking place. I know my family needs it as do some others who have been hurt lately. I am just so thankful to be on the footsteps of something incredible that is about to take place. I am really encouraging them to share the journey together because we cannot heal alone. We cant grow in our faith alone giving them a chance to let the hurt and poison bleed out and so they may be filled with grace, love and mercy just as this hurt man received from the Samaritan. Many will come and see you and leave you where you are. Some will hurt you and they have said "Friend" for years but leave you in the ditch.
I dont want to be a person that leaves someone on the side of the road hurting. I want to give my best and over the last few weeks, finding my best has been hard as I am laying in the ditch and seeing people walk by, saying hurtful things or just not saying anything at all.
Elevation church - God sent you in our lives at a perfect time. You are picking us up from the ditch, healing our hurts, speaking truth with love, and giving us a clear vision so we can see again.
I am excited for the future. I am excited to be a part of this no matter how big or how small. I want to give God my best because the best is yet to come. The man in the ditch had another day because someone took the time to care and to take a stand and not just walk on by.

I will close with this. Only home for an hour yesterday - some friends of ours came and with clothing donations in hand we headed uptown Charlotte to the Center of Hope to serve a meal to the women and children there. With another group already there - we partnered with their church St. Lukes in south Charlotte and we served the folks there like we have never done before. Articles of clothing to start their school year off with something new is huge for a child and a parent. We had the moms order the food and then find a place to sit. My team, Dan, Linda, Caleb, Danielle and Eric served them by delivering their plate of food, getting them a drink and just having a few moments speaking to them. Connections were made, smiles were shared, conversations took place - thank you's and God bless came to the surface. For many coming in with grumpy faces, life being heavy on the shoulders - here they are leaving with a smile, something new and a good home cooked meal. The night closed with 2 things. One a little 5 year old girl came over and thanked each of us for coming. She gave out hugs and I looked over at Danielle who had this huge smile on her face - I said Danielle, you touched that childs heart for days because of you serving her the way you did. You showed her love, acceptance and grace - just as Jesus has done for you. She will be looking for you next time and I am so thankful for that. As we walked out - we had to say goodbye to miss Pam. I promised to keep in touch with her as she did the same. With a hug and the words "I love you, thank you for touching my life the way you have over the last couple visits" - I smiled and told her I loved her too and I said it is I who should be thanking you miss Pam.

Jesus said - Go and do likewise .... I think I will :)

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