Monday, February 7, 2011

It has been a long time since the Bateman family has been down for the count. All of us have the crud and even though I am feeling better today than Sat or Sunday - I am spent and my energy levels are quickly drained. Both Carol and Kyle are coughing and not sleeping due to coughing but things will quickly turn around for the better I am sure.
Super Bowl was good last night. Had some folks over to watch the game. I didnt really care who won really, even though I am happy for the Packers and their fans. Both Packers and the Steelers have great dedicated fans and congrats to both. Panther fans can learn a few things about these 2 great NFL teams and the dedication their fans bring.

Yesterday at church, I got to speak to the middle school students and with a lot of missing familiar faces, there were a good handful of new faces. I am thankful for that and I think the message of Students Vs. Parents went over very well. Often times it feels that way in our families - students vs parents - like it is a war, a struggle, a battle zone at times. Even as parents fight and put the children in the middle - tension in the family - there is no greater pain nor stress on a person. Often times it becomes the battle of the WILLS. Those willing to listen and those willing to speak. If one of the wills is not working or not doing what is needed in those moments - it just wont work. Both listening and speaking need to be clear, need to have its moments where you are dedicated to doing one or the other ... otherwise it just wont work. Communication these days is being lost in the emails, facebook messages and texting in our busy run around hair on fire lives. We don't take the time to sit and talk over dinner as family and ipods out of the ears as you and your son or daughter run some errands. Those quiet awkward moments begin to grow into walls and relationships begin to grow further and further apart.

As I think back to Friday at YCI and addressing all the students at school and as I reflect back to yesterday - there are hurting faces behind those fake smiles. There are families hurting because of the battle of the wills and I feel so blessed at times being allowed to speak encouragement and point these students to the love of God for them, but sometimes its really hard not to just break down and think - this is way too big for me. I am only one person and my time is NOT what these kids need. I can run here and run there and drink coffee with them until my eyes are red and I am awake for weeks on end but ME is not what they need. Im kidding on staying awake that long, I am sleeping ok just to be clear :) - but I do have to say when it comes right down to it loved ones, these students and families around me, the students I stand in front of wherever I may be - they need Jesus.
Often times during my quiet time in prayer - my heart breaks for them. Something happens when we move from just leading or being a person in that students life to really pouring out - the words - "So badly" "Care so deeply" - become out front in everything you do. I want so badly for them to understand this or that because I care so deeply that they see God in their situations or in their struggles and even in their happy and joyful times. Gods power and love can redirect their lives and change the course of our lives.
Sure I can just say these words, they float right over their heads but when there is prayer and longing in those words - sometimes they become real. Speaking is more than just a bunch of words put onto paper and into an outline... it becomes real life and its like a spiritual encounter between a heart and Gods. I am not saying I am great at it, I have a lot of work to do to be an effective communicator and thinking on my feet I am slow and lethargic at best but I am willing to learn. I will say though that my heart for these students and especially my close kids make up for those deficiencies.
I have been doing a lot of thinking about this. Do I try my best to teach students the Bible? Or do I try my best to teach the Bible to students? I think they both are affective and teaching is according to what your style or comfort level is on how to do that. I can say that in relationship to knowing your students and where they are - you can take their life and show them how Gods word relates to them and how Gods word can be applied to them. For me that seems to apply and makes the most sense. The key here is, to point them to Christ no matter what they are going through in life. They have to have a hunger for Gods word in order to learn, grow and apply it in their lives and that hunger has to come from those who are leading - meaning ME. Addressing the issue of Sunday mornings and Wed night Bible study and far too many who dont even bring their Bibles with them - If they are not bringing it then, what are the chances they are even opening the pages during the week?
Time is being pulled in a 1000 directions and each wanting their fair share of it. More time with the students, will that help them see Jesus in their lives? I don't know but I would imagine not. Not every moment spent investing into a students needs to be a sermon outline or a heart felt sharing of hearts. There has to be some fun and some smiles in those moments. Memories being made but in the big picture - pointing them to Christ and showing them He is not the top dog but THE dog and at the center of all you do. Does He guide the shows you watch on tv or not? Does he determine the type of entertainment you chose? Does he determine the close friends you have? Does he influence you in your choice of words and actions in your every day life? Does he influence your heart for compassion on others?
I think that if we are to lead students and point people to Christ - we have to stop focusing so much on the person, on that relationship and look deeper into their spirit. Its there that you can focus on them for Christ.
I can spend a bazzilion hours showing my students and mykids that I care and love them but ministering to their spirit is where the real influence takes place. In 5 years are most of these students going to call and want to have coffee? Share some struggles or seek advice from us? Probably not.... hopefully they will be doing that on their own or have someone they are pouring into like they are being poured into today.
It may mean something tomorrow night to a few as I show up to a middle school basketball game when the score is 20-15, it might mean something that I stop what I am doing and run to get coffee with a struggling student, it may mean something to a student who needs to talk through cutting himself and their relationship with their parents ... but if God is not the center in all that ...then it turns out to be just about me.
Gods word cannot be just spoken into the lives of others, it has to be modeled for them. Parents, if you want your children to not do certain things, dont just tell them, show them. If our words dont align with our actions ... its a complete waste of time.

Rambling this morning, yeah probably..... back to Rachel Ray now.

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