This was the last morning for YCI at Kyles school this morning. I have so much enjoyed my time invested into this middle school bible study before school on most Friday mornings in the media center. Next year, Kyle, and a host of other students that I know will be going to the new Hickory Ridge Middle school and that leaves me pumped up. I have to wait the summer? Dang... I met the new campus Pastor this morning and spoke with her a little about seeing me next year and I look forward to serving God and these students with her as well as my time still investing in the school that has been my Friday mornings a wonderful place. It was nice to get the extra hugs and smiles this morning - Mr Lonnie we will see you this summer right? We better! I love hearing that because there are moments when one really does think - All this effort, all this time, all this modeling, all this preaching ... is it making a difference?
It is ... without a doubt.
During these summer weeks - there will be a different avenue to pursue. It won't be serving these students in a school setting, even though I will miss that and really look forward to school next year already. It is good to have some down time, take some vacation, have some family time, to invest in the relationships that are close to us .... but as those area's that are not fruitful during the summer, we must recognize that there will be other area's that will. God has invested too much into us to leave us without bearing fruit ... we just have to recognize that its not all the same ol'same ol' all the time. Another area in our ministry and in our life will prosper as another takes a rest.
With that being said - June is going to be a busy month. The calendar is full of area's that will produce. I am mostly talking with the student ministry at church with get together at ballgames, meeting over breakfast and lunch hours during the summer, mission work in the community by being a neighbor to our neighbors, movie nights, and a host of other great things to put our students, leaders and families together. I am also talking about trips to the cabin with some of our close friends and my close kids. Pool parties where we just enjoy hanging out sharing smiles. What I am really trying to word out here is "Connection".
Its the relational aspect of ministry. Without relational ministry you don't have a ministry. Jesus was about the relationship above all else. Personally knowing Him and not just knowing about Him. This reminds me of the step of faith earlier in the week where 3 of my close peeps were baptised. They have stepped forward in knowing of God to having a relationship with God. It will take relationship to continue that steps forward in their faith. We all need encouragement and guidance. We all need that "Paul" relationship in our lives. The connection to those relationships has everything to do with being a mentor. It really has me kicked up as I look at the coming summer weeks where I won't be in the schools. I won't be connected to everyone as I am during the normal year. Summer has its breaks, its different type of growth and its different type of rest. All are needed~~
Mentorship is where those relationships that we have been investing in become a little closer or they grow further apart. I love the fact that I am eager to know more of the way Jesus showed His life to us by the way He lived. We should all be holding ourselves to that level of mentorship because believe it or not -we are all influencing someone. We are leading someone somewhere even if we don't think we are. So as I look around me and to those I continue to say -"Stick with me" - I will do my best to continue a different look for the summer and will continue to pray that mentorship/relationship produces fruit.
A mentor is a person that:
* Will pray faithfully for the person or people they are mentoring
* Has a sufficient awareness of pointing people to Jesus
* Is positive and is an encourager
* Is open to mutual accountability
* Is willing to commit the time needed to mentor someone effectively (time is our most precious commodity)
* Can listen and provide a non-judgmental attitude and point of view
* Is confident in themselves and is willing to establish their life as one to be modeled
* Is faithfully seeking the Lord as to be able to more effectively encourage others in their own faith
The cool thing about a relationship built on these qualities - it doesn't have to happen in a classroom. It doesn't have to be a formal setting. For me these relationships/mentorships happen over icecream, a jump on the trampoline, a pool swim, a boat ride, a talk while walking the mall, a coffee at breakfast, picking out a song on the ipod, me attending a baseball game or tumbling practice - a text message, email or facebook post. This relationship/mentorship oozes the basic principles of "I care" , "You Matter to me" and "I am proud of you".
I look at the summer coming up and place high value on all the church programs and outings coming up together but I also value those times where its down time and we just set the pace at a slower speed and let God get personal. This is ministry in our every day lives. This is ministry that is personal. This is ministry that puts glue in the cracks of our foundation and makes our relationships/mentorships stronger.
In a few hours my family and I will be headed to the cabin. A place where you can "be as you are" as my buddy Kenny would sing. We will be there with another family that we just love and it will be nice to just unwind, remove the pace, strip down to the basics of who we are and pause long enough to not care about the clock or what needs to be done next.
I will close with this - Personally knowing God is different than know about God. There is a big difference where you invest your time, passion, money and vision when you personally know Him. You can never really shut that vision "Off". Its who you are.....
Enjoy the long weekend loved ones,
In Christ,
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
A Heavenly Birthday - May 26, 2010

A heavenly birthday - May 26, 2010. I love this service at church. It is such an amazing thing to come together with other church family, praise and worship time, a meal, a message and then a birthday as the old person is washed away and a new person comes up out of the water. Last night was just a blast for sure. I love the picture Carol took of us all sitting together. She called it my fan club with all my kids sitting around me but I just have to give God the glory in all that my heart is for these kids. Sure there are plenty more of them but its Gods fan club with these students because its not about me at all. Barbara and Tony were baptised last night along side their daughter Madison and the rest of their family (us). It was such a special thing for them to do this and it shows that their walk with Christ is personal and serious. So proud of them. Emilee was our surprise last night. During the music and Pastor Jimmy's message, Emilee leaned over and told me she felt like she needed to be baptised. I spoke a few words with her and I could tell God was working on her heart. She just looked suddenly different and you could tell her mind was racing as God was pressing in on her. Whispering in her ear - "Follow Me Emilee"
At the end of the service - Pastor Jimmy was about to close us in prayer and Emilee was upset that she missed her opportunity since everyone was done. I asked her if God was still leaning in her heart to do this. She said "Yes" - I grabbed her hand and said come with me - I lead her to the front and stopped Pastor Jimmy just before the closing prayer. Pastor Travis came down and baptised miss Emilee. It was such a wonderful thing to share. I have tears in my eyes now as I think about that powerful moment and all those loved ones that I can now call my "Brothers and Sisters". I have been walking pretty close with miss Emilee and the Beaver family. I am honored to do so and be allowed to invest and speak truth into each of them and their families.
Today is a day to praise God for ... Heaven is getting fuller because of the work that is being done here. Investing in people and showing them the practical love of Jesus changes lives.
On my way home last night I got to share a few moments with a student that I used to walk with pretty close but has made some choices in life that has her in some tough places and with not many friends. It was good to talk with her. It was good to invite her and help her feel welcome. The church needs to be that safe zone for people to come to that are hurting and need answers. We are that church loved ones.... Jesus gave his life for the church and gave us an example to live by. Its not a bunch of rules but a way of life.
Its time to live it..... and for those who have a new birthday today - can now live it with a smile and a heart that beats differently today.
I love what I do ..... and who I am becoming following Christ. Stick with me loved ones!! The best is yet to come.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Exciting day today~
This is a day that my family and I just cant wait for - Its our church service in the park. We will be serving pizza at 6pm and then service begins at 6:30. Baptism afterwards is always a special heart felt moment not only for those being baptised but also for their families as well as our church family. I know of 2 very special and close peeps that are being baptised tonight and I can't wait to post a few pictures tomorrow.
There is a lot going on. I got a chance last night to help a close family in our rock group move last night and then run to Hickory Ridge High school where I was invited to attend a band performance by one of my students. I had a feeling that she was not the only one I would know and even though I showed up tired, stinky, hot, hungry and did I mention tired? - They didnt care. I got to see a good bunch of our students on stage all decked out and performing. It was pretty awesome and they didnt care about anything other than the fact that someone important in their life was there to watch them. We all need that kind of person in our lives and in the lives of our children. I am blessed Kyle has speaking to him some awesome trusting people.
