Monday, November 29, 2010

I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and enjoyed the break and change of routine. I am glad to be back in routine but thankful for the change of pace. Odd for me these past few days - I actually had my phone off, checked facebook only a few times and mostly deleted my email through my phone so that it would be less to look at when I did plug back in. I think often times when we have a few days off we come back and are overwhelmed with things. I can tell when I am overwhelmed because I have trouble focusing on my thoughts and this is where it usually shows up.

On Saturday I had my Bible open and God placed something on my heart and so for the next few days I have been thinking about that. Do you ever wonder why the first 4 chapter of the New Testament is refereed to as the Gospels? It sounds odd to refer to the Book of John instead of the Gospel of John. So lets dig a little deeper into that word and maybe it will come to life in a new way today.

Gospel as per -
1. Teaching of Jesus and the apostles; Christian revelation.
2 The story of Christ's life and teachings, especially as contained in the first 4 books in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
3. Something regarded as true and implicitly believed
4. Also called Gospel Truth - an unquestionable truth.

There is without a doubt that the stories written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are truth. Just using the word Gospel makes it that much more concrete. Without question .... it is the truth. That is being bold enough to stand on, to place your heart and life on. If life change has truly happened and you are following Christ, it will not only just affect some of the things you do - it will affect your heart, your words, your actions, your motives, your thoughts, your life and everything in it. It will be asking God for opportunities to talk with people, its listening for those life directional whispers, its being different for the right reasons. You will stand out and you will experience pain like you never have before. Its good pain though because its not about you, but your entire being will be broke for those around you.
As I look around and see the people that I have influence with - I can't be just instructing them. I cannot lead if they are not wanting or even willing to follow. People need to be reminded instead of instructed.
Our friendships have to have some Gospel in them. They have to be honest and pure and open - open in the mind, the heart and in that place where well being of the other person will trump over your own. The Gospels are that truth and that level and so a few of our friendships should be that way too.
I am so not that surface person. You know that level one of communication where we are just scratching the surface.... what I do for a living, the weather ...blah blah blah ... I just dont have much time for that mess. I am personal and am eager for those deeper conversations - especially when it comes to the those I have influence with but it can't be me just doing all the talking and leading all the time. I think in order to get to that place with people there has to be a level of acceptance of knowing WHO you are and WHERE you currently are. You cant let people in if you dont know where you are at right? There has to be some level of vulnerability otherwise you will never get past the surface. You will never get past the weather, what you do for a living, the Panthers..... stuck.
The only way to push to the next level is being vulnerable and that is a scary place for some because it may allow pain into your life. Its emotionally being wounded but see that is where the WHO comes into play. By knowing WHO you are and who you are following and who you are leading - you can be vulnerable because before anything else in this life - hopefully you are following Christ and you are HIS first before you are a husband/wife/parent or friend.
Show the Gospel - the truth - in your life and doing so sometimes you need to get naked. NOT clothes related silly dirty mind person, I know what you're thinking, I am talking about your guard and letting some people see the real you. Always preach the Gospel and on occasion, use words.
Being who you are isn't always easy. It's much easier to hide behind the masks we get so good at holding up to cover the real you. When you put the mask down and become transparent with who you are, you'll deepen your relationships...... one of which is the most important and that is with Christ.
He is the Gospel - the truth - the unquestionable truth!

Loved ones, in spite of our fears, we have a deep, inner craving to tell someone who we really are and what we really are like - without the masks. I see this all the time in student ministry and in other areas of my life as well. But this isnt easy to do but let me say that the old me, was a quiet self centered all about me person. I didn't have many friends, didn't care much for people unless they affected me or did something for me. I didn't let many people into my inner circle. Just when be begin to be real, our fears creep in and we quickly raise our shields of protection where we think its safe and comfortable ...... and LONELY.
One thing I have learned in leading and being in front of so many people is that you have to be transparent. You have to let your guard down and let people see, let the know, let them feel that you are just as jacked up as they are. Yes there are struggles and difficulties and fears but by letting other in to see that - you become real to them. You become honest and genuine and the word that our youth is looking and seeking today from people is AUTHENTIC.

Loved ones, let the Gospel come from everything in you. Let it infect your spirit, your heart and in your soul. God can lead you to so many incredible places and give you so many incredible friendships and people in your life that you would never even know without Him.

I will end in Galations 6:9-10 - I pray something spurs your heart.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

Friends, praying for the corn without knowing what we are planting leads to bad choices and decisions. Good voices lead to good choices. Pray for those seeds you are planting every single day. I believe a sprout will come from the ground when its in season and in the proper timing.

What is your Gospel in life showing others?


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