Monday, November 22, 2010

"He who aims with enthusiasm gets there every time." Enthusiasm is a powerful motivator.

I spend a good amount of time in front of people. Leading a small group of families, leading in the student ministry at church, working at work in an environment that folks come to me when they need things, I have students who work for me, I have students who call/email/txt at all hours of the day. I am in front of people a lot. I have never been much of this type of person in my life until God opened the doors for me to do this and in faith - I stepped through and stepped up. I am thankful in SO many ways that I did.
I just wish sometimes that people had a sign - a big neon sign that shared with the world what mood they are in, what place their hearts are in - it sure would make it easier. Teenagers often have signs that glow - "I'm bored, I'm tired, this sucks, I am in no mood to talk with ANYONE, leave me alone, I don't care, I hate my life, another Monday, I hate school and all my teachers HATE me." These teenagers are tough to be around at times.

Sadly though, far too many of us are hiding behind the masks, they are too focused on themselves, drama surrounds them and with standing in front of people - it is written on their faces.

But every once in a while you come across someone who is just enthusiastic about stuff. Enthusiastic about life and their sign may be flashing, " I love life, its a great day to be alive, YES!, thank you for being in my life, I want to make a difference!" That is fun to be around. That is contagious! These folks just simply stand out in a crowd because no matter their situation - their sunshine shines through the clouds. Their bubbles in life attract other people's bubbles.
So if I asked you today, "Where is your enthusiasm meter at right now?" What would you say?

There are positive people and energy drainers ~ Who are you going to become? Who around you is that enthusiastic bubble or that never ending energy drainer? No matter what you face, your face shows your heart. A positive optimistic attitude shows and will make you more attractive and someone others want to be around.
As I think about those enthusiastic bubble people in my life, a few really stand out. Its easy to be really excited for someone who is fired up about their new found faith in Christ or that "A" on the exam or some big decision in life.
Yesterday was just this point as I sat with a handful of students and a few thanked me for being interested in their life and cared about their walk with Christ. It was good to see that genuine smile and that "bubble" that is around them.
Take a second look and think about this - do people walk away from time with you refreshed and excited, or drained and exhausted?

Psalm 118:24- This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejouce and be glad in it.

You and only you can choose to smile. Infomercials sell dont they? Have you ever seen a infomercial where the sales person was not enthusiastic about the product they are selling? I have a sham wow, a nail polisher and P90X - which Kyle calls P457X! Ripped in 457 days instead of 90 but I got caught up in the enthusiasm!!
As a follower of Christ - do I really reflect the gift of salvation and all that God has done in my life by frowning, always down and depressed, sucking the energy out of everyone around you, never happy about anything - I think we can do better loved ones. I think the focus of so many is on themselves and themselves only. One of the big changes I made in my life that really keeps me up is my act of worship through music. I don't much listen to the stuff the kids play today, not that there is anything really wrong with it, we are in the world but not of the world, so knowing about the music is good enough for me and small doses is ok as long as those lyrics and those words are not sinking into our hearts. I usually listen to upbeat music that has a good message to them, shares Christ through it, or is generally happy.
If I woke every morning expecting a bad, horrible and sucky day - chances are that is what I will get. I think far too often we aim too low and it becomes easier to hit the mark. Enthusiasm drops and after awhile, its just another Monday.
I would love to hear someone try and make an argument against being enthusiastic ... I mean waking most mornings excited about what God is going to do in my life will raise your enthusiasm - He created it! We should be excited as anything!
I do know that one major draining factor in our lives that suck the enthusiasm out is being tired. I see if far too often day in and day out with teenagers. They are tired. Afraid to miss something, they stay up late texting, on Facebook - they stay plugged in because they are afraid to miss out on anything. Students have school loads, sports practices, some of them work, - their lives are stressed. In order for life to have enthusiasm again, you may need to rearrange it some. I have had to do that over the past few weeks and I can tell my enthusiasm in general has increased. As I am the last few weeks taken a small role and have increased my study time, reading time, writing time, spending and investing my time in the handful of close people and experiencing different churches to hear Gods word - it really has me fired up again. I think some of that reason is because I am connected with God. Not that I wasn't before but because He is teaching me some new things. He is showing me new things. I am seeing things a little differently. He is placing outreach on my heart and that is where Jamaica has come into vision, the Center of Hope is happening, the Salvation Army Christmas Center is coming up - there are some great things to show my heart to others for Christ.
Enthusiasm by definition - Greek word meaning "In God."

Over this Thanksgiving week as we look for ways to be thankful - pray that God will move your heart to be a more enthusiastic person. As Pastor Furtick said Saturday night - if you find yourself inbetween and not knowing what to do - "Just keep showing up." God will mold you into the person He wants you to become.
Psalm 37:4 - Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Seek your enthusiasm through Christ since he is the sourse of our energy and passion. Enthusiasm has the power to change your life and the lives of the people around you. As a few students left church yesterday, you can tell which ones are the bubbles, they smiled, hugged and said "Thanks" - I am thankful that they trust in me and let me be enthisiastic for them in their daily journey in life and their walk with Christ.

Right voices lead to right choices.

Thank you for your bubbles

1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

I need to work on my enthusiasm meter! Thanks for the reminder! You are the most enthusiastic & encouraging person I know!!!

This really is "the day the Lord has made," and we can't get a day in our life back, once it is gone it is gone. Time waits for no one! "We will rejoice and be glad in it".

I thank God for the daily encouragement I get from you dear one.

I Love you,
Aunt Sharon