It has me thinking on a few things this morning. With a busy week already planned and in motion. A month of June that is jammed packed with student ministry things happening and me looking for some time to cut the grass, spend time with Carol, have one on one time with Kyle and a little time with Kate before she leaves to go home for a handful of weeks for the summer... life is on the fly. One thing that has me thinking is the time I spend with a good bunch of my close kids. My model to show them Jesus is not about me telling them all the time what they should be doing. It can't be me putting a lesson or a challenge in front of them. We can't always be having those big talks when we are together. There has to be time for smiles and for SHOWING them Jesus. How do I do that affectively?
I think one of the big things is just spending time with them - if its meeting them where they are or getting a handful of kids together to go shop for cupcake mix and an icecream afterwards. Its spending and investing in them as I go about life. I do know that I have a small handful of kids that have my back. Meaning I could go and do and not have to worry about anything. I would hate for those relationships to not be that close - it would really hurt and I do struggle with that. I am grateful though for those who I know without any reservations have my back. Those are the students that call me on my birthday.... a few times. :)
So often my family and I head to the cabin for the weekend or even over night at times. We are rarely alone in that treck to our "little piece of heaven". Its about doing life together and in order to show people Jesus - it has to be real - it has to authentic... nothing fake about it but more importantly - it has to be our lifestyle. See following Jesus can't be a Sunday morning or Wed evening thing. It can't be turned off and turned on. Vision never really shuts off and when it has taken the heart - the body and mind will follow.
I am so in Friday mode for some reason. Maybe its the long weekend - the excitement for tonight and enjoying some down time where I just get to attend this worship service and won't have any big responsibility other than walking along with students and their family and sharing in such a special evening like tonight. I am already in Kenny mode and I know when my mind, heart and soul gets in tune with Kenny's tunes...I know its time for a rest. His music speaks to my soul and his music is my life being lived in those songs.
I am looking forward to putting my toes in the sand on the coast of somewhere beautiful with no place to be - being as we are.
Pictures tomorrow~~
There is a lot going on. I got a chance last night to help a close family in our rock group move last night and then run to Hickory Ridge High school where I was invited to attend a band performance by one of my students. I had a feeling that she was not the only one I would know and even though I showed up tired, stinky, hot, hungry and did I mention tired? - They didnt care. I got to see a good bunch of our students on stage all decked out and performing. It was pretty awesome and they didnt care about anything other than the fact that someone important in their life was there to watch them. We all need that kind of person in our lives and in the lives of our children. I am blessed Kyle has speaking to him some awesome trusting people.
It has me thinking on a few things this morning. With a busy week already planned and in motion. A month of June that is jammed packed with student ministry things happening and me looking for some time to cut the grass, spend time with Carol, have one on one time with Kyle and a little time with Kate before she leaves to go home for a handful of weeks for the summer... life is on the fly. One thing that has me thinking is the time I spend with a good bunch of my close kids. My model to show them Jesus is not about me telling them all the time what they should be doing. It can't be me putting a lesson or a challenge in front of them. We can't always be having those big talks when we are together. There has to be time for smiles and for SHOWING them Jesus. How do I do that affectively?
I think one of the big things is just spending time with them - if its meeting them where they are or getting a handful of kids together to go shop for cupcake mix and an icecream afterwards. Its spending and investing in them as I go about life. I do know that I have a small handful of kids that have my back. Meaning I could go and do and not have to worry about anything. I would hate for those relationships to not be that close - it would really hurt and I do struggle with that. I am grateful though for those who I know without any reservations have my back. Those are the students that call me on my birthday.... a few times. :)
So often my family and I head to the cabin for the weekend or even over night at times. We are rarely alone in that treck to our "little piece of heaven". Its about doing life together and in order to show people Jesus - it has to be real - it has to authentic... nothing fake about it but more importantly - it has to be our lifestyle. See following Jesus can't be a Sunday morning or Wed evening thing. It can't be turned off and turned on. Vision never really shuts off and when it has taken the heart - the body and mind will follow.
I am so in Friday mode for some reason. Maybe its the long weekend - the excitement for tonight and enjoying some down time where I just get to attend this worship service and won't have any big responsibility other than walking along with students and their family and sharing in such a special evening like tonight. I am already in Kenny mode and I know when my mind, heart and soul gets in tune with Kenny's tunes...I know its time for a rest. His music speaks to my soul and his music is my life being lived in those songs.
I am looking forward to putting my toes in the sand on the coast of somewhere beautiful with no place to be - being as we are.
Pictures tomorrow~~
Monday, May 24, 2010
44 .....
Over half way there probably. I got to say that to my dad this morning when he called me to wish me a happy birthday. I think I took him back a few steps. But think about it, 44 years old today and I would be honest in saying my life here is half over. If I am blessed to live to be 88 years old.... but without many of those loved ones around me - who would want to live that long? I know where I am going and I am at peace and assured my next stop is heaven. That I feel over the last few years has really brought me to a place where I am alive more than at any other time in my life. I am so blessed to have so many good people around me, doing life with me, students and little kids looking to me and families that I can lean on as they lean on me. My family living their lives for Christ and my son who is just a shining bright star with his faith - He is owning it!!My brother in law, as we sat late into the night last night, his last night in Charlotte - said it perfectly - "I got to experience this "Special" thing that was taking place here when dad died. I am just blown away by what God is doing here and I want to be part of what is going on". I had tears in my eyes because I could tell those words where coming from him heart and yeah .. it really is amazingly true. God has done so much in our lives and the people around us - it really is amazing living with so many close people who just love each other and care deeply for one another. I get blown away and emotional just thinking about it. I can do that on my birthday!
So a celebration with many friends last night after such an awesome day at Rocky River Church with our service being outside, on the land celebrating what God is doing in breaking ground on our new church ministry campus. 44 years old now and loving where God has me serving and with who I am becoming following Christ. It has me reflecting on something personal and this brings me to reaching out here to someone who may need it.
Living life with Signifigance.
I can honestly say that a few years ago before accepting Christ - I was living that life of insignifigance. I was going to leave this world little changed by being in it. Sure, I married a great woman in Carol and we have built a life together and have raised Kyle to be an incredible young man but that is where it probably would have ended. Its a fear of mine that often times pushes me to go beyond what I am capable of doing. Fear is a great motivator but God tells us not to fear and trust in Him. I am thankful for this day because in 1999 - I should have lived my last day on this earth. I am thankful for those heavenly blessings to be here today. Experienced God's grace and his love will forever change a person. I has me.
Living a life and finding out that you have not lived is a scary place to be. A lot of people think living a life that matter means a life of fancy things, vacations, adventures, money and a great job with fame and lights. I don't think it has much to do with any of it. Significant living comes from filling your life with things which will last forever. Thats why the usuasal things people seek to guarantee importance for them in their lives usually dont work very well. Those things come to an end and often times during our own lives. Signifigance comes through other people. That is a our greatest investment. I want my life to count, I want it to mean something, I want what is deep in my heart to be passed on, experienced and in changed lives. I want to be part of that and by living a life for Christ - its the only way to experience something like this. Love is one of those values that lasts forever. If I have made someone's life better, if I have invested vision and energy into them that changes them then I have done something eternal. That is lasting... that is living with signifigance.
