Monday, May 24, 2010

44 .....

Over half way there probably. I got to say that to my dad this morning when he called me to wish me a happy birthday. I think I took him back a few steps. But think about it, 44 years old today and I would be honest in saying my life here is half over. If I am blessed to live to be 88 years old.... but without many of those loved ones around me - who would want to live that long? I know where I am going and I am at peace and assured my next stop is heaven. That I feel over the last few years has really brought me to a place where I am alive more than at any other time in my life. I am so blessed to have so many good people around me, doing life with me, students and little kids looking to me and families that I can lean on as they lean on me. My family living their lives for Christ and my son who is just a shining bright star with his faith - He is owning it!!My brother in law, as we sat late into the night last night, his last night in Charlotte - said it perfectly - "I got to experience this "Special" thing that was taking place here when dad died. I am just blown away by what God is doing here and I want to be part of what is going on". I had tears in my eyes because I could tell those words where coming from him heart and yeah .. it really is amazingly true. God has done so much in our lives and the people around us - it really is amazing living with so many close people who just love each other and care deeply for one another. I get blown away and emotional just thinking about it. I can do that on my birthday!

So a celebration with many friends last night after such an awesome day at Rocky River Church with our service being outside, on the land celebrating what God is doing in breaking ground on our new church ministry campus. 44 years old now and loving where God has me serving and with who I am becoming following Christ. It has me reflecting on something personal and this brings me to reaching out here to someone who may need it.

Living life with Signifigance.

I can honestly say that a few years ago before accepting Christ - I was living that life of insignifigance. I was going to leave this world little changed by being in it. Sure, I married a great woman in Carol and we have built a life together and have raised Kyle to be an incredible young man but that is where it probably would have ended. Its a fear of mine that often times pushes me to go beyond what I am capable of doing. Fear is a great motivator but God tells us not to fear and trust in Him. I am thankful for this day because in 1999 - I should have lived my last day on this earth. I am thankful for those heavenly blessings to be here today. Experienced God's grace and his love will forever change a person. I has me.

Living a life and finding out that you have not lived is a scary place to be. A lot of people think living a life that matter means a life of fancy things, vacations, adventures, money and a great job with fame and lights. I don't think it has much to do with any of it. Significant living comes from filling your life with things which will last forever. Thats why the usuasal things people seek to guarantee importance for them in their lives usually dont work very well. Those things come to an end and often times during our own lives. Signifigance comes through other people. That is a our greatest investment. I want my life to count, I want it to mean something, I want what is deep in my heart to be passed on, experienced and in changed lives. I want to be part of that and by living a life for Christ - its the only way to experience something like this. Love is one of those values that lasts forever. If I have made someone's life better, if I have invested vision and energy into them that changes them then I have done something eternal. That is lasting... that is living with signifigance.

This past Saturday, I got to spend some time in uptown Charlotte with my family, my brother in law Bob, some extended family with Barbara and Madison but also another student who I just love spending time with because she is just so much a bright shining light. Anna is one of those students who excels and brings a lot to all those around her. She shared a few things Saturday with me and thanked me for always being that encouragement for her and even with people I don't even know that well. She wanted to spend some more time together and I promised I would do my best to make that happen. I think about all those types of conversations that utlimatley have pointed to my heart - a heart that has been changed because of Christ. Its why my faith has moved from my head to my heart and that gives me compassion for people. You can't have one without other other. So as I reflect today on 44 years and feel overwhelmed by the emails, text messages, phone calls, a celebration last night at the house with a cake fully on fire with all those candles... I am feeling humbled. I am feeling humbled by the student smiles, hugs, and families who came to just be a part of it all. 44 years is a drop in the ocean in terms of a time line for eternity. People are the difference in living a life of signifigance. I want to live a life that walks with others, that makes a difference and helps others where ever I go.

I celebrate this 44 years today - living to make a difference. Living to make someone's life a little easier. Living to show the practical love of Jesus. Living to be that friend I would like to have. Living to be a dad, husband, son, friend and mentor who encourages and believes in and who always does the best job I know how in showing Jesus........ eternal things. Those things matter.
Carol and Kyle- thank you for all you do, all you do without, and all that Christ is doing in you. I don't have words to touch on the love I have for you. Kate, you are just starting to touch on who you are. There is much good and awesome things in your heart if you will continue to walk, trust and let me lead. Your decision that you shared last night was a tough one for you. I am proud of you for finally coming to that place in your heart. I know God has given Carol and I a daughter, many daughters to be exact, but one in you and a family that you so much need and desire. You are going to great things and your paths in finding and experiencing Gods grace is closer than you think. I know your new beginning will come soon because God doesn't waste any experience in this life and He has great plans for you. Prosper you and to make you complete.
To my rock group families - life would not be much without ya'll. Love you all with all I have.
Mom - thanks for the birthday touch on my heart this morning!! :)

Just my heart today as 44 years comes and goes. Blessed for another chance to grab another eternal opportunity.
2 Timothy 3: is what I will share today. A birthday prayer for you.
Paul's Charge to Timothy
10You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, 11persecutions, sufferings—what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra, the persecutions I endured. Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them. 12In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13while evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

It's hard to believe you are 44, I remember so well carrying you around on my hip and feeding you baby cereal with you spitting it splattering it all over and laughing so hard. You were so cute! Always smiling. Always laughing. God had a plan for your life even then.

You will always be special to me Randy. I love you very, very much. I am proud of you and happy that you are so much like your momma!

So happy you've had a wonderful birthday.

Aunt Sharon & Uncle Buster