Friday, August 19, 2011

Days like Grass

Psalm 103:15-16 As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more.

Still, today I want me "days like grass" to count for something. God didnt give me this day to just live out some boring routine day after day. I want my days to matter. Maybe that is why I am passionate about certain things, about certain people and for people to know the life change I have experienced because of Christ.

There have a been a few really amazing God awakenings in my life. As I sat with some of my close students last night that I have the honor and privilege to pour into we were talking about how scared and frightening thunder storms are. Here in the south, we get them during the summer and sometimes they can be scary, fierce and light up the sky at night like you cant even believe. I think about those moments and think ya know - thats how God sometimes comes into our life. I mean He comes in huge very impactful ways and often times right in the middle of lifes biggest and scariest storms.

For me, that looks liked the night that I found out my mom had cancer. Hearing the news from a doctor speaking the "C" word about someone who you love so much and never at such a young age think you would be hearing that letter. That night across the street in the hospital hotel basically because they gave a good discount for families of sick loved ones who need rest and sleep - I have my "Awakening Storm" with God. I had my Bible and I had my tears and my heavy heart and I was ticked. I mean I was unbelievable upset - upset at me, my life, the hotel, the room, the doctor and yes even God. I cried out over and over and I trashed that room. I had my wrestling of my heart with God that night and after I got it all out, which I am thankful that God hears us even in our toughest moments, he clearly said to me in my heart that He was going to heal my mom but not in the way I wanted. He was going to give her a new body, have a place for her to be forever and that He had work for me to do. He told me that He told me these things, so that I can work for His glory and purposes in my family. It took my mom for me to come to Jesus. It took something so precious to me for me to get to know him and not just know him but have a trusting relationship with him. It was a thunderbolt, sky filled lightening storm that took me to another place. A place I am thankful for today.
A place that delivered me into a new direction in life. A life with meaning and purpose and a mission. A mission that I will not quit on because Jesus did not quit on me. I have an amazing family that supports me and an extended family who loves me like family. There are some young people in my life who I love like my own - none of these things would have ever happened if I did not go through my God awakening.

I have to say that the best melodies in life come when you have a joyful and free heart.

I am currently in my other God Awakening season. After the things that happened at my old church, I am on the door steps of being part of a church that is about to blow this city up for the things of Christ. I am so excited and pumped up for the things ahead. Though the hurts of the past are still there and I continue to have my moments ... especially when it comes to my students but I know the platform ahead is going to be amazing. I wont lose sight of where I have been or the people who have touched my heart but I know it all happened for a reason. I really feel like that God is about to pour out something into my life, my families life, my new church family and church - that I sometimes cannot contain it.
Jeremiah 29:11 comes to mind right now - For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

That excites me because I truly believe it. I truly believe the extended families in my life are with me through the tough times and the bad times. We talk through the tough spots and come out on the other side better and stronger. A lot of that is keeping the right attitude with a good reflection so that you always remember who you are. We were created in His image and when - "You want what God wants for His purposes - You are UNSTOPPABLE!"

Our destiny is eternity with Him. We cannot grasp eternity with our feeble little minds but we can hold tight to the concept the best we can. Like the Days like Grass - I want my time here to count. To make a difference. To break the mold of everyone else doing their own thing and blending in with everybody else. I want to stand out for Jesus in my world, in my mission field of life and to be fired up about it.
The wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more. - Saddest thing I have read in a long time. Sad about a life lived here and not to be remembered.
I want to be remembered for standing for the Lyman family, in honoring God, for loving Morgan and Taylor like my own and being faithful to my wife my entire life and loving her as Christ loved the church and to my son who I get the honor to pour into living a godly life for Christ and being a man following Jesus. I want to be remembered for showing others Christ by loving and serving them, for having the time to talk and encourage adn pray for dear people and for taking a life changing mission trips to far off - on the other side - places. I want to touch the hearts of those there as well. Its a life lived for the right reasons, the right purposes and the right destination.

Forever God is faithful; Forever God is with us; Forever God is ____________. Fill in the blank loved ones in your own words.

God wont leave you in the storms of this life - there is nothing to fear or hide from - He just might be making his entrance with loud thunder, big lightening strikes, ground shaking so that you know .... You REALLY know.

God is enough.


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