Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I want to take a few moments and share today something that is very dear to me. The last few days I have really been thinking and praying through our Jamaica trip last June. With a few folks emailing me this week about the trip for next year already and sending in a request to book a particular week with Jim and Penie from, My Fathers House in Westmoreland Jamaica - It has me a little excited about things. It has me thinking forward and leaning in at the same time all about this joy that the people of Jamaica have even with what we see is basically not much in terms of material things - they have so much more than possessions to be joyous about. It really is hard to explain unless you have stood in their place and touched the places they have touched. Mission trips are vital to any walk in faith. You have to experience something so incredible and so much bigger than ourselves. Often times we find ourselves in a rut and unable to move forward, experiencing the same old thing over and over again and breaking lose and going on a mission trip - not know what to expect or how God is going to touch your life. Its that faith risk we often need and its sad that the people of God often times never take this risk and experience something so life changing. Imagine that experience in a young person and the lifetime ahead of them with Christ because of that one experience.

I highly encourage you to go - go where God is telling you to go and do what He is telling you to do. My friend Donnie just made it public that he is going ...going to Uganda on a mission trip to touch the people on the other side of the world for Christ. Planting a church and partnering with another local church there and bringing hope and Jesus back to the center of the communities there. I am so pumped for you my friend!! This will be a life changing experience that will reap years from now and everyone who is touched by your story.

I wanted to share Mr. Stevenson video that I captured in Jamaica. In his later years in life, unable to walk, family not around - Mr. Stevenson I was told was a MUST meet while at the mens sr home. No airconditioning, no privacy, flies on his face and only a radio and a few personal items but a voice that touches hearts for all who take the time to visit with him. Me, Kayla, Morgan, Emilee and Taylor got to sit with him - smile with him, sit in AWE of his songs and be touched for a lifetime of the music that he shared.

His joy comes from the Lord and the Bible talks a lot about music, singing and dancing. Those are all fun things. Those are all important joyful things! Singing is a intragal part of worship when we are at church. It gives us a chance to connect heart to heart with God. To go to a place of being emotionally and spiritually ready for the preacher to bring the Word of God. I love that fact that my church, Elevation Church, is joyous, is excited, is pumped up and worship with such enthusiasm and hands raised! Its an amazing experience and one that often leaves me in goose bumps knowing that God is connecting my heart to his even if I cant sing, cant tap my foot to the beat - it doesnt matter. Its an audience of one :)

Chris Tomlin write his worship music through the book of Psalms. Psalms in the Bible is a collection of song, prayers and readings that pulsates with the heartbeat of worship. David and the other Psalmists express their adoration for God as well as their sorrows. If you are in a place in life where you are at a difficult place, read the Psalms and let the music and prayers penetrate your heart. Keep reading if it doesnt take place right away because there is something there that it will happen for you. Music is such a great influence in our lives. We were all teenagers once and I still remember those days. The beat of the music, the lead guitar the song lyrics all play a part to help in our moods. Soft music, hard music, uplifting music and even classical and country.

I had a though though as I am around a lot of folks - what if we really examined what our music says to us? What if we could cut half of our music out and replace it with music that honors God and brings an act of worship to us? Not all music is bad and at certain times in our day or week there is a place for all kinds of music to address the situation. I would not like to listen to classical music while running on the treadmill for example but put me some Third Day on or some 80's music and I am running like I can't feel my legs!

WHat would it do to our hearts if half of what we put in our ears was music that brought on worship? Set the stage for us, brought us to a higher place, encouraged us, gave us a chance to allow God to speak to us either during or after? WHat would that look like? There is a song by Chris Tomlin that I have been listening to and often times I just find a quiet little place and sit - eyes closed and let the music, the beat, the words fill my heart and soul. Its such a incredible thing to allow that to happen.

Chris Tomlin - This is our God

A refuge for the poor, a shelter from the storm - This is our God

He will wipe away your tears and return your wasted year - This is our God

Oh, This is our God

A father to the orphan, a healer to the broken - This is our God

And he brings peace to our madness and comfort in our sadness - This is our God

THis is the one we have waited for - Oh... This is our God

A fountain for the thirsty, a lover for the lonely - This is our God

He brings glory to the humble and crowns for the faithful - This is our God.

What, loved ones, would that look like in your life? I think Mr. Stevenson has the right path to Joy. His heart is full of worship and you cant help but to let that song out.

Sing it loudly today, loved ones... God loves a cheerful heart.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It always amazes me how we are very often on the same page. I was so uplifted this morning after having listened to Christian music on the way into work and all day