This past Saturday, I got to spend some time in uptown Charlotte with my family, my brother in law Bob, some extended family with Barbara and Madison but also another student who I just love spending time with because she is just so much a bright shining light. Anna is one of those students who excels and brings a lot to all those around her. She shared a few things Saturday with me and thanked me for always being that encouragement for her and even with people I don't even know that well. She wanted to spend some more time together and I promised I would do my best to make that happen. I think about all those types of conversations that utlimatley have pointed to my heart - a heart that has been changed because of Christ. Its why my faith has moved from my head to my heart and that gives me compassion for people. You can't have one without other other. So as I reflect today on 44 years and feel overwhelmed by the emails, text messages, phone calls, a celebration last night at the house with a cake fully on fire with all those candles... I am feeling humbled. I am feeling humbled by the student smiles, hugs, and families who came to just be a part of it all. 44 years is a drop in the ocean in terms of a time line for eternity. People are the difference in living a life of signifigance. I want to live a life that walks with others, that makes a difference and helps others where ever I go.
I celebrate this 44 years today - living to make a difference. Living to make someone's life a little easier. Living to show the practical love of Jesus. Living to be that friend I would like to have. Living to be a dad, husband, son, friend and mentor who encourages and believes in and who always does the best job I know how in showing Jesus........ eternal things. Those things matter.
Carol and Kyle- thank you for all you do, all you do without, and all that Christ is doing in you. I don't have words to touch on the love I have for you. Kate, you are just starting to touch on who you are. There is much good and awesome things in your heart if you will continue to walk, trust and let me lead. Your decision that you shared last night was a tough one for you. I am proud of you for finally coming to that place in your heart. I know God has given Carol and I a daughter, many daughters to be exact, but one in you and a family that you so much need and desire. You are going to great things and your paths in finding and experiencing Gods grace is closer than you think. I know your new beginning will come soon because God doesn't waste any experience in this life and He has great plans for you. Prosper you and to make you complete.
To my rock group families - life would not be much without ya'll. Love you all with all I have.
Mom - thanks for the birthday touch on my heart this morning!! :)
Just my heart today as 44 years comes and goes. Blessed for another chance to grab another eternal opportunity.
2 Timothy 3: is what I will share today. A birthday prayer for you.
Paul's Charge to Timothy
10You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, 11persecutions, sufferings—what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra, the persecutions I endured. Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them. 12In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13while evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
So a celebration with many friends last night after such an awesome day at Rocky River Church with our service being outside, on the land celebrating what God is doing in breaking ground on our new church ministry campus. 44 years old now and loving where God has me serving and with who I am becoming following Christ. It has me reflecting on something personal and this brings me to reaching out here to someone who may need it.
Living life with Signifigance.
I can honestly say that a few years ago before accepting Christ - I was living that life of insignifigance. I was going to leave this world little changed by being in it. Sure, I married a great woman in Carol and we have built a life together and have raised Kyle to be an incredible young man but that is where it probably would have ended. Its a fear of mine that often times pushes me to go beyond what I am capable of doing. Fear is a great motivator but God tells us not to fear and trust in Him. I am thankful for this day because in 1999 - I should have lived my last day on this earth. I am thankful for those heavenly blessings to be here today. Experienced God's grace and his love will forever change a person. I has me.
Living a life and finding out that you have not lived is a scary place to be. A lot of people think living a life that matter means a life of fancy things, vacations, adventures, money and a great job with fame and lights. I don't think it has much to do with any of it. Significant living comes from filling your life with things which will last forever. Thats why the usuasal things people seek to guarantee importance for them in their lives usually dont work very well. Those things come to an end and often times during our own lives. Signifigance comes through other people. That is a our greatest investment. I want my life to count, I want it to mean something, I want what is deep in my heart to be passed on, experienced and in changed lives. I want to be part of that and by living a life for Christ - its the only way to experience something like this. Love is one of those values that lasts forever. If I have made someone's life better, if I have invested vision and energy into them that changes them then I have done something eternal. That is lasting... that is living with signifigance.
This past Saturday, I got to spend some time in uptown Charlotte with my family, my brother in law Bob, some extended family with Barbara and Madison but also another student who I just love spending time with because she is just so much a bright shining light. Anna is one of those students who excels and brings a lot to all those around her. She shared a few things Saturday with me and thanked me for always being that encouragement for her and even with people I don't even know that well. She wanted to spend some more time together and I promised I would do my best to make that happen. I think about all those types of conversations that utlimatley have pointed to my heart - a heart that has been changed because of Christ. Its why my faith has moved from my head to my heart and that gives me compassion for people. You can't have one without other other. So as I reflect today on 44 years and feel overwhelmed by the emails, text messages, phone calls, a celebration last night at the house with a cake fully on fire with all those candles... I am feeling humbled. I am feeling humbled by the student smiles, hugs, and families who came to just be a part of it all. 44 years is a drop in the ocean in terms of a time line for eternity. People are the difference in living a life of signifigance. I want to live a life that walks with others, that makes a difference and helps others where ever I go.
I celebrate this 44 years today - living to make a difference. Living to make someone's life a little easier. Living to show the practical love of Jesus. Living to be that friend I would like to have. Living to be a dad, husband, son, friend and mentor who encourages and believes in and who always does the best job I know how in showing Jesus........ eternal things. Those things matter.
Carol and Kyle- thank you for all you do, all you do without, and all that Christ is doing in you. I don't have words to touch on the love I have for you. Kate, you are just starting to touch on who you are. There is much good and awesome things in your heart if you will continue to walk, trust and let me lead. Your decision that you shared last night was a tough one for you. I am proud of you for finally coming to that place in your heart. I know God has given Carol and I a daughter, many daughters to be exact, but one in you and a family that you so much need and desire. You are going to great things and your paths in finding and experiencing Gods grace is closer than you think. I know your new beginning will come soon because God doesn't waste any experience in this life and He has great plans for you. Prosper you and to make you complete.
To my rock group families - life would not be much without ya'll. Love you all with all I have.
Mom - thanks for the birthday touch on my heart this morning!! :)
Just my heart today as 44 years comes and goes. Blessed for another chance to grab another eternal opportunity.
2 Timothy 3: is what I will share today. A birthday prayer for you.
Paul's Charge to Timothy
10You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, 11persecutions, sufferings—what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra, the persecutions I endured. Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them. 12In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13while evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The last few weeks it has been a little tough with a few things. For one, its been hard to find a little time to write on "thewalk" and it has been a little hard to share some of the things on my heart. I am pretty sure God is in the process of teaching me a few tough things and how I need to lean on Him during this season.
"Its clear enough to me
the ugliness I see
is evidence of who I need"
The last week or so, maybe a little longer, I do feel attacked. I think about some of the things being said and wonder - why? Where is this coming from? Maybe people don't get what I do or what exactly God has called me to do. Regardless, I have this calling on me and what am I supposed to do - say no to God? That won't end well...... so I have to find a way to make it work. I need to search my heart and the God things need to point me and direct me. I will say that often times my family takes a back seat to everything. I have to work on that. Saying NO is a hard thing for me. My mom has left a lasting impression on me with serving others and following Jesus - I can see where she modeled that from.
I am blessed to have some great people around me who lift me in prayer, walk with me, who invest in me and who have my back. You know who you are and I don't have words to express my heart for the trust I have in you, in your family and in your children.
The time once again may be near to purge some though. I do this on facebook, my cell phone at times but the real relationship part is a hard one. Don't panic if you think this is you - if it is - I will tell you. That is the honorable thing to do when you leave a place or have to walk away from a relationship. I think about that and for sure it hurts and if you would be in prayer about this for me, that would be great and I appreciate it.
