Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday flush......

I learned this weekend something very important. Guys brains are bigger than womans brains. Yes I said it.... and its a proven fact. Girls brains actually work better than guys do.... there I said it again. This past weekend I and a few other leaders from church took 20 teenage girls to the Revolve tour here in Charlotte NC. It was awesome to say the least and yes I even learned a few things too. It was great for these young women to hear from leaders around the country who they are in Gods eyes... not the boyfriends, not their friends, not their parents but who they are in Gods eyes. When you get that vision of who we really are and how much he loves us regardless of our past or where we are today - it changes everything. Power and Beautiful came up again from Thirst Camp. Saturday I had one of my favorite shirts on ...we all have a favorite shirt right? Well mine happens to be my Batman shirt. I got a chance to talk to 7 of our girls on the way home about the masks we were in life. We hide from who we really are - always putting on a different mask according to who is around us. I had each of the girls share what masks they have on during their day. For some it was a mask for them to hide behind at cheerleading, at tumble or during class change ...and some even at home in front of mom and dad. Its awesome to know that God sees through that mask and knows the real us - the real me. When our relationship with God is true and we are seeking His heart for our own hearts the masks seem to fake. They dont have much value because we are being REAL and being us all the time. God shines through that and it leaves no room for playing games. Who are you trying to tell the world you are?
Tough question ..... We have a generation that's just preoccupied with life. We all are wrapped into this thing called life and its moving fast and for many of us, we are getting pulled into a thousand directions. But we are Gods spiritual GPS system and our calling as a follower of Jesus is to have a passion for the lost in this broken world. We are not called to judge, critisize but to bridge the gap by taking the hand of someone who is dear in our life who doesn't know Jesus and take Gods hand in our other hand and bridge that gap. We are to be that lifeline between a hard and dark place and shed light on it through us.
Just this past week was a tough week. Struggling with some things, I had to really dig deep for a few days and examine my heart. I had to make sure that my heart beats for that what God's heart beats for.
I had a few of our students sit with me at the conference on Saturday and share with me that not only do I have a compassion compartment in me but I have a few of them. I was almost in tears and what a great compliment. I love that people can see what my heart has passion for and what my heart beats for. I would walk through fire for them - "MyKids" - our kids ..... they matter and if I would do such a thing for them ... imagine what God would do for them. Its time for many of us to stop putting on the mask of being a Christian and love a person to Christ so that one day they will love a person to Christ. Its that simple .......
Romans 12:2
Place Your Life Before God
1-2 So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

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