Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I managed to get into work today. Very thankful for that as I am feeling a lot better than this past weekend but still am exhausted. Running on reserves right now so I will take a moment and jot down some thoughts and share a few things.

I have on my desk a note from one of my students - I read it almost every day and it is a great reminder about choosing to be happy and full of joy. It reads:

"It's going 2 B a happy day! No matter what anyone says!"

I love that because that is so true. No matter what is going on in our lives and in our day - we choose to make that choice don't we? I hate the fact that sometimes without even knowing it, I made my decision to not have joy in my day. Something may be bothering me, a student may be in an odd place and we are not where we were or a student walks away from the ministry because someone other than Jesus left to do greater things - Joy is not some accident or something we stumble onto.
The hard facts is - some folks tend to operate in this mode around certain people or no matter what is going on, they make that choice to not be filled with joy. Then there are others where there is almost a smile on their face all the time. No matter what is doing on - they walk in a room and the tension is relieved and folks are glad to see them. There is just this positive cloud that follows them around. You know you have some folks like that in your life.
I guess thats why at YCI on Friday mornings - the cheerleaders always come and hang around. They always have a smile on their face - Its part of their uniform I think but regardless... they are team spirit and it shows on their faces because cheering is in their hearts. Great reflection right there but having JOY in our hearts should also be reflecting on our faces.
I hate the fact that sometimes I need a jolt to realize that I am too focused on things, on others, on leading, the pressures that come from that - pleasing others and being there for them. I have a good handle on all those things but sometimes in my mind and in my heart - it hurts. Hurts come in relationships because they are always evolving and always changing. We hardly ever take enough time to just smile, let our guards down and have fun. Serious is ok when its needed but not good all the time. Laughter is a universal language and great medicine for the soul.

Lets take a step back and examine your walk with Christ. Are you leaning on him like you did years ago when you first accepted him into your life? Maybe its been a long time and you have been bored with it all. I mean following Christ is hard and some days we feel less than up to par to follow him like we want to. Maybe there are distractions that are keeping us today from fully following him even though you have the knowledge and the tools and the right people around you to do your part. Maybe something exciting has come into your life and this guy is everything you think you wanted so - God well takes less of you while he gets more of you.
God can do more in your 10% that you are giving him than you can do in your 90% you are giving yourself.
We all get out of our walk from time to time but the real test in faith is realizing it and having the courage to step back onto the path. Even if that means getting help from a trusted friend, a parent, a leader at church.
God wants us walking deeper and stronger with him - not more, better or different. Those are the ways of the world and often times not leading to Christ.

Choosing joy in your life means holding on to Christ. Phillipians 3:13-21 - Im not saying that I have all this together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, dont get me wrong: by no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward - to Jesus. Im off and running, and Im not turning back. So lets keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less that total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision - you will see it yet! Now that were on the right track, lets stay on it. Stick with me friend. Keep track of those you see running this same course, headed for this same goal. There are many out there taking other paths, choosing other goals, and trying to get you to go along with them. Ive warned you of them many times sadly, Im having to do it again. All they want is easy street. They hate Christ's Cross. But easy street is a dead end street. Those who live there make their bellies their gods; belches are their praise; all they can think of is their appetites.

Loved ones, real joy come from the spirit and is living in the heart. We make the choice to live our lives that way and to infect all those around us with that Joy that only Christ can fill us with. I need a reminder from time to time ... often times that doesn't come from the students but often times comes from some place you least expect it.
A note .... given at a time when Joy was in place and another was needing it.

Infectious joy ....


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