I will say that even in this trial right now - I don't want to be a person that "Throws stones" in my life - I want to be a person that gives "Grace". Jesus modeled this for us in John 8 after the crowd brought forth a woman who had been caught in adultry. The law stated that she was to be stoned to death. Lets read the story of what Jesus said because it is such an amazing story.
John 8:8
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." 8Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
9At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"
11"No one, sir," she said. "Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."
Grace is such a beautiful gift even if its not deserving - its given. Blessed and thankful today for we serve a "Then Some" God. He gives and provides us what we need and "Then Some".
Even as I type this and share my heart here.... "Then Some" and "Grace" is given. So I am marching forward - those who stick will stick and those who don't - won't. Thats up to them. One of the things I am learning and trying to stay focused on is the bigger picture of a growing student ministry. Working hard to learn what I need to learn to be a leader but also small enough to care about the details. I had a student a few weeks back come to me and tell me she was grounded because of grades. She desperately needed prayers for them and I promised her I would pray daily for her grades and the end of year exams. She told me yesterday that she passed her EOG's with all 4's and was just so excited with thank you and smiles. Those are the details I am talking about. That is the shared gift of prayer. These students keep me up at night. They bother my heart and when God places something on your heart that bothers you - You will then do something about it and get involved.
I can say that engaging a teenager in ministry through Christ, is for me a way to have:
Dynamic faith in God - Wonder
Personal identity in Christ - Discovery
and a responsive heart towards them - Passion
I pray I am a small part in leading them as well in finding wonder, discovery and passion in Christ Jesus.
3 ingrediants to not only live this life but to change this life. If you are in a place today where you are chasing dreams, fogging on drugs, checked out of life, floating in school, priorities are not lined up - then you don't know the wonder, discovery and passion of Jesus or maybe you lost that clearness a while back. My story is my story and for you to be excited about what God is doing in my life might not just move you much but God is still writing our story. What is your story saying today? Right now?
Are you throwing stones or are you giving grace? Its time to write on the ground and cross over that line. We need to be desperate for Jesus. He is clearly what we (I) need.
"Its clear enough to me
the ugliness I see
is evidence of who I need"
The last week or so, maybe a little longer, I do feel attacked. I think about some of the things being said and wonder - why? Where is this coming from? Maybe people don't get what I do or what exactly God has called me to do. Regardless, I have this calling on me and what am I supposed to do - say no to God? That won't end well...... so I have to find a way to make it work. I need to search my heart and the God things need to point me and direct me. I will say that often times my family takes a back seat to everything. I have to work on that. Saying NO is a hard thing for me. My mom has left a lasting impression on me with serving others and following Jesus - I can see where she modeled that from.
I am blessed to have some great people around me who lift me in prayer, walk with me, who invest in me and who have my back. You know who you are and I don't have words to express my heart for the trust I have in you, in your family and in your children.
The time once again may be near to purge some though. I do this on facebook, my cell phone at times but the real relationship part is a hard one. Don't panic if you think this is you - if it is - I will tell you. That is the honorable thing to do when you leave a place or have to walk away from a relationship. I think about that and for sure it hurts and if you would be in prayer about this for me, that would be great and I appreciate it.
I will say that even in this trial right now - I don't want to be a person that "Throws stones" in my life - I want to be a person that gives "Grace". Jesus modeled this for us in John 8 after the crowd brought forth a woman who had been caught in adultry. The law stated that she was to be stoned to death. Lets read the story of what Jesus said because it is such an amazing story.
John 8:8
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." 8Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
9At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"
11"No one, sir," she said. "Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."
Grace is such a beautiful gift even if its not deserving - its given. Blessed and thankful today for we serve a "Then Some" God. He gives and provides us what we need and "Then Some".
Even as I type this and share my heart here.... "Then Some" and "Grace" is given. So I am marching forward - those who stick will stick and those who don't - won't. Thats up to them. One of the things I am learning and trying to stay focused on is the bigger picture of a growing student ministry. Working hard to learn what I need to learn to be a leader but also small enough to care about the details. I had a student a few weeks back come to me and tell me she was grounded because of grades. She desperately needed prayers for them and I promised her I would pray daily for her grades and the end of year exams. She told me yesterday that she passed her EOG's with all 4's and was just so excited with thank you and smiles. Those are the details I am talking about. That is the shared gift of prayer. These students keep me up at night. They bother my heart and when God places something on your heart that bothers you - You will then do something about it and get involved.
I can say that engaging a teenager in ministry through Christ, is for me a way to have:
Dynamic faith in God - Wonder
Personal identity in Christ - Discovery
and a responsive heart towards them - Passion
I pray I am a small part in leading them as well in finding wonder, discovery and passion in Christ Jesus.
3 ingrediants to not only live this life but to change this life. If you are in a place today where you are chasing dreams, fogging on drugs, checked out of life, floating in school, priorities are not lined up - then you don't know the wonder, discovery and passion of Jesus or maybe you lost that clearness a while back. My story is my story and for you to be excited about what God is doing in my life might not just move you much but God is still writing our story. What is your story saying today? Right now?
Are you throwing stones or are you giving grace? Its time to write on the ground and cross over that line. We need to be desperate for Jesus. He is clearly what we (I) need.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Its never easy
God has never promised us easy. He has never promised us peace in our lives either. He has given us a peace in our hearts though if our hearts are really in his hands. There is the trust value that so many miss. Putting our hearts in His hands. Its easy today to put our hearts into other things and even other people. We have middle school students choosing to give their hearts (and so much more) to others because that is what everyone else is doing. We give our hearts to our careers and making money - some even to drugs. Our hearts desire should be the things of God if we have given our lives to following Christ. He should be the center and the rudder of our lives as he guides us. These other things end in empty promises, broken hearts, dirt roads and icebergs ready to sink us. Amazing thing about icebergs are that they are mostly unseen because they are mostly under the water where we can't see them. Just like in life - often times we don't see it coming.
Yesterday we had such a great day at church. Place was packed, the music was off the hook, Pastor JImmy preached a great message, our Student ministry has 50 students - I had an opening message that went over pretty well because of few students texted me afterwards or said something to me after the service, and then Pastor T wrapped it up with a powerful message from Ephesians 3.
When following Christ - there is adventure, passion and significance. These are the things that people look for in life. Does church offer these things? Does our teenagers find these things in our student ministries? I think we have a little more work to do because faith, like our health, needs exercise. Our faith rides on our own shoulders and I had a good story to share with the students yesterday about that. See on mothers day I took Carol and the family out to eat. Our place we wanted to go was busy and took reservations so we couldn't go there. So we went to our next favorite place to eat and it was packed. Funny thing happened though - we ended up at a table that nobody waited on us. So after waiting a long time I could see Carol starting to get upset ... so I got up - got some menu's, utensils and napkins, got a pen and paper - and took everyone order. I then gave it to the waiter who saw me doing this and finally came over to the table. He asked if I was going to tip myself! LOL
Anyways - this is just like our faith. Its nice to be spoon fed at times.... but often times we have to get up and do something. We have to put our hearts and minds into Gods word in order to know what it says. We have to share in a practical way the love of Jesus we have to others.
