Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A different walk....

The last few days I have been under the weather some. Nothing major but for sure it has taken a step or 2 from me. Today I am trying the work from home thing. Its harder than it looks! I am not sure how Carol does this everyday. I guess with my short attention span - its easy to get rolling on a few things at once including some work and answering emails and calls and then looking up and things are rolling everywhere! I did manage to get to the gym and that is a plus! Just not sure I am cut out for this isolation - I need my PEEPS around me and folks to talk to. I guess one would get used to it in time BUT FOR ME it would be a LONG time.
Anyways, had a good day today. Have some things that are bothering me and I need to pray through them. As I examine those things I am reminded of a few words that always bring me focus and direction.

When we honor God in the places no one sees ~ He will honor us in the places everyone sees.

Our walk with Jesus is not private at all. Its actually a very public one. As we do our best to reach out to others ... its very important to make sure our walk is in line with our talk. If its not - you will be exposed as a fake and that is not a place that is good to be in. As a follower of Jesus, people are watching and waiting - sad but true for us to mess things up.
Lord I pray that my heart today is in line with my words and actions. I pray that my intentions to reach the lost as well as those who need encouragement or just a smile would really feel the trueness of my intentions and care. Lord I pray that these things that are on my heart will be handed to you. Handle them for me Lord and provide the vision I need for them to come to pass. Lord I pray that the days ahead, though busy, will be fulfilling for your will above my own. I continue to pray that you give me the vision and trust Lord to continue to take those next steps -even if I don't see them. I pray I am bringing you glory and honor Lord today. Thank you for my family and "MyKids" Lord.... they are blessings that are from you.

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