Thursday, September 10, 2009

Short week...

Also means a short amount of time. Thursday? Where did the week go? Looking forward to heading to the cabin tomorrow after work. I am really feeling stressed today with some big things looming in the not so far off future.
I had someone tell me yesterday that my posts on Facebook account are just to serious for them. I smiled and actually chuckled a little bit and then I really thought about it. I mean who really cares if I update my page with - gone to the bathroom - hitting the shower - gym time - I am eating the best sandwhich ever. I mean who really cares about those things. I often wonder who really cares about this thing and then I get a few emails saying they do. :) - thanks!
Anyways - I want to use my time, the avenues that are before me to reach out through those places and let people know that Jesus loves them. Here is why ... look at what He has done in my life. I want to share that... plain and simple. I want to reach out and let the kids of this generation, community and far places know they have someone to cheer them on, to listen to them and to have a place where they can feel comfortable asking and talking about the tough things in their lives. They have tough things going on people. I am amazed at the deep levels our kids are facing each and every day. I spoke with a middle schooler this week that I have had the honor to pour into the past few years and she so appears to be solid as a rock but deep inside - there is a scared little girl in there hoping to hold her family together some how.
95 % of the time ... If you show me a student, I can show you their parents. Parents - you rub off. You send down those good and bad things to your children. If you are unorganized, heart full of complaints, see life with the glass half empty and have nothing to do with the things of God... then your children will probably be the same way. If you are a person who is organized, loves life, sees life over flowing with blessings, has found real JOY in your life and love anything that has to do with Jesus - then your children will probably be the same way. 95% of the time. Parents -you are either going to teach your children to be like Christ or not to care. Leading these young people today has taught me a few great lessons.
I can't do this alone. Our church leaders - can't do this alone.
Parents today leave the spiritual growth to the church pastors and not themselves.
Parents today spend thousands of bucks on sports, cheerleading, tumble, competitions, uniforms etc.... but when it comes to Sunday morning church time - they are too tired and don't go.
Our kids in church - we have them 1-2 hours a week - it's not enough. Parents you have to be the spiritual leaders of your homes. You have to set the example for them by your actions and
20 years ago the biggest influence on our kids was the parents and youth pastors. Now the biggest influences on our kids is their friends and the media.
I think its time we shift those values back to where they need to be.
I will be sticking with the serious side on my Facebook posts.... sorry :) May God have all the glory in those avenues, conversations, updates, posts and chats. Our kids want to be part of something big today and all they need is someone who will take the time and tell them - they can do it.
Looking forward to movie night tonight with a few of "MyKids" while Carol is attending a meeting and then dinner with a few of her peeps. I got the kids ...... right where I want to be~ right where I need to be. Jaws tonight...... should be reliving my childhood again with remembering back watching it with my parents and my little brother at the drive in. Yes I said drive in ..... and scared out of my shorts.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

I enjoy reading you facebook post. They make me think and examine my life.