I want to share Ephesians 4: Living as Children of Light 17So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more. 20You, however, did not come to know Christ that way. 21Surely you heard of him and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. 22You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
Its never easy climbing the mountains of this life but you get out what you put into it. My mom used to tell me that. So much of her life has influenced me and even through her cancer - I can praise God through it. Everything we do loved ones, has an influence on someone. Put the old self away - let God be the desire of your heart. He has great plans for you, paths you have never seen, and a love like you have never experienced. God for sure offers what we are looking for in life - adventure and significance.
Yesterday we had such a great day at church. Place was packed, the music was off the hook, Pastor JImmy preached a great message, our Student ministry has 50 students - I had an opening message that went over pretty well because of few students texted me afterwards or said something to me after the service, and then Pastor T wrapped it up with a powerful message from Ephesians 3.
When following Christ - there is adventure, passion and significance. These are the things that people look for in life. Does church offer these things? Does our teenagers find these things in our student ministries? I think we have a little more work to do because faith, like our health, needs exercise. Our faith rides on our own shoulders and I had a good story to share with the students yesterday about that. See on mothers day I took Carol and the family out to eat. Our place we wanted to go was busy and took reservations so we couldn't go there. So we went to our next favorite place to eat and it was packed. Funny thing happened though - we ended up at a table that nobody waited on us. So after waiting a long time I could see Carol starting to get upset ... so I got up - got some menu's, utensils and napkins, got a pen and paper - and took everyone order. I then gave it to the waiter who saw me doing this and finally came over to the table. He asked if I was going to tip myself! LOL
Anyways - this is just like our faith. Its nice to be spoon fed at times.... but often times we have to get up and do something. We have to put our hearts and minds into Gods word in order to know what it says. We have to share in a practical way the love of Jesus we have to others.
I want to share Ephesians 4: Living as Children of Light 17So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more. 20You, however, did not come to know Christ that way. 21Surely you heard of him and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. 22You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
Its never easy climbing the mountains of this life but you get out what you put into it. My mom used to tell me that. So much of her life has influenced me and even through her cancer - I can praise God through it. Everything we do loved ones, has an influence on someone. Put the old self away - let God be the desire of your heart. He has great plans for you, paths you have never seen, and a love like you have never experienced. God for sure offers what we are looking for in life - adventure and significance.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Happy birthday momma! I sure do miss you. Oh, the things we would talk about if you were here. I would have to stop myself and let you speak because you are in a much better place than I am. I wouldnt have anything to even tell you ... I would just love to hear you talk, share your experiences the last few years. Oh, I miss those moments sitting on the swing talking. I miss your bicuits and that first cup of coffee in the morning with you. I am a much better person because of you mom. Thank you for always being there for me. I know you still are because you are still influencing me. I pray I am making you proud. Tell everyone hey for me. Sit with Jesus a spell if you would do that for me. I have so much to do here and so much on my heart for those around me. I am ready though ... I am ready.
Miss you and love you... thanks for always touching my heart... especially when I need to hear from you. Today is one of those days.
I can't and wont say goodbye I will wink and wipe the tear off my face now. A heart never heals back to where it once was and is changed forever.
Love you always,
Miss you and love you... thanks for always touching my heart... especially when I need to hear from you. Today is one of those days.
I can't and wont say goodbye I will wink and wipe the tear off my face now. A heart never heals back to where it once was and is changed forever.
Love you always,
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
It has been a pretty busy day today. With many thoughts floating in my head and in my heart - its sometimes hard to put everything into words and then putting them out there for people to read. I have been pretty jacked up after our student ministry meeting on Monday night. There is a ton of stuff rolling in my head and after the meeting - I just knew I wouldn't be sleeping for a few days but I am here to say - I have been sleeping good. I have made a few changes. No coffee in the afternoons like before ... well every once in awhile is good but not mostly during the week. I am making a bigger attempt to hit the gym after work - ministry, students, phone calls, emails, facebook etc.. can wait an hour for me. Still having trouble with cutting the grass but thankful Carol has helped with that the last few weeks. Seems she has found my secret in grass cutting...back and forth - back and forth - nobody to yell at you, complain to you, need something ... just back and forth in your thoughts. Therapy.... dang my secret is out!
Anyways - I have really enjoyed the last 2 mornings. Reason being, I have spent a little extra in my quiet time and focusing on a few things and really trying to concentrate on some things. One thing for me this week is most of the middle school students have EOG's this week. I have prayed with every middle school student via text message that I have a listing for in my cell. I have had parents text me back - Thank You! - Students have thanked me, they have said "Mr. Lonnie I feel at peace now thank you!" "I will do my best". "That prayer meant so much to me and I really feel focused now". It has been a great few days sharing that. I look forward to having a ministry wide prayer text being sent out very shortly! That is making an impact for the kingdom, it keeps our students encouraged, focused on bigger things, grows us closer as we grow bigger and puts Gods name out front to start their day. I think that is a big victory!!
LOL is tonight and looking forward to hearing the heart of Pastor Travis. We will be in Colossians 3: tonight. McDonalds afterwards to share some smiles and a sweat tea. Doesn't sweat tea just make everything better? I think so ... heaven will have taps flowing I just know it.
I will share Colossians 3: I think it sums up where I am today.
Love ya'll~
Colossians 3:12Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
15Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
.... God show us how to be thankful!
Anyways - I have really enjoyed the last 2 mornings. Reason being, I have spent a little extra in my quiet time and focusing on a few things and really trying to concentrate on some things. One thing for me this week is most of the middle school students have EOG's this week. I have prayed with every middle school student via text message that I have a listing for in my cell. I have had parents text me back - Thank You! - Students have thanked me, they have said "Mr. Lonnie I feel at peace now thank you!" "I will do my best". "That prayer meant so much to me and I really feel focused now". It has been a great few days sharing that. I look forward to having a ministry wide prayer text being sent out very shortly! That is making an impact for the kingdom, it keeps our students encouraged, focused on bigger things, grows us closer as we grow bigger and puts Gods name out front to start their day. I think that is a big victory!!
LOL is tonight and looking forward to hearing the heart of Pastor Travis. We will be in Colossians 3: tonight. McDonalds afterwards to share some smiles and a sweat tea. Doesn't sweat tea just make everything better? I think so ... heaven will have taps flowing I just know it.
I will share Colossians 3: I think it sums up where I am today.
Love ya'll~
Colossians 3:12Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
15Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
.... God show us how to be thankful!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Weather is just one of those topics that always seems to fit with whom ever you are talking with. You know the deal, meet someone for the firs time or in an awkward circle of people and the weather is for sure a common ground and safe topic to talk about. Some topics are not so on the table. I can remember my father n law always saying - I wont discuss politics and religion with people I don't know very well. He played it safe - mostly because people with those rules of having topics that are off limits is that their point of view will be heard and in many cases trumped over anyone elses views.
I wont start to talk about the weather, even though I am a weather nut but I am a bigger nut for Jesus. Thats a good place to be for many reasons.
Today I am in Romans 15 - this is from some extra time spent this morning in my quiet time this morning after getting up early and a change of driving plans. I am thankful for the time though as I got to sit and relax. Had some breakfast with Carol who made something special for Kyle and the guys here at work to begin EOG week. She has done that for the past several years and the house smelled of bacon even this morning YUMMO! I also had a chance to text and call a few students to pray with them for their day ahead. It was such a nice start in prayer with them and a few were caught by surpise and I am sure those prayers sunk a little deeper in their hearts this morning. I love when God presses me to do things like that with reaching out in kind and loving ways. This brings me to Romans 15 today. Hope is speaks to you like it did to me this morning.
