Friday, November 21, 2008

Philippians 3:12-15
I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you.

A few years ago, I did everything I knew how to do to speak for Jesus to my family. It was a promise that I made to my mom before she passed. We were at the hospital and a LOT of my family members where there visiting with mom. It was early on in her fight with cancer and mom had some toughness about her! I remember her sitting up and asking everyone to leave the room. Shocked at this...we all began to leave and she asked my dad to leave to and then said "Except for you Randy". I thought, oh boy, I am in trouble - what did I do or say now?
Mom began to explain to me what was ahead for her. She explained to me that she wanted to see my dad and my brother and so many others in heaven. She didn't want to fight this cancer and not know for sure that she would see them again. On a napkin -she made me write -"I Promise" on it. I promise to make sure I would lead our family to Jesus. I would do everything I could to make sure mom would see the people she loved the most - her family. I walked out of the room with the napkin shaking in my hands and everyone sitting on edge waiting for me to come out. 1000 questions at once - I showed them the napkin and then sat down next to the little kitchen coffee area - and wept.
I held strong on that promise for the first year and half. I did everything I could, I was driving myself crazy, I was feeling the weight of that promise on my shoulders. I felt letdown and shamed that I had no gotten any closer to bring my family to Jesus than when I wrote those words. God spoke to me then and told me - "Hey, I got it". "Keep serving me and doing as I ask and I will take care of everything, leave it, leave them with me". It was well needed and God lifted that weight off my shoulders. He carries it now and even though I am still not sure if God is the centerpiece ... I know its in His time and not my time. Its in His hands and not in My hands. I can only do my part in leading folks to Jesus - I can only do my part in showing them the practical love of Jesus - I can only do my part in living out my life for Jesus and what He means to me. Their walk is their walk....... I press on because I know what is ahead. The last few months, I have felt a bigger calling to do more for those around me. I told a family just this week when dropping a meal off to them that I had stopped arguing with God about doing His will. I hear his voice to do something and I say no way ... you want me to do what? Come on, this is silly - often times I would pass it off. I miss out on the blessing or what God wants to teach me. I am finding myself more in tune the last few months with God and just doing what He wants me to do...regardless ......
Even though things around you today seem dark, things never seem to change, people are the same, you have taken 2 steps up and now something has happened and 3 steps back are in order.... God is working in those steps regardless of what we see.

When you accepted the call to follow Jesus - You also wrote "I Promise" in your heart. Press on loved ones, even during those sticky parts and those hard places. Keep doing The Hard Things...........God is working in them even when we don't see it. God is working in those family members, your neighbors and loved ones - even when we don't see it. I heard about a wife who worked at a church as the pastors assistant for over 14 years. Every Sunday she served the Lord, served their pastor and the community - she lived a life worthy of being called a follower of Jesus. Her husband came to church every Sunday, supported her in everything she did - but he did not know Jesus - even though the pastor and so many others have shared Jesus with him. He was not ready ... he was not there yet. One day at a prayer meeting, he again felt the call on his heart to accept Jesus. He owned a local restaurant and had invited his pastor and many of his family and friends for a meal. After the restaurant had long closed - everyone was still there.... everyone wondering why - it was then that he shared his story. How he was not ready, afraid of what others might think, 14 years of walking and wandering, afraid to take the step in faith to trust in Jesus over his life. It was then that the pastor, his family, friends and his wife shared in him accepting Jesus. 14 years .......... but worth every step of it.

Mom, "I Promise" will forever be written on my heart. Because of your sickness, the darkest time ever in my life, it changed the direction of my life. Something good came from something so horrible. Darkness turned to light - I answered God's call on my life. I am His ....
TRUST - The Real U Starts Today

Look ahead loved ones.... there is more and the best is ahead of us - exciting things are in front of us. Its time to dig in and "Do the hard things".

What is God asking of you today?

1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

You have done more than your part to keep that promise and it is safe with God. He will work that promise out while you are serving Him and leading others to Him. All we can do is give our loved ones to God and let Him do the work. Others that know us see Jesus in us whether they admit it or not.

Your momma would be so proud of you today. Her sickness and death changed me too and it was the hardest thing I have ever faced also. But God's ways are not our ways, He knows more than we do. There is never a day that goes by that I don't miss her and think of her. It's hard to believe there was a reason but in our hearts we know there was. My calling from Him is stronger than ever just as yours is. He is still in control and we are just His willing vessels. I rejoice knowing that one day we will be with her again, we will kneel beside of her at the feet of Jesus and thank Him for dying so that we may live eternally.

I repeat myself, your momma would be so proud of you..........just as I am........

love always,
Aunt Sharon