Thursday, November 18, 2010

I found myself this morning just running a little behind. Not only in my start to the day but also in my mind, my thoughts and in my spirit. I just felt a little out of sync. Do you ever have those days? Maybe you are in a season of just being out of sync and nothing seems to be real and concrete right now. I have to say that when this happens to me, I lean in and ask God - Lord what is it you are trying to show me or teach me because I am not getting it. I am trying but I need another voice or avenue to show me what it is you are pressing into my heart.
This morning as I rushed around I ran out without making lunch once again, I spilled my coffee on my shirt, I typed everything one character off while praying/texting with one of my kids and all I had when I looked down at it was a bunch of garble. Starting over seemed to be a good idea as I really wanted to get a few more hours of sleep and begin the day over again.
I pressed through, didn't say any bad words as I wiped my shirt off from the coffee, I resent the text message with my shared morning prayer and God blessed that. I got a text soon after from a student who I have not heard from in a few months. One who I prayed with a few times a week before school and she said that she was thankful to have her spiritual family back again and she has got through a tough place the last few months in her life. I am pumped about that.
I went to get lunch today and a band is playing from C4Charlotte - which is a church that is meeting here on campus and as the nice lady was making my sandwich, all I could think about was hurry up - I am missing the music! I ventured out into the atrium and dozens of people are watching. Sons praising Jesus was being played on a public university in this huge place with students listening as they walk by, some stopping, some meeting the volunteers there, some sitting and enjoying, some with arms raised and praising Christ.
I couldnt help but smile knowing that I needed this and God put it together. I could have sat in my office or took my 2 miles and missed all of this. The band took a break and I walked back to the office to eat and I grabbed one of my students who work for me and I said - break time from homework, hurry follow me. I am pretty jacked up now after a morning that was not going well and then being infused with Gods word through some worship music at lunch. Thats a great lunch if I may say so! I for sure will plan on attending some of their services on Sunday nights now.
The last few days have me really searching my heart and where God is leading me on this mission trip. I am really getting excited about it after talking with the missions pastor yesterday. The doors are opening right now for God to send my family and I, along with a few others to Jamaica this July. I can't help but to think about upcoming mission work in my own back yard through the Center of Hope, Christmas Center and my buddy Chad contacted me this morning and serving the folks through Operation Christmas Child on December 18th. This mission service work is just flying and pieces are coming together faster than I can keep up with. For a year now I have felt the heart pull to take a mission trip outside of the US - to really see how life is for folks in other parts of the world. To really experience what Jesus is to folks who are hurting and don't have much of anything but who are thankful and praising God for everything in their lives. Basics, loved ones, people who don't have the basics who love Christ and need some help.
Most people think of Jamaica as one of those fancy places to see beautiful beaches, eat too much and party too much at the all inclusive resorts but there is a side of Jamaica who is hurting and people there who don't have the basics in life. 60% of Jamaica's love Christ. They lives on less than $4000 a year. Homes made from huts, grass materials, mud whatever can be used as a shelter. Through this outreach mission, we will be grouped with 30-50 other folks who will go and serve a community with their basic needs. Prayers, support, building projects, VBS children's programs, shut ins who can't get out of their homes, visiting shelters, visiting orphanages.... the list is long.
Our ministry begins with each of us. Its personal. I dont want to go on a mission trip, stay in a 5 star hotel, hand out bibles for an hour while hoping that time goes by fast because I want to get back to the pool and conveniences.... You know what I am talking about with that kind of mission trip. I want to be used..... I want to be involved and I want to make a difference in the lives of people. I know with all my heart that God will put in front of me people and children who need to hear about Christ and as I begin to pray for them - I bet they will be praying for me first. I bet they will be meeting my needs through encouraging my heart and my spirit before I get to serve them in that way. I will be the one changed. I will be the one with eyes wide open. I will have the changed heart and renewed vision. My family and I will be impacted for Christ. Our mission to share the love of Christ will have new energy and a passion to do that because our hearts will be exposed to the compassion that Christ has for people.
I can't wait to play with the children of Jamaica on their own land, in their own place and share the smiles while we pray together, hug together, carry them on my shoulders. Imagine Kyle, Morgan and other 13 year old being part of this? Their lives changed in that moment for the rest of their lives. A turning point as to say - a week ago I was complaining about my cell phone, my clothes are not the right style now, my hair is not right or I am out of eye liner or the food stinks at school.
Having a bed, clean sheets, a warm place at night, a mom and dad who love me, healthy .... so much taken for granted. So much we overlook and lose the joy in our smiles.

God make the way for us to experience a new side of you and your love that you have for people. Help us see with your eyes Lord - move our hearts and change us from the inside. May our lives be worship to you in all we do. Pave the way Lord to opening doors so that we can go where you are calling us and where you want us. We are here Lord.... I am ready. Who is with me? Amen

Ephesians 3:7 - This is my life work: helping people understand and respind to this message. It came as a sheer gift to me, a real surprise, God handling all the details. When it came to presenting the message to people who had no background in Gods way, I was the least qualified of any of the available christians. God saw to it that I was equipped, but you can be sure that it had nothing to do with my natural abilities. And so here I am, preaching and writing about things that are way over my head, the inexhaustible riches and generosity of Christ. My task is to bring out in the open and make plain what God, who created all this in the first place, has been doing in secret and behind the scenes all along. Through followers of Jesus like yourselves gathers in churches, this extraordinary plan of God is becoming known and talked about even among the angels. When we trust in him, we're free to say whatever needs to be said, bold to go wherever we need to go.

Lord its time to do something glorious, something wonderful and let us show others who is behind it all. I don't want to keep my faith to myself .... neither should you. Its too awesome to hold inside. Share it loved ones.....
God is on the move.... I am holding on for the ride.

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