Romans 15:
1We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. 2Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. 3For even Christ did not please himself but, as it is written: "The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me."[a] 4For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.
5May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, 6so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
7Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.
I pray that everything you do today, lifts someone's spirit, glorifies God, have done your best at whatever it is you have set out to do and did all this all out of your love for Christ. Weather conversation is fine for some ... but sooner or later our conversations have to have more meat to them. No more surface level stuff loved ones.... sometimes we have to move past those things and into the things that matter. Don't like the weather, wait a little while and it will change. Gods grace and love never changes and we must always be ready to shine for it - to some - you may be the only Jesus they have today, this week, this month, this year or even in their lives.
I wont start to talk about the weather, even though I am a weather nut but I am a bigger nut for Jesus. Thats a good place to be for many reasons.
Today I am in Romans 15 - this is from some extra time spent this morning in my quiet time this morning after getting up early and a change of driving plans. I am thankful for the time though as I got to sit and relax. Had some breakfast with Carol who made something special for Kyle and the guys here at work to begin EOG week. She has done that for the past several years and the house smelled of bacon even this morning YUMMO! I also had a chance to text and call a few students to pray with them for their day ahead. It was such a nice start in prayer with them and a few were caught by surpise and I am sure those prayers sunk a little deeper in their hearts this morning. I love when God presses me to do things like that with reaching out in kind and loving ways. This brings me to Romans 15 today. Hope is speaks to you like it did to me this morning.
Romans 15:
1We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. 2Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. 3For even Christ did not please himself but, as it is written: "The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me."[a] 4For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.
5May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, 6so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
7Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.
I pray that everything you do today, lifts someone's spirit, glorifies God, have done your best at whatever it is you have set out to do and did all this all out of your love for Christ. Weather conversation is fine for some ... but sooner or later our conversations have to have more meat to them. No more surface level stuff loved ones.... sometimes we have to move past those things and into the things that matter. Don't like the weather, wait a little while and it will change. Gods grace and love never changes and we must always be ready to shine for it - to some - you may be the only Jesus they have today, this week, this month, this year or even in their lives.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mothers Day~
Just wanting to wish everyone a happy mothers days today. I have been pretty good leading up to this day. This is a day that is very different than years past in my house. With Carol and I, and Kate not having a mom with us - it for sure takes on a different feeling. Last Friday God placed it on my heart to share flowers with the students in the Flood at Rocky River Church. So yesterday, I stopped and got a big bunch of them knowing that there are some with the same piece of their heart missing as well. Its a bond and understanding that only we know and feel. It was awesome sharing some words with a few of the students - a few cried, I cried, hugged, and in turn I think we are a little closer. The left over flowers I gave a few to the students that were hanging around afterwards - some needing to talk, some not wanting to go home yet... whatever the reasons ... they got a few fresh cut flowers.
I am blessed mom because of you - your dedication to family and living your life as an example to those around you. You shared, you toughed things out, you remained faithful and loved all those around you.
Proud to be your son always ..... I left the students with this - This book, the bible, is not a collection of words wrapped between 2 covers .... with rules over your life. This is a book written as a love story bound in 2 covers where the words are alive and in 3D.
Prayers for my brother Craig today and for his family and my dad as they try and figure out what is going on with him.
Miss you mom..... love you always. I'll see you when I get there but until then, I will shine.....
I am blessed mom because of you - your dedication to family and living your life as an example to those around you. You shared, you toughed things out, you remained faithful and loved all those around you.
Proud to be your son always ..... I left the students with this - This book, the bible, is not a collection of words wrapped between 2 covers .... with rules over your life. This is a book written as a love story bound in 2 covers where the words are alive and in 3D.
Prayers for my brother Craig today and for his family and my dad as they try and figure out what is going on with him.
Miss you mom..... love you always. I'll see you when I get there but until then, I will shine.....
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Best Man Honor
Back in 1989, in April, Carol and I got married. It was a big production wedding and a wonderful day because I was marrying my best friend. A friend who has seen the lowest in me when I was sick back in 1999 and have seen me at my highest point which I do believe, by Gods grace and love for me, I am living now. We have been without and have been blessed with so much but regardless - its been a wonderful friendship. ANY friendship that is worth fighting for has to have seasons of forgiveness. Seasons of not seeing eye to eye on things, job transfers, moving not only across the state but to a different part of the country, raising kids, passing of parents....there is a LOT that a married couple goes through but the key word there is THROUGH. I feel with all my heart that God has blessed Carol and I with having each other in this life. I don't know if we will be married in Heaven one day but I do know I am hoping she is at least my roomie.... or neighbor at least! LOL - anyways - my best man at my wedding - Tom - was married a few years back and has 5 children today and is living in Florida. How he got there was a moment in time like Saul had when Jesus blasted him with a white blinding light completely in an instant transforming his life.
Tom was on campus at Princeton University which is my old stomping grounds. He was pretending to be giving a lecture in one of the oldest classrooms on campus- standing at the front of the room behind the huge wooded podium pretending the room was filled with hundreds of students thirsty for knowledge. In that moment - I know and so does he, that God called him to teach. Far different than his desire for the law. Not being able to fight that calling in his life - He packed up his stuff and moved to Florida to attend Florida State. He graduated and got a job in Arkansas - then accepted a job in North Miami Florida at a small university there after a few years there in tornado alley. Together he and his wife have built together a family, moving across country, in hurricane alley, fought alligators and florida bugs together .... Today - I want to celebrate those vows with you bro. I know things are hard right now but this is worth sharing so that it may also encourage someone out there other than you and Kristine. God has given us marriage as a sacred bond and with His guidance, love, and help - any marriage can withstand today's pressures where most marriages end in divorce. Always keep close to your heart that when God is in your marriage - anything can happen, even when we don't see it. 1 Corinthians 13:7 tells us "Love believes all things, hopes all things. Ephesians 4:32 tells us "Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you." Lastly, Ephesians 4:2 tells us "Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love".
Love is patient, kind, not selfish, thoughtful, not rude, not irritable, believes the best, not jealous, makes good impressions, unconditional, cherishes, lets the other win, fights fair, takes delight, is honorable, intercedes, promotes intimacy, seeks to understand, is impossible, is Jesus Christ, is satisfied in God, faithful, always protects, forgives, responsible, encourages, makes sacrifices, motivation, brings unity, completes each other, celebrates, is accountable, is Gods word, agrees in prayer, fulfills dreams, endures, and is a covenant.
Being a best man for a couple is not just a best friend speech, its a step in life when a friend is down. It is a step in when needed and is an honor to uphold. Brezman, we have been through some stuff together... this is no different. I hope you read your vows again here and remember that day you and your wife stood before God and pledged your partnership together. I remember how nervous I was but made it through it in front of all your family and friends. Its an honor to be a best man to your best friend. Though miles may keep us apart ... you are still a brother. Pick up Gods light man and light His torch in your life and bring your marriage to new heights, new places, and over that mountain in front of you. 5 kids need you to do that. God WILL move that mountain.
Ephesians 3:20-21 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Best Man’s Honor
To Tom and Kristine,
For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Lonnie, also known as BATMAN. It’s an honor to return the favor of being the best man. I asked Tom to be my best man in 1989. Carol and I have been happily married for 12 great years and have a wonderful son. I hope and pray, Tom and Kristine, that you will have such happiness and peace in your lives. Brez, we have been friends, almost like brothers, for a long time. You have always been there for me - - if I ever needed advice, a pat on the back, or any help like 2 years ago when you came to my side when Carol and I needed you most. I never really had a chance to say “Thank You”. I will always be there for you, for that pep talk that you need occasionally, that pat on the back or just to talk about football, the METS or that OTHER NY team. Brothers we are, and brothers we will always be.
