Friday, September 18, 2009

Rainy Friday ...

It may be dreary out, misting once second and then downpour the next but I have to tell you - there is such a bright light shining.
Last night a good buddy of mine and I went and visited a home of a family that is local in our community that we served this past summer during our student ministry camp - Thirst Camp. It was awesome serving this family with teams of volunteers and getting to see teenagers lead and do things they have never done before and all with smiles on their faces and warmth in their hearts knowing that they are truly helping a family in need. Tomorrow we are once again hitting the serving pavement and headed back to this family to serve. Practical love of Jesus in action. I love this..... Kyle, Morgan and Madison are just excited to be making cookies for the family to bring tomorrow. They are talking about taking turns running the weed whacker and taking down some 8 foot weeds in the back yard. There is such excitement around them and I have to say - it is so flippin awesome to see it and for them to experience it.
Teaching servanthood is no easy thing. It requires US - us parents and leaders - to get involved and give up our Saturdays and our time to serve and be an example for these young adults. We are modeling for them and hopefully modeling something that will last years and years to come. See I am a do'er. I want to get things done. I hate to be bogged down in long projects, things that take a long time to mature and prosper - I want to get in there and tackle to get the job done. I have always been like that. Give me a to do list and well - I will lose it. I just work better when I know what I have to do and I have the freedom to get the job done - no matter what it takes or what obstacles that need to be moved. I think in many ways - Jesus was the same way. He went - he saw a need and he met it. Period.
He didn't have a quota or a certain amount of folks to meet each day - He didn't have a set place that he needed to be at - he just went and where ever he was.. he did what he was called to do. As I am reading the New Testament that we are calling "NT90X" with the rest of my church family -I can really see the quickness and frustration at times that Jesus had with our lack of understanding. He spoke in parables just so that we may understand what he was saying. Seeing through His eyes is so much different than seeing with our eyes. Jesus never gave up on his mission and he never met a person who needed him without compassion. He has called us to be like Him. Take time for compassion on those around us - Be humble to those around us - to love those around us.
As our children turn into teenagers, all the things they have heard us say and all the things they got to see us do - they are now lining things up. They want to see if our hands are lining up with our hearts.
So even on this rainy Friday day - there is such an awesome light that is shining. I want more than anything to be able to pass down the example of servanthood to "MyKids". I want them to see and feel the experience of a life that gives to others, that has compassion on others and loves people because Jesus loves people. I think the earlier our kids see this, the better chances they will have for it to stick in their lives. A pure servants heart - motivated with the things from God's own heart. If we don't expose our kids to hands and feet of Jesus then the stories of Jesus washing feet, healing the sick and feeding crowds... well they will be just bed time stories.
Great day tomorrow - Who is with me?
Yes Lord, Yes.


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