Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I am taking a few moments to share my heart even though I am up to my eyeballs in work. I just feel so strongly that God is working on me and has something for me to learn. Along with my post yesterday about relationships - I want to take it a step further and apply that relational ministry to not only my life but also help you with yours.
Last night at Kyles wrestling party, the coach got up and spoke to not only the students but also the parents. It was a very encouraging message that the coach shared and very motivational. Not only was the vision for the students but also for parents. He not only wanted to invest his passion and calling as a coach to the students but also build that relationship with mom and dad and that is something he fell short on this season. He admitted that he had some work to do with those relationships and that has me thinking, Dont we all? - We all need to work on the relationships in our lives - they just don't happen. They are very much alive and change in the passing moments. They take work and commitment to keep them moving forward and in a good place.
As I look at the students in my life, my rock group families and all the people around me - We have to be at a place in our life that God is pouring things out of you and into them. Leading, being a Paul to someone, doesn't mean you have all the answers - as I have said, sometimes just being there is all you need to do. But it does mean that your heart has to be filled in order to pour out into others. Walking in relationship this way takes persistence and integrity. Persistence being that hey this takes time and investment. There may be some struggles along the way and maybe even a little pain at times. Its so WORTH it though because we love these people right? Integrity being also important because who is going to follow you if your heart is in the wrong place? If you deceive others by pushing your own wants, needs and agenda. Serving others means putting others before yourself and when that happens, real authentic relationship can happen.
The words that you use today are your second language, your primary language is what comes from the heart.
If God is filled in your heart than you cannot help but to pour out his words and his love to those around you. When you are following Christ, the heart regulates your hands and you cannot help but get involved. How many times have we walked right on by someone who is hurting or needing a hand. Who cares how they got there, they just need a hand, a kind word, something uplifting and encouraging. Sometimes thats all people need to do to make a difference. How can I help?
So if you are speaking today, which you probably are - Are you speaking Gods grace in your life?

If you are truly following Christ, look at the people around you. Are they spiritually growing in their walk with Christ because of your relationship? Your faith journey cannot be duplicated exactly but it can be copied and shown as a model. Not that we have to do everything right. (If thats your place then you are pretending and living a lie)
The best example you can give someone is one that meets the needs of that person. You leave an imprint and it becomes theirs to own as their own imprint. Then they can grow it and mature it just as you have done over the years of following Christ and going through seasons in your life both good and tough. If you want lasting influence and impressions into the lives of those around you - you have to get to know them personally.

This morning I opened my Bible to 2 Corinthians 8 and these words came alive for me and I hope they do for you as well.
2 Corinthinians 8: 10- So here's what I think: The best thing you can do right now is to finish what you started last year and not let those good intentions grow stale. Your heart's been in the right place all along. You've got what it takes to finish it up, so go to it. Once the commitment is clear, you do what you can, not what you can't. The heart regulates the hands. This isn't so others can take it easy while you sweat it out. No, you're shoulder to shoulder with them all the way, your surplus matching their deficit, their surplus matching your deficit. IN the end you come out even. As it is written - Nothing left over to the one with the most, Nothing lacking to the one with the least.

Coach spoke that vision into the lives and heart of his wrestlers - including the parents to form a team. A team with a vision and a purpose. Coach is leaving an imprint on his team ... I pray you are leaving an imprint on your today too. Best thing you can do right now as scripture says - finish what you started because your heart has been in the right place all along.


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