Kristine, welcome to the family, and I welcome you as a sister. I look forward to the times that we will spend together as friends.
I searched the Bible for some words of wisdom that I would like to read. It comes from Ephesians 5:31. It reads: “A man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh”. May you work as a team and put your friendship before everything else. My dad used to say, you only get out of something what you put into to something. May you put all your effort, love and compassion into this newly formed team. Brez, your dad and Mary Lou would be proud. May your marriage be blessed with lots of love, honesty, friendship and kids.
Tom was on campus at Princeton University which is my old stomping grounds. He was pretending to be giving a lecture in one of the oldest classrooms on campus- standing at the front of the room behind the huge wooded podium pretending the room was filled with hundreds of students thirsty for knowledge. In that moment - I know and so does he, that God called him to teach. Far different than his desire for the law. Not being able to fight that calling in his life - He packed up his stuff and moved to Florida to attend Florida State. He graduated and got a job in Arkansas - then accepted a job in North Miami Florida at a small university there after a few years there in tornado alley. Together he and his wife have built together a family, moving across country, in hurricane alley, fought alligators and florida bugs together .... Today - I want to celebrate those vows with you bro. I know things are hard right now but this is worth sharing so that it may also encourage someone out there other than you and Kristine. God has given us marriage as a sacred bond and with His guidance, love, and help - any marriage can withstand today's pressures where most marriages end in divorce. Always keep close to your heart that when God is in your marriage - anything can happen, even when we don't see it. 1 Corinthians 13:7 tells us "Love believes all things, hopes all things. Ephesians 4:32 tells us "Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you." Lastly, Ephesians 4:2 tells us "Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love".
Love is patient, kind, not selfish, thoughtful, not rude, not irritable, believes the best, not jealous, makes good impressions, unconditional, cherishes, lets the other win, fights fair, takes delight, is honorable, intercedes, promotes intimacy, seeks to understand, is impossible, is Jesus Christ, is satisfied in God, faithful, always protects, forgives, responsible, encourages, makes sacrifices, motivation, brings unity, completes each other, celebrates, is accountable, is Gods word, agrees in prayer, fulfills dreams, endures, and is a covenant.
Being a best man for a couple is not just a best friend speech, its a step in life when a friend is down. It is a step in when needed and is an honor to uphold. Brezman, we have been through some stuff together... this is no different. I hope you read your vows again here and remember that day you and your wife stood before God and pledged your partnership together. I remember how nervous I was but made it through it in front of all your family and friends. Its an honor to be a best man to your best friend. Though miles may keep us apart ... you are still a brother. Pick up Gods light man and light His torch in your life and bring your marriage to new heights, new places, and over that mountain in front of you. 5 kids need you to do that. God WILL move that mountain.
Ephesians 3:20-21 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Best Man’s Honor
To Tom and Kristine,
For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Lonnie, also known as BATMAN. It’s an honor to return the favor of being the best man. I asked Tom to be my best man in 1989. Carol and I have been happily married for 12 great years and have a wonderful son. I hope and pray, Tom and Kristine, that you will have such happiness and peace in your lives. Brez, we have been friends, almost like brothers, for a long time. You have always been there for me - - if I ever needed advice, a pat on the back, or any help like 2 years ago when you came to my side when Carol and I needed you most. I never really had a chance to say “Thank You”. I will always be there for you, for that pep talk that you need occasionally, that pat on the back or just to talk about football, the METS or that OTHER NY team. Brothers we are, and brothers we will always be.
Kristine, welcome to the family, and I welcome you as a sister. I look forward to the times that we will spend together as friends.
I searched the Bible for some words of wisdom that I would like to read. It comes from Ephesians 5:31. It reads: “A man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh”. May you work as a team and put your friendship before everything else. My dad used to say, you only get out of something what you put into to something. May you put all your effort, love and compassion into this newly formed team. Brez, your dad and Mary Lou would be proud. May your marriage be blessed with lots of love, honesty, friendship and kids.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I have been asking a very tough question to some of my close kids the last week or so and to be honest.. well..... Happy hump day everyone! Did I ever tell you I have a weakness - M&M's? Oh yeah ...... back to the question :)
So if Jesus came to you in the next moment and asked you a very important question - what would you say? - "_____ - Where are you in your faith today?"
I have had a wild array of answers: - "Its better than last year", "um well I um", "I don't know", "its hard to say exactly", "I'm good" ~ Just to name a few.
Wow, pouring into this student ministry with all my heart and these are some of the answers.
There is a file that I keep a lot of my journal note taking kind of stuff in. It is a collection of things, thoughts, scripture and other such stuff that I am learning over the years and I often read back over them and enjoy "the walk" through.
Funny thing is the file name is not what I would call a normal file name. Its not called - my walk, my journal, what I am learning, or even anything remotely close like that. The name of the file is:
"I am able to do far beyond all that you ask or imagine"
This comes from Ephesians 3:20-21. It reads like this:
Ephesians 3:20-21 (New International Version)
20Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Does this sound like a piece of scripture that God himself has given us for us to answer a very important question like - Where are you in your faith today with um, better than last year, I don't know..... well...... This is the God that can move mountains in your life. Jesus picked 12 people and they took the message to the world. David had a God on his side and he defeated what couldnt be defeated by an army. Saul the most ruthless killer of Christians became Paul in a flash of light and set the example in starting what we call the church today!
Man, this fires me up because I want that kind of faith! I want to lean back and know fully that God has my back and is with me regardless of how I feel or what I see around me. I want that kind of faith knowing that all I have to do is ask and believe in His promises.
I want to have that kind of faith where I can reach out and touch his robe and be instantly healed because of my faith. I want that kind of faith that my friends have to drag me and cut a hole in the roof to lower me down to be healed because I couldnt get there myself. I want that kind of faith that is shared with those around me, who I can pour into and share life with because of what Jesus has done in my life. I want that kind of faith where your struggles and salvation become a priority in my life above my own wants and wishes.
The people that Jesus healed, the people who lead great things, the people that did life with Jesus and who walked with him in his day ... were just like you and me. Ordinary people.... Simple, complicated, confused most of the time, hurting, struggling, messy, talented, passionate, loving, compassionate people - but they believed in the God like Ephesians 3: tells us.
He can move mountains in your life and He is still in the miracle making business. He is BEYOND all you can ask or imagine. Sounds like a 1st round draft pick but even better. Why would you not pick Him for your team? Team Captain probably.......
So, what stops you from picking Him? What keeps you from really believing and claiming His power in your life? In your family?
Student ministry is a hard place sometimes. There are many moments of hurt, tears, awake nights, family time that is not shared, tough conversations but I have this calling on my life. Thankful and blessed for sure without a doubt because I am getting the front row seat to so many young and passionate students who love Jesus and seeing them do amazing things! Am I overwhelmed at times.... you bet. Am I scared sometimes,.... almost all the time. Do I believe that God can move mountains in my life, my walk, in the lives of students and their families? You bet I do ....... That mountain is there to be climbed.... You with me?
I tell many of my close students who sometimes appear to be unplugging, wandering, and sometimes lost.... "stick with me ....... we will climb this together." I mean that when I say it ... and sad that I have to say that as much as I do. So today ..... its
Time to get my climbing gear- Who is with me? Opportunities are ahead.......
