Thursday, May 6, 2010

Best Man Honor

Back in 1989, in April, Carol and I got married. It was a big production wedding and a wonderful day because I was marrying my best friend. A friend who has seen the lowest in me when I was sick back in 1999 and have seen me at my highest point which I do believe, by Gods grace and love for me, I am living now. We have been without and have been blessed with so much but regardless - its been a wonderful friendship. ANY friendship that is worth fighting for has to have seasons of forgiveness. Seasons of not seeing eye to eye on things, job transfers, moving not only across the state but to a different part of the country, raising kids, passing of parents....there is a LOT that a married couple goes through but the key word there is THROUGH. I feel with all my heart that God has blessed Carol and I with having each other in this life. I don't know if we will be married in Heaven one day but I do know I am hoping she is at least my roomie.... or neighbor at least! LOL - anyways - my best man at my wedding - Tom - was married a few years back and has 5 children today and is living in Florida. How he got there was a moment in time like Saul had when Jesus blasted him with a white blinding light completely in an instant transforming his life.
Tom was on campus at Princeton University which is my old stomping grounds. He was pretending to be giving a lecture in one of the oldest classrooms on campus- standing at the front of the room behind the huge wooded podium pretending the room was filled with hundreds of students thirsty for knowledge. In that moment - I know and so does he, that God called him to teach. Far different than his desire for the law. Not being able to fight that calling in his life - He packed up his stuff and moved to Florida to attend Florida State. He graduated and got a job in Arkansas - then accepted a job in North Miami Florida at a small university there after a few years there in tornado alley. Together he and his wife have built together a family, moving across country, in hurricane alley, fought alligators and florida bugs together .... Today - I want to celebrate those vows with you bro. I know things are hard right now but this is worth sharing so that it may also encourage someone out there other than you and Kristine. God has given us marriage as a sacred bond and with His guidance, love, and help - any marriage can withstand today's pressures where most marriages end in divorce. Always keep close to your heart that when God is in your marriage - anything can happen, even when we don't see it. 1 Corinthians 13:7 tells us "Love believes all things, hopes all things. Ephesians 4:32 tells us "Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you." Lastly, Ephesians 4:2 tells us "Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love".
Love is patient, kind, not selfish, thoughtful, not rude, not irritable, believes the best, not jealous, makes good impressions, unconditional, cherishes, lets the other win, fights fair, takes delight, is honorable, intercedes, promotes intimacy, seeks to understand, is impossible, is Jesus Christ, is satisfied in God, faithful, always protects, forgives, responsible, encourages, makes sacrifices, motivation, brings unity, completes each other, celebrates, is accountable, is Gods word, agrees in prayer, fulfills dreams, endures, and is a covenant.
Being a best man for a couple is not just a best friend speech, its a step in life when a friend is down. It is a step in when needed and is an honor to uphold. Brezman, we have been through some stuff together... this is no different. I hope you read your vows again here and remember that day you and your wife stood before God and pledged your partnership together. I remember how nervous I was but made it through it in front of all your family and friends. Its an honor to be a best man to your best friend. Though miles may keep us apart ... you are still a brother. Pick up Gods light man and light His torch in your life and bring your marriage to new heights, new places, and over that mountain in front of you. 5 kids need you to do that. God WILL move that mountain.
Ephesians 3:20-21 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Best Man’s Honor

To Tom and Kristine,

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Lonnie, also known as BATMAN. It’s an honor to return the favor of being the best man. I asked Tom to be my best man in 1989. Carol and I have been happily married for 12 great years and have a wonderful son. I hope and pray, Tom and Kristine, that you will have such happiness and peace in your lives. Brez, we have been friends, almost like brothers, for a long time. You have always been there for me - - if I ever needed advice, a pat on the back, or any help like 2 years ago when you came to my side when Carol and I needed you most. I never really had a chance to say “Thank You”. I will always be there for you, for that pep talk that you need occasionally, that pat on the back or just to talk about football, the METS or that OTHER NY team. Brothers we are, and brothers we will always be.

Kristine, welcome to the family, and I welcome you as a sister. I look forward to the times that we will spend together as friends.

I searched the Bible for some words of wisdom that I would like to read. It comes from Ephesians 5:31. It reads: “A man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh”. May you work as a team and put your friendship before everything else. My dad used to say, you only get out of something what you put into to something. May you put all your effort, love and compassion into this newly formed team. Brez, your dad and Mary Lou would be proud. May your marriage be blessed with lots of love, honesty, friendship and kids.


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