Monday, February 21, 2011

Tough being back at work today after this past weekend. Weather is nice here in the Carolina's and being outside all weekend was surely a nice February treat. More cold weather will be coming I am sure but these nice sunny warm days are always so nice and a reminder that spring is around the corner. Friday night, I had a really great heartfelt talk with mom while at the cabin on my walk. I love to head out with no flashlight on those star full evenings where all is quiet and I can just open my heart. I miss that - talking with my mom. It was always knowing in my life that my mom knew what was on my heart, what I was struggling with, and she always had the words to make things a little better. She just had a peace about her that made everything feel right after a talk. Even if she was struggling with something or had a shoulder load herself, she always made time for others. I guess that is where I get that from. I drop things all the time to be there for someone who needs a hand, an encouraging word or just time to share a heart full.
This past weekend with Kyle and Madison just laughing and sharing and smiling - really did my heart good. It was nice to see them just hanging out, no outside pressures or expectations - just kids enjoying time together as friends. It makes for a fun time together.
Saturday morning, I got alone on the front porch as folks were still sleeping. Coffee in hand, Bible in the other and stopping long enough to take things in. In my book that I am reading - "Do Something" - it has been a great challenge at the each of these chapters. I am writing all over the book, as I pray in it, share in it, take a few notes - I have to say I have not had that quality time with God in a long time like I did on Saturday morning. It was so awesome and it for sure did my heart good.
In my step up in a bigger role in student ministry - its hard to keep a handle on things, the progress of those I am in front of and their expectations. Some want personal time, while others want a hands off approach. Some need to talk more than others and some need prayers in their life right now. There are big issues that folks do need someone to walk with them for a season. I was reminded Sunday morning as I was watching Pastor Furtick preach, which a few weeks ago I got to see live but I was in a little different place then than where I am currently. He spoke about the 5 biggest mistakes he has made in ministry over the past 5 years. He was speaking directly on the fact that he has seen a life time of people come into his life and out of his life.
This part of ministry is really hard and sometimes I think that I am not tough enough to endure that painful part of this. I really struggle and really have a hard time with it. A few years ago I invested crazy hours and time into this child and her family. It was a learning experience, a wonderful experience at times, tough at other times but I know that child is different today because of that investment. I have not seen her in a few years and often times wonder how she is. Where her faith is and if she is still following Jesus. A few months ago when Pastor Travis announced he was leaving to lead a church in Maine, I had a tough conversation with one of my close kids. She was going to another church and for months, she had toughed it out in making each Sunday even as her mom and dad went to another church. She felt connected here, she felt at home here ... but in the end -she had to leave. A text message out of the blue came telling me of her decision. Though at the time it hurt like crazy - in the end that student is changed because of that investment. Thank you Uncle Lonnie for treating me like your own since I was 9. I love you and promise to keep in touch and visit from time to time. I know I can always count on you and will always keep you as "MyRoot".
Another one of my close kids is out on the perimeter today. Not exactly sure where she is at in life and what struggles she has that keeps space in between. Praying really hard the last few weeks for her. Its this part of ministry that sucks. Pastor Furtick spoke about Ecclesiastes 3:1 - There is a right time for everything. There's an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth.
Its ok for people to come and go in your life. There is a season for all things but the things to realize is this: When people leave in your life - its not your fault.

Gosh, I had tears in my eyes Sunday morning.... Its not my fault. Carol yelled from the bathroom - Do you hear that Lonnie?! - Yes, I hear it..... and that weight is lighter today because of it. So here is what I am learning through this. Still with me?

Loving the "Least of these" - not saying these are least of these people but all people - even those who are hard to love and who drive you nuts most of the time.... you know you have a few of them! - Loving people who cannot pay you back, or increase your social status - this is not a charity event. It is not something you do to feel good. It is not how you get into heaven, but it is evident in the lives of those who ARE going there.

My job as youth leader, dad, friend, step dad, life coach what ever it is my role is at the moment -is to not make them like me but to help them become the person God created them to be - so that they may fufill their purpose of obeying God in their own lives. They have been called by God to do something great in their life. Jesus called us to make disciples, people who will multiply in others what you are investing in them. God has given us a "dry sponge of a soul", ready to soak up everything God wants to give through you. All you need to do is give yourself and share your experience, lessons in life and your discoveries with them.

Galations 6:2 - Bear one anothers burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Being present and to hurt with those who are hurting. Your presence and willingness ot share the burden of those who are suffering is all that God has asked you to do.

Loving them is not only about what you can give them but what Jesus himself will teach you about love - THROUGH them.

Unconditional love ~ its what we all seek in life for someone to love us regardless of what anyone does or doesnt do.
Thanks for your words and moving my heart this weekend Lord.

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