Monday, November 8, 2010

Had a great day yesterday at my family reunion. Its always a long day but a day that leaves me being very thankful. Thankful for a large family that loves each other, we may not be perfect in any way at all but God has for sure blessed us all with each other. As my Uncle Homer addressed the family, I couldn't help but to think how amazing it is that under good leadership, great things come from it. Uncle Homer is that leader and I hang on every word when he speaks. Being a blind retired preacher, he has to hold on to you and you have to say a few words before he can tell who you are. I love the parable that Jesus shares about his flock of sheep and even though you may have 99 out of 100 - that 1 that has wondered off, you will search high and low for that 1 until its brought home. Each of us are worth that much to God. His sheep know His voice and like Uncle Homer, he knows the voices of his sheep.
I was blown away that Morgan, Taylor, Madison and Zach wanted to go with us. As much time as I spend with them, it was an honor for them to want to come and meet everyone, see where I am from and where I spent a lot of my childhood. I have some great kids for sure and blessed to be doing life with them.
This brings me to my first couple points from last week on - family core values. I had a lot of questions yesterday asking how my family was. Its a 2 part question really, one that only scratches the surface and the other being on a genuine level. I know for some that scratch the surface, its -"Family is great~They are all wonderful~Everyong is doing really well" but for some it might bring up fear and anxiety or maybe even anger. I think I had both yesterday in the people I spoke with. There are a few things that the devil wants more than anything else - one being your faith and the other being your family.
I want nothing more than to have a family that is dedicated to each other and dedicated to God. Our success of each other must be a priority and in order to do that it will take a team effort. Part of that success is serving God and I believe those are 2 very important parts of a healthy, strong, secure, thriving and loving family.
You are probably thinking ... today? Who has that? Thats impossible today! There is one thing that you can do to have as the foundation and will radically change the atmosphere of your home. Ephesians 5 - shares with us "Husbands, love your wives; wives, respect your husbands".

Love and Respect ~ Husbands need to be reminded to give there wives the love they crave and God knew that wives can build a home if they show their husbands the respect they are seeking.
I am learning this and reminded every so often too ...I am not immuned to this and marriage takes work. Right Carol? But as I dig a little deeper into these family core values that my family addressed - it really has me thinking deeper and clearer than ever before. With marriages on the brink 50% of the time today and most of "mykids" coming from broken homes or homes that are right on the edge - what can I do or say or live out that will make a difference in those around me. Divorse is that generational curse that gets passed down to our children. Once the children see mom and dad going seperate ways, their entire vision and trust in marriage is shattered. It changes so many things and how they see marriage when they are older.

Love unconditionally and show each other respect sounds easier than it is. Family should be one of the greatest joys in life! Put these 2 core values in your family and watch and see if it doesnt turn a corner.

Lord I pray for the families out there who are just barely hanging on. Help them see the bigger things and to see with your eyes and not the struggles or the sin that is there. Remind each of them about putting others ahead of self and seek the things of your heart for their relationships. No matter if its husband and wife, son or daughter - build those relationships piece by piece starting with the love and respect for each other. Society and the devil are after our families. May we stand strong and build them back again with you being at the center of them. I pray in Christ name, Amen.

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