So if Jesus came to you in the next moment and asked you a very important question - what would you say? - "_____ - Where are you in your faith today?"
I have had a wild array of answers: - "Its better than last year", "um well I um", "I don't know", "its hard to say exactly", "I'm good" ~ Just to name a few.
Wow, pouring into this student ministry with all my heart and these are some of the answers.
There is a file that I keep a lot of my journal note taking kind of stuff in. It is a collection of things, thoughts, scripture and other such stuff that I am learning over the years and I often read back over them and enjoy "the walk" through.
Funny thing is the file name is not what I would call a normal file name. Its not called - my walk, my journal, what I am learning, or even anything remotely close like that. The name of the file is:
"I am able to do far beyond all that you ask or imagine"
This comes from Ephesians 3:20-21. It reads like this:
Ephesians 3:20-21 (New International Version)
20Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Does this sound like a piece of scripture that God himself has given us for us to answer a very important question like - Where are you in your faith today with um, better than last year, I don't know..... well...... This is the God that can move mountains in your life. Jesus picked 12 people and they took the message to the world. David had a God on his side and he defeated what couldnt be defeated by an army. Saul the most ruthless killer of Christians became Paul in a flash of light and set the example in starting what we call the church today!
Man, this fires me up because I want that kind of faith! I want to lean back and know fully that God has my back and is with me regardless of how I feel or what I see around me. I want that kind of faith knowing that all I have to do is ask and believe in His promises.
I want to have that kind of faith where I can reach out and touch his robe and be instantly healed because of my faith. I want that kind of faith that my friends have to drag me and cut a hole in the roof to lower me down to be healed because I couldnt get there myself. I want that kind of faith that is shared with those around me, who I can pour into and share life with because of what Jesus has done in my life. I want that kind of faith where your struggles and salvation become a priority in my life above my own wants and wishes.
The people that Jesus healed, the people who lead great things, the people that did life with Jesus and who walked with him in his day ... were just like you and me. Ordinary people.... Simple, complicated, confused most of the time, hurting, struggling, messy, talented, passionate, loving, compassionate people - but they believed in the God like Ephesians 3: tells us.
He can move mountains in your life and He is still in the miracle making business. He is BEYOND all you can ask or imagine. Sounds like a 1st round draft pick but even better. Why would you not pick Him for your team? Team Captain probably.......
So, what stops you from picking Him? What keeps you from really believing and claiming His power in your life? In your family?
Student ministry is a hard place sometimes. There are many moments of hurt, tears, awake nights, family time that is not shared, tough conversations but I have this calling on my life. Thankful and blessed for sure without a doubt because I am getting the front row seat to so many young and passionate students who love Jesus and seeing them do amazing things! Am I overwhelmed at times.... you bet. Am I scared sometimes,.... almost all the time. Do I believe that God can move mountains in my life, my walk, in the lives of students and their families? You bet I do ....... That mountain is there to be climbed.... You with me?
I tell many of my close students who sometimes appear to be unplugging, wandering, and sometimes lost.... "stick with me ....... we will climb this together." I mean that when I say it ... and sad that I have to say that as much as I do. So today ..... its
Time to get my climbing gear- Who is with me? Opportunities are ahead.......
Monday, May 3, 2010
MoNdAy, already. Enjoyed a great weekend at the cabin. Got the boat in the water on Saturday morning and that is always a great day! That means summer is here and with that comes some fun times ahead at the cabin on the lake. There is just so much that happens while spending time with folks in that little place. This past weekend was no different. Got to spend some time with someone new that has plugged in and very much enjoyed her company and smiles the last few days. As always, we all shared smiles together, smores in the fire pit, boating and laughing our faces off tubing, rock jumping at frog rock, and our long walks to the creek. Had a great conversation with mom last Saturday night looking up at the stars. It was good to really "speak" with her. There is not a day that goes by that I don't miss my mom - I think what made it special this time around was the heart place we are all at this time at the cabin. I do believe my heart is where it needs to be and that is something I pray for every day - especially with the trust that my family has with students - especially for me. That level of trust is so vital to be able to walk with people and have that kind of heart access. I am truly blessed to be where those relationships are. Without it ... I wouldn't be doing what I am doing in serving God and all those He has put in my life. Through Him, I can share my heart and provide an example of what He has done for me. Isn't that what its about? Sharing the love of Jesus to others by living and loving the people around us? If I had something so wonderful and so life changing and that I love so much --- how can I keep that a secret and keep it to myself?
We all have to make a decision in following Jesus or not. No matter the decision you make -You WILL make it. Our faith rests solely on our own 2 shoulders.
Trust is a must and something that once broken is really hard to re-establish and sometimes- never gets back to where it once was. Ask that to any parent of a teenager.
Trust is the centerpiece of being a Christian. If you are doing great at trusting God, then you are doing great in your faith. If you are not going great at trusting God, then you could use some encouragement in your faith.
I value so much the trust that I have with those around me. I continue to put that trust in Gods hands - especially when there are times where tough conversations take place and hearts are exposed. Without it - you can't move forward. I can't move forward. With out Trust in God - WE can't move forward. So today - on my heart is simple... if you are walking with me - I want to thank you for your trust but I hope that through that trust you will see and grow in your trust with Jesus. Its all about Him. Its why I do and do what I do. My heart breaks for so many and I value all the relationships because of my relationship through our heavenly father. Each of them are special - "Without a doubt - YOU are with me."
Psalm 25:
1 O Lord, I give my life to you. 2 I trust in you, my God! Do not let me be disgraced, or let my enemies rejoice in my defeat. 3 No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced, but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.
4 Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. 5 Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you. 6 Remember, O Lord, your compassion and unfailing love, which you have shown from long ages past. 7 Do not remember the rebellious sins of my youth. Remember me in the light of your unfailing love, for you are merciful, O Lord.
8 The Lord is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray. 9 He leads the humble in doing right, teaching them his way. 10 The Lord leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands.
Peace and blessings today~
We all have to make a decision in following Jesus or not. No matter the decision you make -You WILL make it. Our faith rests solely on our own 2 shoulders.
Trust is a must and something that once broken is really hard to re-establish and sometimes- never gets back to where it once was. Ask that to any parent of a teenager.
Trust is the centerpiece of being a Christian. If you are doing great at trusting God, then you are doing great in your faith. If you are not going great at trusting God, then you could use some encouragement in your faith.
I value so much the trust that I have with those around me. I continue to put that trust in Gods hands - especially when there are times where tough conversations take place and hearts are exposed. Without it - you can't move forward. I can't move forward. With out Trust in God - WE can't move forward. So today - on my heart is simple... if you are walking with me - I want to thank you for your trust but I hope that through that trust you will see and grow in your trust with Jesus. Its all about Him. Its why I do and do what I do. My heart breaks for so many and I value all the relationships because of my relationship through our heavenly father. Each of them are special - "Without a doubt - YOU are with me."
Psalm 25:
1 O Lord, I give my life to you. 2 I trust in you, my God! Do not let me be disgraced, or let my enemies rejoice in my defeat. 3 No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced, but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.
4 Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. 5 Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you. 6 Remember, O Lord, your compassion and unfailing love, which you have shown from long ages past. 7 Do not remember the rebellious sins of my youth. Remember me in the light of your unfailing love, for you are merciful, O Lord.
8 The Lord is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray. 9 He leads the humble in doing right, teaching them his way. 10 The Lord leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands.
Peace and blessings today~
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