Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I am going to have a short post today. I do have a prayer request for my son Kyle, if you would keep him in your prayers today and the next few days that would be awesome and we would appreciate it. I will be picking Kyle up from school in an hour from now and will be headed over to the dentist office. There he will have 4 teeth pulled and another appointment made for 2 more pulled in the coming weeks. This is all in preparation for braces and the hunt for that award winning smile to go along with the award winning personality! Keep him in your prayers....
My dad and his fiance's wedding is winding down. Saturday is the big day. I have some emotion to go along with this big event and all but I am cool with the plans and know that God will honor this new union between them. I am especially excited for Kyle who gets a chance in his young life to have a grandma again. Both his grandma's left for their heavenly home too early in his life and I am very thankful he will get to experience the love of a grandmother again.
Tonight I will be with some of the other Student ministry leaders and our students (middle/high school) at the Pumpkin Patch. I am hoping for a good turnout, a little prayer time but more so for building relationships and friendships as we come together to serve the people in the community and have some fun also! We will be there from 6-8 tonight!
I got some information today that I am really excited about. Its a film festival that is coming up near the end of the month and there will be live music, movie screenings and food. All for I need to work that in with our church vision and get a plan in action! I am currently in a great book - The Father Connection by Josh McDowell. I am hoping to finish it up in the next few days because I have 2 more on order that I am really excited about reading and learning some things.
The last few days I have been looking over some things in my life. Above all else I want to be a follower of Jesus with all my heart and in all I do. In doing so we have to be humble and thank some dear people that help us in our daily walk. I have shared some things with a few of my dearest closest peeps that my family is doing life with and I am so blessed to able to do so. I am thankful for the dearest in my life who listen to me, sometimes babble, and walk with me no matter what.
I have been loving the Y the last 3-4 weeks. No more on camus gym with nasty tv shows and folks just hanging around trying to get a date! Thanks Carol for signing our family up and giving us a chance to work off some stress, get healthier, see so many people in the community and to get a good work out as well! But being fit is only part of the equation .... Spiritual fitness is even more important.
1 Timothy 4:
6-10You've been raised on the Message of the faith and have followed sound teaching. Now pass on this counsel to the followers of Jesus there, and you'll be a good servant of Jesus. Stay clear of silly stories that get dressed up as religion. Exercise daily in God. Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever. You can count on this. Take it to heart. This is why we've thrown ourselves into this venture so totally. We're banking on the living God, Savior of all men and women, especially believers.

Peace out,

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