I wanted to upload a picture of an actual firefly but I thought this picture was much better and cooler for some reason. We all know what a firefly is. Its actually a beetle and has a glow to it that reminds us all about growing up and summer nights. My little brother and I used to collect them and put them in a jar. Our thinking was if we caught enough of them we would have almost a lantern to light the way on those warm summer nights. Today, we find smaller and smaller amounts of lightening bugs because of cutting of trees and environment changes. Their tails have a chemical in them that make them glow as it produces such a soft warm light to help them locate each other. With large amounts of firefly's in one particular area they have been known to glow at the same sync as other firefly's thus causing a large glow in the area.
I think about that little glow in the firefly as it relates to our faith in Christ. What starts off small and barely visible can grow to such a passion in our hearts and in our lives that our light truly is a bright light or glow in this case. As we shine our light to others, others in turn come and walk the journey in faith together, also shining and glowing. It is such a dark world out there and people so desperate in the need of hope and the love that Christ gives us. There are times in our lives when things are pretty dark and our struggles take all the energy from us, they diminish our light and keep us really from following Jesus the way we once did or even layered in our hearts from really breaking living the life that Christ is calling us to live.
There are times when God knows we need a little extra. Maybe our personal walk and ministry has been rough around the edges. Our doubts and questions rise and our passion for Christ and others just seem more of a chore than anything else really.
Then comes a firefly to light the way. Though not that bright but bright enough to spark something in us. Bright enough to say, Hey, you can do this... lean on me a little while and let me ease your yoke and the things that are troubling you. You get your feet back. You get your joy back. You get your heart back. Your passion for Christ again comes full circle. Other firefly's come and join in on what God is doing. There is new energy and things look differently.
The tough season has come to pass - thanks to the firefly who provided the way, the little glow that brought others to you. I am thankful for this season in my life and for the firefly's that God has put in my life and in my family.
Loved ones, never lose sight of hope, love and faith. Its a life worth living for as we reach for Christ in all we do. Last night as I got into bed I was thankful for clean sheets, a bed to sleep in, a tv that was playing as I watched the news and a family around me who loves me and who is safe. I am thankful for the encouragement that God has placed in my life because of the glow that reminds me of those warm summer nights of long ago when things were simple, things were at peace and life just flowed by without a care or concern. Our faith is that simple loved ones. Look around your life today and spot those firefly's. They are providing so much more than you can image.
I have had it on my heart the past few weeks especially but actually for over a year now - with praying through a mission trip. Kenya being a huge part of that and it will probably be next years trip...but for now God is opening doors to something closer to home. It has me so excited and pumped for next summer. Its the prayers until then about the children who have no home, no clean sheets, no bed, no warm home, a roof over their heads and conditions that I have no idea about. Lord what have we become if we cannot reach out and help those in need? The people that walked with Christ when he walked the earth in skin 2000 years ago broke his heart. I think the people today break his heart as we turn our cheeks and walk right on by.
Mark 8:34-35 - Calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, "Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the drivers seat; I am. Dont run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I'll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to saving yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? What could you ever trade your soul for?
Its time to light our hearts loved ones and have God show us the way and helping us find the real you. The REAL you! The you that God has created you to be. I fully believe that through this mission - it will be a life changing, soul finding journey. Firefly .... light the way and I look forward to seeing you next summer when we get down to basics of our faith.
Being the hands and feet of Jesus.
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